Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 6-6-1947 Fulton Daily Leader, June 6, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, June 6, 1947" (1947). Fulton Daily Leader. 682. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/682 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. e -. lititsirefzew, .0.111r* IWPW.2 SAWIT.PP6"139°"''''' - - s ,--werowarteligivOr 1 me Three d Tilghman sally sellouts re even. The Weather X set a re- FORECAST: KFJUTOr'cY PRES or the 220. Kentucky—Generally fair and Xavier R80- eentInutd warm and humid to- 170 1ATION ke the .ore- night and Saturday. • that event 71111(ton Dailtv minute and robtr ame school Volume XLVIII Associated Press Leased resting, June 6, 1947 Five Centpy No. 145 mark with • _ Wire Fulton, Kentucky, Fri( 3 4 seconds. power lines Fatally Hurt U. B. REA- I through Mrs. 011ie K r Courier-Journal Supports ected to rc- 4 ' freight of one of ma- a glass In Truck-Auto reek Thursday hospital for cuts on the head - Mrs. 011ie Kaler, 60, 503 W For Governor; , and arm, and W 3S discharged. Waterfield g of State Line, was Injured fatall °Nen- Mrs. R. L. Roland, 109 Oak in a tru darkly yesterday afternoon street, Fulton, was unconscious -- automobile collision on High 1 when taken to the hospital, and By ERL SENSING way 45 near Pryorsburg. Grave is in a serious condition i still Campaign Opens June 14 county. Mr. Kaler end two other A there, it was reported in May- B. 1 he shrill call of the battle ladies in the Killers' car n field this morning. Mrs. W. Lancaster, the other passenger umpet, calling men to their were injured. death. is silent today; the rat- ' in the Mater automobile, re- Four-H Champions tang drums of war, beating out The K:ler automobile was t ceivesi less rerious scratches and (:::::;,_,1 :t113?aelc;:d In the accident. the doom of mankind, no longer fifth sehicte in a funeral pro 1 bruises I The truck was driven by Picks Waterfield, sound. Uniforms, touched with ce..sioti accompanying the gay, shining bits of ribbon, are Clarcnce Draper, employe of the J. W. Johnston gathering dust. Souvenirs have Of Mrs 1ro Miller Dairy Products Ccmpany, t:ttIPAIGN PLANS LAID It their fascination. Marching Marfield to Beulah cemetery II i Paducah. It w's returning to - It et that once strode across the Obion county for burial Wit Petit:cub frcm Fulton, and car The Louisville Courier-Journ- Draper lace of the earth in cadence net -es ssld the nor hboun 'I-led empty beer cases. al, Kentucky's leading news- Patrolman have skipped a step and now truck in meeting the funeral told State Highway paper. in an editorial today an- he tried to cut aalk the peaceful paths of the proce, stun swerved acruss t Charles Stovall nounced its support of Harry procession world. Memories are all that highway NICi into the path through the funeral Lee Waterfield for the Demo- a side road after the ierriain. —In some cases, all the Kaler err to avoid hittln and into cratic nomination for Governor his half of the /that remains is blessed forget- a coupe. ttlso northbound, which coupe blocked of Kentucky in the August 2 highway. No charges had been !shifts stopped suddenly. primary election. 1 filed agninkt him today. publisher of Mr. Waterfield, There 13 a glistening stretch Mrs. Kaler was taken to th Mrs. Rols.nd is the mother of the Fulton Daily Leader and of sand along the vonst of Nor- Fuller-Oillitun Hospital in May Mrs. William R. Johnston. Ful- the Hickman County Gazette at mandy. It is quiet and peaceful. field by a Murphy embulanc ton. The late Mrs. J. W. John- Clinton. legmeaker of the state '\%ati the waves breaking softly from Martin, Tenn. She die ston wa.: the mother of W. R. House of Representatives. He Is ond gently upon the beach. shortly after arrival there. S Johnston. one of three announced candi- Children play In the\ sand by suffered a fracture of the neck, Mr. Kaler is a rural mail dates in the Democratic race. day in the bright sunlight, and and leg. In addition to other its carrier working out of the Ful- The Waterfield campaign 1 lovers walk there, arm in ann, juuriers.. ton post office. He and his wife opens officially next Saturday. by night in the light of a pale Kaler was treated at ;he had made their home in FUliqil June 14. at Murray. A barbecue from the top --.' :ince their marriage 22 years will be held at the city park, moon. A bird sings