Daily IoWan 17, 1981-PIIII. SIll a dime lead , 1111 Student PublJc:ationa Inc. Minority students may face financial aid c::runch If Scott Sonner , who is 23rd on the money list andAnnT ..I. Colleen Jones, VI Special Support ALTHOUGH Michael Freeman, financial aid as much as other sectors ble for government aid -more com­ Warner said March 1 was the final of $95,813, placed secOlld StII'I Writers Services director, said the Ul ad­ manager of the Afro-American of the student body because the UI's petitive for everyone, Warner said. day students could apply and be I Me~florlal Golf Tournament this ministration is committed to giving CUltural Center, said CongreSSional philosophy bas been to ~ve larger Minority students could be burt in assured they would receive some type Some minority students will have minorities an equal opportunity to at­ plans to cut the National Direct Stu­ financial aid awards to students with the fall because they did not file for of 1981-82 financial aid. never totally pleased, but it's a less financial aid next year and the ·tend the UI. dent Loan program and Pell Grant the greatest need, said Mark Warner, 11181-82 financial aid before the last spr­ " Renner said. number of minority students attendllll , 'Generally the administration has program will make it harder for assistant director of VI Student Finan­ ing's deadline, Freeman said. THE CHANCE of students getting a NDSL or work-study aid is "nil" if they followed at three-under. !be U1 could drop in the future because been very supportive, some might say minority students to attend the Ul next cial Aid. Many students do not realize that if a recruitment program is being protective, I would say supportive of year, UI Vice President of Student Ser­ MInority students are "generally they do not get their forms in before applied for aid after the March reduced . minorities," Jones said. vices Philip Hubbard said none of the speaking, the highest need students," the deadline they are not guaranteed deadline, he said. The Financial Aid But, the UI administration is work­ Although the Ul administration is not 1,135 UI minority students will have to and therefore, should not be affected financial aid, he said. Some minority Office is now advising students to ap­ iDe to protect minority students from able to prevent some reductions in ser­ drop out of school because of cuts In by financial aid cuts, he said . students might come to the VI next fall ply for Pell Grants and to pursue non­ !be effect of reduced government vices, it has worked to lessen the next year's budget. expecting to receive financial aid and work study jobs if they missed the • usistance to higher education, ad­ budlet cutbacks' affect on minority VI minority students in general will BUT THE growing student demand will have to return home when they March 1 deadline. , ministrators said Friday. students, administrators said. not be affected by government cuts in for financial aid is makinl( the scram· learn money is not available . See Minorities, page 7 • Ires President 83 selects is due to go on a football to Florida State in the fall , narrowed still have him," mused ANDEZ AND Job 's pace· to two scores were threa tened by players. Fernandez could bave This story was written from reports BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - Israeli in nine days and came as U.S. special as the outright leader, but by Staff Writer Rochelle Bozman seaborne and airborne troops struck envoy Philip Habib met twice with I his the 18th after slicing and United Press International into soutbern Lebanon in two Prime Minister Menachem Begin to shot into the bleachers. simultaneous attacks early Monday in press Israel to halt its massive offen­ two leaders were one stralte A'1Id then there were two. the first ground attacks of the Jewish sive. of a six-man group Which in­ While slicing the number in conten­ state's recent offensive against In another development, the chief of Australian United States Open tion for the position of VI president to Palestinian targets, the Palestinian Israel's mllitary intelligence charged David Graham and former two, the state Board of Regents said News Agency WAFA said. that the guerrillas recently fired Johnny Miller of the United the new top administrator may be WAFA reported that a paratroop rockets at northern Israel from inside and Tony Jacklin of Britain. selected July 31. force of undetermined strength at­ Syria. Isao Oaki , who was three­ The two are James Freedman, dean tacked Mseyleh near NabaUyeh, 8 PLO chief Vasser Arafat charged r at one time, was also of the University of Pennsylvania Law miles inside Lebanon, under cover of that "The Israeli military galll is try­ at 71 alongside 1980 United School at Philadelphia, and