COVER SHEET: PROACTIVE RELEASE – DAWN RAIDS APOLOGY Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister Hon Aupito William Sio Minister for Pacific Peoples Hon Kris Faafoi Minister of Immigration Date of issue: 2 August 2021 The following documents have been proactively released in accordance with Cabinet Office Circular CO (18) 4. Any information redacted in this document is redacted in accordance with the Ministry for Pacific People’s policy on Proactive Release and is labelled with the reason for redaction. This may include information that would be redacted if this information was requested under Official Information Act 1982. Where information has been withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it. No. Document Comments 1 Dawn Raids Apology [SWC-21-MIN-0088] Some information withheld. Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee minute Cabinet Office 2 Dawn Raids Apology [CAB-21-MIN-0222.01] Some information withheld. Cabinet Minute Cabinet Office 3 Dawn Raids Apology [SWC-21-SUB-0088] Some information withheld. Cabinet paper Office of the Prime Minister Office of the Minister for Pacific Peoples Office of the Minister of Immigration © Crown Copyright, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) LEGALLY PRIVILEGED : IN CONFIDENCE SWC-21-MIN-0088 Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee Minute of Decision This document contains information forthe New Zealand Cabinet. It must be treated in confidence and handled in accordance with any securityclassification, or other endorsement. The information can only be released, including under the Official InformationAct 1982, by persons with the appropriate authority. Dawn Raids Apology Portfolio Prime Minister/ Immigration / Pacific Peoples On 9 June 2021, the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee (SWC): 1 noted that there is sufficientevidence available to indicate that Pacificpeoples, Maori, and other ethnic groups were discriminatorily targeted based on their race, ethnicity, and colour, in the implementation of immigration legislation and policy during the Dawn Raids period of 1974-1976; 2 noted that established criteria for a public apology has been met, and a moral imperative exists to apologise for the Dawn Raids, given the evidence of discrimination, the growing public demand for an apology, and New Zealand's Releasedhuman rights framework; 3 Section 9(2)(h) 4 agreed that a formalgovernment apology be delivered by the Prime Minister on behalf of the government for the treatment of individuals and communities impacted by the Dawn Raids between 1974-1976, which acknowledges the harm suffered and expresses sorrow and remorse about the events; 5 agreed to the draft wording of the statement of apology set out in Appendix 2 of the paper under SWC-21-SUB-0088; 6 authorised the Prime Minister, Minister oflmmigration and Minister for Pacific Peoples make any changes as required to finalisethe statement of apology; 7 agreed that the Prime Minister deliver the formal government statement of apology at a government event to be held in Auckland on 26 June 2021; 8 invited the Prime Minister, Minister of Police, and Minister of Immigration to participate in Pacificcultural gifting processesto accompany the delivery of the apology, including by Proactivelyway of directing or inviting relevant senior officers to also participate; 1 4j5guw3kz4 2021-07-01 10:38:57 EGA LLY PRIV I LEGE D IN CONFIDENCE LEGALLY PRIVILEGED : IN CONFIDENCE SWC-21-MIN-0088 9 agreed that the Minister for Pacific Peoples direct officials to coordinate the events management planning for attendance by the Prime Minister and other relevant Ministers, in consultation with relevant departments; 10 noted that a comprehensive historical record of the Dawn Raids does not exist and is highly desirable for historical preservation, the promotion of reconciliation, and for education purposes; 11 agreed that the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and Ministry forPacific Peoples enable Pacificartists and/or historians to work with communities to develop a comprehensive historical record of account of the Dawn Raids period as an additional goodwill gesture of reconciliation; 12 agreed that the Minister of Police and Minister oflmmigration direct their officials to make available archival records to assist with the compilation of the historical account; 13 invited the Minister for Arts, Culture, and Heritage and Minister for Pacific Peoples to jointly report back to SWC within six months on development of a historical account as agreed in paragraph 11 above; 14 agreed to the followingadditional goodwill gestures of reconciliation to accompany the governmentapology: 14.1 develop a comprehensive written and oral account of the Dawn Raids, including development of multimedia formatswhich will include community engagement; 14.2 academic and vocational