October 30, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 32505 EXTENSIO ~ NS OF· REMARKS DRS. ROY F. AND JEANNETTE P. tory of the Civil War period for which A few years ago, when Harry Yost was NICHOLS' GIFT TO FEDERAL CITY he received the Pulitzer Prize in 1949; honored by the Greater Boise Chamber COLLEGE "The Growth of American Democracy," of Commerce as its Man of the Year, a 1939, written with Mrs. Nichols; a bi­ biographer noted that he was "one of ography of Franklin Pierce, 1931; "Ad­ those rare individuals who is not afraid HON. FRED SCHWENGEL vance Agents of American Destiny," 1956; to dream the impossible dream-then OF IOWA ''The Stakes of Power," 1961. In addition transform it to reality." IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to his educational activities with the These words represent the measure of Thursday, October 30, 1969 University of Pennsylvania, as profes­ the man-a leader who devoted an entire sor of history, dean of the graduate life to the benefit of his fellow citizens. Mr. SCHWENGEL. Mr. Speaker, the school of arts and sciences, and vice­ The list of his achievements is long. Media Services Division of the Federal provost, Dr. Nichols was Pitt professor He helped to establish Boise Junior Col­ City College has acquired the library of of American history and institutions at lege, which _has since become one of Drs. Roy F. and Jeannette P. Nichols of Cambridge University and a Fulbright Idaho's largest 4-year colleges. He was the University of Pennsylvania, it was lecturer in India and Japan. From 1949- a former postmaster of Boise; he led the announced today. The college succeeded 53 he served as chairman of the Social development of Boise's first commercial in a competition which involved major Science Research Council. In 1966 he airport; he served as director of the universities in every part of the country. was president of the American Historical Idaho-Eastern Oregon district of the The scope and emphases of the 5,000- Association. He has also served as trustee Office of Price stabilization. volume working collection of these emi­ of Rutgers University, since 1950. In his early life, he is credited with nent historians make it a particularly Dr. Jeannette Nichols has established popularizing the Idaho Russett potato-­ valuable resource for Federal City Col­ her expertise in the area of American the Nation's finest--and with being the lege students. At the same time, it con­ economic and monetary history. She has first to open up nationwide markets for tains much of the basic resource material also written the first authoritative his­ this famous Idaho product by shipping essential to research in the Civil War tory of Alaska, has further demonstrated them on ice. One of the first customers period, in the political history of America her versatility by writing several general for these iced carloads was the U.S. Army and in American economic history of the histories with her husband, and has re­ in Texas, which was then engaged in late 19th and 20th centuries, making the cently completed another joint project pursuit of Pancho Villa. collection a national asset to scholarly with her husband on the history of the Mr. President, the Idaho Daily States­ research. University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Nich­ man in Boise devoted a long article to The newly established Federal City ols has also served on the history faculty the life of Harry Yost. I ask unanimous College, which opened its doors to stu­ of that institution as associate professor consent that it be printed in the Exten­ dents in September 1968 is the first new of American economic and diplomat his­ sions of Remarks. land-grant college in 68 years as well as tory and has traveled with her husband There being no objection, the article the Capital of the Nation's first compre­ as a visiting professor and Fulbright was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, hensive public institution of higher edu­ lecturer. as follows: cation. Already, there are 4,500 students. The historian Allan Nevins has greeted HARRY L. YOST, DIES AT BOISE NURSING Designed to meet the higher educational 89, the news of this acquisition as follows: HOME AFTER LIFE AS GEM LEADER needs of Washington citizens, the college has adopted an "open admissions" policy. All scholars of both Americas, Britain and Harry L. Yost, 89, former Boise postmaster other lands ... interested in international and a leader in state and community projects The Media Services Division, Federal friendship, cultural as well as political, will for mo~;e than half a century, died Wednes­ City College's innovative multimedia welcome the acquisition by Federal City day morning at a Boise nursing home. learning resource and library unit, has College of the rich collection of books and Yost came to