San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1926 Special Libraries, 1920s 3-1-1926 Special Libraries, March 1926 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1926 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, March 1926" (1926). Special Libraries, 1926. Book 3. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1926/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1920s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1926 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 17 March, 1926 No. 3 A Chemical Special Library Libraries for Specialists A Forecast Forty Years Ago The Special Library Idea Published Monthly Except August and September by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Contents ARTICLES Approval of Special Library Idea ...................................................... 95 du Pont Experimental Station Library. Dr. A. W. Kenney ... 99 Libraries for Specialists. C. Alexander Nelson .............................. 97 Library of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Ruth C. Haylett... 104 Anniversary Year .............................................................................................. 113 Fact Ihforr~a6on.................................................................................................. 1 08 Free Llbrary for the Ofice ........................................................................ 115 'Funcflaus of the Controller ....................................................................... 1 05 Information on Welfare Plans ......................................................... I 17 Libraries in China ............................................................................................... 1 08 New Photostat Service .................................................................................... 109 Official Notice .................... .. ................................................................................ 115 Planograph Process .......................................................................................... 117 Research or Information Departments ............................................... 1 07 Source-List on Rubber .................................................................................. 1 15 . Associations .............................. 1 16 Library and Research ......... 1 1 4 Editorials .................................... 1 06 Personal Notes ........................ 120 Events and Publications ...... 1 18 Science and Technology...... 1 10 Special Libraries Publtshing ofice, 958 University Ave, New York City. Editorial office, State Library, Providence, R.I. Treasurer's office, 195 Broadway, New York Clty. A11 paymeins should be made to Miss Gertrude D. Peterkin, Treas- urer, c/o American Telephone 8: Telegraph Co., New York City a Entered as Iecood class matrer December li, 1028 at the Port Ofice. Sen Tort, S.S., under the act of Jloroh 3, l8lY Acceptpe for rnatllng at special tale ol portage provided for m mccrion 1103. Act of October 3. 1817. aothorlzed Draernbsr 11. lDZS S~ecialL Libraries Vol. 17 March. 1926 No. 3 Approval of Special Library Idea S an expression of its approval of the ization, what information it needs. He A "special library idea," the special locates aH possible sources of this in- Business Branch of the Public Library forn~ation,assembles it and files it ; then, of the city of Newark, N.J. has had on his own initiative and on demand, he printed for our Association a four-page gets it without delay to the person in leaflet describing the functions of the need of it. He knows his library page special library and presenting a few en- by page; lcnows whether its material is dorsements by leaders in banking, re- authoritative and up-to-date, whether it search and industry. We herewith note is complete, and, if it is not complete, the essential portions of the circular. where additional information is available and how it may be obtained. Mobilizing Facts for Instant Service A special library consists of a good worlcing collection of information upon The special library mobilizes facts for a specific subject or field of activity; it instant service. It is a central depart- may consist of general or of limited ma- ment to supply facts, figures, and any terial. It is in charge of a specialist specific info~mation needed by execu- trained in the gathering, the use and the tives, department heads, and other em-1 application of information found in ployees of your organization. It pro- boolts, pamphlets, clippings, maps, dia- duces and verifies facts, assembles them, grams, pictures, notes and letters. and makes them function when and where they are needed. Don't let the word "library" mislead Adding a Special Library to a Business you. How to Go About It The specia.2 library is not merely a col- lection of books and other printed ma- 1. Appoint a librarian. terial. It is a business department 2. Notify heads of departrnetlts that which reaches out for infonnation of a central information office is to be es- value to your organization; checks it up tablished. Have the librarian attend con- to see that it is pertinent, con~plete,du- ferences of executives, give him access thoi-itative, and up-to-date, and makes it to all incoming and outgoing mail and available for immediate use. It is organ- office memoranda, route through to him ized to serve special interests-the in- all in-corning printed material so that he terests of your business. It increases the may study the methods and problems of efficiency of your organization by keep- the organization and the character of the ing it fully informed. It takes routine information it deinands. from the shoulders of your executives 3. On the basis of his survey the li- and frees them for productive work. bsarian will proceed to build up an index to information and of means for getting The Special Librarian information available in print, in files, The head of your central information and obtainable through service organiza- department, your special library, should tions, and will get in touch with persons have special library training, and should who have information not available in be familiar in a large way with the sub- print. He will then build up such a col- jects his department covers. He must lection of printed material as the organ- discover, through a study of your organ- ization needs in its office. 96 SPECIAL LIBRARIES March, 1916 4. Advertise the information office American International Corporation continuously to your department heads 120 Broadway, New E'ork and employees. Train your executives This corporation has had an excellent to call upon the information office when- special libra~yever since it was organ- ever they want facts, figures, or specific ized, and it has been in constant use. information of any kind. New execu- The corporation has devised a real and tives and employees should be introduced practical benefit from it throughout its to the information office as the depart- existence, and it is one of the most active ment that supplies information to the or- departments. ganization. Call attention to the service in inter-departmental noteheads. Very truly yours (Signed) M. C. BRUSH, President. Endorsements A special library, producing informa- United Drug Company tion when it is needed-"Facts for In- Boston, Mass. stant Service''-has become an essential to many great business organizations; Our organization has found a special and here are a few out of many endorse- library very helpful. ments of that statement : Yours very truly Guaranty Trust Company of New York (Signed) LOUIS K. LIGGETT. 140 Broadway, New York Our organization has found a special BabsonJs Statistical Organization library not only very helpful but prac- Incorporated tically essential to our security business. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Very truly yours Our special library is indispensable to (Signed) WILLIAMC. POTTER, our business. It has often been said that President. a man's judgment is no better than his information. The special library sup- The National City Bank of New York plies the information in an organized form which is both convenient and The National City Bank has for a quickly available. great many years maintained a special li- brary. The growing use to which our Very truly yours organization subjects this library is suf- (Signed) ROGERW. BABSON. ficient evidence of its importance. Very truly yours Some of the more important corpora- (Signed) LEEE. OLWELL, tions maintaining special libraries are Vice President. listed and a suggestion offered that any- one interested in organizing a library Stone 6. Webster should write to the Secretary of the AS- New York Boston Chicago sociation. We have had a special library in con- The pamphlet calls attention to the nection with our business for many second annual conference of The ASSO- years, and there have been occasions ciation of Special Libraries and Informa- where it has been very helpful. It is tion Bureaux of England with its notable difficult to measure its day to day value, attendance representing scores of the but every investigation in connection most important societies, associations and with giving it up has resulted in its con- corporations of the United
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