OZCIL BURNETT EVELYN HAMMOND of a pruned tree at the edge of ago. followed by the candidate's produced the state 4-H club dairy cham- the sand, and, further inland, a Funenal services for Mrs. Western Kentucky opening speech in the court Power System couMy. This is his ninth year peasant, wearing wooden shoes, Kaler will be held at 2:30 o'ntock pion—Cecil Burnett. Fulton square there. Everyone inter- plows his tiny, hedged-In field. VA 'tomorrow afternoon at the dairying, and his profits total $2,029.36 He owns a herd of ested in the candidacy of the The apple orchards are laden A littlo French girl plays in the sands of Omaha Beach where First Baptist church here. The le mows and heifers. Evelyn Hammond of Oldham county, is First District Democrat la in- Stgns with T Ed Bradley, with little apples. United States infantrymen stormed ashore In the D-Day in- pastor, the Rev. Sam the elate winner in the 4-H room improvement project. She vited to be present. will officiate. Burial will be In 1 vasion of Normandy June 6, 1944. In background is part of an wicked on her room for two years. doing it all over. She re- A motorcade of Waterfield It could not be that there, Weakley County Users -the' Walnut Grove cemetery county artificial harbor moor which was blown ashore by a storm early papered and refinished the floors, made a closet larger, and supporters from Fulton three years ago today, men from Offered Greater. with Winsett Funeral Home, will bat organized to attend the came storm- in the invasion. ServiaM Installed equipment. far across the sea By 1)ietributing Systems Martin, in charge. The body will opening rally. Maxwell McDade ing ashore at the breaking of remain atsthe funeral.horre un- will be in charge, and those wlao dawn—beating at the outer Dresden—The Weakley coun- til the services. can make the trip, and who can ramparts of hell. Is it possible! ty Municipal Electric System Mrs. Kaler was born in Henry Fulton Lions furnish transportation for oth- out , Church Plans Murray Ledger that the blood has washed U. S. Prepares has signed an electric*? de- county, Tenn., and was a mem- ers, are urged to contact him of the sand so soon? Can it be velopment contract with. the ber of the First Baptist church,' as soon as possible. true that there where the bird Children's Day Tennessee Valley Authority, • rulton. Her only daughter, Mar- ! Elect Today Following is the Courier- is tinging in the pruned tree, "Strong" Note Superintendent H. T. Branch an- tha Sue, died at the av;e of 18 ; "Best Weekly" Journal's editorial in support the limbs have grown out from nounced this week. months. In addition to Mr. I of Mr. Waterfield's candidacy: trunk' Where Officers Are Chosen cannon-shattered First Church of Nazarene 1Kaler, she leaves two sisters. I All The Courier-Journal urges are the streaks of red that stab- To Special Services To Be .. The contract makes a wide Mrs. Pearl Dammons and Mrs. I Unanimously; Three Win In Kentucky Kentucky Democrats to support sky, and where is the Russians variety of service available to W. E. Black, Fulton, five broth- , bed the Directed By Children 1 100 Pct. Attendance Pins . Harry Lee Waterfield for the pall of smoke that blackened the the system and its customes. ,ers: Smith Hastings and 0. C. i Award Made nomination for Governor on blue of heaven? And, 0 Lord. Protests Reds' Hastings of Fulton, and Lon of the 'Fulton The traditional Children's I Included on the staff are ape- New officers August 2. We believe there is what is this screaming silence Hastings. Will Hastings and Sam ! elected unani- that Mr. Day will be observed by the i I II t • availablen It from Lions Club were At State Press good evidence to prove q that has :Alen upon the beach Illegal Action Hastings, of McConnell, Tim., the regular meeting and First Church of the Na ren Weakley system custo- mously at Waterfield, if nominated where once men went deaf lis- j county div1-*several nieces, nephews And j.i.oday. _ _ . .._ ...... an hi SundaY. -June 8. Jikalir ri OzItticrat charge. The Annual Meeting elected, would give the State toning- to tho--tiastrulscaroii—aLl thip.gary,Coup cousins, in Fulton. Holland succeeds Charles pro- services will be under leader- I don operates in cooperation i W. L. unusually capable, honest, doom', Active pall bearers -kill be ft.
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