Idaho from Oklahoma in 1906 made wide use of paperback material and papers ... reflecting the devoted and ver­ and established the "home place" on Ustick has eliminated much traditional redtape satile career and original insight of Roy Road near Merid'ian. in an effort to make resources immedi­ Franklin Nichols as educator, college admin­ He is credited with starting an obscure ately available to students. istrator, promoter of better international potato on its climb to prominence as t]:le relations and author of enduring, thought­ Idaho Russet. He was instrumental in the The joint career of the husband-and­ ful and penetrating studies of the period of establishment of Boise Junior College, An­ wife historians, which, in Dr. Roy Nich­ sectional confiict and the disruption of our derson Ranch and Lucky Peak dams, and the ols' words, "cannot really be thought democratic organization, written from the Bogus Basin ski area. of in two parts," began in 1919, when sources with rare skill and stylistic dis­ As president of the Boise Chamber of both were doctoral candidates at Colum­ tinction. Commerce he was a leader in the develop­ ment of the city's first airport, and later, bia University. Their subsequent life to­ "The Federal City College," agrees gether has proven to be a unique work­ Gowen Field. PaulL. Ward, executive secretary of the When Mr. Yost was honored in 1967 as the ing relationship in historical scholarship. American Historical Association, "can The dynamic human behavior approach Greater Boise Cham.ber of Commerce's "man count itself honored to be the repository of the year" a biographer wrote that "he is introduced by them has transformed his­ of the working library of these two dis­ the first to disclaim sole credit for such ac­ toriography. tinguished scholars." complishments. In his own words, he 'fondly It is particularly appropriate that the remembers the many, many friends who Nichols' collection should come to Wash­ worked together on such projects.' But he ington, which has been a second intel­ is one of those rare individuals who is not lectual home to the scholars; they have HARRY L. YOST: A REMARKABLE afraid to 'dream the impossible dream'-then actually made thousands of trips to MAN transform it to reality." Mr. Yost was born in Houcktown, Ohio, Washington over a 50-year period of where he attended grade school. Following time. They have been frequent visitors HON. FRANK CHURCH high school in Mt. Blanchard, Ohio, he to the White House since the days. of OF IDAHO taught a term in a one-room school. His 65 Harding. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES pupils ranged from the "primer grade" to The emphasis of Dr. Roy Nichols' those who were exposed to "Ray's Higher scholarship has been on the political Thursday, October 30, 1969 Arithmetic." history of America, as it demonstrates Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, on Octo­ At age 20 he left Ohio for the opening of the Kiowa-Commanche Territory in Okla­ the evolution of American democratic ber 22, one of Idaho's most remark­ homa. He drew a 160-acre tract, but never systems. He has been particularly in­ able men died in Boise. Harry L. Yost, saw his land because he took a job with a terested in the psychology and behavior who came to our State in 1906 from telephone company. He married a telephone of Congressmen. Among his many pub­ Oklahoma, carved for himself a life of operator, Miss Clara Hayden, at Guthrie, lished works are: "The Disruption of achievement that spanned more than Okla., Dec. 11, 1902. American Democracy," a political his- half a century. He will be missed. Two children, George and Hester, were 32506 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 30, 1969 born in Oklahoma and two other sons, Harry guished colleagues for their information shake off the cobwebs and give speedy, Jr. and Max, were born after Mr. Yost moved and, hopefully, their speedy action. I in­ reasoned consideration to this program, per­ the family to Idaho, built the home place sert the entire column at this point in haps it can be forgiven its earlier lethargy. and started an orchard. the RECORD: He took other jobs, with the Independent Telephone Co. in Boise and as a motorman, THIS WEEK IN WASHINGTON conductor and troubleshooter for the Boise (By Congressman EARL LANDGREBE) WALTHAM HIGH SCHOOL Valley Traction Co., which operated trolley WASHINGTON, D.C.~As hard ·as it is to get service through the valley. politicians to agree on anything, everyone­ In 1912 Mr. Yost entered the fruit broker­ libersJ, conservative, RepU!blican, Democrat-­ HON. PHILIP J. PHILBIN age business in association with C. J. Sewell agrees on one thing: Our nation's present OF MASSACHUSETTS and promoted the planting and use of the welf.are picture is a mess.
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