fart .'90' focuses on TheFranklin NEWS RECORD The Ft«nklm News Record IUSPS 573 BOO) 'The Princeton Packet Inc. 1990 All Rights Reserved Second cliw postage paid •I M.nvilW N J 0M35 Thursday, February 22, 1990 Vol. 35, No. 8 50? Whose party is it? Franklin engineer Local GOP may want a change wins Lotto millions By Michael Peck FOLK...The St. Matthias Folk By Michael Peck Staff Writer Oroup celebrate^ its 20th an- Staff Writer Will success spoil Manuel Yulo? He says no — not even for $4.7 niversary with a special per- Will Franklin's next freeholder — million. formanceftidajri Feb. 23, 8 or local GOP chief — come from Mr. Yulo, a chemical engineer with the Somerset-based William p.m. at St. Matthias Church, East Millstone? Zinsser & Co., Inc., won the Pick-6 Lotto drawing Feb. 12 — a located on JFK Boulevard. The jackpot that will pay him, after taxes, $189,000 a year for the next community is invited. Some Franklin Republicans say Mayor Robert Mettler is the ideal 20 years. GOP candidate for freeholder, and "I was stunned. I said, 'Oh my God, I'm a winner,'" said Mr. for chairman of the Franklin Town- Yulo. CATS..,the Franklin Township ship Republican Party. In particular, The winning numbers were 5-9-18-27-35-36, on a ticket the Department of Health en- they say he is a better choice than 45-year-old Piscataway resident purchased at a South Bound Brook courage* indents to immunize incumbent Freeholder Michael Pap- liquor store. their cafostgaiM* rabies at a free pas, who now serves as the GOP's clinic Saturday, Fe*. 24. be- In what is bound to gall avid lottery players who never seem to municipal chairman and who is ex- win, Mr. Yulo described himself as "not really a regular player," tween 1 and 4 p.m. in the pected to seek re-election this year. Municipal Building. Health Of- who just happened to buy $ 10 in Lotto tickets that day. Some of the "He (Mettler) knows the county, ficer Walter Galanowsky said numbers he chose himself, while others were randomly chosen by cats, even if they are normally and he's twice as capable (as Pap- the lottery machine. A random ticket was the winner. pas)," said Republican Councilman kept indoors, should get a rabies Mr. Yulo said he had already won two previous lottery prizes, Joseph Martino, a bitter opponent of shot. including a $2,600 jackpot four years ago, and a $250 bonus drawing Mr. Pappas. in Atlantic City. However, Mr. Mettler said he Michael Pappas Robert Mettler doesn't want to run this year but While he will use his winnings to buy some of the finer things in ELECT;..Candidate* for the would consider it in 1991. Mr. Mettler said he was contacted But Mr. Mettler emphasized he did life, Mr. Yulo, who immigrated from the Phillipines in 1973, said he school board must file petitions "It's something that may be nice at by a number of people from outside not want to run this year, because it will save most of the money for his wife, Flora, and sons, Peter, 8, with the board secretary by 4 some time, but I'm not sure this Franklin, who discussed with him the would be construed as a challenge to and Philip, 6. p.m. Match 1. School elections would be a good year," said Mr. possibility of an election bid. Mr. Pappas. "I'm going to spend some of it for things I've dreamed of," he wUl be April 24. Three seats are Mettler, a 13-year Republican coun- "They said I would be a great "If I were to run this year, it would said, "but I'll save more for my family." open on the Board of Education cilman. candidate," he said. See GOP, Page 8A this year. Call 873-2400 for details. Zoners COUNCIL...The Township Dance Council will hold a public meet- ing tonight, Thursday at 8 p.m. hi me njimfefpal budding, The deny meeting is a'continuation, of a Espana fact-finding invettigarkm into a Republican fundraising cam- paign. conning Pepsi By Michael Peck Staff Writer to town Pepsi got the cold shoulder Feb. 15 Jam when the Franklin Township Zoning *£ m 24, 9 "Dance Espana" is coming to Board of Adjustment denied an ap- tt.