INIS-mf~13744 A Collection of Papers Presented at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting VIII Stellarator Workshop at Kharkov, USSR 27-31 May 1991 International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria July, 1991 VIII IAEA STMffJUtATO* WOXiC&ftOP KHARKOV J991L Foreword The technical reports in this collection of papers were presented at the "Eighth International Workshop on Stellarators," an International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Committee Meeting. The Workshop was hosted by the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology of the Ministry of Atomic Power and Industry. The Workshop was attended by 125 participants and observers from five countries and one international organization. A summary of the meeting, by O. S. Pavlichenko, KhPTI, will be published in a future issue of the journal Nuclear Fusion. This collection of papers is prepared from direct reproductions of the authors' copies. It is hoped that publication of the document in this way will provide timely information to participants of the meeting, as well as to others who may have not been able to attend but are interested in the proceedings. Inadequate, but special acknowledgements are recorded here to V. F. Zelenskij, who chaired the local organizing committee, to O. S. Pavlichenko, who chaired the International Programme Committee, and to V. I. Tereshin, who served as the local Scientific Secretary. These three, together with the members of their committees, efficiently handled all of the detailed preparations necessary for the planning and execution of a successful meeting. INTERNATXOMAL PROGRAMME COMMITTEE O.S.Pavlichenko (Chairman),Institute of Phya.S Techn..Kharkov,USSR G.Grieger.tfex-PZancJc-InsCieuc fur Plasmaphysik.Garching.FRG A.Iiyoshi,National Institute for Fusion Science.Nagoya.Japan L.M.Kovrizhnykh,General Physics Institute,Koscov.USSR J.F.Lyon,Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge.TN,USA Scientific Secretaries: D.L.Banner,IAEA,Vienna.Austria v.l.Tereshin,rnst. of Phys.s Techn. .Kharkov.USSR The Eighth International Workshop on Stellarators ( Committee Meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency) is by Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology of the Ministry of Atomic Power and Industry of the USSR. This Workshop is sponsored by the Ministry of Atomic Power z=tt Industry of the USSR and the International Atomic Energy Agescy. Abbreviations of Laboratory Names ORHL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA RPI - Renselaer Poiitechnie Institute, USA ZPP - Max-Plank-Institut fttr Plasaaphysik, FRG MIFS - National Institute Cor Fusion Science, Japan PPUCU - Plasna Physic Laboratory,Kyoto University, Japan TO - Tohokii Univesity, Japan CIEMAT - Asociaci6n EURATOM/CIEHAT, Spain KhPTX - Kharkov Institute of Physics & Technology, USSR IGP - Institute of General Physics, USSR IAE - Kurchatov Institute of Atonic Energy, USSR LPTI - Ioffe Institute, of Physics 6 Technics, USSR SPTI - Sukhumi Institute of Physics & Technics, USSR IAM - Institute of Applied Mathematics, USSR IMR - Institute of Nuclear Research, USSR MSU - Moscow State University, USSR KhSU - Kharkov State University, USSR Efremov Inst - Efremov Institute of Electrophysic Apparatus, USSR PROGRAM of til* VZZX International Workahop en Stellar*tor* Kharkov. 