The Lake Victoria Bibliography of FIRRI Data Center Item Type monograph Authors Kakoolwa, Florence Publisher Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP) Download date 04/10/2021 16:40:14 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/32978 F 1 R 1 L r 6 R A pv Aco- 1J,2 .d!3fe /67/ FISHERIES RESOURCES RESEARCH -INSTITUTE THE LAKE VICTORIA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT THE LAKE VICTORIA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FIRRI DATA CENTER. COMPILED BY KAKOOLWA FLORENCE ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN OCTOBER 2001 , , PREFACE: Using the reference manager, literature on Lake Victoria is continuously up ,dated, This is the first step by creating a electronic bibliography. The bibliography inCludes materials books, journals, reprints, annual reports and grey literature. This compilation is comprised of two parts. Part one is an inventory of books and there 260 records: The second part has 236 records of reprints. 'It has to be realised that FIRRI data centre includes over 3000 reference books, 200, periodicals and over two million reprints and a thousands of grey literature including annual reports. With time all this will be included in the data base. The records are arranged by author and alphabetically. This bibliography gives the author, title, publisher in case of published books, title of the periodical, volume, issue number, year of publication. We have given the language in which the article is written. The Key words are also given to help the ,user of this bibliography to select what is relevant to his/her interest. ..--- , . '. .Reference List '. .' . .' - 1. [Anon)(2000) urgent- actiDn req~i;'ed to' Save L:ake ViClO'ria. Marine Poliutfori Bulletin 40, 725-725. _ . .. - '. , Ref 10: 274: ': .' - - I$e Words: la: 2. [AnDn] (2000) lake ViCtDria threatened b gDid develDpment. Marine PDllution Bulletin 40, 566-566 .. Ref 10: 276 Ke words: developmenViake/lake VictoriaiLAKE-VICTORIANictDria .3. Abell,pi, Amegashitsi,l.',& Ochumba,P.B.O:(1996) The shells of Etheria'elliptica as recorders of seasDnalit at lake Victoria. Palaeogeography 119,215-219. Ref 10: 148 -'- . KewDrds: Afric<iJAfrica,VictDria l./biologicallbiological sciences/CSAlecolog " - .- erivirDnment/Etheria' ellipticaJEvolutiDn/freshwater molluscs/grDwthnake/lake VictDrla . LAKE-VICTORIAIlakes/moliusks/Oxgen/ox gen iSDtDpes/pal,!eDecoIDg " palaeoenvironmemts/resources/seasDnalit /separati.on/shells/studies/l)SANictoriaJwater Water resDurces' . 4, Abila,R.O.& Jansen,E.G. (1997) From IDcal to' global markets. The fish exporting and. 'fishmealindustries Df lake VictDria, structure, strategies and socio-economic impacts in Ken a. IUCN EARO, Nairobi (Ken a). Ref 10: 135. Ke wDrds: Africalbi610gicaUbiDIDgicai sciences/conservatiDn/CSAlEconDmic anal sis economics/Fish/fish exporting/fish prDducts/fisheries/fisheries polic /Fishermen/fisher Fisher industr plants/fDodflmpact/IMPACTSflntematiDnaUKen aiKen a,VictDria 1.I1ake lake VictoriaiLAKE-VICTORIAILates niIDticus/marketing/Natural resDurces/Nile Perch Perch/POLICY /qualit /resources/socio-eronomicJSDciDIDgical aspects/surve IT anzania Trade/UgandaIVictDria . 