Fly Washington Passport Program! Details @ www.FlyWashington.org. Obtain your passport. Stamp your passport at enrolled airports. Get stamps at all airports in one of six regions to earn a region patch. Complete all regions to earn a flight jacket! Most of these fly-ins are at enrolled airports. Field Length - PF = Paved Field - GF = Grass Field - F = Fuel - CC/B = Courtesy Car/Bike - RC = Rental Car TC = Tent Camp - RV = RV Park - R = Restaurant - PP = Porta Potty - RR = Restroom - S = Shower - FP = Fire Pit March 9: FATPNW Winter Event @ Aurora State Airport UAO (Vans Aircraft) Details @ FATPNW on Facebook April 20: Wings & Wheels Fly-In @ Emmett Municipal Airport, ID S78 (3307’ PF-F-RR-R-FBO) 8:00 - 2:00 Awards + Gifts + Benefit Breakfast + Spot Landing & Other Contests + Classic Cars John: 208-369-3941 April 27: FATPNW Beauty Landings @ Toledo TDO Details @ FATPNW on Facebook May 4: Annual Spring Fly ‘n’ Bike @ Lopez Island Airport S31 (2905’ PF-TC-PP) Meet at 9:30 at S31 for 9:45 departure for moderately paced (14 to 16 mph) about 35-mile ride around Lopez. Lunch at Bucky's Lopez Island Grill. Want to lead a "B" team on folding or mtn. bikes? Call for help with timing and short cut to Bucky's. Back-up date TBD. Mike 206-310-5763 https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/898442899 May 4: Green River Chapter WPA Pancake Breakfast & Airplane Wash @ Auburn Municipal Airport S50 (3400’ PF-F-RR) 8:00 - 11:00 Love pancakes? Is your plane dirty? Have your plane washed while enjoying pancakes, sausage, and hash browns! Rashell: [email protected] 509-859-2994 May 4: 7th Annual Fly-In + 50th Anniversary of EAA 328 @ Lewiston, ID LWS (119.4-5000’ PF-F-TC-RR) Pancake Breakfast at 8:00-10:30. Aircraft + Antique Vehicles + Train Club + Hot Rods + Cycles + Tractors + RC Models + Ham Radios + Gold Panning + $$ Awards 8-2 Bud: 208-743-5626 www.328.eaachapter.org May 11: Green River Chapter WPA Annual Work Party & Chili Feed to Open Ranger Creek for Summer @ Ranger Creek Airstrip 21W (2875’ PF) 9:30: Coffee & Rolls - 10:00: Work Starts - 12:00: Chili Feed - Fly in to help or just come to enjoy some chili and the beautiful foothills of Mt Rainier. [email protected] May 17-18: Idaho Aviation Expo @ Idaho Falls Regional IDA (9000’ PF-F-CC-R-RC-RV-RR) Fri 10:00-5:00 Sat 8:30am-9:30pm Parking @ 122.95. Fee Both Days + Workshops $10 - Free for IAA Members. Catered Lunches + Appetizers & Cocktails Fri & Sat + Saturday Dinner. Special Speakers + WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program + Exhibitors + Wares + Aircraft…ALL in 1 Big Hangar! Hosts: Aero Mark & IAA. Thomas Hoff: 208-524-1202 [email protected] www.aeroMark.com or www.IdahoAviation.com May 18: WPA, Paine Field Airport, Flying Heritage Collection, and Historic Flight Foundation Host the Paine Field Aviation Day @ PAE (10,000’ PF-F-RR-FBO) 10:00-5:00 5K Run/W Walk + Breakfast + Air Show + Vendors + More 425-348-3200 www.painefield.com/198/Paine-Field-Aviation-Day WWW.WPAFLYS.ORG 2019 F4F March Edition June 1: Pangborn Aviation Day @ Wenatchee EAT (7000’ PF-F-RR-FBO) 7:30-9:00 Pancake Breakfast + Drawings + Plane & Copter Rides + Kids Activities + Miss Veedol + Lunch on the Ramp + Mitchell Bomber Tours 509-884-2494 x6 www.flywenatchee.com June 1-2: RAF & Oregon Dept of Aviation @ McKenzie Bridge State Airport 00S (2600’ GF-TC) 8:00 Work Party + Potluck + Camping. 