27-31 Hay 2991 Monday. May 27 9.30 - 9.40 Opening Remark*. O.S.Pmrllchenko v. I. Tereshin 9.40 - 11.00 Session Z-o. Progress reports Chairman - O.S.Parlichenko. I-O-l. Overview of U-3M Experiment E.D.Volkov and U-3M Group (KhPTX) (40 min.) I-O-2. Overview of rctcent results from Advanced Toroidal Facility J.F.Lyon and ATF Team (ORNL). (40 min.) 11.00 - 11.20 Coffee 11.20 - 13.00 Session II-O. Transport. Chairman - K. N. Stepanov. II-O-l.Observation of Damping of Toroidal Rotation due to Neo- classical Parallel Viscosity in Heliotron/Torsatron CHS. K.Ida.H.Yamada.H.Iguchi.K.Itoh and CHS Group(NIFS) (20 min.) 17 II-O-2.Variation of the Neoclassical Transport Level in the Uragan-2M Torsatron. C.D.Beidler, J.KiBlinger, F.Rau. H.Wobig (IPP). A.A.Shishkin (KhPTI) (20 min.) Al II-O-3.Ion heat Conductivity, Radial Electric Fields and CX-Losses in the WVII-XS Stellarator. H.KaaBberg. J. Junker.M. Kick.V. Olendorf. S. Zop£el.V7-AS Team. NBI Team (IPP).Y. I. Afanasjev.A. B. Izvozchikov(LPTI) (20 min.) 25 II-O-4.Ion confinement in the Advanced Toroidal Facility. R.J.Colchin, H.R.Vade. R.H.Fovler. R.C.Isler. J.F.Lyon. 9Q J. a. Home, and C.E.Thomas (ORNL). (20 min.) ^ II-O-5.Configurational effects on the confinement in W7-AS. H.Renner#t;.Gasparino,Jl.tfell«r and V7 AS-Team.NBZ-Team (IPP). ECRH-Group (Stuttgart Univ.). (20 min.) 35 13-00 -14.30 Lunch 14.30 - 16.00 Session ZZX-F.Transport Effects Chairman - A.A.Shiahkln. ZII-P-1. Heoclasslcal Current and notation in a Helical System. N.NakajlM and M.Okamoto (N1FS) 39 I1I-P-2. Calculation of the Amblpolar Electrical Field for Hellas with emphasis on Vondelstein 7X C.D.Beldler (XPP) 43 III-P-3. Heoclassical Transport Calculations using DKES code for W7-AS. 45 H.Maassberg. V7-JS Team and NBI Team (XPP) III-P-4. Honte Carlo transport analysis in torsatron/neiiotron systems. 49 H. S. Salrnora (KtiPTI). III-P-5. Particle and energy balance in Uragan-3 torsatr.on. N.T.Besedin, S.V.Kasilov, I.M.Pankratov, PyacaH A. I.. „ Stepanor K. W. (KtiPTI) 3 III-P-6. Heat transport in current-free/ plasma of - the L.-2 stellarator. E.D.Andryukhina. K.S.Dyabilin, O.I.Fedyanin (ISP) IIX-P-7. Honte Carlo studies of transport coefficients for Uragan-ZH device. Yu.A.Volkov (IAH), S.G.Shasharina (IGP). N.T.Besedin, fi1 I.H.Pankrator. A. A. Shishkin (KhPTI). III-P-8. Spherical harmonies method for calculating neoclassical transport coefficients. 65 Yti. A. Volkov (IAM) III-P-9. Heoclassical Studies in Heliac TJ-II. A. Rodriguez-Yunta (CXEMAT). III-P-10.Peaked Density Profile and its Correlation with Toroidal Rotation in the Heliotron/Torsatron CHS. H. Iguchi. K.Ida, H.Yamada, S.Okamura. K. Hazsuoka and 7c CHS Group (MFS). III-P-11.First results from ATF Heavy Zon Beaa Probe. K. A.Connor.S. C. AceCo.J. G. Sctwelberger. J. J. Zielinski(RPI), A.Carnevali (RKVC). J.C.Glovienka (ORttL).U.Okasu (PPLKU) 79 III-P-12.Probability of particle trapping and detrapping in torsatrons. „. I.H.Sidorenko (KhPTI) l«.00 - 17.30 Session XV-P.Magnetic Configurations. ConMguratlonal Effects Chairman - O. L. Qrekor. XY-P-1. Detachable joint and currant feed Influence on the Uragan-4 Magnetic configuration. H.T.Beaedin. Q.Q.Lesnyakor. X.M.Pankrator (KhPTX). IV-P-2. Suppression of Magnetic Islands in torsatrons. A.r.zolotukhln. A. A. Shishkln (KhPTX). 