w ; _________, j _ _________ Sun V/g //e y waiilits for a bicigsnow—- B3 id(iahojDankkruptcies.increase--- B l — - ..S t.- ------------ - -- C o l l e g e I ■ I b a s k e t bb i a l l f f l s c o r e s - ■ ■ hnta 81sl1st year. No. 348 M Twin Falls, IdahoIdi " -cember 14.1986 V'‘ Priston sitte choidee cc3uldsspark: poli£^ c a l fijight D is s e nsi^ q n c o u ldd [ v l Propo!osed H :i:i' w piB mirley residele n ts___ , J i l t ™ O e w jeopardi;lize fu n d s » , ::,..; ’S ta>te t - ■ press optirim is m _.ByMARKWARBIS The Associated Press € ' m a x i mmum- i By RONDJDA TAYLOR News correspondent ---------BOISE— The-Idaho-B5-Board-of-Corrections^rpiirprlsing- ,, ^ — p.,as e g wc u ,Uirifv r l . choice of Burley as thehe location for a new maxi:iximum- ' m h Sm A — BUREE::Er'=TTier(r:u'a5TlorofT:a rcantioasTjptlmism-in': -------- -- medium security state prisonpr may well have throw•own the ' D r i SiOn O '-.'nv, Burley S.Saturday following the announcementann by the' decision of w here lo buflduH dthe $30 m illion facility inlinlo the Idaho Bo;Joard of Correclions Fridayay Ithal the new medi- . lap of the Legislature. '“ru m -m a x irtimum sccurlly prison mayy beb< built In this farm- : State Rep. Kathleenn ‘"K itty" G um sey. R*Bols«Jlse. CO- Ing com mmunily. chairwoman of thehe powerful Joint Finrinance- the first picce of good newss wcwe’ve heard in two or Appropriations Commutelittee, said Saturday that she was three yeacars." said Mike Atchiey,/, Burley,B a Simplot’s ■, skeptical of the decisionilon. and th a t politics wouldold tal e ■OaKL i i S B . em^loyee^sc and owner of 30 local rentallaiunits.. i , . ______ L . o v e r if no consensus is reached oil a-slte ior iBc been tryingTJ0 t"t0 get too3 exclted”atrout^t,"ex he'-"-----^— Inm ate prison before thele LLegislature convenes Jan. i: T yrm 0. ft added, in case the P erm an en t Buildullding Fund Advisory - “ W bat will happen Isis the astute legislator will-lil sla '■a' K ai«K _3lti Council vetoesv the_Burley selection;lon w nen It m eets on out with a concurrent, rcresolution lhat says, 'Thee pprison 4 B>i7:!-jK.VTa- Monday.,'. Atchiey said be views thehe prisonj construction will be built in my hornetTietown,’ and the guy who gelsgel Uio '^rj.:j5|VV;; asasafel;ely nel for the com m unity,’, morem' lhan a panacea majority of the voles willwl w in," G um sey said. ‘'l“ I o i V , -■>'■.i.M'r' I fortheareirea's troubled agriculturalI basedba: econom y. ' an d reason Is thrown oulout the window and it justt ccomes I W. m i • ~ M -£ k\V - Busines:esses have been folding and!id rresidents have been down lo votes.” • ‘ leaving theth town of approximatelyly 8,700,8 resulting In a The state Permanentit BBuilding F und Advisory Council,Coi T : ■ • -’'Il'lAV’‘ poor allltiItude, he said, "Everybody’sly’s been so depressed”, ____ of which Gurnsey Is a member,mi takes up the issueue Mon-_ • V K KV^- I don't thiihink things will gel any worsvorse, hopefully Ihey'U ______dajOKfiSioflOOoIsel - b e w ilinlg g belter now ,-he said,-------- vote for Burley duringg a Corrections B oard confeiiference~ “ ^ I m T yrynch, f president of Lynch OlHOirco.T sees the prison ^ call. ' r a i site select!C tion as a positive force inn thcth community. "We Burley was fourth on Public Works DirectorT Brian1 think il’s:’s a tremendous economicmic plus and also a Chase’s list of the five! bebest locations for the prison;on from t > s \ ' . i psychologDglcalplus," hesald. among more than two dozendo: sites considered throui■oi>8hout ou ds ^ O\ v He calklied the effect "50-50," sayingylng half of the benefit ------ th e s ta te .------ ----- ------ « \ from thee |prlsonjwiil come from a psjpsychological mt resl* _ :__ - He said after Friday'sy's m eeting th a t he would stistick to ill gct-from knowing thal a stablest employer is In SOURCE: kUho DapwtmtnlolinlofCorrK^i , TbntMimenpMo<)Wc(ROBERToonREu ^^®area.i. • SeeTR’RISONonPageA2 Ii . •SeeBURLEYonPaiiP ageA 2 J “ if Crit^iics s te p @PEf:a» denuLinciatio o n s ^f adnn in istraation Dole calls acictio n sjju st plainin stupid’ - By HENRY G OTTLIEB Amid tho crilicrilicism, Secretary The Associated Press of State Georgerge P. Shultz flew home from aI weeklongwi attempt ^ 1 ---- WASHlNGTOPr=THeniambers of 'to"assifre'EuroEiiropean' allies' that........ ........ Congress, fru stra te d in elefforts to U.S. foreign policypoll Is on course gel to the boltom of thele Iranian and immediatelyleiy set to w ork-fin- ____ arms and Contra fundingng affair, ding out how' muchm his depart- ■ ' stepped up their denuncis:ialions of m ent knew aboutD utth I e affair. ' ; : J the Reagan admlnlinlstratlon shuitz summon'noned John H. Kel- ; ■ L'.' yjg Saturday, w ilh Rc{lepublican ly, ihe U.S.:. ambassador; to - ,,Senate leader Bob. Dolele.caiiing , Lebanon, who ha:has been linked to "•/ some actions “ ju s t plain stistupid." knowledge x>f theth White House i In a novel proposal, . DiDole said operation, to find out what Kelly . Presidenl Reagan shouldd convene knew aboul armsrms sales and their a special summit of Western relation to hostaostage negotiations leaders in WashingtonI to give In early Novembimber. During that I '; them the facts about thele Iranian period, the StaleSta Department i - policy. , w as denying lhatlh; its officials ' ' Dole, and Rep. Davidid- Bonior-were involved, ! |_ -delivering the Democrat•atic Par- ty's weekly radio addreriicc cniH Thc dcportmcrtment confirmed : —the affair.is puDching±ol(QlcsVthe_§l}[i>‘f aPlM ly.,Mly m e t b u l w ould ;____ J [_ adm inistration's NiNicaragua not divulge anyifdelalls. del • ■ . strategy of supporting, pro.is The secretary'sry’s Inquiry and thc guerrillas known as Cont.ntras and speeches by DoDole and Bonior fc iri threatens to damogoec the reflected a grow[rowing sense lhat ‘ • credibility of all U.S.) foreign after more thanm a month in which policies. See IRANN o01 n P a g e A3 CampFirtre carolers I4(*wip(^/ANDVAR£N2. A ffBgoaload off CampC Ffre inenibera-wmrti r e down* P o le L ine' R oad8d lil;Twlfl P«us; • the-'boDdayU spirit- Satun . In shopping P resi(idenfs aidd es ! aad amg Cbrlstffiun u carols as tbey are carted■ted youths, part of th e MaTreVoICbuadl,.shared ail .cceatersand through city stn w o n d ce r if h e ’s a b le Contrca s e m b)arking(on lastt-gasp €effort t o Gopp e w i t h - G rrisis i U.S. aid recently ' began1 10 now made by rebelel leaders1 and their U.S. ■ BvLOUCANNON Expandeed fighting e;expected throughS, Honduras after a1 delay' in sponsors appea}ear to be based on two T ie Washington Post <t ■ ' ; ■ deliveries that promptedJd public assumptions lhatth are open to ques- complaints from rebel loadaders, ac- tion. - WASHINGTON - WJiVhen SwreUiry^of StaieGeorjJorge R^^ljqllJL____i_______ ----- By-EDWARD C O D Y ___________ _ ___ and_reaiU)a;£ases_and_the_refusal_of_^®■cording to anof flclal sourctr th e Washington Posl Costa Ricaica, NicaraeuD's other ----------- The'firstrhfi-ifi-saldris'thatirsrfun" ' “ gjinnea-b'ero'frtfiru■House Foreign A'f/aira Com!:ommilt^ last neighbor, to permit such bases to De A leader of the Nicaraguajan Demo- ding and polllitlllcal support foj;_theJn-_ ' Monday, the televisionon audience onty briefly InclIncluded'Presl- cratic Force, speaking _pj>riVJUeIy_surgency cann jsurvive the uproar in 'dent R eagan.’‘The preresident, whUe he was dressii!ssing, watched TEGUCIGALPA, Hondijnduras — As .set up there. said U.S. and insurgent plani controversy rages in1 'Washington “Now It’s's iput up or shut up time," iM callfor Washington overov. contacts with Iran - -a (ew minutes of ShulbJlz and then came to a staffaff meeting."i a over their fundfnc, the,e IU .S.-backed, said one dip!liplomat monitoring the in- an increasing tempo of infilti and secret fundinding. ‘ - White House official sailaid. "H e didn’t go back lo thehe tuti b e ." Nicaraguan rebels areire preparing surgenls, the first four months of 19£1987 and a ': ,ft^,ilde»*llave descrlcrlbed 11, R eagan h a s dl6lan<itanced himself significant level of comimbat by The openmgng lest of this assump- ' ^m ost to the point of)f disinterest m m the mostoat threatening h e re for w hat Hondonduran and With (hce Ifirst expenditures from • tlon is likely t diplomatic offlclals callcal a last- $ioo million,)n,in IreSh aid, the Unlled m idyear. Y to come in February, _crlfll8 of; his presidenlmcy. He reinforced this Im pression In chance attempt to breallcalhe m om en- S tales hasI b(begun to assemble planes .• “ You will 8ee*8ome IlglIghting by when Congressess must approve a se- midweek .,when bc quiluipped to reporters thati hishi television. April, and then big actionsc) oy July, cond dlsbursenlem ent w orth $40 million vifiwiDg of the hearingngs was limited to times "w hen 1 M Q’t; . tum into their antl-Sandlndlnista guer- for a logisticsties’network, equip rebel "f from the 5100 n rllla w a r . units withtl !secure communications hepredlcled., 0 million in aid approved . ’tindatiallgahic.’' ' These plans were drawnI uup before *ast sum m er.'.
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