-.--"-"""&#39;i"i FD-350 E4-3-521 "- T"".|92 1 &#39;1-i V vqt - r&#39;::| MnunlClipping lnmspucn Below! i 4 sv 1 *"" J &#39; r.__. - » . |1 .-._- . " &#39;-:-- . I &#39; ¢ _ -&#39; 9&#39;.!.. _,____ I - 1 1. .;:L -_-, ______ 4- Miss 53nd!. - -1.-t 7.-. 92 mg, ;. &#39; 7 newspaper, lndlr:c;tepuqe, city andname stale.!cl A I - --- .~_&#39;;&#39;___-aq 1 :&#39; J" 92._.i.- . [Insiders are dictin a92 92 i split as No. 2in the man inBiack Muslim§.h1a!¢9 the ZorganT@6n. "HY ousf-Ba "1"" ___ I ; 92 a m gfQup opposcElnah Muhammed L 92 ".1-1! 4--an-I CHICAGO SUN TIMES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Dune: Edition: -..-5h Author: S&#39;lAR FINAL TUR- Editor: ; - *.T: "I";&#39;T Title: _ HO I _ Chaructur: &#39;; or Clunnucuuon:CHICAG Submlmnq Office: HN G. TREZEVAN Uner Investigation Z 92 / >1!-.37/39I 92 I W .¬ NOT 128nzcnanzn.:;.:a 15 1564 C-9 /X92~ 51 &#39; : fl,- .10/£0 - 5/I FD-350 H-3-62l gut MountClipping lnV$poee Below! 7 _ ,4 l El: 92 " . -- #i"&#39;1_ D E 1:16,1_ . l 1% n: -. Tnlmn A -._ . -*1-=~.:r-t ,_.. I r : .&#39;r. 1..:.;;.-zr ____, » .. I -.. -c-. &#39;71 .3 1-. f_&#39; 92=.§ _.__ E: .. :~ ;-.1-&#39;v: .~ , _ _ .. Gr, I 4 _iz&#39;.5&#39; ..--..92&#39;Z 3"? I-I1. &#39;a92-eh ________ . "1-,..; ,t. 7 T-.lo. I-l&#39;.m:»m._.._____ I-has H.-.lm-.&#39;e..____ Miss Gendy.._.___ 1?;1. F- _-.--n-t-» a l Indicatepcql. mime Of 92 y and emu.! . newlpcph C 92-I :1 .--Q- 4 &#39;1hJ- &#39;. 5-2- I . .*&#39;."&#39; .1 .1», .-_,:&#39;__. , &#39;:l -4:: J1 &#39;cl &#39;. E CHALLBIGEI AND FRIENDS -Mulcom leader of the Block Muslim movement In New Yorl: City is shown with his family 1 Fe and Cassius Clay, at Clay: training camp @l§?»i"éI in Miami, Flo. Minister Malcolm and his family were quest: of the challenger for H 3&#39;-_ .-&#39;5-.,_. the l&#39;|eavyweigl92t boxing tit&#39;¢7" he World &#39; bit Q ;§:;j" »;.- , . 2 152:5; Dale: Edition: and were oelebroting their wedding arm - . ,0@,34¢/3;!versory. From le"Ft in the photo are Minis Author: "ever-1v Carter Malcolm: wife, Betty, daughter Attila , Editor: Minister Malcolm, daughter Qubilah, Cl Title: lW,¢=_-aam-6"and baby daughter llyasah. Photo Robert Huggins! PQCIIIZ xzmna 4-1954 DI Clalniliccnionz ]Dgh&#39; EC T Submllunq Ol!1cI= i I WV Q§;.;m a gag? ...- Iva- FD-350 -3-67.! 1 UK, n § 1 F * 92 i[|f92OU1&#39;92l7_cf|ipp|la§Space Below!i inf i iii? i ii 4. to-.. r Q- ._ _,...d_..2,_ _- l92_ -&#39; 92- -.--* -i if .;&#39;¢.-r."- Ilhuait . __r1 .-!&#39;-,- .- 92 -4. »;1I_,;{?&#39;;<-_=.i ~92-&#39;1Q - J H:-. _&#39;.r "92&#39;.&#39;-I. I-»Ya 5 Muslims in Chicago, that Mal- ~£§.--&#39;-"colm is locked tn a "power struggle" with Elijah Mu- -.__..