5. Abila,R.O:&Jansen,E.G.: (1998) Hunger amid pliml: An evaluatiDn of the food securit . situatiDn in the fishing communit of lake VictDria (Ken a) PDissDns et Peches Africains Oiversite et UtilisatiDn. FISAIPARAOI,' Grahamstown (SDuth Africa). Ref 10: 1218 Ke WDrdS: AfricaJbiDIDgical/biDlogical sciences/COMMUNITIES/conference/CSA OEClINEIdeveIDpment/distributiDn/diversit /Fish/Fish consumptiDnlfish products fisherieslfisheries pDlic /fisheries research/Fishermenlfisher /Fisher industr /fisher regulatiDns/Fishing/fishing communit /fODdlFood availabilit /Human food/intematiDnal Ken aiKen a,VictDria 1.Ilake/Lake fisheries/Lake VictDriaiLAKE-VICTORIAILegislatiDn marine/POliCY IprocessDrsJproductiDn/research/resources/SociDeconDmic aspects SOCiDIDgicalaspects/summar /surve /Surve slVictDria 6, AguIID,C.O. (1999) FDrage strateg of juvenile lates niloticus (l.) in lake Victoria, Ken a. l VFRP, Jinja (Uganda). Ref 10: 1222 Ke wDrds: abundance/Africa,VictDria l./biDlogicallbiDIDgical sciences/Caridina niiDtica conferencelCSAlFish/fisheries/fisheries research/fisher /fDod/Foraging behaviDur IdentificatiDn ke s/identif /juveniles/Ken aiKen a,N anza,VictDria l.,N anza Gulf Ken a,Victoria l.IKMFRlnake/Lake VictoriaiLAKE-VICTORIAILates niiDticus/NllOTICUS PlanktDn/project/repDrtJresearch/resources/SIZEIStomach content/UgandalVictoria ZooplanktDn F!~l I-'/BRAR\ , T .-. ~7. 'Akumu,j.(1999) Studies on Oreochn;mis nilo~icus (L) from the traWl surv!! s in Ugandan " , ,waters. LVFRP, Jirija.(Uganda). : _ .' . .,- ~efro: ~223 '. .... - . ~ words: biologicallbiological. sciences/Bottom trawls/conference/CSJYd[stribution, . EcolOgical distributionlfisl)eries/fishenes research/fisher /Fisher .sunie slhabitlilfHaDltat., 'selectionllake/Lake VictorialLAIl:E~VlCTORINNILOTICUS/oreochromis/Oreochromis niioticus/prOjeClfrepOrllresearch/resources/studies/su'mmar /surve iSurve slTraWling UgandalUganda,Victoria ,LNictorialwaterlwaters ' . 8.. Ambrose,P. (1998) Fish poisoning threatens Lake Victoria. Marine Pollution Bulletin 36, 935-936. Ref 10: 337 Il:ewords: Fish/Fish poisoningllakeJLake VicforialLAIl:E-V1CrORIAlVictoria " .. - 9. Aquatics Unlimited. Scoping dOCUment: Water H acinth ~ntrol program Uganda, 1996. ,-Il:<Impala,~NEMA. RafT pe: Report Ref 10: 1072 Il:e words~UgandaJwaterlwater .h acinih 10. Asila,A. (1997) Changes in the fisheries'and fish stocks af'ter the spread of Nile Perch' (Lates niloticus) in the Il:en an waters of Lake Victoria. Fishing News Books. Ref 10: 1226 " 'Il:e words: African/aquaculture/aquaculture developmenlfAREAlbiologicallbiological sciences/CSNECOSYSTEM/effects/environmenlfEnvironmental impaclfeutrophication FishlFish culture/fish stocks/fisheries/fisheries researchlfisher /Fishing/food/H poxia Inland fisheries/interaction/Interspecific relationshipsllntroduced species/Il:en a Il:en a,Victoria Lllake/Lake VictorialLAIl:E-VICTO~IAlland/Lates niloticus/L.EVEL ' ,managemenlfmarinelMixing/N ile Perch/NI LOTICUS/Overfishing/Ox gen/Perch ..... Il:e words: age/assessmenl/biologicallbiological sciences/Catch/efforllconference/CSA d namicsJfisheries/fisheries researchlfisher /freshwater/Il:en alll:en a,Victoria UIl:MFRI lake/Lake fisheries/Lake VictorialLAIl:E-VICTORINLates/Lates niloticus/management marine/NI LOTICUS/parameterslPOPULA TION/Population d namicsJpopulations research/resources/stock assessmenlfsurvivalNictoria 12. Baker,T. (1997) Haplochromis sp. 