SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL REVIEW │ 2008-2014 APPENDICES APPENDICES CONTENTS SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL REVIEW APPENDICES | 3 1 School Response to 2001-2007 Review 4 2 School committee structure 8 GOVERNANCE, STAFFING AND INFRASTRUCTURE 9 3 Strategic and operational plans 10 4 School administrative structure 12 5 School academic staff profiles 14 6 School professional staff 37 7 Honorary and adjunct staff 39 8 School committees and responsibilities of standing members 42 9 School committee memberships (2014) 44 10 Workspace allocation guidelines 45 FINANCE 48 11 Budget workbook (2009-2015) 49 TEACHING AND LEARNING 50 12 Full list of courses (2015) 51 13 Full list of dual degrees (2015) 53 14 Effective Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) for UQ Economics 54 15 Student enrolment by postgraduate coursework program (2008-2014) 55 16 Student load (EFTSL) in key equity groups by owner for UQ Economics courses (2008-2014) 56 17 Breakdown of total enrolments by program in all UQ Economics courses (2014) 58 18 Diversity of enrolments (by program) in three UQ Economics courses 60 19 Domestic and international student enrolments by program level 64 20 School scholarships, prizes and bursaries 66 21 BEcon University Medals awarded (2008-2013) 67 DISCOVERy’ 68 22 RePEc ranking of School of Economics by research field (May 2015) 69 23 Research publications (2008-2014) 70 24 External research grants – awarded and continuing (2008-2014) 89 25 Research collaboration partners, consultancy clients and bodies to which UQ Economics made submissions to public enquiries (2008-2014) 94 26 School visitors (2008-2014) 96 27 Year PhD/MPhil awarded and graduate employment destination (2008-2014) 101 28 PhD and MPhil theses submitted (2008-2014) 103 29 Research Higher Degree candidature progression and development (Milestones) procedures 105 ENGAGEMENT 111 30 Academic conferences, symposiums and workshops hosted by the School (2008-2014) 112 31 Keynote and invited presentations by School staff (2008-2014) 113 32 School staff professional affiliations and editorial appointments (2008-2014) 117 33 Training programs run by the School (2008-2014) 119 34 Industry, alumni and student engagement events (2008-2014) 121 35 Student recruitment activities (2008-2014) 122 36 Public lectures, seminars and book launches hosted by the School (2008-2014) 123 37 Internal seminars held by the School (2008-2014) 125 38 Media outlets featuring UQ economists (2008-2014) 137 39 Social media 138 INTERNATIONALISATION 139 40 International students country of origin (2008 and 2014) 140 41 International student enrolments in postgraduate coursework programs 143 4 | SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL REVIEW APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: SCHOOL COMMITTEE STRUCTURE THE LAST SCHOOL REVIEW WAS SUBMITTED IN MAY 2008 Recommendation Actions Taken/Outstanding 1. Appoint a Deputy Head of A new Deputy Head of School position was created in 2009. School. 2. That the functions and role The functions and role of the School Executive Officer position were reviewed in 2009. of the School Executive Changes were made to provide a greater emphasis on the strategic and managerial Officer be changed to provide aspects of this role and the role was suitably reclassified. stronger support to strategic decision making within the School. 3. All incoming Heads and UQ offers training to Heads of Schools, in the form of short courses and regular Deputy Heads undertake workshops. The School decided not to make training mandatory, but for the BEL Dean to senior management training, discuss and recommend specialist management-training courses when required. using opportunities made available by the University. 4. Restructure and streamline the The School restructured the Executive Committee in 2009 to be composed of: School Executive Committee • Head (Chair) and Deputy Head to be composed of: • Chairs of Committees (5) • Head and Deputy Head • Members appointed by the Head of School (3): • School Executive Officer – one academic representative of Level E • Chairs of the School’s – one academic staff representative of Level B-D Teaching and Learning, – School Executive Officer (Secretary). Research, Postgraduate and Marketing Committees • Two further academic staff representatives (one from level D/E and one from level B/C). 5. Clearly define the terms of The following committees were formally created with formalised terms of reference and reference and membership of membership criteria: the School’s Committees and • Executive ensure that the committees • Infrastructure meet regularly and play an • Marketing active leadership role in the • Research and Research Higher Degrees School’s affairs. • Professorial • Search and Visitors • Teaching and Learning. 