®h e iSeto Hampshire PRICE — SEVEN CENTS V O L U M E N O . 47 IS S U E 16 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. DURHAM, N. H. — SEPTEMBER 26, 1957 New Sponsor Desperately Needed Tryouts For Mask And Dagger's For Annual Majoralty Campaign Fall Production, "Picnic," Tonight By Ray Messier Mayoralty will be held this year providing the student body wants it. Previously sponsored by Blue Key, it does not have a definite Tonight at 7 p.m. Mask and Dagger, the University’s Dramatic sponsor at the moment. Society, will hold final tryouts for its fall production, Picnic, in Mayoralty, an annual campus event, is a mock election of campus Room 3, downstairs in New Hampshire Hall. The cast and technical officials. Housing units sponsor candidates for the position of Mayor crews‘in charge of sets, lighting, sound properties, costumes, makeup, of Dur-ham, and stage a big — (and usually boisterous) — cam­ and publicity will be chosen from those students who attend tryouts. paign to win the position for their candidate. The mayor is elected Picnic is a colorful, entertaining and worthy play centering about by the entire student body on the basis ' the events of one summer when a man of his campaign promises, fraudulent or invades “a fortress of femininity”. It otherwise. The mayor has the honor of Shakespearean Play Name New Faculty was a Broadway success and a H olly­ being installed at a football game. wood hit as well as the choice for the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and winner of In The Past, . Members For 557 The Drama Critic Circle Award. The event has been sponsored previ­ First Feature Of University of New Hampshire has Playwright William Inge, who also ously by Blue Key. This organization is announced its new faculty and staff ap­ authored Come Back Little Sheba, wrote no longer in existence; last year the The Beanie Queen for the class of pointments for the 1957-58 academic in a recent issue of Theater A rts: group joined the Senior Skulls,'another The Blue And White ’61. The new royalty is Lois Stickney year. “I want my plays only to provide senior men’s honorary society, to become The Blue and White will start its from Concord. Lois, who lives in Saw­ the audience with an experience which Senior Key. The membership of the new annual series of cultural programs this yer Hall, was crowned at the Presi­ The list follows: they can enjoy (and people can en­ organization was cut about in half, and year with the Players Incorporated dent’s Reception last Saturday night. Patricia A. Ablett, Instructor in Phy­ joy themselves crying as much as the group decided to carry no commit­ presenting William Shakespeare’s “The She was elected by the Sophomore sical Education for Women. laughing) and which shocks them Taming of the Shrew.” This will ap­ Sphinx. ments of the two former groups. Wynne B. Bascom, Instructor in with the unexpected in human ma­ pear in New Hampshire Hall at 8 p.m. Senior Key had decided not to sponsor Economics and Business Administra­ ture, with the deep inner life that on Oct. 14. mayoralty this year because of the tion. exists privately behind the life that This well-known story of Petruchio’s smaller size of the group and the fact Wayne M. Beasley, Research Assist­ is publicly presented.” that each member of Senior Key would determination to mould a suitable wife Student Church ant Professor, Engineering Experiment Should Prove Popular need to devote more time to it, because out of the fiery Kate is one of the Station. The presentation of Picnic by Mask they feel that as a new organization they funniest and most frequently produced Freeman W. Bowley, Jr., Assistant and Dagger on November 14, 15 and 16 cannot successfully handle it so early of Shakespeare’s comedies. It has ser­ Announces Plans Professor of Air Science. should prove to be as popular with Dur­ in the semester, and because they will ved as a vehicle for some of the great­ Hugh G. Brown, Lt. Col., Professor ham audiences as have previous pro­ sponsor Close Harmony and possibly est stars in the theatre and was the Student Church Calendar of Military Science and Tactics. ductions all over the country. This play Stunt N ite; it is also felt that M ayor­ inspiration for the smash Broadway Lloyd W. Buhnan, Associate Prof­ • Student Church, now beginning its should not only provide an evening of alty demands too much of the students’ musical and subsequent film, “Kiss Me, essor of Languages. fourth year, holds services every Sunday provocative entertainment for the spec­ attention at a time when they should be K ate.” S. A n thony Caldwell, Instructor in tator, but will certainly challenge the laying groundwork for the semester. morning at 11 a.m. in Murkland Audi­ One of the