1 Way In & 1 Way Out Airport. Land to the East and Depart to the West. Tall Trees Near Field + High Terrain + Wild Life + People and Vehicles on Field. Over-Fly 1st - No Straight Ins. Use 122.90. Richard Mayes: 916-220-2041 [email protected] Info/Registration: theraf.org/civicrm/event/info?id=403 June 1-2: Lake Chelan Airport Fly-In @ Chelan S10 (3503’ PF-F-TC-RV-PP-RR) Breakfast 8:00-11:00 Pancakes/Ham/Eggs/Juice/Coffee $7 - Campers Welcomed Ray: 425-681-2811 [email protected] www.facebook.com/events/197685231039075/ June 8: Norman Grier Field Fly-In & BBQ @ Kent S36 (3288’ PF-F-RR) 12:00-7:00 Hosts: Normandy Aircraft & Dirty Bird Squadron Amazing Vintage & Antique Aircraft + National Aeronca Assoc Aircraft. 206-242-4170 June 8: Felts Field Neighbor Days @ Spokane SFF (4499’ PF-F-R-RR-FBO) 9:00-4:00 at the Honor Point Military and Aerospace Museum with Free Admission + Vintage Airplanes + Vendors + More www.honorpoint.org/events-2/ www.facebook.com/Felts-Field-Spokane-SFF TBD: Annual Ryan Field Work Party @ West Glacier MT 2MT1 (2500’ GF-TC-PP-FP) Bring Your Tools + Elbow Grease to Fill Holes/Mow/Weed Control/Fall Trees, etc. Help greatly appreciated! Lunch + H20 Provided Tricia: 406-570-5398 [email protected] Notify # for Lunch: [email protected] Required Ryan Safety Briefing: theraf.org/ryan-field-safety-briefing Info: theraf.org/news/2018/ryan-field-work-party-scheduled June 15: Richland Airport Aviation Celebration Fly-In @ RLD (4000’ PF-F-R-CC) 8:00-2:00 Kids 8-17 Fly Free by EAA #391 + Vendors + Cool Aircraft Sundance Aviation 509.946.2515 www.richlandflyin.com June 15: Desert Aire Fly-In with Full Breakfast - Mattawa M94 (3664’ PF-PP) 8:00 - Noon - Proceeds Maintain Airport - Cool Planes @ Unique Airport w/Fly-In Homes + 18 Hole Golf Course + Community Pool + Beach & Water Access! Stay for Lunch at Tidally’s Pizza or Tumbleweed Restaurant. [email protected] June 15-16: Tonasket Fly-In W01 (3053’ PF-CC-TC-RV-RR-PP) Airport Fundraiser! Sat Afternoon: Spot Landing and Flour Bombing Contests. Saturday 5:00-8:00: Steak BBQ with Sides + Soft Drinks + Ice Cream. Sunday 7:00-11:30: Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast. Pilots Register to Fly Kids Free www.tonasketcity.org/airport June 15-16: Fowler Field Fly-In/Camp-In 02WN (6 NM E of Tonasket Muni) (1500’ Dirt-Private Field-TC) Visit + Camp + You can Fly to and from Tonasket Fly-In + Free Breakfast Sunday Info: Ron: 360-622-6310 June 21-23: Curtis Airport Fly-In (near Chehalis) 0WA2 (2135’ GF-TC-PP) BBQ Chicken/Pulled Pork Potluck Noon on the 23rd @ a Cool Private Strip - 1 Way In/1 Way Out - No Pets 360- 245-3478 [email protected] June 22: Wings & Wheels @ Cottage Grove Airport Oregon 61S (3188’ PF-F-PP) 9:00 - 4:00 $5 fee <13 Free Vintage Aircraft/Autos/Motorcycles/Bikes + Food/Ice Cream www.oregonaviation.org/events/5th-annual-wings-wheels June 28-29: Memorial Steve Rogers EAA Chapter 1554 Treeport Fly-In @ Spirit Lake ID22 (3000' GF) 5:00 Pulled Pork Dinner + Movie & Popcorn + Camping + 7:30 Pancake Breakfast @ a Cool Private Strip! Ken 208-623-3157 Vance 509-599-9477 [email protected] www.1554.eaachapter.org www.treeport.org June 28-30: Annual Ryan Field Fly-In @ West Glacier MT 2MT1 (2500’ GF-TC-PP-FP) “Out West” NO HOST FLY-IN. Swan Mountain Outfitters provides Friday and Saturday evening dinners + trail rides on Saturday. Tricia: 406-570-5398 [email protected] Required Ryan Safety Briefing: theraf.org/ryan-field-safety- briefing Info & Required Registration: theraf.