MIT's The eather Oldest and Largest Today: Clearing, 68°F (20°C) Tonight: Cooler, 43°F (70C) Newspaper Tomorrow: Sunny 60°F (l6°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 121 umber 18 02139 Friday, German House 0 RBA System for all Other Cultural Houses and Baker Decide Against Participating in Advising Program By Jennifer Young a house-designed advising program. STAFF REPORTER The house will withdraw from rush The residence-ba ed advising 2001, and will instead choose their program will expand even more this freshman residents next year by fall when German House joins the reviewing applications from incom- system. ing freshmen. The RBA program was offered Changes to the actual advising in March to Chocolate City, French process provide the greatest source House, German House, Ru ian of concern within German House, House, Spanish House, Baker and several options for these are House, and ext House. German being explored. The house is House is the only culture group to allowed to choose between a semi- have officially accepted the program nar and a traditional advising pro- at this point. gram, and may design their chosen German House President Teresa program . S. Baker '03 said that her house "Attaching a seminar to our SHIHAB ELBORAJ-THE TECH Institute Professor Noam Chomsky addresses the crowd in 26-100 on Tuesday. The topic of the . accepted the offer because "it hou e means we have to choose a Technology and Culture Forum at MIT talk was "Institutions vs. People: Will the Species Self- seemed like a good opportunity to topic that is interesting to a broad number of students. We want to destruct?" build on the house community that is already a part of German House keep the diversity and broadness of and a neat way to get the faculty German House," Baker said. Cur- involved with the house." rent seminar possibilities are the The upcoming changes to rush German language, history, or cul- MIT Selects New FSILG Advisers provided another incentive to imple- ture, particularly emphasizing the ment RBA. "We thought it would German influence in and around Four Administrators Will Assist Fraternities, Sororities and ILGs give us a springboard for working Boston. out the changes we'll be making for By Laura McGrath Moulton and 7. He is currently the Assistant Gresh to design this new adminis- rush. We're trying a new way of Group ant to keep control Frank Dabek Coordinator for Greek Life at the trative team. choosing housing, which will help In March, Baker House and all STAFF REPORTERS University of Connecticut, where he give a model for further housing the cultural groups residing in ew Since former Assistant Dean helps to oversee 20 fraternities and Team will expand FSILG services decisions or show a need for a new House were offered a chance to look Neal H. DOTO'l/ left MIT in Septem- nine sororiti s. The decision to hire a team of approach," Baker said. into RBA for next year but only ber of last year, the Fraternity, Lisa M. Walsh, hired as Opera- administrators to handle responsibil- The RBA program will give German House confirmed their Sorority, and Independent Living tions Coordinator, will start work on German House a faculty advi er and acceptance of the program. Many Group system has been without a April 24. She was previously Assis- FSILG, Page 17 houses rejected the proposal permanent representative in the tant Director of Greek Life at Syra- because it would affect their rush office of Residence Life and Student cuse University, where there are 17 procedure for next year. Life Programs. Now they will have fraternities and 19 sororities. Baker House rejected the pro- four representatives, the result of a Kate Baxter has been a Program posal because they felt that the pro- . move that shifts responsibility for Coordinator for the FSILG system posed system would give the admin- FSILG system support and advoca- in the RLSLP office since July of istration too much control over the cy to a group of administrators. 2000. Denise A. Vallay has worked housing process. "We feel that to do Two members of the new team at MIT in various capacities for over it satisfyingly would be a lot of have been working in the RLSLP four years, and has served as Pro- work for Baker residents, because office since last summer, but two gram Assistant for the FSILGs since we'd want full control of the pro- new people will start work this last fall. Vallay and Baxter have gram in the students' hands. We are spring. David Rogers, the new been working with Interim Assistant interested in improving advising, Assistant Dean and Director for Dean Stephen D. Immerman and especially within Baker, but this FSILGs, will arrive at MIT on May Program Administrator