US 20130261183A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N6.: US 2013/0261183 A1 Bhagat (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 3, 2013 (54) OPTIMIZED NUTRITIONAL (52) US. Cl. FORMULATIONS, METHODS FOR CPC ............. .. A23L 1/296 (2013.01); A61K 31/202 SELECTION OF TAILORED DIETS (2013.01); A23L 1/293 (2013.01) THEREFROM, AND METHODS OF USE USPC .. 514/560; 426/648; 426/72; 426/61; 426/71; THEREOF 426/599; 426/618; 426/634; 426/632; 426/629; 426/638; 426/641; 426/643; 426/615; 426/580; (76) Inventor: Urvashi Bhagat, California, CA (U S) 426/583; 426/87; 434/127 (21) Appl. No.: 13/877,847 (22) PCT Filed: Oct. 14, 2011 (57) ABSTRACT (86) PCT No.: PCT/US11/56463 § 371 (0X1)’ Nutritional compositions and formulations that optimize (2), (4) Date: Apr. 4, 2013 nutritional contents are provided. Dietary compositions and Related US. Application Data methods for tailoring such compositions to optimize levels of nutrients that have bene?cial effects Within speci?c ranges (60) Provisional application No. 61/393,235, ?led on Oct. are provided. Dietary plans, and formulations comprising 14, 2010, provisional application No. 61/415,096, dietary products that comprise optimized levels of nutrients ?led on Nov. 18, 2010. derived from phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, miner als, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, probiotics, prebiotics, Publication Classi?cation microorganisms and ?ber. Diet plans and modular nutritional (51) Int. Cl. packages comprising food and drink items tailored according A23L 1/29 (2006.01) to consumer patterns typed by diet, age, size, gender, medical A61K 31/202 (2006.01) conditions, family history, climate and the like are provided. US 2013/0261183 A1 Oct. 3, 2013 OPTIMIZED NUTRITIONAL [0006] Therefore, it is desirable to develop a tailored nutri FORMULATIONS, METHODS FOR tional program(s) or delivery system(s) Where consumers are SELECTION OF TAILORED DIETS guided to consume naturally-occurring foods that have been THEREFROM, AND METHODS OF USE matched keeping interactions, amounts, and consumer pref THEREOF erences in perspective. Further, the program(s) need to cau tion consumers against food types and amounts that may CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED disrupt the nutritional optimiZation provided by the program. APPLICATIONS Within the broad parameters of personaliZation and moderate [0001] This patent application claims priority of US. Pro compliance, consumers may be at a reduced risk for chronic diseases, and With narroWer parameters in personaliZation visional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/393,235, ?led Oct. and greater compliance, greater health bene?ts may be 14, 2010 and US. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. achieved. To date tailored programs have been dif?cult to 61/415,096, ?led Nov. 18, 2010. The contents ofthese patent applications are incorporated herein in their entirety by ref devise, particularly With regards to phytochemicals and lipid interactions and amounts. erence. [0007] The programs may be component or module based to alloW ?exibility and convenience for consumers. The ben TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION e?ts may be incremental With greater adherence to selection [0002] This invention relates to the ?eld of nutritional com of components Within the program. For example, lipid types positions and formulations. In particular, the application and amounts are critical to health and can vary due to a relates to methods of selection of nutritional plans tailored to number of factors, thus making the calibration complex for optimiZe bene?ts derived from nutrients. More particularly, consumers to manage every day. Both the composition and the invention relates to formulations and dietary products that the amounts need to be managed. For example, lipid require provide compositions comprising optimiZed levels of nutri ment can be as much as 80 grams or 720 calories more for one ents such as phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, miner family member (a 25-year-old male) than another (a 3-year als, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, probiotics, prebiotics, old child). This is further complicated because lipids do not microorganisms and ?ber. mix homogenously With food; as such, individual portions may contain a disproportionate amount of lipids. Conse BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION quently, When lipids are supplemented Within a given food [0003] The requirements of phytochemicals, lipids, and preparation, an individual member may consume too little or too much of the lipids. Similarly, men may have a greater need some other nutrients for human health are rather sensitive. for a nutrient than Women. A tailored dietary component There are many nutrient interactions and their range of health system may provide an effective solution. ful