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=268 WWW.WPAFLYS.ORG 2019 F4F March Edition June 28-30: No Host Fly-Out to Coulee Dam @ Electric City 3W7 (4199’ PF-CC-TC-RR-S-FP) Beautiful Location + Lots to do! Picnic/Swim/Fish/Golf/Canoe/Relax/Site See/Watch the Coulee Dam Laser Light Show! Pilots’ Lounge/Microwave/Fridge/10 Tie Downs/3 Fire Pit Grills/Firewood/Picnic Tables ~ BYO H2O and Food. June 30: Cougar Mountain Fly-In & Classic Car Drive-In 49WA (3230’ GF-Private Airfield) Hot Dogs and Burgers Provided…Bring Salads/Sides/Desserts to Share. Come Make Some Noise! Judy: 360-894-2266 July 3-5: Independence Day No Host Fly-Out @ Republic - Ferry County Airport R49 (3322’ PF-CC-TC- RV-RR-S-FP- Seaplane Dock @ Park) Camp at Curlew Lake State Park. Swim/Hike/Potluck/Watch Fireworks Explode Over Lake. [email protected] www.ferry-county.com/Other_Depts/Airport.html Park fills fast! We have reserved lot #73. http://parks.state.wa.us/493/Curlew-Lake July 6: Twisp Fly-In Breakfast 2S0 (2701’ PF-CC-TC-RV-PP) 7-11:00: Pancakes + Ham + Eggs + Strawberries Airport Fundraiser! Info Booths + Aerial Demos + Car Show. Spend the Weekend for More Local Fun! Visit the Farmer’s Market + Art Galleries + Quilt Shop + Glover Street Café/Market/Wine Shop + TwispWorks! (Fuel @ Winthrop S52) www.twispairport.com www.twispinfo.com www.twispworks.org July 6-7: Gig Harbor Wings and Wheels @ Tacoma Narrows Airport KTIW (118.5-5002’ PF-F-R-RC-RR) Planes + Fly-overs + Car Show - Race Cars - Motorcycles - Beer Garden Info: www.freedomfair.com July 12-13: Concrete Vintage Fly-In @ Mears Field in Concrete 3W5 (2609’ PF-F-TC-PP) Awesome Hangars + Vintage Aircraft & Vehicles + Camping + Scads of Food Vendors Facebook: Concrete Vintage Fly-In 360-853-8784 www.concrete-wa.com/fly-in July 12-14 NEW DATE: Wings Over Republic Fly-In @ Ferry County Airport R49 (3322’ PF-CC-TC-RV-PP) 1:00 Saturday WPA Meeting + WPA State Meeting. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner: Friday Noon thru Sunday Morn. Airport overlooks Curlew Lake State Park: Seaplane Dock/Campsites/Swimming/Rest Rooms/Showers. Live Music: Theresa Edwards + Bernie ELVIS Odegard! Rides to Republic & Curlew: Restaurants/Brewery/Lodging/Shops + Lake, Museum & Fossil Tours! Gordon 509-775-3939 Rick 509-775-3286 www.wingsoverrepublic.com July 20-21: Oregon Pilots Assoc Mulino Chapter Fly-In Annual Fund Raiser @ 4S9 (3425’ PF-F-PP-FBO) 7:30 - 1:00 Blueberry Pancake Breakfast + Military Vehicles on Saturday + Car Show on Sunday Tim Mix: 541-399-2731 [email protected] July 22-28: EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Fly-In @ OSH Details/Tickets/Schedule: www.eaa.org/en/airventure July 26-28: WA & OR RAF Fly-Out Nehalem Bay State Airport & Park, OR 3S7 (2350’ PF-TC-PP-FP) (RV-RR-S @ Park) By Ocean + Big Campsites
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