Paul heavy artillery and rocket fire at mid­ ing to execute an American-planned Amateur champion Hal Sutton. Rosenblatt, dean of the College of night local time (5 p.m. Iowa time). war of extermination and officially very much in contention at n Liberal Arts at the University of WAFA said an Israeli marine force organized terrorism." landed about the same time and at­ . of Americans, 5 1 -year~1d Arizona at Tucson. The latest Israeli offensive against tacked Qassemiyeh bridge, 15 miles in­ the Palestinians " was executed by all Arnold Palmer, back-to-back The regents will meet again July 31 1961 1962 , I to pick the successor to VI President side Lebanon . The bridge links the sorts of American destructive arms in and Bill Rogers Crenshaw, the consistent Willard Boyd who is leaving the UI coastal town of Tyre to Nabatiyeh and that make Israel the longest hand in has been second, second Sept. 1 to assume the post of president has been bombed by Israeli warplanes the area," Arafat said. in his last three attempts. of the Field Museum of Natural in its recent air offensive against I History in Chicago. Pale inilln targets. STATE-RUN Beirut television repor­ l· - ted that at least 12 people were killed MISSED the chance 01 "I suppose it is conceivable that we the lead when he had a double- not select either of the two candidates. WAF A DID not immediately have in­ and 30 others wounded in Israeli ar­ ix at the 15th where his rive­ One or both might not want to be con­ formation on the extent of damage or tillery and aerial bombardment in the over the green , carried sidered," said Art Neu, regent from the number of casualties but said one fourth day of Israeli assaults against but landed near a bleacher. He Carroll, Iowa . of the Israeli attackin& forces was for­ Palestinian lines of resupply and rein­ back from a dropping zOIIe over ced to evacuate. forcement which also have resulted in and went on to three-putt. BUT REGENT June Murphy of Des There was no immediate report from hundreds of civilian deaths. n needed all his fighting Moines said the two candidates never Israel on what would be the first "Israel's escalation of its brutal groUDd attack into southern Lebanon of operations on Lebanese towns and to keep alive his bid to cap­ gave an indication they may decline. "Hopefully, they would accept. Now the week-old offensive against Palesti­ villages was evidence that proves to crown for the fourth time in nian targets. the world Israel's aggressive plans," "It was a real gutsy these two gentlemen will bring their the 31-year-old champion from wives and families into Iowa City. The raids followed a week of Israeli the sta te-run Saudi press agency repor­ City conceded. There are other things involved here artillery barrages and far-ranging air ted, quoting an official government such as wives' careers," she said. attacks on Palestinian headquarters, spokesman. roads and bridges aimed at cutting the "Obviously I'm very honored that Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab the regents selected me as one of the commandos' ability to resupply and reinforce their southern bases. Emirates also issued statments finalists," Freedman said Saturday. denouncing the attacks. "I'm enormously impressed with the Friday, waves of Israeli planes hit University of Iowa ." Palestinian sites in Beirut, leaving at Tbe Palestinian news agency WAFA least SOO dead and IlOO injured. said at least 13 Palestinian positions Bucharest, Romania, July Freedman declined to say wbet.her be would accept tbe position if offered. Earlier Sunday, a Palestinian were struck Sunday during the two­ University Games are opel But "I'm very interested," he said. military spokesman charged that hour Israeli attack by U.S.-made F-f student-wrestlers or Israeli armor was massing in southern Phantom jets. [ "I'm delighted ," Rosenblatt said students. Sunday, but he also declined to Indicate Lebanon. whether he would accept the appoint· ISRAELI artillery also hit six ment. SUNDAY, guerrilla 'rocket and ar­ southern Lebanese towns, all within a r tillery fire slammed into northern lO-mile radius of the Israeli frontier, ROSENBLATT said he does not Israel for the fourth time in five days, WAFA said. and Israeli jet fighters attacked a str­ The television said the Palestinians know when he will be able to come to ing of Palestinian targets and road the VI U selected but that It would be responded with a barrage of 65 links. Katyusha rockets against northern "in a reasonable period of time. I The Israeli air assault was the sixth would have to work that out with my Israeli settlements. own university." Freedman, 46, served as law clerk to Justice Thurgood Marshall on the 2nd CIrcuit u.s.
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