L 9 0 A Reemergence - If You Haven’t Heard of Them Yet - li Get Out Your Hankies - Hemispheres Smitheereens Lenny 11 P. 5 P. 7 IR P*9 i ETHE TUFTS DAILY1 Where you read it first Thursday, April 16, 1987 Vol. XIV, Number 60 - Cuttino, in an interview numbers “reflect students yesterday, said that the appli- who have been offered admis- Acquitted cant pool “set very high sion,” not the actual class that goals” both academically and will enter the university in the NORTHAMPTON, Mass disorderly conduct at the Nov. t&f”&aut alleged wrongdo extracurricularly. Cuttino also fall. (AP) - A jury found Amy 245 demonstration. Hoffman, ings by the agency. The pro- pointed to the high rates of stu- Cuttino said that it was Carter, Abby Hoffman and 13 a leader in the student radical testors contended they acted in dent involvemment and par- “hard to te1l”if the upgrading.~ other protesters innocent movement of the 1960s, was see CARTER, page 15 ticipation in outside activities see ACCEPTANCE, page 13 Wednesday of charges stem- among a dozen defendants ac- The projected size of the ming from a demonstration cused of refusing to leave a last fall against CIA recruiters school building. at the University of Hoffman suggested in his Class of ’87’s Job’ Prospects Massachusetts. closing arguments tht the CIA The jury of four women and was the true offender. two men announced the ver- “Is it we the defendants who Turn ‘Spotty’ dict to a packed courtroom of are operating outside the 130 spectators about three hors system.. .or they who have (CPS) - The spring hiring in -the Class. of ’87__ is:. ‘‘pray.’’ across the country - found after they began deliberations strayed outside the limits of season on campus seems to be But at the University of the total number of job offers in the case. Judge Richard democracy and law?” asked spotty, depending on students’ Chuicago, on-campus made to bachelor’s candidates Connon cleared the courtroom the 50-year-old radical, who majors and on local recruiting is “up 300 percent by January 1, 1987, was 4,185, after the first verdict was served as his own attorney. economies, college placement from last year,” reports place- down from 6,566 a year earlier. returned because of Connon warned jurors to officials and corporate ment dirctor Murial Stone. At Chicago, Stone notes ac- thunderous applause. disregard the question. “The recruiters say. While there are no com- counting and engineering ma- “You may have gotten the CIA is not a party in this At Lehigh university in prehensive figures yet on how jors seem to be having the best impression of the court being case,” he said. Bethelehem, Pa., for example, the Class of ’87 is doing in fin- luck finding jobs there. upset,” Connon told the jury The defendants brought in placement office director ding jobs, the College Place.- Engineers are less in de- as spectators filed out of the more than a dozen witnesses Eugene Seeloff says the best ment Council - with 164 fiand out west, says Gale Ken- courtroom. “It wasn’t because from around the country to advice he can give iob-hunters camous placement offices ney, a recruiter for Lockheed of your verdict.” Shipbuilding and Aerospace Prosecutor Diane Fernald Co. in Seattle. had argued that the daughter Hahn Elected Senate President “I’m in a decline mode, lay- of former Presidnet Jimmy Junior Tracy Hahn was elected president of the Tufts Communi- ing off people,” Kenney says. Carter deliberatley blocked ty Union (KU)Senate.last night. “I wouldn’t have to hire for buses and other prosecutors to In an in-house election, senators elected Elizabeth Skidmore another two years even if leave a University of as vice preKident, and Jon Ginsberg as treasurer. Adam [Lockheed] got a [government] Massachusetts building to Komissaroff was elected to the post of historian, and Myra Frazier contract.” Kenney says Lockheed and publicize their demands that was elected parliamentarian. other West Coast companies the school ban CIA recruiters. Hahn, in a recent interview, said the Senate must increase its no longer win government The defense had argued that avenues of communication with students and faculty, as well as contracts because “our labor the protesters broke minor be wiling to take risks. rates are too high. We can’t bid laws to try to stop more serious “We can’t [be] a hesitant voice filled with trepidation,” she said. law-breaking by the spy competitiveljl since we pay an “We can’t be hesitant to say what we believe.” average of three dollars more agency. In addition, the SenatPelected the following as chairs for its an hour” than do eastern The jury began deliberations four standing committees: companies. at 1 p.m. after listening to Education Committee: Billy Jacobson more than two hours of So he’s done “zero” Administration and Budget: Robin Rosencrantz arguments in a courtroom recruiting in