93 IV-P-3-- Vacuum aagnetlc configuration control in the torsatron Vragan-2M by poloidai and toroidal Magnetic fields. 7. S. Bykor.A. Y. Xhodyachlkh, Yu. K. Kuznetsov, O. S. Parllchenko. Q 7 V.G.Peletmlnskaya.Jl.A.Shishkin (KhPTZ). y/ IV-P-4. 1-3 torsatron magnetic configuration with quadrupole field. G.G.LesnyaHor. V.I.Fetrenko (KhPTI) 'v IV-P-5. Perturbation Field Experiments in CHS. S.Okamura, L.Peranicti. K.Mazsuoka. H.Iguchi. K.Ida. 1Q3 H.Yamada. K.Nistiimura and CHS Group (UIFS). IV-P-6. Effect of Magnetic Islands Produced by External Perturbations on Plasma Confinement in TU-Heliac. K.Watanabe, S.Kitajima, K.Takayama and T.Zaxua (TU) 107 IV-P-7. Confinement Improvement of HBI plasmas by magnetic configuration control. F. Sano, S. Stido. H. Zushi.K. Kondo. T. Hiztzuchi. H. Okada. K. Hanatani, H.Nakasuga.S.Besshou,Y.Nakamira.H.Vakatani,T.Obiki (PPLKU). HI K. Muraoka, K. Uchino. K. Hatsuo, A. Komori (Kyushu U),». Sato(NXFS) IV-P-8. Configuration control and modulation experiments using long-pulse ECH discharges in the ATF torsatron. V. R. Wing.L.R.Baylor,T.S.Bigelov.R.J.Colctii.il eC al. (ORNL) 115 IV-P-9. Creation of average magnetic well in closed magnetic traps by a local deformation of circular magnetic surfaces. V.M.Glagolev. A.E.Lenjora (IAE). IV-P-10. Magnetic field perturbation's effect on particle motion in torsatrons/heliotrons. „_ M.S.Salrnova. A.A.Shishkin (KhPTX) IV-P-11. Recycling in H7-AS and modeling on the basis of Degas-code. F. Sardei, H. Ringler, A. Dodhy. P. Cr igull, G. Kiihner. F. P. Peaningsfeld " 131 V7-AS Teaa,NBI-Team (IPP).ECRH Group (Stuttgart Univ. ). 17.30 - 19.00 Discussion Tuaadav. May 28 9.30 - 11.00 Session V-0. Progress reports. Chainaan - G.Qricger. V-O-l Progress on the stellarator Wendelatein N VIZ AS. H.Banner*B.Maasabcrg.B.Rlngler.F.Sardel and the V7-AS Team, 135 war-Teaa (IPP).ECRU-Group (Stuttgart Untr. ) (40 min.) V-O-2- Recent results of Heliotron E Experiment. T.Obilci and Heliotron 5 group. (40 aln.) x Coffee 11.00-11.20 11.20 - 13.00 Session VX-O. Fluctuations. Chairnan - O.I.Fedyanin VI-O-1.Magnetic fluctuation measurements in the Keliotron-E Device. B.Zushi (PPLKU) (20 min.) 185 VI-0-2.Fluctuations and transport in low-collisionaiity plasmas in the ATF Torsatron. J.B.Harris.M.Murakami,B. A. Carreras et al (ORNL). Presented 191 by J.F.Lyon. (20 ain.) VI-0-3.Plasma potential and electric field investigations in ATF. R. c. Isler. R. J. Colchin, T. Uckan(ORltL),S. c. Aceto.J. G. Sctwelbergur. 197 J.J.Zelinski (RPI).B.Okada (PPZXU). (20 min.) VI-O-4.Edge Plasma Fluctuations in the ATF Torsatron. C.Hidalgo (CIEHAT).J.B.Harris, T.Uckar.. J.D.Bell, B.A.Carreras. 203 J.L.Dunlap, G.R.Dyer (ORNL). Ch.P.Ritz. A.J.Vootzon, M. A. Meier. 7.
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