reasoning, his easily understood tables, his simple, plain style, the author says. The wealth of contributions to our knowl- make it clear why the Hufeland society awarded to this work edge or of theories and new points of view in physiology the Alvarenga prize. demand of an author of such a work as the present one, wide of what is said and done and discrimination The Practice of Medicine By James Tyson. M.D., Professor of knowledge being Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania and Physician to the in the selection and presentation of the matter. This require- Hospital of the University. Cloth. Pp. 1412, with illustrations. ment is well fulfilled in this book. Former statements have Fifth Edition. Price, $5.50 net. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1909. been corrected and modified in accordance with present This book has been carefully revised and much new matter accepted views, new material added, and new theories men- added, including the prophylaxis and treatment of typhoid, tioned where they seemed to be reasonable and important. the Flexner-Jobling serum in meningitis, the Wassermann All the statements are made in a clear and forcible manner reaction in syphilis and the parasyphilitic diseases, the serum and the book is a highly satisfactory presentation of the treatment of hyperthyroidism, treatment by the bacterial subject for the medical student and physician for whom it is vaccines and the employment of the opsonic index, the intended. etc. is treated The Cammidge reaction, Pellagra briefly. Bibliography of Trypanosomiasis. Embracing original Papers on is and up to published prior to April. 1909, and References to Works and Papers chapter parasites sufficiently complete Glossina Rob.-Desv. date and an of Necator americanus and on Tsetse-Flies, especially palpalis, Compiled includes account by G. A. Thimm, Librarian, Sleeping-Sickness Bureau. Paper. Pp. hookworm disease. All these things, which are compara- 288. Price, 4 shillings net. London : Sleeping-Sickness Bureau, Society, Burlington House, W., 1909. tively new, remind us again how rapidly medicine is advancing Royal and changing in its methods of detecting and overcoming dis- This is an alphabetical author-index of published works on the of and ease. At the same time, it is a source of satisfaction to see sleeping-sickness, trypanosomiases man animals, and the tsetse 2,000 titles, and com- the confident statements as to the old-fashioned drugs in the fly, containing nearly the an almost list of treatment of disease in these days of serums and vaccines prising, compiler believes, complete references to on the first two from and antitoxins. The work contains over 1,400 pages. This is papers subjects published 1803 to March 31, 1909. Besides indexed under the a big book, but as a text-book on the practice of medicine is being names of the are under the names of a sort of department-store of medical knowledge we believe authors, papers given in which A now in that it should have included a few pages at least on the journals they appeared. subject-index, course of will be forwarded to subscribers to the technic of physical exploration, such as the determination of preparation, blood-pressure, pulse tracing, etc., which the author in his present work. References to the literature of the subject sub- to are contained in No. 6 and preface says were omitted as belonging to works on diagnosis. sequent March, 1909, succeeding numbers of the Bureau Bulletin. It be Inasmuch as laboratory methods are discussed in the diag¬ Sleeping-Sickness may nosis of typhoid fever, tuberculosis and stomach and blood worth while to note that the director of the bureau desires to of for notice in the Bul- diseases, some information on these other matters would have receive early copies authors' papers been helpful and added to the value without much increasing letin. The bibliographic work appears to be very well done, the size of the book. The book contains a number of charts and the pamphlet should be useful to those who desire to the literature of and related and new illustrations, and remains one of the standard works study trypanosomiasis subjects. on practice. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten Herausgegeben von Dr Hans Curschmann, dirigierendem Arzt der inneren Abteilung des Girl and Woman. By Caroline Wormeley Latimer, M.D., M.A., St. Rochus-Hospitals in Mainz. Cloth. Pp. 977, mit 289 in den Formerly Instructor in Biology, Woman's College of Baltimore. Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Price, 24 marks. Berlin : Verlag With an introduction by Howard A. Kelly, M.D., Professor of Gyne- von Julius Springer, 1909. cological Surgery, Johns Hopkins University. Cloth. Pp. 318. This book is of twelve devoted Price, $2. New York: D. Appleton & C., 1910. made up divisions, each to a discussion of a certain class of the various diseases of the This book is made up chiefly of sane, practical advice concern- ing the regulation of the life of a normal girl. The author states nervous system. Each part is written by a different author, and the the various are that psychologic research has made it plain that no period in ability and knowledge of authors a woman's life is so important as the transition years of sufficient recommendations for the book. The subject-matter development from childhood into womanhood. As this period is put very concisely, making it a work of value to the student as a reference book and to the of transition is a slow one, occupying several years, she believes general practitioner that the principles instilled into the mind of the growing girl who is desirous of obtaining the important recent advances on the of nervous without to consult at this time are of paramount importance. The book com- subject diseases, having mences with a discussion of the physical and mental changes works intended for the specialist. Special mention may be occurring at puberty, some of which (or, at least, their fre- made of the addition of a new chapter without which no text- quency) the author seems to exaggerate. The moral dis- book on nervous diseases will be complete in the future, turbances of this period also are unduly emphasized; com- namely, that on the operative therapy of nervous diseases. This deals with paratively few normal girls\p=m-\thatis to say, girls who are in chapter the topography of the cranium and its good health otherwise and who have been properly brought contents, the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves. The up\p=m-\contractunauthorized debts, swear, become untruthful, technic for the various operations on the brain and cord is etc., even temporarily, at puberty. The chapter on menstrua- well illustrated. tion is practical and contains good advice; but in a book Lehrbuch der Ern\l=a"\hrungund der Stoffwechselkrankheiten intended for the laity it seems unwise to advise bromid of F\l=u"\rAerzte und Studierende. Von Professor Dr. F. Umber, Aerztlichem Direktor am St\l=a"\dtischenKrankenhause in for as "almost the which Altona. potassium dysmenorrhea only thing Paper. Pp. 394, with illustrations. Price, 12.50 marks. Berlin : can be safely used without a doctor's advice." It should Urban & Schwarzenberg. 1909. never be forgotten, moreover, that puberty is a physiologic This work is much more compact than that of von Noorden, period of transition and menstruation a physiologic process, less concerned with abstruse and theoretical chemical and and that the majority of normal girls pass through both metabolic problems, and hence, perhaps better suited to the with little discomfort. The advice regarding personal needs of the general physician who is looking rather to the prac- hygiene is good. The home treatment given for minor ail¬ tical than to the ultra scientific side of the questions involved ments is simple and can be carried out under any circum¬ in this disease. The values of the different foodstuffs are con- stances. sidered and different methods of feeding, as by enemata, the subcutaneous route, the forced the stomach, etc., A Text-Book of Physiology By William H. Howell, Ph.D., feeding by M.D., LL.D., Professor of Physiology in the Johns Hopkins Uni- are discussed. Obesity, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insip- Third Edition. Cloth. versity. Baltimore. Pp. 998. with illus- idus, and calculi are handled in a trations. Price, $4.00 net. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1909. gout, urinary satisfactory, Chemical and methods of of though not extended manner. Good plates help in the under- physical investigation physio- of and the of diabetes. logic processes and phenomena as they become more and more standing gout pancreatic pathology perefected, are constantly replacing or old ideas Manual of the Diseases of the Eye. Japanese Translation modifying of Sixth Edition. Chief of and of vital and or By Charles H. May, M.D., Clinic processes suggesting, confirming correcting Instructor in Ophthalmology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, new theories and observations. The field of investigation in Medical Department. Cloth. physiology seems unlimited and there is still abundant oppor- We are in receipt of the Japanese translation of Dr. May's tunity for attaining results of the greatest importance, as "Manual of Diseases of the Eye." The Journal commented Downloaded From: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/ by a Karolinska Institutet University Library User on 05/25/2015 on the original edition of this book when it appeared in English and, therefore, we are relieved of giving an analytical Society Proceedings review of this translation. Curiosity, however, prompted the study of the first page to try to gain an idea of the title of COMING MEETING the book in but a while it became Japanese, after evident that Medical Society of the Missouri Valley, Omaha, March 17-18.
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