__.,_....hammad, leader of the sect. The Chicago convention is set for Feb. 28. - Malcolm was auspandod by 92 theT NEW Muslim YORK leader in earlyi1imnt and outspoken stalwart of the _ ac Muslims, will not attend the December during tho period of nationalChicago mourning convention {or ofPrui- the group, according to a story diiiin the Kaaaiiii New York whoaAmsterdam }-is-Icolia News. ~- ,_ . Ila saidThe story lo followedhave made ra-a series oi rumors, denied by &#39;marks critical oi rho Ian Pram- _yV lclont. would be lifted before the ;_ We expect some 2,000 de1e~ convention." The sole decision, gates and all Muslims who are according to Ali, is up to Mu- in good standing can attend. hammad, who is now in Phoe- Since Malcolm is still under suspension, he is not in good nix,&#39; It aaema fr:-izona.that theH lg suaporuio standing," John Ali, national la not sau92o:.hing_1ha8 ioul:l92 secretary of Muhammad&#39;sbo_-dalalriralnod by-_0thatnI:Il- F Mosque, reportedly told a cor~ --...__.________ " respondent of the Amsterdam 1 E Mr. &#39;f&#39;,~|,,_.n I-Te&#39;ws. i._"}.....;&#39;_&#39;f*£=°".=-..-.~"i&#39;o~!.&#39;~;"l;:£"!&#39;f&#39;.&#39;:..&#39;,.&#39;~ B.92f_--1,,-It T Because Malcolm&#39;ssuspen- 2.1.. 3:hr ________ i sion trom normal aciivitie: is I. |_.---:77 1 "indefinite." Ali said, it would =P<>1J<>wm¢1&5 &#39;Y_i&o~pen3i¢i, W 51:1 _ _ ely to assuml-tire!-it Malcolm remain: silent in his .71 Q - ,_| $¢:,». NEW York residaiee, and has 5.1: . not made any public or relig. 1°-18 appearancesat Mos que 31- E~&#39;2nn..._____ N". 7| 01 which he was the hi1. Gap _ __ former minister.Visiting Mug. T-fr. 1&#39;:_¢,.-.1] W hm leaders from aroundl a/00-3the Mi" $1-?; 92nnffE_&#39;_T_ cmmtry have appeared to take 3&#39;11-I_..___. Til?! over Malcolm: duties at the - .&#39;-&#39;=r19". °$q11E-A large delegation of Tl-J9, 1},-mm ew Yorkers have chartered 2.1 - i- _&#39; 31 Hulmcg -~_.. [planesto y to the one-day i 513$: Gam!y______; -.._-_._..._._ -:---_...._.____ .| _ ram icagq Meetinl 92 _Indicate puqe, numa of _ newspaper, city and limo.! | .7. /-&#39;f .1 L...HQ1 QECORDED i _ _ 128 MAR4 1964 A . I &#39; CAUTION: ADVANCEI IS COLUMN FOR RELEASEMOE. I, FEBRUARY 211J Hr, &#39;sl1:F;||___ AND P.M. PAPERS. HLTST Nod BE PUBLISHED BEFORETHAT DATE.! Mr Cnnnaé WASHINGTON REPORTHm1 1&#39;-J15ithighs .311nl 1 . &#39;ONLY PAPES FORBY PURCHASINGLEWIS FULTONLEWIS, JR.,OTHERS COLUMN. Né.! an-.M1151 r.gum-,~.__| ci;pg;% COPYRIGHT, l961¢,_1c:sormrunss sqnicnm, INC. HASiilliG&#39;l0?i, FEB.23 -- A bitter struggle for control of fanatic BlackMuslim movementIlse brokenout. Ir.Mr. TlVel_._.__Sui Mr. T1-<Msr__ &#39;1&#39;he protagonists:___|[a_l__eog;__X_, s fiery, self-admitted recove Gele. Boomi narcotics addict who has been the uslimv leading spokesman in recentu.us Hckn1u._.. Ilse Bandy | years; and Elijah lluhsnmag, g self-styled Messenger or Allah who &#39;92_,r. &#39;beenjhe country&#39;sMuslim-in-Chief three decades.for I3, Malcolm was suspended by Mohamed for an indefinite period months ,sgo"tor mking wisecracks aboutthe assassination oi c~»==._¢".