'Argens', an extinct cichlid from Lake Victoria. Aquarist & Pondkeeper [Aquar.Pondkeep.)61 , 50-54. Ref 10: 1227 Il:e words: aquaculturelbiologicallbiological sciences/Cichlid/conservation/CSNEndemic species/environmentaVFish/Fish culture/Haplochromisllake/Lake Victoria LAIl:E-VICTORINmanagemenlfNile Perch/Ornamental fish/Perch/Plankton/pollution POPULA TION/Predation/qualit/Rare species/resourcesIVictorialwater 13. Balirwa,J.S. & Twongo,T. (1995) Fish species composition and biomass estimates in the shallow (wetland) littoral habitats of lake Victoria, East Africa. FISA, Nairobi (Il:en a). Ref 10: 212 Il:e words: Africa/African/Aquatic plantslbiologicallbiological sciences/Biomass COMMUNITIES/Communit composition/Composition/conference/CSNC perus pap rus developmenlfdiversit /East Africa/EAST -AFRICA/ECOSYSTEM/Ecos stems/energetics Fish/Fish Populations/fisheries/fisheries research/fisher /FORM/freshwater/Freshwater . .' - . 2 .. ' - '< - ecolog /freshwater ecosstemslgrowthlhabital/HabitatslKen alKe(l a,Victoria L./lake Lake fisheries/Lake VictorialLAKE-VICTORINLakes/lanil/LI;VEULittoral zone/pan - POPULA TlbN/populaiions/qualit lresearchlresourceslRhferslspecies'coinposition- species. diversit /structure/summar /SwampslTanzania,Victoria LlTaxonom /Uganda _, - Uganila, Vistoria -L.M~getationlVlCt6riatWaterlwater qualit lWetlimds .' "- . - - - -- - . - . 14. Balirwa,J.S. (1998) Shoreline wetlands and water qualit issues-in Lake Victoria (East- Africa) Poissons et Peches Africains Divei'siteet Utilisation. FISNPARADI. Grahamstown (South Africa). ReflD: 1228 , Ke words: Africa/African/biological/biological sciences/Biomass/Catchment area Chloroph II/COMMUNITIES/confarence/CSNC perus pap rus/divers,it /d namicslEast Africa/EAST -AFRICNECOSYSTEM/effects/effluenl/Eichhornia crassipes/environment , , fisheries/fisheries researchlfisher /FISHES/freshwater/Freshwater weedslhabital/impact - IMPACTS/intemational/lake/Lake VictorialLAKE-VICTQRINIand/Land usefLEVEULittoral zonelMan-induced effects/Nutrient c cles/ph/POPULA TION/Population number production/gualit/research/resources/Silica/Socioaconomic aspects/studies/summar SwampsIT einperature/UgandalUganda, Victoria L.Nictorialwaterlwaier q'ualitlWetlands 15. Batjakas,I.E., Edgar,R.K., & Kaufmal),L.S. (1997) Comparative feeding efficienc of indigenous and introduced ph toplanktivores from Lake Victoria: Experimental studies on Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis niloticus. , 75-82. Ref1D:459 Ke words: adults/Africa/Africa,Victoria L./Algae/biologicaVbiological sciences/Cichlid Cichlidae/Cichlids/COMMUNITIES/Comparison Studies/CompetitionIDENSITY/Diatoms East Africa/EAST-AFRICNecolog /environmental/Experimental Data/feeding/feeding efficienc /feeding experiments/Fish/Fish Food Organisms/food/Food availabilit/food preferences/freshwater/impacl/IMPACTS/interactionllntroduced species/lake/Lake VictorialLAKE-VICTORINLakes/MECHANISMS/NILOTICUS/nutrition/Oreochromis Oreochromis esculentus/Oreochromis niloticus/OREOCHROMIS-NILOTICUS Overfishing/Particle Size/PARTICLES/PERCIFORMES/performance/ph
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