JUNE A Complete Radio Novel in This Issue - O-UR GAL SUNDAY I he Sift rv nf " C.rcud LA.......... -'"-'~ ____ I.JICILI~~ __-'L.&-I .--..r..___ ....... LI!L . ---=-a--- • Because poise and serenity .Jepen,) on comfort, you'll be grateful for the downy softness- and exIra comfort-of Modess Sanitary Napkins. • The reason for this extra comfort? It's simple. Modess has a filler as Sofi and airy as a cloud. We call it "flll/r" - and it's very diflel'ent from the filler founJ ill IIIOSt other napkins. • Thanks to this gentle, yielr:illg flu II'. there's nothing like Modess for comfort. It's so safe, too! Read why, in the pam­ phlet inside e\'ery Morless package. Bu y Modess at your fa­ vorite ~I ore. It £'Osts only 20c for a box of twelve napkins. Even if you never lead a Beauty Parade · · · YOU CAN WIN .. If your Smile is Right! Smiles gain. sparkle when gums brush-see your dentist immediately. He are firm and healthy. Help to may say your gums are only lazy-that keep your gums firmer with daily they need the work denied them by ro­ day's soft and creamy foods. And like Ipana and Massage. many dentists, he may suggest" the health­ --. OU CAN HAVE dates and dances­ ful stimulation of I pana and massage." Y admiration and romance. Charm For I pana Tooth Paste not only cleans counts as much as beauty. Even the your teeth bur, with massage, is specially plainest girl has an appealing charm if designed ro help your gums. Massage a she keeps her smile at its sparkling best. little extra Ipana onto your gums every Make your smile the real, attractive rime you clean your teeth. "A LOVELY SMILE IS YOUR MOST YOU. Bur remember, bright teeth and That special invigorating "tang IMPORTANT BEAUTY ASSET!" sparkling smiles depend largely upon means circulation is quickening in the say well-known heauty edito-rs of healthy gums. So help keep your gums gum tissue-helping gums to new firm­ 23 (}fit of 24 leading magazines firm and your smile more attractive with ness. Make your smile your most impor­ the aid of Ipana and m,assage. In a recent poll made among the beauty tant beauty asset with the help of Ipana editors of 24 leading magazines all but one If you ever see "pink" on your rooth and massage. Get a tube of Ipana today. of these beauty experts agreed that a lovely smile is a woman's most precious asset. They went on to say that "Even a plain girl has charm and personality if she keeps her smile bright, attractive and sparkling." IPANA TOOTH PASTE JUNE, 1941 1 JUNE, 1941 VOL. 16 No.2 ERNEST V. HEYN FRED. R. SAMMIS Executive Editor BELLE LANDESMAN, ASSISTANT EDITOR Editor CONTENTS ~~ You're Mine To Hold .................. .............. True Boardman 12 The love story Ginger Rogers brought to life on the air Our Gal Sunday . 14 Radio Mirror's complete novel of a favorite serial drama Little Genius . ... ... ... .. .. ....... .. .. .... ... ... .. ... ... 19 They loved her, but of the longing in her heart they knew nothing Heaven's For The Asking ... ... ............. .. .... Adele Whitely Fletcher 22 How Barry Wood won married happiness I Had to Have Beauty . .. 24 The confession of a plain woman married to a star Young Widder Brown .. .. ... ... ' . .. .. .. ... .... ... " . ' . .. 28 Nothing seemed real to Ellen but her love for Anthony Life Can Be Beautiful ...... .. ... .............. .. .............. " 31 Living portraits of people you love Huckleberry Duck .... ... ... .......... .... .. .. Raymond Scott 34 Words and music of a tune that's sweeping the country . Something New and Easy Too ............ .... .. ....... .. Kate Smith 36 Let's eat! Accent on Charm .. .. ... ....... .. .. .......... Judy Ashley 38 Myrna Loy's way to feminine loveliness Speak Up!. ............ .................. ......... Hope Hale 50 Tricks to help you overcome shyness The Darkest Moment in Her life .. , . .. 52 Lily Pons' handicap would be envied by most women Superman in Radio . 54 1941's most astounding hero in new adventures Woe Is Me . ........... , . ................ , . ........... .. Jean Paul King 65 A popular radio announcer defends his profession Something To Talk About . ..... ... .... ........... .. Fred R. Sammis 4 Facing The Music .......... ........... ............ .... .. Ken Alden 6 What's New From Coast to Coast ...... .... ............ ... Dan Senseney 8 What Do You Want To Say? ........ ' . .. .. .. .. II Inside Radio-The Radio Mirror Almanac ........... ............ .. " . , .. 43 Hats Off! ............... .. ........ ....... .......... Dr. Grace Gregory 78 • ON THE COVER-Ginger Rogers by Sol Wechsler RKO Radio Pic:tures star RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR, published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, INC., . Washington and South Avenues Dunellen, New Jersey. General Offices : 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Editorial and advertisin~ offices : Chanin Bullding, 122 East 42nd Street, New York. O. J . Elder, President; Haydock Miller, Secretary; Chas. H. Shattuck, Treasurer; Walter Hanlon, Advertising Director. Chlcago office, 221 North LaSalle St., C. H . Shattuck, Mgr. Pac.fic Coast Offices: San Francisco, 420 Market Street. Hollywood : 7751 Sunset Blvd., Lee Andrews, Manager. Entered as second· class matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Office at Dunellen, New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price per copy in Umted States and Canada 10c. Subscription price in United States and Possessions, Canada and Newfoundland $1.00 a year. In Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, srain and Possessions, and Central and South American countries, excepting British Honduras, British, Dutch and French Guiana, $1.50 a year; al other countries 52.50 a year. Whlle Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owner's ri sk, every effort w ill be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first·class J;>Ostage, and explicit name and address. Contr.butors a re especia lly advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are takmg unnecessary risk. Unaccepted letters for the " .What Do You Want to Say?" department ':"ill not be returned, and we will not be responsible for any losses of such ma.tter contributed. AI! subm.sslons · become the property of the magaZine. (Member of Macfadden Women's Group.) The contents of this magaZine may not be prmted, either wholly or in part, without permission. Copyright, 1941, by the Macfadden Publications, Inc. Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office. Printed in the U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J. 2 RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR • busy morning ...... Every e'liefY dancing night , , J \ -~_. guard your after-bath freshness with Mum! I A void underarm odor I Mum every day helps protect your charm, your lob, your popularity I OUR morning freshness-are you sure it MUM SAVES TIMEITakes only 30 seconds! Yisn't left in the car or bus on your hurried Just a pat under each arm . and you're way to the office? Your evening charm-are through! Can be used right after underarm you certain it hasn't wilted and faded even shaving, for Mum won't irritate the skin. before the music swings? Remember, per­ MUM SAVES CLOTHESI Mum has the Amer­ spiration can start just after you leave your ican Institute of Laundering Seal as being freshening rub-underarm od()t" can give the harmless to fabrics. lie to your charm before you are even hours MUM SAVES CHARMI Without attempting older. to stop perspiration, Mum prevents underarm Smart girls never trust in their bath alone. odor. With Mum, after-bath freshness lasts A bath, no matter how glorious, only takes all evening. Women everywhere use Mum care of past perspiration, but Mum prevents ... yes, and men, too. Get Mum today. the risk of underarm odor to come. Trust your FOR SANITARY NAPKINS. Mum is so sa/e, charm every day to smooth, creamy depend­ so gentle, so dePendable that thomands of wlmJen able Mum. Keep sure of daintiness! /luler it lor this important purpose, too. MUM takes the odor out of Perspiration JUNE, 1941 3 Radio's full of a number of thinqs, says the editor-and proceeds to tell you about some of them that don't come over your loud speaker UNING in on a short wavelength to: increase in salary and it may mean hearing your The sweetness of Helen O'Connell, Jimmy favorite programs like Ma Perkins six days a TDorsey's singer. week from now on. How's that instead of base­ The happiness of Arch Oboler because he has a ball? new house in California and time and money to Our brand new addition to the magazine. Have enjoy it. you read it yet? It's the complete radio novel The relief when Jack Benny signed again for presented for the first time in this issue. If you another year of broadcasting, after stories had like the romantic broadcast of Our Gal Sunday him quitting because he worried about his health. and Lord Henry (he always reminds me of David The news that Abbott and Costello are being Niven) you will enjoy this. story version of that added to the Charlie McCarthy program, though program. Charlie's still head man. Dorothy Lowell, who is Our Gal Sunday on the The added humor of the Maxwell House pro­ air and a charming young woman with a sense gram now that Frank Morgan is back. of humor. The improved delivery of newscaster Paul Sul­ Mental awards for pleasantness-Albert Spald­ li van. whose popularity rating has increased in ing on his Sunday afternoon Refreshing program; like' measure. for stimulating broadcast originals-the CBS Fred Allen's quips-more zestful than in several Workshop, a late Sunday evening half hour, bril­ broadcasting seasons. liantly done. Ezra Stone's perplexing question: Is the Army The twentieth floor of Columbia broadcasting­ going to take him out of the Aldrich Family? an amazing haven of peace and quiet, shut off from the turmoil, tumult and tension of the other Some guest stars on the Bob Hope program­ floors where vice presidents shout at assistant because his Crossley went down a point once? vice presidents and stars run in late for rehearsals, The high rating in listener popularity surveys publicity men in hot pursuit to glean a new item of the Uncle Walter's Doghouse program.
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