- Ir no mmarks were but an excuse to muzzle Malcolm, Muhammad rival. A confidential government report reveals that Malcolm has not taken this disciplinary action gracefully and he has attempted to develop support among other leaders or the Black Mulime in _-. : :____, ______,l;_ .* section oi the coumtry. b&#39;|Q_ Malcolm has reportedly won to his side the influential New fl tsction. ghicsgo leaders -- many oi whom are sons and daughters or ;;[ Muhammadhave -- stuckby their leader. 51¢ loontestThere havemoderates been between ei1&#39;ortsextremiststo characterize andMalcolmthe Muslim riftwith asthe leading radical contingent. Such an observation is folly. _ In June, 1962, a plane carrying 130 Americans crashed in Paris, _ killing all aboard. Malcolm thenlaid down Muhammad&#39;sin alineLos Angeles speech: _*i7 7, 7 ,___, _ "I would like to announce e. very beautitul thing that happened. - 2- """"&#39;*&#39;*5 As you know, we have been praying to Allah. we have been praying that He muld in some way let us know that he has the power to executive Justice upon the heads or those who are responsible for the lynching O. of Ronald Stokes killed by police in I. Black Muslim riot!- _ _ &#39; "And I got a wire from soc today," _ At this point Malcolm was interrupted by wild laughter. _ Wait! Wait! Well, somebody came and told me that He really _ y snswered gur prayers over in France. He dropped an airplane out or o _&#39; - &#39; "_&#39;_7&#39;:f*,;:7"-_" ski &#39;§=" theOver hundreda andtwenty whitepeople onit, because lazslims believe in an eye tor an eye em! s tooth for a tooth." .- , __._&#39;_f___ renzied cheering then broke out. _-~,}g~-.- 5"-r&#39;;1i&#39;,; gees}-is ofthem inone 92lhoo&#39;p...Butthanks toGod» er f 2 l W * 92° hovalf; or lallch, weout will thecontinue of on-_n topray andwe hopethat ever!day " " Muhanm:sd,2the alleged moderate, proclaims "the devil is the white men-- the white nan is s doomed race." Muhammad&#39;s teachingholds that white men wen"by nat1;;&#39;e;cres1ied_a_!:liarsand murderers; they are the enemies or truth and righteousness, snd thegenemies or those who seek the t;!uth...the human beset -- the serpent, the dragon;the devil, and Satan - all mean one and the same: the people or race known as I the whiteor Caucasianrace: IWW LL = I/a.a=_-1/7J:J7".3?Ee 14 flu_ . "" IM -5 92- . I I FOR sztmss MONDAY, ssssuunv 211,. 1961» 1- PAGE 2 BY FULTON IEWIS, an: - xx racei." I Muhamadcomes closeto preaching outright sedition.His f ollowers dodge the draft. He speaks knowingly of the "Battle of Armageddon" and has promised that "white rule in the United States will be overthrown by 1970." $- ~_._._-_,-&#39; - Muslims areforbidden toeat pork; A Muslim minister explained &#39;1. - why: "The hog is dirty, quarrelsome, greedy, ugly, foul, a scavenger &#39;e".i:"1".&#39;.
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