Volume I, Number 92 11th Waxing Day of Pyatho 1376 ME Wednesday, 31 December, 2014 Thaukyegat (2) Hydropower Plant generates 120 megawatts President visits hydropower facilities in Bago Region President U Thein Sein views machinery at Thaukyegat (2) Hydropower Station at its launching ceremony in Toungoo, Bago Region.—MNA INSIDE NAY PYI TAW, 30 The ceremony was also U Khin Maung Soe, compared with 104 kW of to supply electricity gen- Dec— President U Thein attended by union ministers, union minister for Electric previous government, add- erated from mini hydro- Sein attended open- chief ministers of states and Power, explained about ing that the existing elec- power plants for remote Thura U Shwe ing ceremony of second regions, deputy ministers, power distribution plans of tricity supply is still lesser areas such as Leshi, Lahe Mann meets Thaukyegat hydropower members of state/region the plant. than people from Southeast and Nanyun in Naga area social plant in Toungoo Town- government officials, local He said that power Asian countries. in Sagaing region, as well ship, Bago region, Tues- authorities, social organiza- consumption per capita The Union minister as in Putao, Kachin state, organizations at day. tions and locals. has increased to 190 kW, said plans are underway with solar power and wind Yangon govt’s turbines will also be other power sources. headquarters U Tun Myint Naing, PAGE-3 chairman of Shwe Energy Company, clarified the pro- Tatmadaw joins ject. democratization President U Thein Sein also explained two major process of the focuses of government— nation peace and socio-economic development of people— PAGE-3 since it has taken office UEC reaffirms four years ago. The government has general elections released many prisoners to in late Oct or invite their contributions in development efforts, aim- early Nov ing to stop civil conflicts PAGE-3 over 60 years. He said that Bago re- Local people gion is strategically located to link with other areas of staged protests the country, saying that the in Nawngkhio, importance of electricity Pindaya, making Turtles from pagoda’s lake released into community supply for development of education, knowledge and five demands forest in southern Myanmar social status. PAGE-2 Leik (Morenia ocellata) and According to Myan- lakes, he added. President urged lo- By Aye Min Soe two soft shell turtles, from mar culture, people set tur- A local community cal businesspersons to Goodbye 2014 manufacture value-added a lake into a natural sanctu- tles free that they find into society in Dawei has also PAGE-8 (See page 3) YANGON, 30 Dec— Lo- ary area. lakes at pagodas for the proposed to the WCS (My- cal people in Dawei have There may be thou- safety of the turtles. anmar) to find a suitable released more than 80 tur- sands of turtles that are However, the popu- natural sanctuary for the Schedules to confer honorary tles from a pagoda’s lake breeding in dense popula- lation of turtles at pago- turtles in another pagoda title on 2015 Independence Day into a community forest re- tions in lakes at some pago- da lakes has grown high, lake, he added. NAY PYI TAW, 30 Dec—The honorary title award- cently as part of efforts for das across the country, said causing impact on their The WCS (Myanmar) ing ceremony 2015 will take place at Thabin Hall of conservation of the species U Win Ko Ko, a technical reproduction, said the turtle can arrange to release tur- the Presidential Palace after the 67th Anniversary In- endemic to Myanmar. coordinator (Reptiles), of expert. tles from lakes into natural dependence Day and Grand Military Review ceremo- This is the first time to the Wildlife Conservation There are more than 10 sanctuaries, according to nies on 4 January 2015.—MNA release 82 turtles, 80 Sauk Society (Myanmar). species of turtles in pagoda the group.—GNLM 2 Wednesday, 31 December, 2014 NATIONAL Press conference on fatal shooting of four Union Attorney-General Office conducts law officer forestry officers in Langkho Township refresher course NAY PYI TAW, 30 Dec NAY PYI TAW, 30 Dec legal affairs and manage- — The Forest Department — Law officers are to ment in their fields. He of the Ministry of Envi- protect rights of defend- said that law officers are to ronmental Conservation ants and plaintiffs under be loyal to the people and and Forestry held a press the laws, Attorney-Gen- themselves. He urged them conference at its office on eral of the Union Dr Tun to uplift capacity while Tuesday on the seizure Shin said at the opening carrying out the tasks. of illegal logs and a fatal ceremony of Law Officer The ceremony was shooting of foresters. Grade-III refresher course also attended by Deputy Directors U Zaw Min No 26 at his office, here, Attorney-General U Tun and U Kyaw Kyaw Lwin of on Tuesday. Tun Oo and officials. The the department explained He stressed the need trainees are attending the the incident in which four for trainees to understand 30-day course.