Bibliography of the Works of Muna Lee Poetry “I–VII” [“I thought love would come gloriously”]. Others 2 (May-June 1916): 224–25. “Acacia Island.” New Yorker 6 (March 15, 1930): 20. “Addendum.” Smart Set 54 (January 1918): 124. “Afternoon Ramble.” Carillon 4 (January 1933): 3. “After Reading in the Spanish Mystics.” America 33 (August 8, 1925): 404. “Albatross.” New Yorker 6 (April 12, 1930): 27. “Alcatraz.” Poetry 45 (November 1934): 80–81. “Apology.” Saturday Review of Literature 1 (December 20, 1924): 393. “Arcady.” Smart Set 48 (April 1916): 1. “As Helen Once.” Current Opinion 75 (July 1923): 95. “Assignation.” Carillon 5 (October 1933): 2. “Atavian.” New Yorker 7 (August 22, 1931): 18. “Bereavement.” Smart Set 48 (February 1916): 82. “Blindman.” North American Review 222 (December 1925): 284. “Blue-Eyed Grass.” Everybody’s Magazine 42 (May 1920): 121. “But Still—.” Smart Set 51 (February 1917): 257. “By the Caribbean One Remembers the Prairie.” University of Oklahoma Magazine 18 (November 1929): 2. “The Cabbage Field.” Smart Set 54 (March 1918): 62. “Carib Fantasy.” New Yorker 6 (December 27, 1930): 41. “Carib Garden.” New Yorker 9 (January 13, 1934): 70. “Carib Summer” [“Garden Episode”; “Song before Outcry”; “Protest against Security”; “Epithalamium”; “Ballad”]. Poetry 41 (October 1932): 19–22. “Caribbean Marsh.” New Yorker 8 (January 7, 1933): 25. “Caribbean Noon.” New Yorker 10 (October 20, 1934): 98. “Champion.” American Mercury 29 (May 1933): 98. “Choice.” Liberator 3 (October 1920): 33. “Christmas Eve.” New Yorker 8 (December 24, 1932): 35. “Concerning All the Poets of All the World.” Smart Set 53 (September 1917): 35. “Deliverance.” American Mercury 29 (May 1933): 98. “Deserted Orchard.” New Yorker 9 (April 29, 1933): 49. “Dialogue.” American Mercury 15 (September 1928): 20. “Dies Irae.” New York Herald Tribune Books (May 5, 1929): 6. “Division.” America 39 (August 4, 1928): 399. “Don Henry.” New Republic 65 (January 7, 1931): 65. “Explanation.” New Yorker 7 (July 4, 1931): 20. “The Fall of the Year.” Smart Set 56 (October 1918): 165. “The Flame-Trees.” Measure 16 (June 1922): 7. “Flight.” America 41 (May 11, 1929): 111. “Footnotes” [I–IX] Poetry 7 (January 1916): 175–78. “Frankly Prose.” Smart Set 56 (November 1918): 268. “From a Book of Phrases” [“November”; Memory”; “Dreams”]. Smart Set 53 (December 1917): 85. “Genesis.” Smart Set 52 (June 1917): 36. “Gifts.” Current Opinion 75 (July 1923): 95. “Go Out across the Hills.” Smart Set 51 (February 1917): 308. “Hill of Thistles.” Southwest Review 10 (January 1925): 56. “Indian Pipe.” New York Herald Tribune Books (January 6, 1929): 4. “Islander.” New Yorker 9 (July 8, 1933): 12. “It Is Only Then.” Smart Set 51 (April 1917): 162. “I Who Had Sought God” [“Yo que tan ciegamente,” tr. Salomón de la Selva]. Pan-American Magazine 27 (July 1918): 154. “Keen in Cold Weather.” Commonweal 21 (December 14, 1934): 195. “Last Word.” America 39 (June 23, 1928): 259. “Life of Itself.” Current Opinion 73 (October 1922): 528. “Like a Tale of Old Romance.” Smart Set 49 (August 1916): 111. “Locust Grove.” Southwest Review 10 (January 1925): 56. “Love Song.” Smart Set 54 (April 1918): 88. “Lyric to the Sun.” Commonweal 22 (May 31, 1935): 118. “Mistress Mary.” Carillon 5 (October 1933): 3. “Mushroom Town” [“The Drug-Store”; “Electors”; “August”; “Murderers”; “The Carnival”; “Mrs. Hastings”; “Methodist Revival”; “Prairie Sky”], American Mercury 1 (April 1924): 459–62. “Night of San Juan.” New Yorker 7 (September 5, 1931): 20. “Of Writing Verse.” Literary Digest 85 (April 11, 1925): 34. “An Old Grief.” Smart Set 52 (July 1917): 128. “An Old Story.” America 39 (April 28, 1928): 63. “On Bayou Chicot.” Delineator 97 (October 1920): 95. “On Discovering Land.” American Mercury 15 (September 1928): 20. “The Perfect Song.” Smart Set 50 (October 1916): 35. “Planet.” Commonweal 10 (September 11, 1929): 479. “Porto Rican Hacienda.” Commonweal 12 (June 11, 1930): 162. “Portrait.” North American Review 222 (December 1925): 284. “Prairie Lily.” Southwest Review 10 (January 1925): 56. “Protagonists.” Carillon 3 (Summer 1932): 19. “Puerto Rican Moonrise.” Commonweal 18 (May 26, 1933): 102. “Rich Port.” American Mercury 19 (January 1930): 108. “San Cristóbal.” Double Dealer 4 (July 1922): 24. “Security.” New Yorker 7 (January 16, 1932): 18. “Sentence.” Poetry 45 (November 1934): 80. “She Makes a Suggestion to Herself.” New Yorker 6 (September 20, 1930): 22. “Shout to Be Whispered.” Carillon 5 (October 1933): 3. “So Many Things.” Southwest Review 12 (October 1926): 11. “So Many Ways.” Poetry 22 (June 1923): 125. “A Song at Parting.” Smart Set 49 (May 1916): 252. “Song for a Harp.” Smart Set 51 (January 1917): 192. “Song of an Old Love.” Smart Set 54 (February 1918): 116. “Songs.” Poetry 22 (June 1923): 124. “Songs of Many Moods” [“A Song of Happiness”; “Mahhavis”; “Shadows”; “Wind-Blown”; “Compensation”], Poetry 10 (August 1917): 228–31. “Stalactite.” New Yorker 10 (June 23, 1934): 24. “The Stars Are Colored Blossoms.” Smart Set 50 (November 1916): 270. “These Are But Words.” Poetry 20 (August 1922): 235–41. “Tropic Dawn.” Poetry 35 (March 1930): 321. “The Tryst.” Smart Set 52 (May 1917): 363. “Twilight Song.” Smart Set 50 (December 1916): 32. “Two