^ 7 6H&7/ JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH VOLUME XXVII JANUARY S-MARCH 29, 1924 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE WITH THE COOPERATION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LAND-GRANT COLLEGES WASHINGTON, D. C. JOMALOFAGRICDITÍIAIRESEMCH VOL. XXVII WASHINGTON, D. C, JANUARY S-MARCH 29,1924 No. 13 CONTENTS Page Physiological Studies on Apples in Storage. J. R. MAGNESS and H. C. DIEHI, (15 text figures) i A Study of the Effects of Pumpkin Seeds on the Growth of Rats. BENJAMIN MASUROVSKY (2 text figures) 39 The Argus Tortoise Beetle. F. H. CHITTENDEN (4 text figures; 1 plate) 43 Seed-Color Inheritance in Certain Grain-Sorghum Crosses. JOHN B. SIEGUNGER . 53 The European Com Borer, Pyrausta nubilalis Hbn., versus the Com Earworm, Heliothts obsoleta Fab. GEORGE W. BARBER (I plate) 65 Anchorage and Extent of Com Root Systems. JAMES R. HOLBERT and BEN- JAMIN KoEHivER (1 text figure; 5 plates) 71 Adjusting Yields to Their Regression on a Moving Average, as a Means of Cor- recting for Soil Heterogeneity. FREDERICK D. RICKEY (2 text figures) 79 Soybean Mosaic; Seed Transmission and Effect on Yield. JAMES B. KENDRICK and MAX W. GARDNER 91 Insecticidal Effect of Cold Storage on Bean Weevils. A. O. LARSON and PEREZ * SIMMONS 99 The Effect of Rust Infection upon the Water Requirement of Wheat. FREE- MAN WEISS 107 Photoperiodism in Relation to Hydrogen-Ion Concentration of the Cell Sap and the Carbohydrate Content of the Plant. W. W. GARNER, C. W. BACON, and H. A. AIXARD (10 text figures; 2 plates) 119 On the Anatomy of the Sweet Potato Root, with Notes on Internal Breakdown ERNST ARTSCHWAGER (6 text figures; 4 plates) 157 The Influence of Low Temperatures and of Disinfectants on the Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides. ELOISE B. CRAM 167 The Black-Bundle Disease of Com. CHARLES S. REDDY and JAMES R. HOLBERT (4 text figures; 6 plates) 177 Changes in Hydrogen-Ion Ccmcentration Produced by Growing Seedlings in Acid Solutions. JEHIEL DAVIDSON and EDGAR T. WHERRY 207 The Nutritive Properties of Wild Rice. CORNEUA KENNEDY (2 text figures).. 219 A Bacterial Blight of Gladioli. LUCIA MCCUIXOCH (2 plates) 225 The Blooming of Wheat Flowers. C. E. LEIGHTY and W. J. SANDO (2 text figures) 231 The Effect of Sodium Hydroxid on the Composition, Digestibility, and Feeding Value of Grain Hulls and Other Fibrous Material. J. G. ARCHIBALD 245 Tissue Fluids of Egyptian and Upland Cottons and Their F! Hybrid. J. ARTHUR HARRIS, ZONJA WALLEN LAWRENCE, W. F. HOFFMAN, JOHN V. LAWRENCE, and A. T. VALENTINE (I text figure; 1 plate) 267 Selective Fertilization in Cotton. THOMAS H. KEARNEY and GEORGE J. HARRISON 329 The Effect of Fertilizers on the Development of Stem Rust of Wheat. E. C. STAKMAN and O. S. AAMODT (4 text figures; 3 plates) 341 Morphological and Physiological Studies on the Resistance of Wheat to Puccinia graminis tritici Erikss. and Henn. C. R. HURSH (I text figure; 2 plates) 381 The Function of Grit in the Gizzard of the Fowl. B. F. KAUPP (I plate) 413 The Association of Manganese with Vitamins. J. S. MCHARGUE (I plate) 417 Experiments with Flag Smut of Wheat and the Causal Fungus, Urocystis tritici Kcke. MARION A. GRIFFITHS (I text figure; 3 plates) 425 Studies on the Parasitism of Urocystis tritici Koern., the Organism Causing Flag Smut of Wheat. ROBERT J. NOBLE (2 text figures; 3 plates) 451 Inheritance of Petal Spot in Pima Cotton. THOMAS H. KEARNEY (I plate)... 491 The Migration of the Aphididae and the Appearance of the Sexual Forms as Affected by the Relative Length of Daily Light Exposure. S. MARCOVITCH. 513 Breeding, Feeding, and Other Life Habits of Meadow Mice (Microtus). VERNON BAILEY (3 plates) 523 (HI) IV Journal of Agricultural Research voixxvn Page Inheritance of the Crinkly, Ramose, and Brachytic Characters of Maize in Hybrids with Teosinte. J. H. KEMPTON (106 text figures; 8 plates)........ 537 The Utilization of I/actose by the Chicken. T. S. HAMILTON and I,. E. CARD. 597 The Occurrence of Lactase in the Alimentary Tract of the Chicken. T. S. HAMILTON and H. H. MITCHELL 605 The Life History of the Grape Rootrot Fungus Roesleria hypogaéh Thüm. et Pass. ANGIE M. BECKWITH (I plate) 609 The Movement of Water in Irrigated Soils. CARL S. SCOFIELD (13 text figures; 2 plates) .- f.. 617 An Apple Stem-Tumor not Crowngall. NELLIE A. BROWN (3 plates) , 695 Morphological Characters of Alternaria malt Roberts. JOHN W. ROBERTS (I text figure; 2 plates) , 699 Natural Antisheep Amboceptor and Complement in the Blood of Fowls, F. R. BEAUDETTEand L. D. BUSHNELL. 