effectiveness is narroW and changes With diet type and/or demographic factors. [0008] As such there is a need for component based nutri tional formulations, tailored diets and diet plans that provide [0004] Formulations comprising lipids, antioxidants, phy optimiZed levels of nutrients such as phytochemicals, anti tochemicals, vitamins, minerals, microorganisms or a com oxidants, vitamins, minerals, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, bination thereof, are traditionally provided as supplements or probiotics, prebiotics, microorganisms and ?ber. Some of randomly added to nutritional or topical formulations. The these nutrients are rarely the focus of diet plans, e.g. phy focus is often on suppressing oxidation or in?ammation, tochemicals, yet too much or too little of such micronutrient Which ignores the fact that both oxidation and in?ammation can turn an otherWise bene?cial micronutrient in the diet to have a necessary role in physiology. Further, selective, repeti have adverse effects. tive, and excessive suppression may lead to dysregulation of in?ammation With greater health consequences. Therefore, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION current approaches have the dangers of mismanaged and/or excessive delivery, Which may be harmful particularly in [0009] This invention relates to novel strategies for devel combination With natural “nutrient rich foods,” including oping component based dietary formulations, and programs. foods such as nuts, seeds, oils, grains, legumes, fruits, veg In particular, the invention relates to generating tailored diets etables, seafood, herbs, and spices, packed With certain lipids, for consumers, Wherein the nutrient levels are balanced to antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and micro provide optimal bene?ts. organisms. Similarly, functional foods that are enriched With [0010] In certain aspects, the invention categoriZes indi sterols, stanols, calcium, vitamin E, folic acid, omega-3, ?a viduals into diet cohorts, for example, based on high meat, vonoids, etc. can also be harmful out of context. The current high plant, and high seafood diets. Consumers generally have approach leads to imbalanced or excessive consumption of a speci?c preference for the main foods such as red meat, these nutrients. As a result the prevalent approaches do not seafood, or plant food. For example, vegetarians typically alleviate the disease burden. consume more vegetables, grains, and legumes, as compared [0005] To date there are no methods for matching naturally to hi gh-meat or high- seafood consumers. These dietary habits occurring foods such as nuts, seeds, oils, grains, legumes, can help establish basic nutrients around Which effective diet fruits, vegetables, seafood, herbs, and spices to achieve opti programs may be developed. Instead of randomly adding mal results. Instead focus is on additives, often to counter nutrients to a diet, there is a need to identify a series of diet excesses. Currently there are no methods for creating delivery types, eg plant, meat, or seafood heavy, and a series of system(s) designed to deliver nutrients in an optimal range, consumer patterns typed by diet, age, siZe, gender, medical such that a consumer can reach for products Within the sys conditions, family history, climate and the like and then tailor tem, knoWing that cumulative nutrients in the delivery system nutritional compositions tailored to each series. Will keep them in a safe range. There is a need for the devel [0011] Therefore, in one aspect, the invention provides a opment of such system(s). method for customizing or selecting a nutritional formulation US 2013/0261183 A1 Oct. 3, 2013 or plan for an individual, preferably a human. The invention anhydrous butter oil, and coconut meat. Other components in this aspect comprises determining for the individual, or for the nutritional formulations are disclosed herein. categorizing the individual With respect to, a diet type (“co [0014] In certain embodiments, the individual may exhibit hort”). For example, the cohort may be high plant food, high signs or symptoms of a chronic medical condition selected meat (e.g., high red meat), or high seafood. In certain embodi from gout, diabetes (type 1 or type 2), heart disease, glycemia, ments, the cohort is determined by the relative amounts of insulinemia, metabolic syndrome, an age-related disease grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, dairy, meats, seafood, (e.g., macular degeneration), or an infectious disease, and herbs, sWeeteners and beverages consumed by the individual, such symptoms may be ameliorated by the balanced diet (via With a focus on foods rich in phytochemicals, and certain consumption of the nutritional formulation for a period of minerals and nutrients described herein, for Which delivery time). The nutritional formulations of the instant
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