.. .. ., - ...... ....... ,I ,, ... .. .. .. .. , . :.. , . ..... - 4' '. ......... .. : . .. ...'I . .. , ,. .. .... .... ./' .: ~ . , , , . ......... .. .. ...... , .,: ~ ......... ... .* ...... indionq' Central College, Indionopolir, Indiana ' " " ' Vol:53,' No. 11 ' . .. .. I. .............. 'March IS, 1974 3 '. , ,.. ... ... .: . , ..;. .. .... ,. , ".'.. ,.I. .:.: ........ ','I ........:. ............ .. ........ ~. .. ...... ...........,. + ~ ... ..... .... .. .. .. ..... ,. .. :.... .... .., . .. .: _, ......... : .. ....... .. ... .. ...... ,. >,,i..'. ..... '2 :. - . .. .. .~ ..., ., I. .... ..... .. ...... ..,. .. .... I. .... ... .. -. .. .............~ .. *........... Bv Jan LernlaL/Commenlnrv .. ,.~,. : . .. .. , .:..... '. The InPIRC Organizing Committee prescribed by a physician. Consumers lack .~' quoted their prices over the phone. ,. recently released results of a comparative the information needed to comparison shop. Prices from lowest to highest varied from .. PRESCRIPTION DRUG .. 49 percent for Valium to 253,percent for .. ' ' . , . FRICISG,SURVEY RESULTS' survey on prescription drug prices. The To................................ examine the elfects of .the anti- .. - . 'Ubrlom Valium Acllkd survey shows price differences up to 253 advertising regulation in Indimpolis, the Achromycin V.. The totals, differed to 80 . Achramwia Ornrdc~~~~~. Damn Toul..... a percent. For example. Acromycin V. was InPlRC Oraanizini? Committee obtained percent. .I. .1.92 3.W 12'2.40 1.70 ..$1.70 at one store but $6 at two others; prices of sk prescription drugs, Libriuin Those most 'adversely. affected by,high 2. 1.92 2.40 -1.70 2.39 13.69. High prescription drug pricesare the result 30110; Valium 30110; Actifed 24; Achromycin prices are the elderly, the poor, and.the 3. 2.50. 3.75' 1.45 1.70. 1.95. 2.95' 14.30 of a nonsompetitive market perpetuated V 4012.50; Ornade 16; and Darvon. Compound chronically ill. Since Americans spend over 4 4: . 2.05 4.50 1.M.1.90 2.19 3.11 15.25 . through the anuadvertising regulation of the 65 30165. The telephone survey included 25 billiondoliars a year, it wouldbe benefjcial to . 5. Indiana Board of Pharmacy. This regulation pharmacies in the Indiana3polis area. Several all consumers to initiate ways to keep prices ' 6. low. I. prevents a pharmacist or a pharmacy from surveyors called over a two week period .... .:a. -9*-e . ' advertising either by price or by name any ending February 6. Each store was wlied for 9.' article or medical preparation that must be onedrugonaltermledays. Alibut fourstores 10. ...... --..+ ... ... .. -11. .._-. .... ... .... -*---.. .. .. 12. : , .. ,. .... .... 13. 14. - 15. .......... 16. 3.30 5.10 i.70 3% Z.M 3.0 19.76 --zJ Five queen .contestunts selected .. ... ,. .- . '. Kaihy Aiiten, Andrea Constantine:Kathy hagland, Penny Lofke. and Nancy Tucker have been sleected as the five contestants for Spring Festival Queen of.. 1974. ' ' . ', , . 3" .. .. The field of con1estants;which consisted of approximately 30 junior girls, was narrowed . to five byvoteinconvocationonMarch6.The final vote for queen was cast \Vednesday in convocation... ., ., .... The queen. whoever she may be. will be crowned as the highlight of activities during Indiana Central's annual Spring Festival to 'headed for last be held on April 6;According to Spring Festival Chairman, Linda Woods, "the .results will. be kept secret.. until. that evening:.'. - stretch of race Andrea Canstanthe Junior, Doug Land. and soDhomore. Barn, .. lloward we6 winners oi- Wednesday';': ,primary. race .for .the.Central Council .. presidency. ' . The primary election was only decisive in ... .. ' selectlng the two presidential candidates as . ' , . other oflices had only two and in some uses one candidate. .. .,. '- ' Candidates'for.the general election to be ' " 'held Alar* 22 are as follows: On the Central. ;, Action Party ticket. headed by presidential,, ' ' ' candidate, Barry Howard. are Joel Catlin for .... vice president4reasurer; Jan,Lesniak for secretary; Terry Taylor for vice president or . social activities: and Dave Michaels lor vice ., .... president ofreligious activities. Presidential candidate, Doug Land andvice president of soeiai activities candidate, Beth ' .. Youngblood. are running mates. ,!.. ...Junior, Shn'Alarkel is an independent .. .. :' candidate lor vice president-treasurer. : .,, -* Portions of the tm presidential platforms . ; ~~ . can be found on page two this issue. Penny Lwke 'Kalhy lloagland ' ... Kathy Alken .. .. .. ,. .. .. ... .~ .. ... .. ... ._I.- . .. .. .. .. '~ . 2 .* .. .. ,. ..... March IS, 1974 Editorial .. .Editor's mailbox c .