CMYK Patriotic THE ABINGTON SPIRIT David, Murray and Rhonda Fallk of Clarks Summit at the July 2 Rotary of the Abing- JOURNAL tons fireworks. More photos, An edition of The Times Leader see Page A3. ClarksWilkes-Barre,Summit, Pa.Pa. Serving the Greater Abington Community since 1947 JULY 6TO JULY 12, 2011 50¢ DALTON Resisting water runoff SUMMER IN WAVERLY L.T. board OKs South Branch Tunkhannock Creek Watershed Coalition hosts rain garden program. See budget Page A3 BY KIRSTEN WENTWORTH SCRANTON Abington Journal Correspondent Making a difference FACTORYVILLE- The Lacka- wanna Trail School Board met June 27 for the first time since the high school commencement June 10. The budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year of approx- imately $18 million was passed with a 7-1vote. The tax rate for the 2011-2012 fiscal year was ABINGTON JOURNAL/JESSIE FOX also passed, with the Lackawan- Ella Souflis, 5, glues the body of her giraffe during art June 27 at Comm Camp. na and Wyoming County Act Alex Rickwood of Clarks Sum- 679 and 511per capita rate of mit creates reading room at $5, the earned income rate of .5 The Women’s Resource Center. See Page A5. six- week day camp event, hosted at the percent of earnings and the real Waverly Community House, began June estate transfer rate of .5 percent A27 and runs until August 5. Comm of the sale price. CLARKS SUMMIT Camp, an annual summer camp for children, The Memorandum of Under- Bring on the art standing between the Lacka- features weekly specific themes, such as “Wild wanna Trail School District and Seas and Skies” and “Lights, Camera, Action Act 93 Administrators was Adventures.” “It’s very simple, very hands-on,” approved with a unanimous said Maria Wilson, executive direction of the vote. Community House. “The children are very ac- The board unanimously tive and because of the help of our many won- passed the 2011 Homestead and Farmstead Exclusion Resolu- derful counselors, one-on-one interactions are tion, which states that certain available for the children.” The camp costs $100 homesteads and farmsteads that per week. “Scholarships are available,” said serve as a primary residences Second Friday Art Walk runs in Wilson. Forms must be filled out for each child may be eligible for tax deduc- tandem with Abington Business attending the camp, which can be picked up at tions. and Professional Association the Waverly Community House or downloaded The Elementary Center Sidewalk Sales. See Page A12. Art Instructor, Austin Burkey, helps Mia Boland, 4, and Madison Handbook was passed unani- online. For more information, call 570.586.8191 Yates, 4, with their art project for Safari Week on the first day of mously, as the board accepted Comm Camp. CLARKS SUMMIT or go online to www.waverlycomm.org. the few minor changes to its contents. Lackawanna Trail Kings of the Ring Elementary Center Principal Jeff Gregory explained that these changes include specifi- Meet the President cally identifying parents as the responsible party for their child’s behavior waiting for and riding on the district school Leading leaders is her passion buses, as well as explicit in- structions regarding the dress code and related violations and Every Sunday this summer the BY KELLY MCDONOUGH dynamic ple: We can’t have two skilled ty fundraisers to benefit local corresponding punishments. Ransom Wrestling Alliance will Abington Journal Correspondent group, and nursing facilities, because it is a organizations. Of the group’s Larry Reagan was approved be hosting shows. Page C1. SCOTT TWP. - For Scott I’ve been in it referral group and you want meetings, Bertocki said, “Just at the volunteer boys’ basketball Township’s Liz Bertocki, it’s all since day one everybody to use the one cate- like all professional meetings, coach for the 2011-2012 school about commitment and caring of its seven gory represented in order to we have the treasurer’s report, year with a unanimous vote, INSIDE and leading those who also years of exist- help that person to build their and we accept the minutes sent pending clearances. lead. As president of SWORN, ence. This is business,” Bertocki explained. out by the secretary. We also According to the board, it was ArtsEtc. ............................A9 Scranton Women’s Organiza- Liz Bertocki the one orga- SWORN meets the second discuss old business and new with regret that Judith Grigg’s Calendar...........................A2 tion for Referral Networking, nization I feel Tuesday of each month at Ni- business. Each member stands letter of retirement was ap- proved, and the board thanked Classified...........................B1 Bertocki heads up a group of 25 most comfortable being part chols Village Hotel & Spa, up and introduces themselves women who she said are all of.” SWORN is a women’s Clarks Summit. The