finest touring attractions English. skills of the directors, the actors and the in the field today, Players Incorporated torium. Worship is under the leadership Ronald R. Clark, Instructor in Elec­ Tardition? of Rev. Robert M. Savidge, Minister to technical crews, particularly of the set­ has steadily grown and matured in trical Engineering. Senior Key assumed that Mayoralty is Students. Everyone is welcome at these ting and sound effects crews. All in all, a campus tradition, and thus should not the eight years of traveling that have Robert W. Corell, Instructor in Picnic will be valuable as an educational taken it from one end of the country services. Mechanical Engineering. be dropped at that: therefore they have Joyce Peterson serves as chairman of experience in theater arts and this is the to the other. James F. Cronin, Jr., Assistant Prof­ decided to ask some other campus or­ the Church Council which is made up reason d’entre of Mask and Dagger. This remarkable aggregation of essor of Economics and Business Ad­ ganization to sponsor it. The sophomore of eight students. It is their duty to de­ Mask and Dagger’s faculty advisors young actors has played for the De­ ministration. honorary society, the Sophomore Sphinx, cide the policy and carry out the business will reverse their usual roles for this fense Department six times: twice on Pauline F. Fifield, Mrs., House Dir­ production. Prof. Alec Finlayson will be have agreed to sponsor mayoralty on the of Student Church. the Korean Battlefield, three times in the play director while Professor Joseph condition that it is a campus tradition. During the course of the semester the ector. Europe, and one north of the Arctic Ezra C. Fitch, Assistant Reference Bateheller, “Batch,” will be the tech­ T o ascertain if it is a tradition, the following guest speakers will preach: Sphinx will send letters to each housing Circle. Librarian. nical director. unit, and if a reasonable number of Drama Department Oct. 13—Dr. Herbert Gezorls, Presi­ Albert D. Frost, Associate Professor Professor Finlayson is a graduate of housing units agree_ to sponsor candi­ The members of the company are dent of the Andover-Newton Theo­ of Electrical Engineering. the University of Richmond and Colum­ dates, Mayoralty will be held. Senior former students of the famous Speech logical School. Merritt A. Gibson, Instructor in Zoo- bia University. He is a member o f the Key feels that a tradition lives as long and Drama Department of the Catholic logy. English Department and Instructor in as there are people to perpetuate it. University of America of Washington, Oct. 27— Rev. Samuel Slie, Congrega­ Margery Graves, Mrs., House Dir­ Stagecraft (A rts 35). This past spring D . C. This school is noted for the tional Staff Representative, Student ector. he directed Dover’s Garrison Playhouse many Broadway hits which have ori­ Christian Movement of New Eng­ Anne Henderson, Assistant Profes­ production of Bell, Book, and Candle. ginated from its University Theatre. land. sor of Occupational Therapy, Depart­ Cast President Johnson T he C. U. Dram a D epartm ent is under ment of the Arts. The cast of eleven includes four male Nov. 10—Richard Gould, Student, Bos­ the direction of Father Gilbert V. Har- Robert E. Houston, Jr., Assistant parts, three of which are major roles, ton University School of Religion. tke, O. P. one of the most prominent Professor of Physics. and seven female parts, five of which Addresses Faculty figures in the American theatre today. Nov. 24— Rev. William Scar, Luther­ Jesse James, State Club Leader. are major roles. All students who are A state university cannot devote itself Under the able direction of Leo an Student Service in New England. Harold E. Kimball, Jr., Riding In­ sincerely interested in acting are urged to “education for the elite” President Brady, this performance will feature structor Department of Animal Hus­ to attend try-outs and read for these Dec. 15—Dr. Edward Eddy, Jr., Vice Eldon L. Johnson told the University the cleverly-executed sets and lighting bandry. parts. Mask and Dagger’s policy in cast­ President and Provost, UNH,. faculty at its opening convocation here of James D. Waring, and the stunning Arthur R: Koch, Instructor in the ing is to assign roles on the basis of last week. costumes of Joseph Lewis. The per­ Jan. 5— Rev. Carl Simon, Presbyter­ Arts. how closely a student in any class stand­ “It may turn away all youth who do formance coach is Dr. Joseph M. Cal- ian Staff Representative, Student John H. Kolega, Associate Professor ing approximates the physical descrip­ not give promise of successful pursuit of lan. Christian Movement of New Eng­ of Agricultural Engineering.
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