scholarships beingReleased provided for eligible Pacific people; 14.3 resources that support the teaching and learningof the Dawn Raids and Pacific histories be made available for schools and kura that may wish to teach about the Dawn Raids; 14.4 the provision of Manaaki New Zealand Short Term Scholarship Training Courses for delegates from Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Fiji; 15 Section 9(2)(f)(iv) 16 noted the cost estimates and proposed funding sourcesfor the goodwill gestures, set out in the paper under SWC-21-SUB-0088; 17 noted that the education academic and vocation scholarships commemorating the Dawn Raids historical event will be awarded to New Zealanders of Pacific heritage annually from the 2021/22 financial year; 18 agreed that the scholarships in paragraph 17 above will be administered by the Pacific ProactivelyEducation Foundation; 2 4j5guw3kz4 2021-07-01 10:38:57 EGA LLY PR IV I LEGE D IN CONFIDENCE LEGALLY PRIVILEGED IN CONFIDENCE SWC-21-MIN-0088 19 approved the fiscally neutraladjustment to provide forthe education scholarships, as described, with no impact on the operating balance and/or net core Crown debt: �m - increase/(decrease) 12021/22 2022/23 2023/24 12024/25 12025/26& butyears Vote Education Minister of Education Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure: Primary and Secondary Education (MCA) Departmental Output Expense: Support and Resources for 0.280) 0.525) 0.525) 0.525) 0.525) Education Providers (fundedby revenue Crown) Vote Tertiary Education Minister of Education Departmental Output Expense: Stewardship and Oversight of the P.035 0.035 0.035 P.035 P.035 Tertiary Education System (funded by revenue Crown) Benefitsor Related Expenses: Tertiary Scholarships and Awards P.245 0.490 0.490 ReleasedP.490 P.490 20 agreed that the changes to appropriations for 2021/22 in paragraph 19 above be included in the 2021/22 Supplementary Estimates and that, in the interim, the increase be met from Imprest Supply; 21 authorised the Minister of Education and Minister for Pacific Peoples to approve the final design of the scholarship programme; Section 9(2)(f)(iv) 22 Section 6(a) 23 Section 9(2)(f)(iv) 24 Section 9(2)(f)(iv) Proactively 25 Section 9(2)(f)(iv) Rachel Clarke Committee Secretary Present: (see over) 3 4j5guw3kz4 2021-07-01 10:38:57 EGA LLY PR IV I LEGE D IN CONFIDENCE LEGALLY PRIVILEGED IN CONFIDENCE SWC-21-MIN-0088 Present: Officials present from: Rt Hon Jacinda Ardem Office of the Prime Minister Hon Carmel Sepuloni (Chair) Office of the Chair Hon Andrew Little OfficialsCommittee for SWC Hon Nanaia Mahuta Hon Willie Jackson Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall Hon Aupito William Sio Hon Meka Whaitiri Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan Released Proactively 4 4j5guw3kz4 2021-07-01 10:38:57 EGA LLY PR IV I LEGE D IN CONFIDENCE LEGALLY PRIVILEGED : IN CONFIDENCE CAB-21-MIN-0222.01 Cabinet Minute of Decision This document contains information for the New Zealand Cabinet. It must be treated in confidence and handled in accordance with any security classification, or other endorsement. The information can only be released, including under the Official Information Act 1982, by persons with the appropriate authority. Dawn Raids Apology Portfolios Prime Minister / Immigration / Pacific Peoples On 14 June 2021, following reference from the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee (SWC), Cabinet: 1 noted that there is sufficient evidence available to indicate that Pacific peoples, Māori, and other ethnic groups were discriminatorily targeted based on their race, ethnicity, and colour, in the implementation of immigration legislation and policy during the Dawn Raids period of 1974-1976; 2 noted that established criteria for a public apology has been met, and a moral imperative exists to apologise for the Dawn Raids, given the evidence of discrimination, the growing public demand for an apology, and New Zealand’s humanReleased rights framework; 3 Section 9(2)(h) 4 agreed that a formal government apology be delivered by the Prime Minister on behalf of the government for the treatment of individuals and communities impacted by the Dawn Raids between 1974–1976, which acknowledges the harm suffered and expresses sorrow and remorse about the events; 5 agreed to the draft wording of the statement of apology set out in Appendix 2 of the paper under SWC-21-SUB-0088; 6 authorised the Prime Minister, Minister of Immigration and Minister for Pacific Peoples to make any changes as required to finalise the statement of apology; 7 agreed that the Prime Minister deliver the formal government statement of apology at a government event to be held in Auckland on 26 June 2021; 8 invited the Prime Minister, Minister of Police, and Minister of Immigration to participate in ProactivelyPacific
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