-2a.rn. at i« head. the Franklin Villagers Barn plication for a mammoth bottling 429 Lewis St. Some- Theater March 10. The American plant near Randolph and Schoolhouse iteo {S,$8, For more Spanish Dance Theater is planning roads. call 846-88W. two performances, at I and 3 Citing traffic and zoning concerns, p.m., featuring Flamenco Dance, the board voted 5-2 to deny a use • * • the vibrant and exotic national variance allowing Pepsi to build a dance of Spain. ODYSSEY...Franklin Coun- 214,000-square-foot manufacturing Under the direction of Andrea plant on a 54-acre site in the town- jfa Wl B a Del Conte, "Dance Espana" un- prg p ay ship's Research-Office-Laboratory veils the rich traditions of the zone. eened Black Patent*, crowns Spanish culture. Accompanied by and fte Cultural Am Cop*, authentic flamenco music and "This application is in direct and mtekm of Sowb Bfunswkk native costumes, the dancers de- total conflict with our zoning," said caOad "Masteal Qddysaey," at monstrate the technique and ex- board member Albert Rega. 3 (km. Sunday, Feb. 25, at citement of this special dance The debate between Pepsi and the Soufli Brunswick High School. form. board centered over the question of MrTWaUKr wil! take partici- The program is the last in the whether the application constituted a pants on a Musical excunkm KidsVill Series of Performing Arts rezoning of the township's northern that begins in Africa and for Young Audiences. African and ROL zone, which permits office and jKOjpCMM u&fOUgD JltfllttfDttft Latin musical performances were agricultural uses, but not industrial penooa TO men praieni oay held last month. Tickets arc $6 for sites. America. For more WormatJoo, adults and $5 for children under In its final arguments, Pepsi said caflOrace Plater at 297-9131. 16. that because of a glut of office space To reserve tickets, or for further and poor location, the land is information, call the theater at economically unfeasible for the office MBI...MacAfee Row) School 873-2710. Performances will be uses permitted there, and therefore FTOb having Its Art Pair Tuo.- held in the newly-completed Zaidi the company should be allowed to hb. 27, 7 p.m. fa me Theater inside the Franklin Vil- develop the site as a manufacturing s muhi-purpoM room, lagers Barn Theater, located in the center. and students arc invited. Municipal Complex, 475 DeMott "There is no clearer showing that Lane. The theater is handicapped this zone is inappropiate for this accessible and free parking is particular site," said Pepsi attorney available on site. Thomas Farino, who added there has !,&»»....Franklin Public Tickets are also available for the been no development in the ROL ^ * Department of PupU upcoming Villagers' production of zone since its inception in 1984. Mr. "The Pirates of Penzancc," a Farino pointed out the township's . Gilbert and Sullivan musical. Andrea. D«t Conte zoning committee is currently con- See PEPSI, Page 8A Commissioners elected J. Leonard Vliet is dead at 78 tow tot* i. tne uv Voters OK fire budgets J. Ixonard Vllct, a lifelong family was among the earliest of b thk dla- resident of the township and coun- the Dutch settlers in Franklin >dataUt,calUc* in all township districts cilman for a decade, died Feb. 14 Townthip. Vliet Road stands as a iatg7W)100. at Robert Wood University Hospi- monument to the family, whose By Michael Peck tal, New Brunswick. He was 78. farm bordered Bunker Hill and Stall Writer Mr. Vliet represented the First Vltet roads. Ward, which it the time Included Mr. Vliet was t licensed pilot Voters approved the fire budgets in all four of Franklin's fire districts Franklin Park, Griggituwn and and instructor, and operated his Saturday, despite some sizeable increases in two budgets. Three of the own plane out of North Brunswick four districts reported record voter turnouts. Kingston, from 1959 to 1969, md was the owner of Vllet's Farm for airport, which no longer exists. But in a surprising setback for Fire District 3, which includes Mast During World War II, he was a Franklin and Community fire companies, voters defeated by 23 to 17 a more than 50 yean, before retiring second lieutenant In the Civil Air proposal to buy a $283,000 truck for Community. in 1977. He graduated from the Rutgers School of Agriculture. Patrol. "I have no idea why," said a surprised George Wade, « District 3 Surviving are his wife, Edith M. commissioner. Voters did approve the district's $625,(XX) budget, and Mr. Vliet was a volunteer fire- Frank Vliet; t brother, Marvin of re-elected incumbent (Ire commissioners Bernard Greene and Mr. Wade man with the Otiggttown Fire to three-year terms. Company, and was a deacon nnd Quilcene, Wash.; i sister, Marion Doran of Storrs, Conn.; and many A unusually close vote occurred in District 1, which includes the elder of Si* Mile Run Reformed Elizabeth Avenue, Middtebush, Millstone Valley and Somerset Fire Church in Franklin Park. nieces and nephews. Mr. Vllct was remembered Services were Saturday, Feb. companies. The $1.2 million budget, which jumped 31 percent over last J. Leonard Viet year, was approved 247-139.
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