E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2017 No. 5 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was Different States handle their faith- Constitution, who stated that as the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- less electors in different ways. In my Framers wished the President to be pore (Mr. HARRIS). view, the joint session rightly fulfilled independent, ‘‘It never was intended f its constitutional responsibility by . to have given to Congress . the simply taking the certified results of right to object to any electoral vote.’’ DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO each State without intervention. This The first successful effort to expand TEMPORE was in line with precedent set in 1969 Congress’ power in counting did not The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- and with the text of the Constitution. come until 1865, when Congress adopted fore the House the following commu- Because I believe this decision to be a joint House-Senate rule on the sub- nication from the Speaker: correct, I did not file an objection dur- ject. Under the rule, no electoral vote ing the counting process. However, I that incurred an objection could be WASHINGTON, DC, counted unless both Houses agreed. January 9, 2017. wish for the RECORD to contain my The joint rule was tempered by the I hereby appoint the Honorable ANDY HAR- views on this matter and to express my Electoral Count Act of 1887, which still RIS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this concern that an avoidable constitu- day. tional crisis on this subject is a very governs the counting process to this PAUL D. RYAN, real possibility in the future. day. The law allows an objection signed Speaker of the House of Representatives. The faithless elector problem has by a House and a Senate Member. How- f often been seen as academic, but in ever, under the Electoral Count Act, 2000, Vice President Gore was three unless there is a case of double returns, MORNING-HOUR DEBATE no electoral vote regularly given and faithless electors away from the Presi- lawfully certified shall be rejected. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dency. As a point of reference, there ant to the order of the House of Janu- In 1969, Dr. Lloyd Bailey, a Repub- were 10 faithless electors in this elec- lican elector from North Carolina, was ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- tion. Thus, this is not a matter that nize Members from lists submitted by faithless, and the Governor of North should be taken lightly. Carolina certified the State’s electoral the majority and minority leaders for Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the morning-hour debate. certificate with knowledge of his vote. Constitution gives the States the ex- The House and the Senate thor- The Chair will alternate recognition clusive power to appoint electors in a oughly debated whether Dr. Bailey’s between the parties, with each party manner decided by their State legisla- vote should be counted, but ultimately limited to 1 hour and each Member tures. Clause 4 provides the sole grant voted to reject the challenge. Oppo- other than the majority and minority of authority to Congress in the process nents of the challenge, in my view, leaders and the minority whip limited to determine the time for choosing properly argued that Congress lacked to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- electors and the day they cast their the power to exclude Dr. Bailey’s vote bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. vote. under the Electoral Count Act and, f The process to count electors is out- more importantly, Congress had no lined in Clause 3 and identical lan- FAITHLESS ELECTOR PROBLEM power to exclude his vote under the guage which superseded it in the 12th Constitution. To do so would be a vio- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Amendment. It provides that, ‘‘The lation of the rights of the sovereign Chair recognizes the gentleman from President of the Senate shall, in the States. Alabama (Mr. BYRNE) for 5 minutes. presence of the Senate and the House Some have argued that the Bailey Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, last Friday of Representatives, open all the certifi- precedent is not applicable when an the House and the Senate met to fulfill cates and the votes shall then be elector violates his or her State’s law our solemn constitutional responsi- counted. .’’ Under the 12th Amend- in casting a faithless vote. I find this bility to count the votes of electors for ment, the persons receiving a majority argument constitutionally suspect. Un- President and Vice President. This of the vote ‘‘shall be’’ the President less no candidate reaches a majority, year the joint session was confronted and Vice President. Congress’ role in the counting process with a record number of so-called The extent of what Congress’ powers appears to be ministerial: to count faithless electors—electors who were are in the counting process has been votes and announce a result. supposed to vote for the Presidential the subject of over 200 years of debate. For that reason, the issue of faithless candidates named on their States’ bal- The CONGRESSIONAL RECORD from 1800 electors is rightly resolved at the State lot, but, instead, voted for someone includes a lengthy speech by Senator level, before the results reach Con- else. Charles Pinckney, a Framer of the gress. At the present time, however, a b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H197 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:02 Jan 10, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09JA7.000 H09JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 9, 2017 hodgepodge of State laws exist to deal candidate for the position of elector who is (c) To qualify as a substitute elector under with faithless electors, some of which not nominated by a political party or unaf- subsection (b), an individual who has not ex- are ill-equipped to handle the problem. filiated presidential candidate shall submit ecuted the pledge required under Section 4 Fortunately, the Uniform Law Com- to the [Secretary of State], in addition to shall execute the following pledge: ‘‘I agree the individual’s own name as ‘‘elector nomi- to serve and to mark my ballots for Presi- mission has proposed the Faithful nee’’, the name of another qualified indi- dent and Vice President consistent with the Presidential Electors Act, which has vidual designated as ‘‘alternate elector pledge of the individual to whose elector po- already been enacted in four States. nominee’’.’’ sition I have succeeded.’’. The Faithful Presidential Electors Act SECTION 4. PLEDGE. Each elector nomi- Legislative Note: As with Sections 3 and 4, provides a State-administered pledge of nee and alternate elector nominee of a polit- adjustment of this Section is required for faithfulness, with any attempt by an ical party shall execute the following pledge: any state where unpledged electors are per- elector to submit a vote in violation of ‘‘If selected for the position of elector, I missible. For a state wishing to accommo- agree to serve and to mark my ballots for date unpledged electors, the language of sub- that pledge constituting a resignation President and Vice President for the nomi- sections (b)(2), (b)(3), and (c) could be from the office of elector. In such case, nees for those offices of the party that nomi- changed to the following: the act provides a mechanism for fill- nated me.’’ [Each elector nominee and alter- (b)(2): ‘‘if the alternate elector for the va- ing an electoral vacancy. nate elector nominee of an unaffiliated presi- cant position is not present to vote but other At the conclusion of my remarks, I dential candidate shall execute the following alternate electors who were nominated by will include in the RECORD a copy of pledge: ‘‘If selected for the position of elec- the same political party [or unaffiliated the Faithful Presidential Electors Act. tor as a nominee of an unaffiliated presi- presidential candidate] are present, by ap- In short, Mr. Speaker, based upon my dential candidate, I agree to serve and to pointing an elector chosen by lot from among those alternate electors of the same view of the Constitution, Congress mark my ballots for that candidate and for that candidate’s vice-presidential running political party [or of the same unaffiliated properly handled the issue of faithless mate.’’] The executed pledges must accom- presidential candidate] .’’ electors in this election. This election pany the submission of the corresponding (b)(3): ‘‘if the vacant position is that of an should, however, serve as a wake-up names to the [Secretary of State]. unpledged elector and the alternate elector call to States that further action on Legislative Note: This act does not deal for that vacant position is not present to their part may be necessary. with the possibility of death of a presidential vote, or if there otherwise are no alternate or vice-presidential candidate before the electors eligible for the vacant position UNIFORM FAITHFUL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS electoral college meetings, or with any other under paragraphs (1) and (2), by appointing ACT disabling condition or the discovery of dis- any immediately available individual who is (Drafted by the National Conference of Com- qualifying information.
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