A-INTD ICLE UNE 8. 1933 Holy Name Society Jr. O.U. A. M. to initiate Democratic Municipal Wwdd Offer Education To Entertain Ladies Dramatic (M Candidates June IS SolidtFandsToCondud - Committee to Meet Monday The annual Ladles' Night entertain- The three degrees of the Junior The Democratic Municipal Commit. To Local Unemployed ment of the Senior Holy Name Society Successful Order of United American Mechanics Cranford Boys' Camp tee will meet at «30 p. m., Monday a of St. Michael's Roman Catholic will be conferred upon Mward LsDue the Democratic headquarters on North School Board Rev. M. Y. Poynter. Rev: Church will be held In the school hsll Presentation otT Short Plays and Robert Lodentedt Thursday even' Subscription. List Open to Union avenue-, according to, an an- at 8:30 o'clock Monday evening. The Ing. June 15, at the Masonic Temple on nouncement today by WUltam-H. D'Ar- tional Pe W. F. Behrens, Jr.. Submit Tuesday/ Night Pleases Those Who Pesire to As- musical troupe of the society will give South avenue. Several other candi- cy, municipal chairman. ? Dentista Mayj Report to Relief Commit- a short entertainment during the Audience; Annual dates from other councils also will be sist in Maintaining' Outing - EdwardU WlMljaivDtmocralic-Coun- 'tee's Advisory. Council. evening. Refreshments will be served Initiate*. The Union OouneU of Rah- ty chairman, will speak at the regular Services t6 following, the program.; tion Is Held. way will confer the first two degrees Place for Local Youth. meeting of the club Thursday night, The monthly meeting of the Junior and the Sherman Council of Roselle June IS.. Final plan* (or the "Victory- A suggestion that the Cranford Society will he held in' the recreation will give the thud degree. Letters have gone out to.Cranford card party to be held Saturday night, Emergency Relief Committee offer' a The Crsnford Dramatic Club held people this week^lnvltlng them to as- Additional protesU' rooms of the psmrhlal school at 8:1! It* last assembly of the season at the State Councilor Barnes of Paterson June 17,'on the Craig lawn at the cor- elimination of the selK . number of educational courses to the o'clock tomorrow night. First report] will make lus official visit on June IS sist In raising tumctent addltonal funds ner of North and Forest avenues will unemployed, attendance at which and Casino Tuesday night when three short from September.'to tb» ) will be received from the various com. to the Cranford Council, Na 32, Jr. O. lo conduct the Cnnford Camp at Sil- be discussed. Mrs. IT, B. J.- Craig Is 1 stated achievements in such courses to plays were presented, and the annual ver Uke, Warren County this summer. were reglitered tn two BOB mlttees recently' appolnted/by Presl election was. bsfct The result of the U. A. M. Other State Council office™ chairman of the committee in charge- received by the Board of) be counted as service rendered, the Re- dent Lawrence Larkln. y • —: "• also will attend the meeting,.sccordlnf As the letter" states, already some very Tickets are priced at fifty cents. All lief Committee, is contained in a spe- tatter was ss follows: president, Harry it* meeting in aunt r- The Senior and Junior branches of to an announcement made by Otorge substantial contributions have Men games will be played. cial report to the Advisory Council of Folk; first vice-president, J.. Branch made so that the budget Is within nlittit.1 A delegation of I the society will receive Holy Com- Darby; second vice-president. Clara Lawrence, Cranford Councilor. The annual outing or the cliib will by Mrs. Wesley A. the Emergency Relief Committee. The W. K. Relnhart, secretary of Cran about H00 of-ffieTecjulprd amount. The be held Saturday. July 8, at Miller's report was submitted by the Rev. Mat-munion in a body it the 8 o'clock Mass Low; secretary, Kusabtth Qreen; treas- prared before the t Sunday morning/ . ford Council, has announced that the finance commlttM Is asking trie Inter- Orove, Kenlhvorth. • chett Y. Poynter, pastor of the Cran- ( urer, Albert Mount ested clltsrns who realise the. value of tempt to have the There will be no meetings of'either Union county Put . Councilors will Eight persons were elected lo mem- ford Methodist Church, and the Rev. The first ptay given was a comedy, the camp to the boys and to the com- A petition signed by all' the Senior or the Junior Societies dur- meet June It with the Central Council bership at a meeting .last Thursday alclnns and dentists, ( ,. WUliamF. Behrens, Jr.. pastor of Cst- "Pie." by Lawrence Langer, capably of Westfleld In Westfleld, All mem: munity to supply the small amount «U1I night?- The club'now has an enroll- vsry Lutheran Church, both of whom ing July and August. and amusingly acted-by s well-selected required to assure the/camp operating rilmliutlon of the clinics, wa»..