primary and the company they work for her for many years of service. Crosswords.......................A8 “go-getters and trying to build organization in which each purpose of the group is defined and gives a short presentation In other business, the board Obituaries.........................C3 their businesses.” member represents a separate as supporting women in busi- School..........................A5,C3 According to Bertocki, “It’s a business category. “For exam- ness and developing communi- See Leading, Page 8 See Budget, Page 5 Sports ...............................C1 A look at the region’s Happenings 1 41 18 , PA President shares history of magazine Entrepreneur at BY JOAN MEAD-MATSUI zine, a journey that began was run from the basement the forefront Summit, Abington Journal Correspondent nal for her in the 1990s. of Tom Reddington’s home. changes, CLARKS SUMMIT - Paula Regional magazine Hap- Mackarey said, “I was a BY JOAN MEAD-MATSUI Clarks Rochon Mackarey, was pre- penings first took shape in college graduate not really Abington Journal Correspondent St,, address Jour y paring to take a law school early 1969, when Tom Red- sure what I was doing. I The late James M. Eagen Jr. an exam so she could pursue dington, Jim Eagen and was studying for the law was frequently referred to as an State . her dream of becoming a Murray Dolitsky were at school exam and I got a call entrepreneur. Throughout his with 1S 21 lawyer when Sam Mun- work planning a new maga- from Sam Mundrake at Car- lifetime that spanned from1929 label drake, then interim owner zine to encourage people to riage Barn Antiques, the to 2008, Eagen spent more than nal, this of Carriage Barn Antiques go from Scranton to interim owner, because Tom 50 years in Clarks Summit Jour called her. Wilkes-Barre, and vice ver- Reddington called him. I growing his businesses. Abington According to Mackarey, sa, for cultural events. The guess Bill Risse recom- “I remember in his obituary I enclose Mundrake said to her, “…I first issue of Happenings mended me and I remember read that he was instrumental in Abington want you to take it (Hap- Magazine arrived in North- thinking ‘I’ll go on this starting Happenings and I was Please The The penings) over. I like Hap- eastern Pennsylvania in interview but my plans are very proud of that because it to penings but I know nothing June 1969. set: I’m going to law Happenings took shape in early means something that it (his mail about running a magazine. According to the Happen- school.’ So I went to the 1969, when Tom Reddington, Jim association with Happenings) “Sam really didn’t have ings web site, in 1971, Tom interview and thought, ‘This Eagen and Murray Dolitsky planned and was mentioned in his obituary. the time…,” said Mackarey. and Ann Reddington be- is exactly what I would love amagazine to encourage people to He did many things in his life,” Today, Mackarey is Presi- came sole owners of Hap- to do.’ ” That was 1994. go from Scranton to Wilkes-Barre, dent of Happenings Maga- penings, and the magazine and vice versa, for cultural events. See Entrepreneur, Page 8 See Happenings, Page 8 CMYK PAGE 2A www.theabingtonjournal.YOcom UR COMMUNITYThe Abington Journal♦Clarks Summit, PA WEDNESDAY, JULY6,2011 8p.m. Info: www.camppmbc- COMMUNITY .com. Retreats begin CALENDAR July 18: 2011 Teen Lead- ership Conferences at Baptist Sept. 9 Bible College, continues until The St. Gabriel’s Retreat DAILY EVENTS July 23. Yo ung leaders will be equipped through training and Center, 631Griffin Pond Road July 6: Abington Heights hands-on learning as they grow in Clarks Summit will begin Aquatics open swim/lap swim, in their Christian faith and its 85th Consecutive Fall from 1to 4 p.m. Info: develop leadership skills during Weekend Retreat Season Sept. 570.687.4873. these special weeks. Details are 9. All retreats start Friday online at www.bbc.edu/ Info: evenings at 7 p.m. and end July 7: First Inaugural Beau- 570.585.9361or email after the noon meal Sunday. ty, Health & Wellness Fair, at [email protected] No meals are served Friday. The Greater Carbondale Cham- Griffin Pond Animal Shelter Retreats consist of confer- ber of Commerce from 3 to 7 volunteer meeting at 11 a.m. at ences on the spiritual life, p.m. For details on sponsoring Lackawanna Junior College, time for personal reflection, or becoming a vendor call 501Vine Street in Scranton. prayer service, opportunity for 282.1690. Abington Heights Aquatics the Sacrament of Reconcil- Herbal Walk with Richard open swim/lap swim, from 1to iation, and Liturgy. Mandelbaum, presented by PNC presents check 4p.m. Info: 570.687.4873. The schedule is as follows: Holistic Moms Network of Sept. 9 to 11 will be directed Wyoming Valley. From 5:15 to July 20: Clifford United by Rev.
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