VOL. VII.—No. 46 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1945 PRICE THREE CENTS Race Track Pints Of Blood Goal Pool Use Opponents Of Red Cross On August 27 Prohibited Board Answers' Union; Plasma Bank Here That •and whole blood in large quanti- To Protest Day; Registrations Now ties will continue indefinitely." By Fischer In Pupil Marking Row Mrs. Kozusko also said that Are Being Accepted By Charies E. Gregory To Meet With Edge adequate reserves of plasma are Avenel And Woodbridge Nicldas Action Seen now in the possession \>f the Tuesday; Will Seek WOODBIRIDGE — Mrs. John Armed Forces, but it will be neces- Sites Affected; Polio Affirmed la Handling As some of you may have Kozusko, chairman of the Blood sary to continue^ to replace the Super Service! For GFs Revocation Of License Donor Service of local Red Cross, Protection Reason Of Morrow-Deber Row withdrawals from this reserve heard, I packed my lunch announced today that the next Red RA.RITAN TOWNSHIP—Draft- Local Ration Board, Which Won Fight To Get Serv- and an assortment of scrib- 'Cross Mobile Blood Bank will (Continued on Page 2) W-OODBHfliDGiE.— As a safe- WOODBRIDGE—-The Board of ing of a committee to meet with come to Woodbridge Monday, guard against infantile paralysis ice Folk Gas Rations, Comes To Their Aid Again Education has sought to write finis - bled notes in a paper sack Governor Walter E. Edge in Tren- 1 August 2.7, at the Craftsmen's here, Health Officer 'Leonard Fisch- to the controversy among a high last Saturday, walked right ton at 12:30 P. M., Tuesday when Arranging Eloo.i Bank Club, Green Street. er announced today that he has WOODBRIDGE — "Gee, this conducted the successful fight school teacher, a member of the the establishment of a race track Board, and the supervising princi- up to the OPA in Washing- It will be necessary for the local is a lot better than the last time to get furlough gas rations for in Raritan Township near the ordered.the Avenel pool '-closed pal, over alleged interference in -chapter to secure 180 pints of I was up here." servicemen. » ton and said my say. Pines, will be. opposed, has been and has forbidd'en the planned use •the marking of a student's grades, blood to meet the quota, she said. That wat the comment made The system, tried successfully started at the office of Formei •of ,the Woodbridge pool, for the in a letter to Stephen K. Werlock, "With the cessation of hostili- by one G-I on furlough at the in one or two other communi- It was just as I expected. Judge George R. Morrison in New- president of the Woodbridge ties in Europe," the .chairman danger period. War Price and Rationing Board ties in the State, eliminates the Brunswick. It is expected that the Township Teachers' Union. The The high-voltage thinkers pointed out, "half the job is ac- Six cases of polio have fceen re- offices in the Municipal Build- necessity of servicemen waiting committee will consist of manu- letter-, in answer to the union's complished, but there still remains ported in the county, three of ing when he discovered the in line f ox their turn to re- who are running this import- facutrers, merchants and church request for a statement of policy, the other half, which may develop which are in Perth Amboy. Thom- Board had made arrangements ceive rations for food and gaso- and educational leaders. states the board "concurs in the ant war agency are more in- into the tougher part of the task. as Snyder, 13., of Perth Amboy, •with AVoodbridge Township line for their furloughs. Goiv. Edge consented Tuesday action taken by. the administrative terested in drawing- charts Many of the wounded in the Eu- succumbed to ,the disease at the Chapter, American Red Cross, "When a furlough is of short to give the opponents to the track authorities charged with the re- ropean Theatre and at home will Jersey iCity 'Medical Center on to provide a special service desk duration," a board spokesman showing the average con- an audience and to act on any sponsibility of administering the still require both plasma -and July .3 after a visit to the sea- for servicemen on furlough and said, "a serviceman does not sumption of ink (blue) on charges that may be lodged against policies of this Board." the State Racing Commission mem- whole blood for some time to shore on the previous day. discharged veterans. enjoy standing in line at the any given Tuesday in ration bers. In announcing the appoint- come, and the war in the Pacific, "To date," Mr. Fischer said, It -will be remembered it was Ration Board when he could be Just who the "administrative ment for the conference Edge re- undoubtedly, will be accelerated 'we have 'been fortunate that no the local ration board which (Continued on Page 2) authorities" are was not made boards with left-handed clear, but it is assumed the refer- chairmen serving from thir- (Continued on Page 2) so that the need- for both plasma cases of infantile paralysis have been reported here. But we must ence is 'to Supervising Principal ty to thirty-five thousand take every precaution to prevent Victor C. Nicklas, and his handling Soldier's Car Stolen, He Spots of the case. people, whichever is greater, it from spreading here. I am also 3 Bamed? 