—MNA forestry officers were killed by armed men. On their way back that the vehicle was shot at U Zaw Min said that from the village, they were from the front and the vic- the Ministry of Forest and stopped by five armed men tims were shot dead after Mining of Shan State in- at a place about four miles getting out of the vehicle. formed the Shan State For- from the village. While The seized logs stamped est Department of illegal trying to drive away, the with three Ss logo are logging near Wansalaung Forestry officers measure logs seized in Wamsalaung village, Langkho gunmen opened fire on the thought to be connected village in the Langkho dis- District in Shan State.—MNA vehicle. In the shooting, U with an armed group. trict by phone at about 2 U Hla Min, assistant direc- on 24 December, together As no evidence was found, Win Lwin, one of forest- U Kyaw Kyaw Lwin, p.m. on 23 December. Ac- tor, and U Khaing Mon, with a four-member police they left for Langkho. ers, managed to escape by another director of the cording to the information, staff officer, went on a tour contingent led by the head During their inspec- jumping from the car. department, added that a group of foresters led by of inspection of the village of Wan Hat police station. tion tour of the village on Immediately after be- similar incidents which 26 December, they seized ing informed of the inci- were not as bad as to this around 202 tons of “owner- dent, the authorities con- incident occurred in last Local people staged protests in less” Padauk logs marked cerned accompanied by U three years— six incidents with three English letter Win Lwin and a military in 2011, nine in 2012 and Nawngkhio, Pindaya, making Ss on the top of each log column went to the place three in 2013. The latest in- to theeast and northof the where the incident oc- cident is a tragic loss to the five demands village. They then left for curred. They arrived on department and the country Langkho. the scene at about noon on as well. On the following day, 28 December. They found Next, U Zaw Min ex- a seven-member forestry the bodies of four persons plained a plan to provide team consisting of the as- together with a vehicle and assistance to the bereaved sistant director, the staff motorbikes. U Win Lwin families and arrangements officer and five forestry confirmed the four bodies for enabling the children officers went to the village were U Hla Min, assistant of the victims to complete in two vehicles at about director, and foresters U Sit their education. 10:30 a.m. U Saw Sit Ma Htwe, U Than Htaik Aung Then, officials made a Tun, one of foresters, and and U Bo Min. During the presentation of the depart- three civilians drove back shooting, U Khaing Mon, ment, revealed some armed to Langkho first at about a staff officer, managed to groups involved in illegal 5:30 p.m. The remaining escape. He met with the logging and armed attacks forestry officers went back military column where he against foresters with pho- to Langkho in a vehicle and hid about a mile from the tos and answered questions two motorbikes at about scene. about the incident. 6:15 p.m. Investigations revealed MNA Local people join protests with five demands including opposing a six-party talks in Nawngkhio Township.—MNA NAY PYI TAW, 30 Dec They made five de- political processes includ- — Local people in Nawng- mands to the government ing amending the consti- khio Township, Shan State to carry on its peace mak- tution. They also protested (North) took to the streets ing process till achieving the six-party talks and de- peacefully for two hours success, to implement the manded to include repre- in Nawngkhio on 27 De- development of the coun- sentatives of the national cember, making five de- try and socio-economy of people in the political pro- mands including opposing the peoples, to seriously cesses. a six-party talks. consider that the six-party Similarly, about 300 About 11,000 people talks which is related to the local people staged a pro- from six wards and 35 affair of the national people test in Pindaya in Danu village-tracts participat- in Shan State is impossible Self-Administered Zone ed in the protest with the and to adopt inclusive pol- on 24 December, making Local people release turtles from a pagoda’s lake into a community forest permission of the local au- icy so that all national peo- the same five demands.
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