recent years, packed with 130 spectators. Services Committee: Mike Yudell Kenney says. Cultural and Ethnic Affairs Committee: David Neal Miss Carter, 19, was among Senate President-elect Tracy see JOBS, page 3 three defendants accused of Complete coverage of the Senate election in tomorrow’s Daily. Hahn I i DAILY Thursday, April 16, 1987 I bp- bp- . The Tufts Daily I I Frank Knuettel i Erc,cictii~eBu.tirte.ss Director Prejudice Workshop Cancelled To the Editor: Jon Newman. ._. .Executive Editor Julie Beglin. .Associare (iror Sometimes I think that we at Tufts Workshop to be led by Cherie Brown could really make a difference - that and co-leader Arlene Allen. Approx- Lisajane Meyers . - . .Production Manager Amy Shallcross. .Prodtiction Manager we’re willing to change, that we’re will- imately two hundred letters were mail- ed to student leaders all over the Tufts’ David ‘Gerstmann.. .Business Manager Scqtt Miller. .Production Manager ing to accept and encourage non- campus with three places to sign up fortI conformity and individual differences, I Bill Sh’ein. .News Editor Bill Labovitz. .News Editor participation. Here was my chance, and1 that we can be the exception to the rule. others’, to engage in dialogue in orderlI mtt Shapo. .Features Editor Bret Thorn. .Frcrtures Ediror But sometimes I think that we’re the same, we’re just like the rest of the to reduce prejudice at Tufts. The Devi Ben-Zeev. .-..Arts Edt’tor Suzanne Delaney . .Arts Editor world - infiltrated with prejudices. workshop was to be held last night in: Now is one of those times. the Coolidge Room - except for the/ Stephen Clay. .Sports Editor Lenny Saltzman. .Sports Editor In the beginning of this semester, the fact that it was cancelled. I received a, call yesterday - the Prejudice Reduc-i Waldek Wajszczuk. .Photography Editor . Chris Stevens.. .PhoroLyrccpliy Editor Tufts campus was in an uproar concer- ning the existence of prejudice and tion Workshop was cancelled because/ Christopher Salvo. .Adverrisirrg Manager Lynn Rosen. .. .Advertising. Manager racism, especially at Tufts. Students of lack of interest. Lack of interest! Two; were determined not just to prevent fur- months ago, hundreds of students at-i Jessica Feinberg . .Classifieds Editor , ’ Sharon Siben. .Ckt~sified.~ Editor ther racially motivated attacks, but also tended rallies, hundreds of students; formed human chains, hundreds o@ Michael Zinn.. .Assistarit Nc,bc.s Editor Kel!ev Alessi . .Assistant Sports Editor to educate students in order to reduce prejudice on campus. Skeptics said that students cared. Now here was the] Jennifer Dann. I Assistant Arts Editor Jennifer Ely . .Assistant Business Manager . the media hype wouldn’t last, that it chance to really make an effort - two/ hundred student leaders could have’ The Tujts Daily is a non-profit student-run newspaper published by the students of Tujs UniwrsiQ would all fade away - except the pre- weekdays during the academic year. Printing by Charles River Publishing, Cambridge, Mass,. Piew judice would remain. SO student really made a difference. But no, ‘ uddress correspondence to: The Tu& Daiiy, Cunis Hall, Medford, Mass. 02155. Telephone: (617 organizations held workshops, and spirit has died - Tufts, again, , 381-3090. Business.hours 9:30 to 5:oO-weekiluvs. U.S. uostafe paid Medford, Mass. - I discussions, the Tufts Center Board permeated with apathy, lack of helped coordinate the Day of Reflection There’s no excuse - it wasn’t “Tues-/ - all in order to increase awareness and day night at the1 Pub,” it wasn’t Cap-/ to educate. puccino’s night, it wasn’t even Jumbo1 Know Your Writes night. I Sounds encourageing, so far - but I The Tufts Daily would like to explain its operating policies in order fo prevent any now I am angry and sad at the same I am disappointed. I have been, confusion or misunderstanding and to facilitate smooth production of the paper. time. Last week I received a letter from deceived. Doesn’t anyone care the Office of the Dean of Students and anymore? LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - The letters section is a forum for discussion was invited to a Prejudice Reduction Lynn Muster J’9C of campus issues and comments regarding media coverage of events. Opinions expressed in these letters do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial Overcoming Oppression board. All letters must be submitted before 4:OO p.m. for the next day’s publica- To the Tufts Community: (tion. All letters must be typed and signed, and must include the full name and The members of the Tufts Lesbian fessors, and roommates. In the event phone number of all signatories. This numberwill not be printed in the paper but and Gay Community have set aside to- that someone walks up to you and says Js required by the editorial board.
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