^ ben have been Invited. "• •; , tnont of more than one hundred mem- at Ui* May meeting;. It ^ssa/w-;- are members of the Council. Their group of veterans of the club who know throughout the summer. bers. ' recommendations win be considered at how to get their laughs where they are Latt year was a'pronounced lucoeaa out at tho meeting that thaw apt •»- a meeting of the Advisory Council FrK due. A large and appreciative audience with' the iu*ocl*Uon and .Uie camp en- clent dental tuppHu on %s/i«.*',Jait Historical Society attended. The out ol "Pie", which through December. Betsralvjfr'thr day evening, June 3O.> • y . tertained more .boys than at any time to ;The Rev./Mr. Poynter and the'Rev. v was produced .'by Prances SUles. the lodiaii Scoot Executive since Its inception. -The wooden cot- MochActivityMarks trustees appeared! to bt *55L^! Mr. Behrens were appotrited "recentl>; Has Annual Election properties being by. Eleanor Mason, was tsgea or "shielu" on the hill provided the continuance of the eUakpgyth •to study the possibility, of^arrylng out as follows: Clifford Quitter. Edward To Speak Here Sunday Ideal sl*«prag fljisrtei* and with (he volunteer services. «. Is uodsmnnil a program of supervised" activities In Everett; Annie Mulligan. Prances pump Mused In. the hillside camp pre- Closing of Schools that a number of Oranfotd dMtWMn. would1 have for ius. purpose ttie-better- that the clTnlcs may h heea aa President;'"A. G cbie; and Mrs; Qullter, Hannah McAl- fquh^ln any camp anywhere. Three Roosevelt Eighth GrarJe Exer- ment of the morale of the individual lister, . .... ,• . dress in Methodist Church sucb,' cottages have been completed and One petition, which and the refinement of his intelligence, Woodward Succeeds W. J. The second presentation was "Hall the': trustees feel that will'be enough cise's Next Thursday Night fifty cltlicns, protested th» and. in the case of the youth particu- Following Court of. Honor; 4>lnti to dlicontlnus the aebAei McKee as Treasurer.' an Hour," a one-act satirical drama by or many years to come. In addiUoh Will Be First of Severn!Pro- larly, ttie occupying of his time in a Sir James Barrte, produced by Clare . Eight to Get Awards. to the three cottages are two. tent plat- clinics because: , beneficial manner. ' ... Low. The antique furnishings used in forms and tents. Some of the boys pre- Brnma •Tho number of chqdren Their recommendations follow: er tents to roofs and therefore the from dental-defects has decreas**! J. S. Voorhees was re-elected presi- this and the previous play were ob- The Rev. Henri B. Ferger, divisional / "\. That so far as this committee 11 dent of-the CranfordHlstorlcal Society tained through the courtesy of Walda trustee* provide both types of sleeping With leas than two weeks remaining tho vstabllsment of the dinks: I concernedjoor educational work be con- Boy Scout executive for India, will give accommodations. The camp U also In the 1932-33 school term, closing ex cent of the Cranford pupils at a meeting of the trustees last week Rosencrants, of the Black House, Cen- an Illustrated address on "Scouting In fined to tlie unemployed. If adult ed- in tlie society's headquarters oh north tral avenue; and-Maxwell of Westfleld. completely supplied with steel cots and erclses will start soon In the various dental work In IMS; health i ucation is sponsored for any employed, India'' following the Cranford'District iprings so .that the boys .have very com- Cranford achools. agree Hint dental Infection Union avenue. Other officers re-elected Mrs. Rolfe Oenman was In charge of Court of Honor in the Cranford Metho- t ^hnnid be under separate auspices. Include: First vice president, E.~ K. the properties tor "Half an Hour." .. fortable sleeping facilities. The straw Tlie first of tho cxerclnei will be In about Kyntematlc:diseases and tbs < "3. That the following courses, might dist Church at 7:30 o'clock'Sunday ev ticks are laundered after each contin- Roosevelt school auditorium nt 8:15 tnl clinics detect such infection f Adams; second vice president, Wesley This is in Hhree scenes. It U, per- enlng. Troop 75, sponsored by the be offered: <a)^current problems, <b) A..Stanger; secretary, C. F. Manchon; gent leaves and tilled with fresh straw. o'clock next Thursday night when the It has progressed to a point of i haps not on Barries highest level but Methodist Church, will'set a» host*. eighth grade pupils of Roosevelt school and arrests it; protection of healthaj salesmanship, <c) elements of electric- and corresponding secretary, William la nevertheless Interesting, especially The deep well on the htll.supplea an ity. But any recommended courses The publlo has been extended an invi- abundance of-fresh.wat«f^..Thl»-yoaf will be^graduiited.
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