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ... '.., .,- Wat kins explains athletic scholarships. You're a DUMB BROAD! To the Editor: Ifeelitalsoneresury Lomentionthatwell .. .. I should like to take thls opportunity to over fiity percent of Central's athletes are . ' respond to hlr. Gary Greene's recent letter not receiving one penny from athletic grants. The "dumb broad'' cliche is as old as Grandma's hen house, but believe me, honey,' concernine Indiana Central's "Athletlc Rather, many are receivlng State scholarships:'. ~ Scolarships. Academic ScholaMps, laurs, dumb bmads do ejst in this age of intellectual, independent females. ' .. ' . hIany of you girls emse me many of you women on campus complain and working part-time. Furthermore, - - this '. Fikt of all I am assuming that he was! Indiana Central, I am proud to say, does not L ' because we have women's hours. You say you don't like being locked in the dorms at referring to Indiana central's program.! hide her athletic grants lie at least two night when the guys are freeand out having fun. You don't llke feeling like anlmals in a: However. !his is difficult to asced since sister sdtoals in our conference. two : .... cally name Indiana Central cage. schools glve a great deal of aid to athletes ~ . You came to college'for more freedom; Now od have less. You came here to bi hein thedid notarti P e, nor did his description In the ; and call them named scholars. I, for one, am least describe Indiana Central's Athletic dad lhat we don't hide those treated maturely. Instead you are told to be in the Jorms by eleven and twelve o'clock. .. .. thin=. I thinh Let me tell you something, my femaled-minded friends. It just mlght be possible Grant -am. Fchools are only fooling ihemselves and not nobody else. lhat there are good reasons for women'shours, and those reisons just mlght be for your It is the purpose 01 this r&ponse to ; -L. protection. crillcue or defend the policy of offering I would like to close by askIng hIr. Greene Has it ever occurred to you that ou art asked to 'be in the dorm at a certain Iindal aid to athletes. Rather it is hoped h,jw he that scho~nhipoare giMn that the'proper Information-can be :hour because the dorm must be lockedffor.securijy-puyposes? ' for nonsducational activities. b~tuseme,' Has it ever occurred to you that when many girls go to bed, they like to feel safe In, disseminated from the PmW "veritable ' ' but I was under the Impression that athletics. .-< horse's mouth." ' ' not only their mms,but in all parts of the dorm? aren't the only pea in the pod, as ' .. ' music or drama performances arc and. ' (You .. ... my grandmother always says.) ' . .. ~ndiinacentral gives no such thing as in alwaPayJ will be M~tlonal. ' sincerely; Has it ever occurred to you that locking the doors keeps out offampusstrangers who ., athletic scholarship. However, athletic .. are attracted to this area by the mere public presence of three women's dormitories?, grants-in-aid are offered. RUle thls may only Mchael J. Wathtns : .. DirectorFinandalAid ' This Is a major city you know. ... ...' be a misnomer on the part of hk. Greene, we , . -only the scholarship (The Real Veritable Horse) .. ', . Has it ever occurred you that the public which knows of your existence includes attach label 16 l award .based on academic performance. P.S. 1 &Id be hppy to me<with any . sexual perverts, and that in fact as a segment of an attracting "magnet" you are less ~~1ewecertainlymishtbe)urtiliedindOing . student or grw s of students to attempt to 5- safe here than you are in your parents' home where only a few females may attract thiswith my of .,scholaMthletes," we explain financP a1 aid and our financial such deviants? .. ' '. , ' certainly do not. Likewise, we do not Cali programs at any lime. <. I Has it ever occuried to you that,there have been a few cases of rape in dormitories... I' music grants scholarships. : .. * on this yes, my sweeties, this campus? - - Athletic Grants at Indiana Central do not, Has it ever occurred to you lhat if you sneak out of the dorm at night and leave a and have not ever Room and . window unlocked or open, that you might be leaving an open avenue for a stranger who exceeded Board, 'hition. I should like to meet with any of our ' ' To the Editor: .may enter the'dorm and harm an innocent girl who might turn out to be your best athletes who are receiving boak and laundry Bv now evervone is ombablv aware of the c; -friend? - .-..-. eapenses because they owe Indiana Central a attimpt to &t an inmd organilation If these things have never occurred to you, all I can say is you may he educated, but refund. started here. The idea is new to most of us you're still a DUhfB BROAD! - 'hlr. GreenP'appears to suffer another and I don't intend to EO Into a lenathy - You can laugh at .these fears. You can 'defy rules which you feel stifle your '.misconception concerning the number
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