Ricky A. does not seem like the way to do it," said Baker President Michael H. Roberts '02. Students living in Baker also l\fiT's Dormitory Council worried that RBA would have a negative impact on next year' ru h. "The program was presented as a Elects Cain as President good way to prepare for 2002, but we feel it's better if Baker faces the By Michael J. Ring incoming Judicial Committee chair coming changes in rush with the EDITOR IN CHIEF Ronojoy Chakrabarti '02. other dorms," Roberts said. The Dormitory Council elected "We unanimously and emphati- Matthew S. Cain '02 as president Cain emphasizes awareness cally voted [the program] down," for the 2001-2002 academic year at Cain said that his largest priority said Dawn M. Ash '02, the presi- its meeting last night. as Dormcon pre ident will be "to dent of Russian House. "Regular Cain is currently the president of continue raising awareness of advising groups are activity-based, Random Hall and the vice-president Dormcon, both among the students they bring together students with of Dormcon. He will be joined on and the administration." common interests ... a residence- the council by incoming Vice-Presi- He also said that he would like based group might mean depriving dent Kendall B. McConnel '02, a Dormcon to continue acting as an freshmen of the chance to be in a resident of Senior House. advocate for student-life issues. fun seminar." Jeffrey C. Roberts '02, the cur- Dormcon has recently been Russian House was concerned rent president of Dormcon, will involved in such projects and con- about the loss of rush privileges serve as rush chair during the troversies as the residential coordi- which accompanies RBA. "We upcoming academic year. nator proposal and the expansion of ROSHAN BALIGA-THE TECH were very upset about the po ibili- The other incoming officers of residence-based advising. "We want Todd Radford G stars as Charlie Brown in the Musical Theatre ty oflo ing rush. The administration Dormcon include secretary-elect to get involved in all the projects Guild's production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. See is killing a fun tradition, and we Michael H. Roberts '02, treasurer- story page 7. elect Tyler J. Bronder '03, and Dormcon, Page 18 RBA, Page 17 Freshmen 6~~ ~ Comics QPINIO World & ation 2 have several 5~~ Victoria K. Anderson advocates Opinion 4 options when delaying the tart of one-term Arts 7 declaring a ) Pas 0 Record until the 2003-04 On the Town 9 major. academic year. Feature 12 ~ Page 12 Page 13 Page 5 Event Calendar .16 Page 2 ORLD& ATION F For Chinese, Crew Release tampe THE BALTIMORE S 10HA BURG Marks Beginning, Not End outh fricans on Thur day tried to understand what went wrong By Henry Chu jing plans to repeat it demand that we till ha e our ( tranded) plane at a Wednesday night occer match in Johanne burg when 43 people LOS A GELES TIMES the U .. military top intelligence- there (in outhern China ... , This were crushed to death during a stampede by thou ands of fans trying HO GKO G gathering flight off the Chine e wiH all unfold in the days and to enter the overflowing stadium. For mo t merican, freedom coa t, hich the Communi t regime weeks ahead." 'Why? Why? Why?" a ked Thursday's headline in Johannes- for the ere of a U. py plane deem provocative. py mi ions uch a the one the burg's main daily newspaper, the tar, beneath a photo of a long row marooned in China marked the end The right to publicly air that U.. avy aircraft wa on when it of shoeless victims' bodie laid out on the occer field. of a long, ten e diplomatic tandoff grievance, one e tern analyst said collided with the Chinese fighter are As the nation mourned the deaths, with grieving relative till between Beijing and ashington. may have been the mo t important e tremely irk orne to Beijing. But identifying bodies Thursday outh African Pre ident Thabo Mbeki For most Chinese, the work i conce ion that the Chine ego ern- the Communi t regime, including launched an official inquiry into what is being called the nation's ju t beginning. ment - and particularly the mili- hina' politically powerful army worst sports disaster. That' how the Chine e govern- tary - wrung from Wa hington to generals, will probably be disap- The tampede occurred at a national1y televised game at Ellis Park ment Thursday ca t the outcome of end the tandoff beyond U. state- pointed by the U .. response. stadium in Johannesburg between the country's top two soccer teams the II-day di pute that strained ments of being 'very orry' for the ational Security Adviser Con- and fierce t rivals: the Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates.
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