709 Effect of Nitrate Applications upon the Hydrocyanic-Acid Content of Sorghum. R. M. PINCKNEY. > 717 The Course of Acidity Changes during the Growth Period of Wheat with Special Reference to Stem-Rust Resistance. ANNIE MAY HJTRD (5 text figures) 725 Cytological Studies of Diploid and Polyploid Forms in Raspberries. ALBERT E. LONGLEY and GEORGE M. DARROW (3 plates) 737 Aecidiospore Discharge as Related to the Character of the Spore Wall. B. O. DODGE (3 text figures) 749 Hastening the Coloration of Lemons. F. E. DENNY (3 text figures) 757 Nocturnal Production of Conidia by Sclerospora graminicola. WILLIAM H. 1 P WESTON, JR. (I text figure; 2 plates) 77 Daily Variation of the Carbohydrates in the Leaves of Com and the Sorghums. EDWIN C. MILLER (6 text figures) 785 Studies on the Potato Tuber. ERNST ARTSCHWAGER (8 text figures; 10 plates) • 809 Occturence of the Currant Cane Blight Fungus on Other Hosts. NEIL E. STEVENS and ANNA E. JENKINS (I text figure; 2 plates) .. 837 Elemental Composition of the Com Plant. W. L. LATSHAW and E. C. MILLER (1 text figure; 1 plate) 845 Wheat Scab and Com Rootrot Caused by Gibberella saubinetii in Relation to Crop Successions. BENJAMIN KOEHLER, JAMES G. DICKSON, and JAMES R. HOLBERT (3 text figures; 2 plates) 861 Measurement of Linkage Values. G. N. COLLINS 881 The Osmotic Concentration, Specific Electrical Conductivity, and Chlorid Con- tent of the Tissue Fluids of the Indicator Plants of Tooele Valley, Utah. J. ARTHUR HARRIS, R. A. GORTNER, W. F. HOFFMAN, J. V. LAWRENCE, and A. T. VALENTINE 893 Investigations on the Nematode Disease of Cereals Caused by Tylenchm tritici. R. W. LEUKEL (2 text figures; 5 plates) 925 Com Rootrot Studies. THOMAS F. MANNS and CLAUDE E. PHILLIPS (4 plates).. 957 Jan. s-Mar. 29, 1924 Errata ERRATA AND AUTHORS' EMENDATIONS Page 57, Table II, column 5, line 4, should read "BBSs" instead of "BBsS." Page 59, line 13 from bottom, should read "produced in 1921 were" instead of produced in 1921 ere." Page 90, table, heading of first box should read "r»" instead of "r«." Page 98, line 2, should read "mosaic" instead of "mosiac." Page 159, line 1, should read "and fig. 2." instead of "and fig. 3." Page 159, next to last line, should read "(fig. 2)" instead of "(fig. 3).". Page 160, line 29, should read "(fig. 3)" instead of "(Fig. 6)." Page 170, last line should read "in 0.5 per cent hydrochloric acid" instead of "n 0.5 per cent hyrochloric iadd." Page 2x6, line 25, should read "(5)" instead of "(4)". Page 227, ftn. 4, last line, should read "v. 33, N©. 1, p. 20" instead of "v. 33, p. 20." Pages 24^-265, running head should read * DigesHbüüy of Treated Grain Hulls" instead of "Digestibility of Tested Grain Hulls.'* Page 246, line 6 from bottom, should read "aging" instead of "ageing." Line 8 from bottom should read "adsorption" instead of "absorption." I^ine 9 from bottom should read "adsorbable" instead of "absorb- able." Line 10 from bottom should read "adsorbed" instead of "absorbed." Page 247, line 9, should read "C 40 H 44 015" instead of "C40 H 44015 Page 255, Table II, head, should read "Water-soluble acidity" instead of "water-soluaWe acidity." In Plate 2, facing page 41z, figures E and P should be interchanged. Page 428, line 7 from bottom, should be "In seven of these" instead of "In eight of these." Page 437, lines 17-18, should read "within 2 degrees" instead of "within narrow limits." Page 442, line 19, should read "each variety" instead of "each veriety." Page 448, line 3, should read "China, India, South Africa," instead of "China, South Africa." Page 451, ftn.j, last line, should read "notes in the summer of 1922" instead of "in June, 1922." Page 504, line 40, should read "conclusive" instead of "dondusive." Line 41-42 should read "differentia- tion" instead of "differentation." Plate 8, facing page 596, legend, line 1, should read "brachytic maize X teosinte, natural size/' instead •of "brachytic maize X teosinte." Page 718, line 90, should read "(nitrogen 0.046 per cent) "instead of "nitrogen 0.068 per cent." Line 35 should read "and treble superphosphate" instead of "and superphosphate." Page 755, last line, last word, should read "structures" instead of "structurer." Next to last line, last "word, should read "or "instead of "os." Page 768, line 33. should read " Bureau of Chemistry" instead of " Bureau of Plant Industry." Page 815. line 27, should read "Figure 2" instead of "Figure 6." Page 837, bottom, should read "Key No. 375" instead of "Key No. 376." Page 843, line 9, should read "single pycnospore" instead of "single asoospore." Vol. XXVII MARCH 29, 1924 No. 13 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CONTENTS AND INDEX OF VOLUME XXVII PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE WITH THE COOPERATION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LAND-GRANT COLLEGES WASHINGTON, D. C. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1925 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND THE ASSOCIATION OF LAND-GRANT COLLEGES FOR THE DEPARTMENT FOR THE ASSOCIATION K.
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