SAVE COUPONS THRIFT WEEK TO WIN NEW AUTOMOBILE m. avebao b daily cibodlatiom ta r the Month of Hay, IBSS weather Foreeeet et U. S. Weather Bareen. Hartford 6,153 Member et the Audit Flair and continued cool tonight; B n n u et Otrealattoea Tneeday fair and sUghUys^wner. MANCHESTER - A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM .VOL. L V U „ NO. 216 (Claaoifled AdyertiaiBg on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE IS, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS HORSE HIJACKS CZECHS READY Texas Tornado Kills 13 HUNDRED BUCKS But Animal Didn’t Mean It — ^ TOOFFERTERMS He Waa Just Walking Over CONGRESS TO ADJOURN His Old Milk Route. ^ TO^ETENS Boston, June IS — (AP) — MoUy-O has a great memory and probably had a touch ot nostalgia today. All of which WEDNESDAY; NO RAIL Dotted, However, That almost gave a milkman nerv- ous prostration, left several families without milk and had Concession Will Satisfy Boston police seeking the hi- jacker of a milk wagon with ASSISTANCE PLANNED Winners Of Election In $100 hidden beneath the front seat. V t .Molly-O is a horse. She dis- German Cities Of Nation. appeared from a new route In Senate Leader After Confer- the west and where driver theo- Hickey Surrenders; dore J. Hebb left her and the Praha, Czechoslovakia, June 18.— wagon after hiding flOO be- ence Whh Roosevelt An- (A P )—With the overwhelmingly neath the front seat. pro-Nazi attitude of Its 3,600,000 Three hours later horse and Furnishes $1,$00 Bail nounces No New Legisla- Sudeten Germans clearly demon- wagon (The hundred bucks, too) were found about three strated at the polls, this 20-year-old miles away—on the old route. On Bribery Charges tion To Be Enacted; Wage, republic today approached what may be the most momentous dect don since Its foundation. (Gzeebo- Hour Legislation Princt* the slovnks were not surprised when Electric Steam Sterilizing (Gompany, Konroad Henlein’a Nazi-supported FOG AIDS, R O O D CM leader in the House In 1936, one pal Topic At Present aome Sudeten (Sermany party polled an a corporation promoted by Daniel J. estimated 90.9 per cent of the total of live former and present Legisla- Leary, former comptroller of Water- tors charged with violation of the vote In German dlstricta yesterday erbuty now under arrest with 26 HAMPERS JAPS anti-bribery aUtute by State’s At- Washington, June 18—• in the third of three Sunda3rs o f others on charges of conspiracy to mimlclpal elections. J™* 11 following a tornado which killed torney Hugh M. Alcorn, submitted defraud the city of Waterbury of (AP)— Senate Leader Barkley 18 and Injured 60. leveling all In Its course, the twister even derail ed a train. to arrest here today. They were more concerned with "more than a million dollars,’’ plead- (D., K y .), told reporters after Hickey was accompanied by a the outoome ot discussions on the IN BIG DRIVE ed guilty to the charge to Superior a conference with President; troublesome minorities question lawyer, Frank Rich, of Stamford, (Gourt here lost week and was lined Roosevelt today that Congreefl, which will start tomomnv between and his wife, Eleanor Hickey, who $1,600. the government and the Sudeten furnished the $1,500 ball required at All the Legislators are acmised would adjourn Wednesdny (Sermon party, in a triumphant Land And Rhrer Forces Cap* the'offlce of Clerk of Courts Lucius PLANE LOST IN MARCH URGES INDUSTRY of accepting Sterilizer Company without enacting “any new* mood as a result of the elections. P. Fuller. stock to return for "efforts to se- railroad legislation. Yesterday’s elections passed Senator Matthew A. Daly of New curing the passage” of a bUl re- quietly, the only serious disorder be- tore Anking Under Cover Haven, who also is charged with “Since we expect to adjourn TO TELL ITS SIDE quiring sterilization of toUet seats ing at Maerisch-Schoenberg where IS FOUND IN MOUNTAINS violating the anti-bribery statute. Is to public places. not later than Wednesdnjr- five policemen and nine Henlelnists expected to surrender today. It was Of Mist Blanket; High Wa- The charges were a development night we do not contemplate- were Injured when police dispersed said at the county bqlldlng. from the report of the Special that there will be any new rail- ' a victory parade celebrating a big Senator Joseph H. Lawlor of Grand Jury that Is toveetigatlng Sudeten vote. Former Federal Official Says road legislation this session,** ter Is A Honan Barrier.