/ ■■ j.i >g. ■ r? } ir«^rtr<4r«^ .. f •Hmrn ! rA6B TWENTY THURSDAYi JUNE 2 ,19S6 Average DaOy Net Pnra IkiR For tha.Woak BuCad Ih e W c iKaturtrfBtor Evpttittg IfnraUt l(a y S S ,U H ad l L B. Wa Hia Flrsmra and Polica Asm. man, Mra. Laon Bradley and Mias Amoug the oounaskn who have Flair, 4 Sartiht Lag wiU mast at 8 o’clock tonight at Barbara Waliett win pteamt a been usmed for th e Klngawnod ^ r, w anwjr. iB I^ 71 NEW About Town South Manchester Firs Depart- Slate of now officera for the oom- Day Oam^Wast Hill Aquatic GENERAL 11,650ro r«M AudU mrat hsadqusrtera on Sprud St. ing election. DelegXtea and al­ Camp in Weab PUurtford is Ralph 1 a( OieulaUan SUMMER SCHEDULE ' Chapman court, Order of to discuss midget football. ternates will also be elected to at­ MaccaroUe,, teacher o f music' in Mmnche$ter— A City o f VUlogd Charm Amaranth, will nieet in the Ma­ tend the annual Department con-, Manchester 'schools.' AU REPAIRING Daily S^A.M. to 6 P.M. sonic Temple tomorrow a t 7:46 Scandia Lodga No. 23, Order of vention in Hartford, July 1 to 16, p.m^.The buaineas w ill inchide the Vasa, will hold ite monthly meat- I Hotel Bond. At thla'meet- Ralph Albsrtua Wa aon o f YOL.LXXIV,NO.207 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, C(>NN., FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1955 initiation of candidates. A social iilg at Oranga Hall at 8 o'clock to­ preparatlona will alao be made the Rev. Dr. W. Ralplf^ard and PRICE FIVE CEMTB i hour will foUow in the banipiet night Mrs. Lillian Leggett, rtiair-’ for the annual picnic te be held D Y A N D THURSDAY Mra. Ward of Pltteburgh, PS., will hall, .with refreshments Served by lady of the lodge, urges aU mem- on June 14 a t the home o f Mrs. be graduated from M t Lebanon Sunkist Frozen Mrs. Catherine \ Perecco land bars to bp present Hospital plan Elmer Rice, 76 Russell St. Mem­ I>monade . .7 cans $1.00 High School in Pltteburgh at com­ imd FRIDAY her comntlttee. 'No. 2 dues are noW payable and bers are also reminded to bring mencement exerriaes Wednesday, E R W O R K Free Sh^ti^ should be in to the financial sec­ in their coupons. June , in High - School Stadium, Fresh Sara-Lee Coffee retary of the plan by July I. 8 YOUR DOI HAVE MORE CENTS HERE C k k es...................7 9 c Mrs.. Alice Cunningham Mt. Lebanon High School. He Denied Stays UNTIL 8:30P.M. of this town, formerly of^-Staf­ ' Harold 8. Bsdurtha of 132 will be remembered as the eldest Iced Fruit Salad jar 49c ford Springs, has been splinted11 Nurses’ Aide Corps has set WethsreU St., a Pn»it and Whitney o f the three sons o f Dr. and Mrs. U rged / for director of. nursing apiece -at,t ^ a date of Monday, June 30, at 6 A lr c n ^ emiUoye, won 370 in .he Ward. The others are David and \lkl\R SERUICE p.m. fo r ite anhual picnic. It wiU sFo Johnson Mlemoiiai H os^tal. Staf­ May^buggottlon contest at the WiUi your L«g of Luiib, aerv* Pinahurst California Liong White Gerald R. Dr. Ward, who -waa ford, succeeding Lawrence. be held a t the home o f Mrs. W il­ pastor of the South Methodist On Gas Executions Potatoei, Preah Native Aaparagu# or Krda Bya Peaa, Mint Jelly Becker of Willin^n, who re­ liam Brennsn, 31 Mt. Nsbo PI. VAN.) STBTIOn and toesed green aalad. If you want aomething different on your for: over seven years, preceding AUChildreu signed. Mrs. Egdh is a graduate At Hartford _Hospital_ Monday, Dr. Fred R. Eldgsr, is here for the aalad try Monarch Ruaaian Dreaaing (like Trench only aweeter). ' 4 2 7 Hartford Bd. Manchester,Conn. Los Angeles, June 3 (ff>— of St. Maryy Hospital, Water- At the meeting of the Ameri­ a son was bom to Mr. aiid Mrs. New England Southern .Conference ' Washington, June 8 </P>-— Liega of Lamb are a “good buy" too, with nice trader Genuine bury, and hM been engaged in in- can Legion Auxiliary Monday eve­ The State Supreme Coqrt to­ Spring 7M to 8 lb. lega aclUng at 69c for whole or butt half. Albert Lindsay, 36 Edgerton St., at South (Thurch and w ill be one TELBPB(>NE Mitchell 9-8066 stituUonal/mnd private duty nurs­ ning, June 6, the nominating, eom- and a daughter ter Mr. dnd Mra. of the featured speakera at the day denied the lateat applica- Senate Democrats have set in ing. Mrs. Wilber LitUe, chair­ Georgs .Muir, 42 Ck>msU St. aervice thla evening. tion for a stay of exocutiM in motion a drive to make freo: BUDGET SAVERS Salk vaccine available “tb behalf of convicted alayer Potato Salad' Mississippi 3^ every American child.” Bscon ......... lb. Barbara Graham. The court It would go well beyond Fred Cole Slaw after about 10 minuteo drat Elaenhower’a pinn to pay for "6Bc Chuck deliberation made its ruling anti-polio inoculaUon only of chU- Rath’s Vacuum G rou n d .............lb. dren whose parents cqn’t afford Packed C(M Cute and Chief Joatice Pbn 8. Gib­ the Shota. ' Guaranteed Lamb son told reportera simply: “It A bill to carry out the rival lat prise Frankfurte P a ttie s ..........2 lbs. is denied; gentlemen.