Second United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea Geneva, Switzerland 17 March – 26 April 1960 List of Delegations Extract from the Official Records of the Second United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (Summary Records of Plenary Meetings and of Meetings of the Committee of the Whole, Annexes and Final Act) Copyright © United Nations 2009 LIST OF DELEGATIONS Albania Mr. Heinz Laube, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Representatives: Affairs. H.E. Mr. Dhimitri Lamani, Envoy Extraordinary and Alternate Representative : Minister Plenipotentiary to France (Chairman of the Mr. Erich M. Schmid, Assistant Permanent Repre- Delegation); sentative to the European Office of the United Nations. Mr. Andrea Nathanaili, Head of Department, Ministry of Justice. Belgium Argentina Representatives : Representatives: H.E. Mr. Joseph Nisot, Ambassador Extraordinary H.E. Dr. Luis Maria de Pablo Pardo, Ambassador and Plenipotentiary; Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; Legal Adviser, Minis- European Office of the United Nations (Chairman of try of External Relations (Chairman of the Delegation); the Delegation); H.E. Dr. Mario Raul Pico, Envoy Extraordinary and Mr. Alfred van der Essen, Director, Ministry of Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to Foreign Affairs and External Trade; the European Office of the United Nations and inter- Mr. Charles Michielsen, Assistant Counsellor, Depart- national organizations; ment of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture; Lt. Commander Carlos A. Ledesma, Head of the Mr. Maurice Bourquin, Honorary Professor, Uni- Political Division, Secretariat of Marine. versity of Geneva; Alternate Representatives : Mr. Francis de la Barre d'Erquelinnes, Deputy Per- manent Representative to the European Office of the Dr. Julio C6sar Carasales, First Secretary, Permanent United Nations. Mission, European Office of the United Nations and international organizations; Bolivia Dr. Juan Carlos Beltramino, First Secretary, Legal Adviser, Ministry of External Relations; Representative : Dr. Ernesto de la Guardia, First Secretary, Legal H.E. Mr. Jose" Cuadros Quiroga, Ambassador to Adviser, Ministry of External Relations. France. Adviser: Brazil H.E. Dr. Cesar Diaz Cisneros, Ambassador Extra- Representative: ordinary and Plenipotentiary; Director, Department of H.E. Mr. Gilberto Amado, Ambassador Extraordinary Territorial Sovereignty, Ministry of External Relations. and Plenipotentiary (Chairman of the Delegation). Advisers: Australia Mr. M. Victor Russoman6, Director, Institute of Representatives: Sociology and Political Affairs, University of Rio Grande Sir Kenneth H. Bailey, C.B.E., Solicitor-General of do Sul; the Commonwealth of Australia (Chairman of the Mr. Egberto da Silva Mafra, First Secretary of Em- Delegation); bassy, Paris; Mr. James Plimsoll, C.B.E., Permanent Representative Lt. Commander Jose" Lisboa Freire, Hydrography and to the United Nations, New York. Navigation Directorate, Naval Ministry; Adviser: Mr. David Silveira da Mota, Second Secretary, Min- Mr. P. G. F. Henderson, Permanent Mission, European istry of Foreign Affairs; Office of the United Nations. Mr. Ronald Leslie Moraes Small, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, European Office of the United Nations. Austria Bulgaria Representatives : Mr. Rudolf Kirchschlager, Head of the Department Representatives: of International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Lubomir Radouilsky, Professor, Faculty of Law, (Chairman of the Delegation); University of Sofia (Chairman of the Delegation); xiii Mr. Yordan Golemanov, Secretary of Legation, Mr. G. F. Curtis, Q.C., Dean of the Faculty of Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. University of British Colombia. Advisers: Burma Mr. E. B. Rogers, Ambassador Extraordinary and Representatives: Plenipotentiary to Turkey; H.E. U Mya Sein, Minister in Kuala Lumpur (Chair- Mr. J. E. C. Hardy, Counsellor, London; man of the Delegation); Mr. J. E. Thibault, First Secretary, Embassy, Belgrade; U Chit, Assistant Attorney General; Mr. Pierre Dumas, First Secretary, Permanent Mis- Lt. Commander Chit Hlaing, War Office. sion, European Office of the United Nations; Mr. A. E. Gotlieb, Second Secretary, Permanent Secretary : Mission, European Office of the United Nations; U Toe Lon, Assistant Chief of Division, Foreign Lt. Commander E. M. Jones, Department of National Office. Defence; Mr. E. B. Wang, Third Secretary, Embassy, Oslo. Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Secretary : Representative : Mr. M. W. Cunningham, Privy Council Office, Ottawa. Mr. Gavriil A. Povetiev, State University, Minsk (Chairman of the Delegation); Ceylon Adviser : Representatives : M. Anatoli N. Sheldov, Second Secretary. H.E. Sir Claude Corea, K.B.E., Ambassador Extra- ordinary and Plenipotentiary; Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York (Chairman of the Cambodia Delegation); Representatives : Mr. D. T. E. A. de Fonseka, Director of Fisheries; Mr. Chhat Phlek, Minister of Public Works and Tele- Mr. N. T. D. Kanakaratne, First Secretary, Legal communications (Chairman of the Delegation); Affairs, Permanent Mission, United Nations, New York; Mr. Ing Judeth, Head of Conference Services, Ministry Mr. W. S. L. de Alwis, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. of Defence and External Affairs. Secretary : Chile Mr. Heng Soc Koun. Representatives : Cameroun H.E. Mr. Luis Melo Lecaros, Ambassador (Chairman of the Delegation); Representative: Mr. Fausto Soto Troncoso, Minister, Permanent Re- Mr. Rivayran, Civil Administrator, Merchant Marine presentative to the European Office of the United (Chairman of the Delegation). Nations. Alternate Representative: Adviser : Mme. de Hartingh, Doctor of Law. Mr. Miguel Rioseco, Counsellor of Embassy, Berne. Secretary : Canada Mr. Carlos Franz, Secretary, Permanent Mission, Representatives: European Office of the United Nations. H.E. The Hon. George A. Drew, P.C., Q.C., High Commissioner for Canada in the United Kingdom China (Chairman of the Delegation); Representatives : Mr. M. H. Wershof, Q.C., Ambassador; Permanent Representative to the European Office of the United H.E. Mr. Liu Chieh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Nations (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation); Plenipotentiary to Canada (Chairman of the Delegation); Mr. Marcel Cadieux, Legal Adviser and Assistant H.E. Dr. Wang Hua-Cheng, Envoy Extraordinary and Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs (Vice- Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal. Chairman of the Delegation); Adviser: Mr. S. V. Ozere, Assistant Deputy Minister of Fisheries Mr. Wang Meng-Hsien, First Secretary, Permanent (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation); Mission, United Nations, New York. xiv Colombia Mr. Niels Otto Christensen, Chief of Division, Ministry of Greenland; Representatives : Mr. Daniel Johannes Nolsoe, Judge, Court of First H.E. Mr. Raimundo Emiliani, Ambassador Extra- Instance; ordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland (Chairman of the Delegation); Mr. Johan Frits Djurhuus, Chief of Division, Secre- tariat of the Lagting and of the local Government of the Dr. Alvaro Garcia Herrera, Envoy Extraordinary and Faroe Islands. Minister Plenipotentiary to Denmark; Dr. Jaime Canal, First Secretary of Embassy, London; Alternate Representative: Captain Luis M. Riveira, Naval Attache", Washington, Mr. Torben Erling Jantzen, Secretary of Embassy; D.C. Permanent Mission, European Office of the United Nations. Costa Rica Advisers : Representatives: Dr. Erik Bertelsen, Doctor of Science; Director, Dr. Gonzalo Ortiz Martin, Ambassador, Permanent Danish Institute for the Exploration of the Sea; Representative to the United Nations, New York (Chair- man of the Delegation); Mr. Frederik Lodberg Jensen, Chairman, West Jutland Fishing Association; Mr. Aristide Donnadieu, Consul General, Geneva; Mr. Niels Bjerregaard, Chairman, Danish Fishing Dr. Carlos Elizondo. Association; Mr. Adolf Jorgensen, Vice-Chairman, Danish Fishing Cuba Association; Representatives: Mr. Jakon Johansen, Representative of the Faroes H.E. Dr. Francisco V. Garcia Amador, Ambassador; Shipowners' Association; Special Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Relations (Chair- Mr. Erlendur Patursson, Chairman, Fishing Associa- man of the Delegation); tion of the Faroe Islands. H.E. Dr. Andres Vargas Gomez, Ambassador; Per- manent Representative to the European Office of the Dominican Republic United Nations; Dr. Luis Howell Rivero, Director of the Naval Hydro- Representative: graphic Office; Dr. Salvador E. Paradas, Permanent Representative to Dr. Armando Pardillo, Professor of International the European Office of the United Nations. Maritime Law, Naval Academy, Mariel. Ecuador Czechoslovakia Representatives: Representatives : H.E. Dr. Jose Vicente Trujillo, Ambassador Extra- Dr. Vratislav P£chota, Envoy Extraordinary and ordinary and Plenipotentiary; Permanent Representative Minister Plenipotentiary (Chairman of the Delegation); to the European Office of the United Nations (Chairman Dr. Marta Veliskova, Second Secretary of Embassy, of the Delegation); Ministry of Foreign Affairs; H.E. Dr. Enrique Ponce y Carbo, Ambassador Dr. Ilja Hulinsky, Attache, Permanent Mission, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Under-Secretary for European Office of the United Nations. External Relations; Secretary: H.E. Dr. Jose Antonio Correa, Ambassador Extra- ordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Mrs. Dagmar Karlova, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. to the United Nations, New York. Denmark Secretary: Representatives : Miss Maria-Rosa Sanchez. Dr. Max Sorensen, Professor of Law, University
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