Love Songs” [“Out of my turbulent days”; “I had believed love vast and tragic”]. Smart Set 53 (October 1917): 78. “Unbroken Spell.” New York Herald Tribune Books (January 6, 1929): 4. “The Unforgotten.” Smart Set 48 (January 1916): 194. “The Unforgotten” [not same as above poem]. America 38 (February 18, 1928): 467. “The Vigil.” Smart Set 47 (October 1915): 45. “Villanelle.” America 39 (September 8, 1928): 518. “Villanelle of His Preferences.” Commonweal 7 (November 23, 1927): 714. “Visitant.” New Yorker 9 (March 18, 1933): 13. “Wayfarer.” New Yorker 7 (December 19, 1931): 18. “West Indian Plaque.” New Yorker 10 (September 29, 1934): 16. “When We Shall Be Dust” [“Cuando en el cementerio,” tr. Salomón de la Selva]. Pan-American Magazine 27 (July 1918): 154. “Why.” Current Opinion 73 (October 1922): 528. “You love [. .].” Others 3 (March 1916): 64–65. Verse Translation Abril, Xavier. “Dawn”; “Elegy to the Invented Woman.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin- American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 373, 377. Adán, Martín. “Nativity.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 477. Arévalo Martínez, Rafael. “Clean Clothes”; “Give Yourself Wholly.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 485–87. Arrieta, Rafael Alberto. “January Night . .” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 465. Bazil, Osvaldo. “Idyl.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 147. Bécquer, Gustavo. “Song.” In Hispanic Anthology, edited by Thomas Walsh. New York: Putnam’s, 1920: 500–01. Blanco, Antonio Nicolás. “Intimate Prayer.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 143–44. Blanco-Fombona, Rufino. “At Parting.” In Hispanic Anthology, edited by Thomas Walsh. New York: Putnam’s, 1920: 617–18. ———. “Escape”; “By the Sea.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 153–54. Bustamente y Ballivián, Enrique. “Telegraph Pole.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 125–27. Carrera Andrade, Jorge. “Ballot for Green”; “Movements of Nature”; “Clock.” Poetry 59 (February 1942): 256–57. ———. “Sierra”; “Sunday”; “Reaping the Barley”; “It Rained in the Night” “The Guest”; “Vocation of the Mirror”; “Stroke of One”; “Klare von Reuter”; “Second Life of My Mother.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 3–17. Cerna, Sandoval O. “Lover.” Golden Book 2 (November 1925): 621. Chocano, José Santos. “Horses of the Conquistadores.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 139–42. Darío, Rubén. “Litany for Our Lord Don Quixote.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 135–37. ———. “Philosophy”; “Unhappy He . .” In An Anthology of Spanish Poetry from Garcilaso to García Lorca, edited by Angel Flores. Garden City, Conn.: Anchor (Doubleday), 1961: 221–22. Díaz Mirón, Salvador. “The Dead Man.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 133. Dublé Urrutia, Diego. “[From] The Mines.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 121–22. Escudero, Gonzalo. “Overtones.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 131. Fernández Moreno, César. “On Certain Things.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 118. Fiallo, Fabio. “Full Moon.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 148. ———. “Nostalgia.” In Hispanic Anthology, edited by Thomas Walsh. New York: Putnam’s, 1920: 591–92. Florit, Eugenio. “On Someone's Death.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 31–33. “Folk-Songs of the Pampas.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 138. Franco, Luis. L. “Goat-Pen.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 183. Gómez Jaime, Alfredo. “Problem.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 127. González Martínez, Enrique. “The Owl and the Swan.” Bookman 49 (June 1919): 398. Hernández Miyares, Enrique. “The Most Fair.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 128. Herrera y Reissig, Julio. “Night”; “Interment”; “The Quarrel”; “Heraldic Decoration.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 149–51. Ibarbourou, Juana de. “Bond.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 151–52. Jaimes Freyre, Ricardo. “Aeternum Vale.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 119. Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sister. “To Her Portrait.” Bulletin of the Pan American Union 60 (September 1926): 890–91. Lloréns Torres, Luis. “Bolívar.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 146. López, Luis C. “Village Night.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 126–25. Lugones, Leopoldo. “Journey.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 118. Magallanes Moure, Manuel. “Table Talk.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 122. Mata, Andrés. “Soul and Landscape.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 154. Mistral, Gabriela. “Ecstasy.” Poetry 26 (June 1925): 120–21. ———. “The Little Girl That Lost a Finger.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts. New York: New Directions, 1942: 39. Moro, César. “Vision of Moth-Eaten Pianos Falling to Pieces”; “The Illustrated World.” In Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry, edited by Dudley Fitts.
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