** Damocrattc propoaai wns intro­ M orrell’a Ready To duced last night by (ainirman Hill Yearly Eat Hama Regular San Quentin, June 8 (/P>— .(D-Alai and the other six Demo- Hamburg . lbs. /] San Quentin prison went craUc members of tho Smata^ (S lbs. $1.00) labor and Public Welfaro ahead with preparations for mittee. A t the name tim c,/H ill T op Issue Some like it fa t. many like it lean , /. and for those the triple execution of Bar­ called, a mebUng of the oon^ttee for Monday tO’ consideryOie pro we suggest very lean Sirloin Tip, Round Steak or Rhump bara Graham and two kill- poials. ^ Detroit, June 8 Tmse, Pot Roasts. And we have a limited quantity of extra for-money murderera when Dembcrate outnumtorod Rcpiib- near strike deadline negotia­ lean cuts of Tendercure Corned B e«. (We say “limited” word was received the State Jicana 7-6 on tliat/rommittee but tions between Fw d Motcur Cb7' for the reason we always sell out regardless of the' Supreme Court had denied one Democratic/ mamher, Sen. last minute pleas to spare Murroy o f Mqptana, ia in Europe, and CIO United Auto Woric- quantity of corned beef we )iave). Meaty 4th thru 7th their lives. pnnmittee pmnocrate end Repub- ers / reportedly, centered to­ cuts of Choice Roast Beef make a nice oven roast at Tho Govomoif had ordered a do- licnnB havp'been nt odds over how beet to Jian^e the Salk vaccine day on the extent to whkh 69c lb. lay of the executkm only pa hour Ford would supplement un- btforo M ri. Graham waa auppoaed eituaUpn. Democrate have Rxm- to go Into tho gaa chamber at 10 not^legialatlon to give the'Fteal- imployment compensation of a.m. dqnt standby poyyers to control “ off workers under » new etribution^nnd price cf the new Word of the High Oourt’e denial paralyala preventive, biit Repub­ ;t. UWB received at 10:06 a.in. ..^Laformed waaieMi m ,. licans generally have Haed up be­ pteaMli ______ z Warden Harley O. Teete aaid It hind the administration position in would take a little more than 10 favor o f a vpltmtery ayetem. ____ least in ucin- At HALF^eirServe am^eat O^aiimen^ udnutes to prepare again for the ^ le by Fbto.-But teora w esw ^ Asks Fair Dae deatha o f the Arid. toveegent tepqrta on bow flar 81014 HUl said 1 a Senate speech the otterod to gdxtoong tele route, In Bah Franciaco, Cauef Judge Democratic bill would aaeure HALE’S FRESHLY EDUCATOR THIN WlUlam Denitaan of:'tho UJI. 9th paralleling UAIV b pian tor Barbara Graham "fair and Juat dUtrlbutlon and iwe. guaranteed 1 GROUND MEAT DEPARTMENT Dlatrlct Oourt of Appeale turned B ^ render propoaala calling for Sign Joint Declaration at Belgrade W lieth er. SALTINE down last minute petiUons on tha oUier iMana of control over such also had accepted behalf of Mra. Graham and the two distribution and use lesa immedi­ Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin, left, and President Tito of Yugoslavia sign a joint EVERYONE'S DEMANDING FRESH ately neceaeary.” anything anproachiiR': COFFEE ^ CRACKERS naen under death aentracea—John declaration in Belgrade, June 2, urging creation o f a world atmosphere whiidi could waa a secret Lb. ■ante and Iknmet Pericina. Sen. D ow las (D -IU ), a commit- 1 Lb. Pkg. Extra *90,0()0 Profit tro member, complained to the lead to solution by peaceful means of the world’s outstanding problems. Amimg these The Detroit Thnett se34.lMW- Robert Barber, attorney fo r Mra. ever. General Motors Graham, tol<t reportera; - "Thia Seimte that Republicans have been the declaration listed “the satisfaction of the'legitimate rights of the People’s Repub­ trying to stall action. On four re- lic o f CJiina with re g a ^ to Formosa.” The Soviet Union has long backed Red China’s in at least two inetonbas looka like the rad of the Une." negoUatlng-<mening offer, A t 10:10 a.nu Warden Teete anid crat occulons the committee has claim to the Nationalist Chinese island fortress.
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