2 Injured In Series asking the aid1 of the police de- The letter in full reads as fol- than in pulling a gat on the partment in.preventing swimming lows : black market. It was my can- in clay ,pits, which, are unhealthly It And Effects Driver's Arrest "At a meeting of the Board of did observation, too, ..that Of Four Auto, Factory Mishaps places to swim at any time. Per- Education held on- June 6, 1945, they are peculiarly well- sons caught swimming in clay pits Recognizes Machine Onlice arrived to take Mm back to a series of complaints were filed Hanson and Addison were taken will 'be arrested." that .city they addressed him byby the Teachers' Union. By virtue equipped for the ink work. Avenel Fireman Among Highway Even Though of these complaints the Board of to the Perth Am'boy General Hos- Because cases have been report- Ms first name and said he had * £ V ".' Mrs. John Kozusko •Education caused an investigation, Victims In Blaze, Af- pital where they 'were treated for ed in neighboring communities ibeen in (trouble and arrested sev- I wanted to get an investigator License Plate Changed to be made. first degree burns and released. Mr. Fischer again urged parents eral times. They alsio said he had to come into the area just so he termath Of Collision Sunday afternoon, Louis Be- to take cognizance of a few funda- W00D.BKIDGE — A soldier, joined the Navy but was given a Weigked The Facts could see how the racketeers are WOODBEI-DGE—Three person's recki, Perth Amboy, was taken Another Year mental facts -as follows: whose car was stolen from Perth discharge shortly after. "The Board has weighed the- wearing the OPA on their watch- to the Perth. Amboy General Hos- facts, as presented by your com- persons were burned and two oth- "When symptoms appear put Amoy Sunday, recovered it him- fobs, and how utterly insane it mittee, and as shown by the results ers injured in four accidents in pital after he was badly burned Of Rationing, the paitient to bed and isolate Mm has been to draw charts while the iseil-f in Avenei yesterday when he of the investigation, and in each at an accident at the Shell Oil at once. Call a doctor. Temple Adopts Resolutions black market has been drawing the Township'over the weekend. Company, Sewaren, where he is spied' it being driven -on Route 2'5 case the Board .concurs in the blood from every legitimate mer- (Sunday evening, a truck driver an employe. Is OPA View "Doctors recommend that paT- iwith. a New York license plate On Death Of Leon Ferbel action taken by the administrative chant, every housewife, every and an Avenel fireman were It is understood that Berecki ents avoid removal of tonsils and ioln it.' authorities charged with the re- patriotic person who seeks to do burned about the arms when a adenoids when infantile paralysis FORDS—-The following reso- (Continued on Page 2} W0ODRRIDGE — War Ration M/Sgt. Philip Bolsolas, 210 lutions on the death of Leon sponsibility of administering the • his full share in meeting the re- truck caught on fire in front of is prevalent in the .community. policies of this Board. Book Five, "smaller than a dol- Ferbel, New Brunswick Avenue, sponsibilities of a citizen in a Hiram's Farm on Route 2i5, Ave- "The virus of infantile paralysis (Broad Street, Perth Armiboy, re- "Concerning the question as to democracy. I don't know "which of nel. According to, Patrolman Al- Baran Slightly Injured lar bill" and1 containing just as prominent local merchant, was is widespread in sewage and pol- cently returned from two years in passed by Congregation Beth the policy of the Board of Educa- my several pleas was successful, bert 'Martin, the driver, Million In Car Crash On Route 35 half as many stamps as the last luted -water. Practice cleanliness. 'th.e European area, the owner of tion regarding the duties of prin- but I do know that an investigator Addison, 13tO6 West 'Park Avenue, 'Mordecai, of which he was a book issued, will be distributed Avoid crowed swimming- pools the car, told local police he had member: cipals and teachers, that policy is - has been assigned here.
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