Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1956-1957 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1957 Eastern Progress - 05 Apr 1957 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1956-57/12 EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky Friday, April 5, 1957 Number 12 Women's Honors Day Is April Event Plans are being: made for the Women's Honors Day Program held annually during the assembly in Hiram Brock Auditorium. This year's program has been sched- uled, for April 24th. The program is sponsored .by the Women's Ad- ministrative Council made up of all presidents of women's organi- zations. Freshmen girls with a two- point standing for the first semes- ter-wM be considered for tapping to Cwens, the national honorary society for sophomore women, and junior women who have an overall 2-point standing for their- three year* will" be considered for Col- legiate Pentacle, senior women's honorary. Tapping will take place during the program. - Newly elected officers for next- year for the various clubs will be Coach Richard Fleck and club president Betty June Reed pause for WaneerH pause during: a strenuous Can-Can number for our photo- presented. air at rehearsals tor Kappa Kappa Sigma spring swim show. grapher. Planning and preparation of the program is done through the office of the dean of women. In charge are Mrs. Emma Y. Case and De- Swim Show Progresses... lores Samson. According to Dean William J. Moore, classes will officially Builds On Dream Theme dose for spring: vacation at for Annual Performance 8:00 pjn., Wednesday, April 10, * Synchronized swimming, water baHet, floats, stunts and ' "Dance, Dance, Dance," a program consisting of dance and resume Monday, April IS, diving will serve as highlights of "Sea oftjjpreams," the through the ages, from the strange ritual of the cavemen at 8:00 a.m. '» anfiual Kappa Kappa 'Sigma (swim club) »JpW} sponsored to the modern rock and roll of today, will be presented by by Miss Gertrude Hood. MRS. ALLEN RESIGNS; This year's presentation is the Jealousy, Dream Along with Me the modem dance club, Drum and Sandal, Thursday, April swimmer's interpretation of and the finale. Betty June Reed, 25, in Hiram Brock Auditorium. TAKES HOSPITAL POST dreams. president of the club, and Pat The program, under the direc- Some of the aquatic numbers Deal have solo numbers, 1 Mrs, Pauline Allen, Burnam Hall tion of Carol Kidd, sponsor, is di- Roll.* Social Director, has resigned her under the direction of Coach Rich- Students other than Kappa Kap- vided into two parts—Dance-past, People helping with the show ard Fleck are: Land of Dreams, pa Sigma students participating position here to become dletition High- and the Mighty, One Mint in the show are: Mr. Fleck, Al and Dance-present." The first part besides the club members are: at Dettmer Hospital, a .new 110- Includes such numbers as Cave- Mr. Bindel, Mr. Zimmack, Mr. Mc- Julep, -Ritual Fire Dance, Misty, JIatch, Ed Hatch, John Payne, man; Civil War, Charleston, Can Hone, Mr. Gatwood, Mr. Venet- bed hospital between Troy and Pi- Dream. Fancy Diving^Laura, Twi- Tom Campbell and Bill Seale. Can," Folk Dance, Ballet, Student tozzi, Mr. Cooper, Carl Paulus, qua, Ohio. She will assume her light Time, Ravel's Bolero, Body The dates are April 17, 18 and Prince, and classical ballet, Swan Don. Williamson, Don Walters, duties there next month. and Soul, Night Train, Hawaiian 19. Admission to the show is 69 Lake. The second half of the Doug Robinson, Don "Reedy, and A graduate of BatUe Creek Col- War .Chant, Walking the Blues, cents. program will feature Man with a Gene Singleton. lege, School cjf Dietetics, Mr». Golden Arm, You and You Alone, Admission to the show is 35 Allen is returning 'to her profession Love Theme, Calypso, Rock and cents. after two years as "House Mother" in Burnam Hall. She came to East- in September, 1954. Mrs. Allen was offered the posi- tion at Dettmer two years ago biir chose to come to Eastern instead. Since that time the hospital ha* tajen unoMe.to-.fuyi aPAfW-'wyial;. ified person to ful that.'vacancy 'Shis acute shortage of trained per- sonnel makes Mrs. Allen feel it is her duty to her profession to return to dietetics. Nevertheless she has enjoyed her work here and liked all "my girls." • Mrs. Allen will attend the Amer- ican Hospital Association's Insti- tute on Food Service Supervision at Deerborn Inn, Deerborn, Mich- igan, from Monday May 20 to Sat- urday, May 25. Mrs. Allen's profes- sional experience includes service as dietfdon for Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Allen and her son Joe, who attended Berea Foundation School, will reside in Piqua. A native of Ohio, she will be, with this change of position, closer to her