FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1969 PAGE TWENTY iianrIjrBtrr lEunttitg 5|rrali> J Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended Sunny, not so warm todSTr Angnet's. 196C high in 80s; clear and cool, tie- A^Kiut Town night, low about 60; ftUr, Uttla Miss Ruth E. McNeill ot 22D temperature change tomomw. St. James St. is-now residing at 13,871 the Masonic Home. Wallingford,, Manthe$ter-^A City of Village Charm and would enjoy hearing from (Olaeelfled Advertleing on Fnge 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTi her friends. VOL. LXXXV, NO. 273 (TWELVE PAGES—'TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1966 Sabbath services will l)e hejd :J tonight at 7:30 at Temple BMh Sholom and tomorrow at 9 a.m. Members of the Guild of Our Lady of St. Bartholomew’s Church will meet tonight at 8 Earthquake Rocks Turkey, at the Walter N. Lieclerc Fu­ neral Home, 23 Main St. for a Recitation ot the Rosary for Mrs. Leonie Gaudreau. William C. Heck, son of Mr. 445 HARTFORD R O A D ...Open Doily 9 to 9...Sot, to 6...Service. Our Best Product and Mrs. Herman J. Heck of Death Toil May R^ach 3,000 297 Henry St., has been named to the decm’s list at Tufts Univ­ ’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -—-— ersity, Medford, Mass., for aca­ demic achievement during the past semester. He is a sopho­ more in the College of Liberal Air Strike Over, Villages Obliterated Arts and a 1966 Manchester High School g^duate. Guidelines Broken Navy Cmdr. and Mrs. Ver­ In Mountain Country non S. Lunt emd family left WASHINGTON (AP) — Jet Siemiller already was looking INGOI Saturday on the liner United planes of five major airlines to the future, TURKEY ANKARA, Turkey (AP)—Rescue workers today States for England after a prepared to wing skyward today ..jt j, just like a prize fight.” counted nearly 1,000 boiiies of victims from the catas­ visit with Mrs. Lunt’s parents, after machinists ended a six- he said. ‘‘This round is o V ^ b u t trophic earthquake that ripped across eastern Turkey Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Higgins week strike that profoundly there will be another one in 2 of 122 Coleman Rd. After a Friday. Officials said the toll probably would go far shook the administration’s eco- years and 4 month^i^'referring beyond 3,000. ' Short stay in Itondon, they wilt nomic policy and gave Con- to the contraej^s expiration The number of known and ^ th toe help ot the U.S. Air go to Scotland where Cmdr. gress its biggest political scare date. Fully paid pensions and Lunt will serve a two-year tour SYRIA ir estimated dead rose by the hour Force mounted a massive emer- in years. better healfiVoenefits and vaca- i as army and civilian rescue gency aid and rescue operation, as weapons systems officer for "The strike is now over," said tions vnlT be prime goals next ' teams fought through the xhe Turkish 3rd Army based Submarine Squadron 4 at Holy President P. L. (Roy) Siemiller time,xSiemiller said, y D r . King Talks to Reporters About Plans for Future Marches rugged, mountainous back coun- jn the city of Erzuram, largest Loch. for Dependability Make Sure It’s a of the AFIXJIO International ^ ^^^^ly indication to the try of the quake-stunned area to urban center in the disaster A.ssociation of Machinists afte^/gfjgpj fj,g hefty contract, the •AOhDa O Jerry Richardson of 14 Hunter reach destroyed villages and area, sent troops and trucks into militant union members v^tod a F L-CIO Communications towns. the surrounding moimtainous Rd., employed by Hewlett-Pack­ 17,727 to.8,235 to a ccep t^ cra - workers of America said in tak- ard Co., a member of the Na­ Shaded area shows the* Officials reported many thou- countryside to reach residenU Uve new contract amKend the ing a nationwide strike vote tional Security Industrial As­ King May Ignore four provinces hit by sands injured. of ruined vUlages. worst airlines wa^kdut in U.S among Western Electric Co. sociation, spent an underway an earthquake be­ The full fury of the quake Fri- The U.S. Air Force ^ t on* history. telephone installers that it was cruise' on the USS Becuna, a Shortly afief the vote was an^ lieved to have killed day afternoon hit toe town of plane load of doctors and medi- imit of Submarine Squadron nounced,. akesmen for the five (See Page Three) nearly 1,500 persons. Varto, a community of 3,000 in- cal supplies into the stricken Bight in New London. He was airli^S^ — Eastern, United, habitants. area from Ankara and two oto* designated an honorary snorkel Northwest, National and Trans ■ "It can be said that nothing ers from Adana and alerted two submariner for his participa­ March Restriction remained of Varto,” a Turkish more plane loads to follow, /l^orld — said some flights tion in exercises during the army officer reported from toe The Americans rushed in 7,000 nTTPACO f API Dr ly conduct and failure to obey Elsewhere . on the ra cl^ taking off early today. cruise. scene. ^ pounds of medical supplies and MkvHn T .rihor Tr W ^ officer. scene, San Jose, Calif^police ^he contract approval sending A defense attorney said he said everything w a s ^ l m in 35.4(X) strikers back to work per- The Turkish Interior Ministry stood ready to fly in more, Marins Sgt Richard A. Aussies Mop Up J,ably would appeal the con- -u ttle Egypt,” a'^m all, pre- Congress to drop politically earlier had expressed the belief quakes began at 2:30 p.m. Bergevin, son of Mr. and Mrs. indicated he may disregard a court order restricting included sen- dominantly N ^ section where explosive legislation that would the quake, which leveled dozens Friday. The newspa- A. J. Bergevin of 122 Harlan open housing marches he tences rang^lng from 90 to 30 about 100 J4^roes gathered to ordered strikers back to of other villages, might have Milllyet reported it waj is a member of Marine taken 1,500 lives. very strong for 20 seconds and Kghter Attack Squadron, First has been leading into hos- days in jail for the others ar- protest/tlie arrest of a Negro AndFor Vnheatahle Value You Can Depend On t s ia y night. Some 200 police U.S. history. Organized labor North Viet Unit The quake struck mountain Armenia and th« hforine Aircraft Wing, Da Nang, tile and violence - pocked rested during the demonstra- Thursday Nam Nam Dinh storage area 45 miles '''‘•'*8®® *** provinces near neighboring Soviet Union. Viet Nam. The squadron is en­ areas of Chicago. tion. officers _ and* sheriff's deputies Tirtr* frt tna lAmalafi/tn opposi- s a ig o N,’ South Viet Nam Nam Dinh storage area 46 miles jj,e Iranian frontier, about 660 Ersmrum weather bureau gaged in flying various combat The temporary injunction, _ Mo8t wer® . workers for toe dis^rsed_t^^^ ^‘^Buf i^^shaUera’^ i t e House fAP) - Australian infantrymen southwest of Haiphong, reported mUerea^t of Istanbul. missions agair^t enemy instal- issued Friday by'Circuit Judge Student Nonviolent CoordinaUng to Pompano Beach^ Fla , designed to hunted remnants of a North/a string of fires and one second- tremors lasted limit fations and provides <dose air NORMAN’S for the BEST BUYS ANYWHERE! Cornelius J. Harrington limits Committee, which.............. has .............had no police. -----------------------------------------------, said two of three loud ^ Vietnameseto battalion3 2 i 40 miles ary explosion. „^ h e governor of Erzuram five minutes. support for United States and civil rlghU demonstritors to 600 comment on the arresU and reports they heard in a troubled l e S a southeast of Saigon today after Hanoi said two U.S. planes b S a ! t f ^ AU Akarsu^’S ^^The Soviet news agency listed the Republic of Viet Nam and permits only one march a convictions. _________ ^re_a turned oul. to be backfires ^^^er unions to c itr in o r l m r batt®ring_ the Communists with were shot down Friday, but Lifantenslty of the quake as 9 other unions to cite in pressing ireU|ni {pxtund forces in their struggle day. to Philadelphia, a SNCXJ offi- of a garbage truck, artillery fire and killing at least there was no confirmation of night that all on the 12-point Soviet scale, cial charged that members of to Clearwater, Fla., the Na- fatter paychecks, 227 of them. this In Saigon. North Viet Nam '^®'‘* 24 villages3 m metl j g on the 10-poin» against the Viet Cong, King called the order "unjust, his organization wei'Vs framed in tional-— — ----------------Association for— toe— Ad- Estimated at a 6 per cent or Gen..jcn, William..iiiiaiii C. Westmore-.? co.mvj. also charged ^ that U.S. planes ^ . .... .. Richter scale used in toe West. illegal and unconstitutional." THE FIRST SPIN-DRY police raids that uncovered 2Vi vancement of Colored People ® ^ land, U.S. commander in Viet staged 69 raids Oh North Viet- **“*'5*^*® Government and army au* “ We are preptared to put thou­ sticL of dynamite last Satur- said it had decided against pick- Nam, called the Aussies’ acUon namese dikes and dams........ during . *’ thorities in the afflicted area* sands in the street if nedd be,” *' . «.■« . • V ______ niKPQ nvor tnrAA vssaro m m A A A ' u s a v -a «4Awir4i44inA/l oa 12th Circuit \ dav ' eting the Florida Junior Cham- wage hikes over three years a “ significant victory.” July and said raids were contin- ‘l®'"oh8he^ m jt ^ight take weeks to get he said.
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