|Gold. Prospector Discovers RICH MAN’ S WIFE Waterbury, president pro tempore Waterbuiy's legislative and muni- Czechs Back Gavemnieiit of the Senate, and John D. Thoms Barkley said. • cipal affairs. In Czech regions pro-government Employers Faffing Behind of Waterbury, Democratic leader of The Grand Jury will resuma Its The Democratic leader said 1 parties gained substantial majori- Airliner Which Crashed Shanghai, June 18__ (AP) — the House to the 1935 and 1937 ses- Investigation to Waterbury Tuesday specifically that a bill to lib«|^ ties, which were interpreted as a Powerful Japanese land and river SEEKING DIVORCE sions of the General Assembly, al- morning at 10 o’clock and It la ex- vote of confidence in Premier Milan alize Reconstruction CorponH) forces today captured Anking, cap- With 9 Persons Aboard; Workers In Hus Respect. ready have' surrendered and fur- pected to'devote attention to muni- Hodza’s government. nished bail. cipal affairs, and to lobbying In the tion loans to railroads was not Anxious to demonstrate to ital of Anhwei province. In a swift Former Senator Nathan Spiro, of L ^slature not previously inveeti- on the program to be complatir.' France, Great Britain and Czeebo- thrust up the Yanktze river toward It was sung Officials Start For Scene. Says Husband Gave Servant Detroit, June 13.— (A P )—Ed- Danbury, the flfth of the legislators gate<L ed before adjournment., elovakla’s other friends abroad that Hankow, China’s provisional capital ward F. McOrady, former assistant That measure once was ris the government Is willing to make less than 2(X) miles farther inland. (Goneesslons in the cause of peace, secretary of labor, told m^smbers of Rising flood waters of the Yellow Tosemlte, (Gallf., June 18— (AP) Girl Orchids; Had Only ported to the Senate by ftff ' Hodza Is preparing to hand to Hen- the Advertising Federation of river, imperilling Japan’s offensive —A young gold prospector who fol- banking committee, but wak;, laln’s representatives tomorrow pre- through Honan province. Increased America today that Industry waa rise proposals designed to satisfy at lowed a "hunch" led the way today Chewing Gnm For Her. falling behind labor to presenting sent back to comrdttee whfl|3:' Uie p ^ b U lty that the drive by WHITE HOUSE PARLEYS least some of the Sudeten German land and water up the Tangtm may ^ wreckage ot a storm-eraabed Its virtues to tha public. the railroads proposed a 1 $ demanj8 for more self-government become the main ^tack on China’s —TWA............. airliner which vanished with .The former ace trouble-shcwter per cent wage cut. In Sudeten districts. for the Department of Labor luged seat of governmaif- nine pereons aboard the nlgbt of Bridgeport. June 18— (AP) Those at Parley Whether' the Henlelnists will be A Japanese army apqkesman ac- Industrial leaders to realise that ‘It HAVE COME TO AN END March 1. Her husband, Edward C. Plaut of ITie White House conference wkff content vrith mere concessions, no longer suffices to confine public however, remained a vital question. Stamford, president of the Lehn relations to the job -of creating a attended by Vice-President Oataer, (Otmtlnned on Page Two.) The shattered plane and the Speaker ^ankhead and Representa* Another question causing e<iual bodies of Its occupants lay near the and Fink Drug (Go., used to take out desire for the products of Industry.” anxiety among diplomatic observers live Rayburn (R., Tex.), the HouM top of 9,000-foot Buena Vista Peak. the servant girl whoin he showered Instead, he. suggested, Industry President And Congression- majority leader. was bow the non-Sudetens wotdd re- 18 air miles south and east of Yose- with orchids, but had only chewing should employ the methods of labor act to any attempt by the govern- Abandoument of raU leglal mlto valley ranger headquarters. gum for her, Alexandra Stewart unions and present Its side of the LATE NEWS would leave enactment of wi . blent to make sweeping eoneessi(ma SCORES OF TOWNS The region, one of the wildest in the conflict between labor and todustiy al Leaders Have Discuss- Czechs Ehiperi Support Planklnton Plaut of New York, tes- legislation as tbs key to adjouaK' Sierra Nevada, Is 90 miles east - of tified during the hearing of her di- through a program of public Infor- ment. As far as can be judged by an Fresno. mation. outsider the attitude of the (Gzech vorce action against her husband, ed Legislative Programs Other measures on which actlddi' FALL BEFORE REBS H. O. Collier, 24, a mining proS' today. 'American Industry has made a FLASHES! must be completed before the Moe- ritlzenry seems to be that the re- grea;, contribution to humanity," public has demonstrated Its wlUt^- pector from Fresno, told (Ghlef On one occaalon her husband and slon ends are the relief blU and. a Ranger Forest Townsley be found one of the maids occupied a table McGrady asserted. "It pays more Weekly During Term. deficiency appropriation bUL No ness to fight for its existence and the ahip Sunday morning. Eight next to that at which she and her wages to the workers than is re- SEN.
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