6. Institute a system of regular A new system was introduced. A School meeting is held at least once a year. The School meetings. meeting is open to: • All academic staff members at Level B or above on continuing appointment or fixed- term placement of at least one year • Postdoctoral research fellows and other Level A research • Academics on contracts of one year or more • All general staff members on continuing appointment or fixed-term placement of at least one year. The meeting is also open to honorary research staff by request. The School meeting is a forum for discussion and exchange of information and ideas concerning the organisation, governance and operation of the School. 7. Improve flows of information The School responded by introducing: and communication within the • Staff intranet School. • New process for policy development • Renewed commitment to staff consultation and communication (including new workload allocation policy; new process for hiring junior staff; and a new process for staff to comment on expressions of interest from potential PhD students). 8. Give attention to ongoing The School introduced a new Infrastructure Committee to provide advice on all matters space planning and provision. relating to physical and virtual infrastructure in the School, including office and teaching space requirements. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL REVIEW APPENDICES | 5 Recommendation Actions Taken/Outstanding 9. Undertake immediate and The School’s Professorial Committee formed a Strategic Planning Sub-Committee to ongoing strategic planning develop the 2009-2014 strategic plan. with regard to the future focus, staffing and research profiles and the overall direction and positioning of the School. 10. Undertake transparent The School continues to undertake detailed budget planning and financial analysis, budget planning and financial which are now informed by the strategic plan. analysis, taking into account future strategic directions of the School. 11. Institute regular planning The School held a one-day annual planning retreat in 2009 to consult on the strategic retreats. plan. 12. Undertake a comprehensive The School completed a review of the program and dual degrees in 2009. A working review of the BEcon and party was established to implement, in consultation with relevant academic and associated dual degrees in administrative staff, the changes outlined in the review. (Changes included the 2009. introduction of a new major in Economics and Public Policy within the BEcon and associated dual degrees.) The School T&L Committee reviewed the curriculum of the School’s Masters programs in 2011. 13. Become more proactive and The School implemented a policy of identifying and anticipating issues and opportunities innovative in the oversight of by: teaching into other Schools’ • Examining course and teaching evaluations that are made available to the Head of and Faculties’ programs. School at the end of each semester for every course taught by staff in the School • Developing and maintaining a dialogue with other Schools and Faculties (not just with Heads of Schools, but also with Chairs of T&L Committees and individual staff) • Conducting regular curriculum reviews through its T&L Committee. 14. Institute a rigorous program The School continued its existing policy of systematically screening all teaching and of investigating and rectifying course evaluations at the end of each semester. All below average evaluations are the teaching of courses that investigated and actions determined on a case-by-case basis. receive low evaluation scores. The School identified a significant issue of some staff carrying high teaching loads. The School addressed this issue by developing a new Workload Allocation Policy and streamlining course offerings to reduce average teaching loads by 20%. 15. Redevelop the School The T&L Committee was formally established as part of a reorganisation of the School’s Teaching and Learning Committee structure (see Recommendation 5). Terms of reference and membership Committee membership, were implemented and the Committee meets regularly at times that are aligned with the terms of reference and meeting times of the Executive Committee. communication strategy to ensure that the Committee is able to fulfil its key role in leading teaching and learning in the School. 16. Reorganise existing The School created the position of Manager, Coursework Students and Programs in administrative roles to 2009. include a Manager of Student Administration. 17. Appoint a member of the Not implemented. academic staff as Chief Academic Advisor, and that this person be a member of the Teaching & Learning Committee. 6 | SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL REVIEW APPENDICES Recommendation Actions Taken/Outstanding 18. That the School, through a) The School revised its Teaching Awards Scheme
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