family home Here's a sample of the synchronized formations to be seen in the swim show, April J7, 18, and 19. Band Gives First Of Two Planned Concerts Other Drum and Sandal members form a tableau for their program. The college.' band presented ir. March the first of 'two band con- "Stalag 17" Casfplcked; certs planned for the spring, the Committees Plan Oriental Garden second performance being sched- uled for May 16. The Junior-Senior Prom, sponsored by the Junior Class The 50 piece musical organiza- Show Set For May 7-10 in honor of the-Seniors,'will be held Friday, April 26, in the tion, directed by-Nick J. Koenig- college cafeteria from 9:00 to 1:00. stein, presented a varied program, The casting of parts for the coming Little Theatre pro* Al Hatch, president of the Jun- j •- including music of classical com- duction, "Stalag 17,'* was announced by Mr. Honaker on r posers as contemporary composi- lor Class, disclosed that the theme . # t— ) '__'j Monday night, March 25. A surprisingly slim group turned 5 pr m wiU ,An tions. A feature of Vie program out for the auditions, but good use was made of the talent Oriental£.^V^ Garden."L » * Violinist To Play* was a tone poefh by, the English The music will be furnished by i \ A/ I ' I I composer, Haydin -Wood, entitled on hand. a Cincinnati orchestra that calls \f\ WdlnUT Piail "Mannin Veen," (Dear Isle of Cast in major roles are: Jack The entire action takes place hi Clark as "Sefton"; Bill Farthing a barracks of Stalag 17, some- Itself the "Pipers." Its music is Man), a work descriptive of the h similar to that of the Art-van The Music Department will pre- Manx people. as"Hoffy"; Jim Florer as "Stosh"; £ erein Germany during WW Damme Quintet, according to all sent Robert Oppelt, violinist, in Other numbers io the concert Don Walters as "Prioe"; Harold ?. This comedy melodrama, wnt- reports. a faculty recital on Sunday in were "Washington Grays March; McCann as "Harry"; Bob Thomp- ten by Donald Bevan and Ed- The Senior Class will nominate Walnut Hall. Mis9 Frances Mc- by Grafulla; "Folk Song Suite," son and Phil Cox as "Duke"; mund Trzcinski, reveals the rough, . candidates for prom King and pherson wUl be at ihe piano. in three movement*, by it. VaugTin- and Jim Steinhilber as "Schultz". exasperating:, nearly nasty life in The remaining parts are assigned the barracks of a™ncentrat on Queen from its members. The can- priar to c0mlng to Eastern, Dr. Williams?; ';Pavane for a Dead didates will be voted- on and Q u u ht for 8^^ yearB Infant," by'Ravel; "Prelude/' by to: Bernard Lester. John Boone, """P- But no.*™™*» wogd Meivin gmt'hers, Hank Young, * C0™P1fte ~™fh°ut 'iJj°SK; chosen by. the Seniors .Winners -^ Unfvemty of Iowa,-where JaernsfeH; -''Elsa'e Pr^cessipn* to Charles Adams, Frank Pearct «« "Stalag U is packed wfet w,H be announced at the dance^ member of the fac.flty the Cathedral" from 'Lohengrin " a J3oug Mackey, Don Cleaver, Hugh wen characters-thus, humor pre- Committee chairmen selected ', . " i«*«««. „„»«».-iT,cr th> "March-Opus 99" by Prokof vaUs by the juniors are: invitations, *"^ T?i. "K hf nfS lic5l Steely, and Claude Stone. The as- - in ie d "Aguero (Paso Doble)," by Fran- 'Ollie White and Kay Smith; re- •"£' ' ! ^,^XL»^r co; "Perpetum *■ b J sistant to the director is Peggy Concentration Camp Plot freshmehts. Dick Perry and Her- with the Indianapolis Symphony, Percival. barracks wants man Looney; tickets, Tony Par- the North Carolina State Sym- Strauss; "Street Scene," Eacn man ln tne rent: floor committee, Al Hatch, phony, and the Lake Placid Club man; and "Beguine for As can be seen, "Stalag: 17" af- to escape. But as soon as a plan fords a massive cast of characters. (Continued on Page Seven) Dick Perry and Don Moore. Linfonietta by Osser. • Page Two EASTERN PROGRESS Friday; April 5. 1*57 THE EASTERN PROGRESS - A bi-weekly publication by and about ike students of Eastern GROUCHES OFF THE SHELF Eastern Kentucky State College / Richmond, Kentucky By Grouoho THE SEA PEOPLE $•• ' »"! _ Member of Associated Collegiate Press (The column, which is »wai lowed A Fantasy by Julius C & Wilkie G. Size more Subscription rate: two dollars yearly as food for thought, will cause "Come on down; the water's fine!" This novel invita* The Editors of Progress _ tSlfffl£SSt%JS^ - ,t,on' rSP°ken b,Ut ^n«mitted telepathically lures a num. PEGGY iflNKl.K DOUG ROBINSON JANET THOMPSON lectual Ptomainer ^poisoning.) bor of persons to the floor of the Pacific Ocean in thjs Business Manager Sports Editor Alden Hatch Bert Bach "SSJ'RIST' JJ^SJftftTSi'aS f^SSl <">".<«>«*''"«'•* «, of an underwater-Shanyri- there early Saturday morning and La <£?«* Mu&na- an the goldfish were bmshing.
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