CHURCH OF ENGLAND RECORD SOCIETY The Society was founded in 1991 with the object of promoting interest in and knowledge of the Church of England from the 16th century by publishing primary sources of information Charity Registration Number 1013701 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2013 From the President Melanie Barber 16 February 1943 – 29 June 2012 In 2012, the Society suffered the loss of its founding inspiration, Melanie Barber MBE, so long its Executive Secretary. Her career in archives began after her training at the University of Liverpool in 1965-6, after an undergraduate history degree at Bedford College, London, and it was immediately after that solid foundation in archive administration at Liverpool that she came to Lambeth Palace, where over some 36 years, she was to become a very present help in trouble to researchers in the rich archive collections at the centre of the Church of England. Two decades in to her time at Lambeth, Archbishop Robert Runcie honoured her very special role at Lambeth with the award of a Lambeth degree; and that was before her mighty work in the foundation of our own Society in 1991. After that, Melanie remained a source of wisdom and energy in our affairs over two decades, and after our sadness at her health problems, it was a delight to welcome her back to the Annual General Meeting of the Society at Lambeth in 2011, and to entertain her afterwards at a very jolly dinner. Her death was a matter of great grief to very many beyond her immediate family, as was inspiringly evident at the crowded memorial service in Lambeth Palace Chapel last autumn. Our Editor Stephen Taylor had much to say of her achievements in his affectionate address on that occasion, printed in the Annual Review of Lambeth Palace Library for 2012. Our work continues in consciousness of how much we owe her, and also in consciousness of that friendly if critical eye on our activities, should we not live up to her high standards. This year, Justin Welby has succeeded to the Chair of St Augustine. The Church of England Records Society, which has enjoyed such good relationships with his predecessors and is grateful for the constant hospitality which it has experienced at Lambeth, welcomes him to his office, gives him every good wish in his ministry to come, and extends a warm invitation to him to participate in our ongoing activities, especially at our annual celebrations at the AGM. Diarmaid MacCulloch 1 REPORT FOR 2012 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Church of England Record Society was held in the Main Chapel, Lambeth Palace, on Monday 2 July 2012 at 4.00 p.m. The Chairman, Prof. Diarmaid MacCulloch, warmly welcomed members and guests. Apologies had been received from a number of members, including those of the Society’s Patron, the Revd Prof. Owen Chadwick, Dr. David Wykes, Dr. Francoise Deconinck-Brossard, Dr. Colin Haydon and Dr. Dominic Erdozain, and were duly recorded. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 4 July 2011 were approved and signed as a correct record. In terms of matters arising, the election of Prof. Diarmaid MacCulloch as Chairman for a further five years was noted and the Executive Secretary, Gabriel Sewell, reported that problems with the Society’s website were now being resolved. The Chairman presented the Annual Report for 2011, drawing attention to the Society’s activities recorded there, and welcomed Gabriel Sewell as the Society’s new Executive Secretary. The report of the Honorary Treasurer, Prof. Alec Ryrie, was delivered. Prof. Ryrie drew attention to the small surplus, explaining that the Society had not yet paid the full costs of the year’s volumes; in reality, there was a small deficit. Prof. Ryrie also drew attention to the marked success of the Charibond in generating interest. He concluded by asking members to switch their payments from standing orders to direct debits. A motion that the accounts be formally adopted was proposed and seconded from the floor and was duly passed. The Chairman paid tribute to Prof. Ryrie for his work on the Society’s behalf. The Honorary Secretary, Dr Michael Snape, reported that Volume 16 (‘The Back Parts of War’) had inspired the erection of a new memorial to the work of the YMCA at the National Arboretum. Prof. Stephen Taylor, the Honorary General Editor, reported on the Society’s publication plans. He apologised for the Society being behind in its schedule of publications. However, the second volume of the letters of Theophilus Lindsey would be published towards the end of the year and the backlog in publications would be cleared in 2013. Although no new proposals had been received in the preceding twelve months, three manuscripts were due to be delivered in 2013, including ‘The Sermons of Archbishop Sharp’, edited by Francoise Deconinck-Brossard, and the publication schedule should be back on track by 2014. The Chairman duly thanked Prof. Taylor for his work on the Society’s behalf. The Honorary Secretary and Honorary General Editor agreed to stand for re-election and were duly re-elected. Prof. Ryrie stood down as Honorary Treasurer and Dr. Sarah Mortimer was elected to this position after being proposed and seconded. There were no alternative nominations from the floor. 2 The Chairman reported that there were two vacancies on the Council created by the retirement by rotation of Dr. Natalie Mears and the Rev. Dr. William Whyte. Council proposed the nomination of Dr. Peter Webster and Dr. David Crankshaw to serve for a period of four years. There being no other nominations, they were duly elected. After being proposed and seconded, Prof. Alec Ryrie was elected to the Council to serve for a year in lieu of Dr. Mortimer, the new Honorary Treasurer. The new Council therefore comprised: Dr. Sarah Apetrei, Dr. Dominic Erdozain, Dr. Andrew Foster, the Revd Dr. William Jacob, Dr. John Maiden, Dr. Peter Webster, Prof. Alec Ryrie, Dr. David Crankshaw and Dr. David Wykes. Mr. Simon Purvis of Dr. Williams’s Library had agreed to stand for re-election as the Society’s financial examiner. He had served in this capacity for the previous seven years and the Society was grateful to him for his expertise and advice. Mr. Purvis was duly re-elected. The Chairman concluded the meeting with warm thanks to the Librarian of Lambeth Palace Library, Mr Giles Mandelbrote, for the use of the Main Chapel which provided a very appropriate setting for the meeting. 2012 ANNUAL LECTURE The 2012 Annual Lecture, which preceded the Annual General Meeting, was given by Prof. Alec Ryrie and was entitled ‘Surviving Dull Sermons in Reformation England’. 2013 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND LECTURE The 2013 Annual General Meeting and Annual Lecture by Revd Dr. Andrew Atherstone, will take place in the Main Chapel, Lambeth Palace, on Tuesday 2 July and will be entitled ‘Anglicanism in India: Politics, Theology and Scandal in the Ministry of Archbishop Daniel Wilson of Calcutta 1832-58’ Further details are given on the back cover of this report. Members are welcome to bring guests, but in view of the venue, it is essential that they notify Dr. Michael Snape, the Honorary Secretary, of their intention to attend. 3 MEMBERSHIP Although the Society manages to recruit new members each year, the overall total membership remains fairly static at around 400. The Society's membership is inevitably depleted by deaths, resignations and lapses. Members are encouraged to draw the attention of their colleagues and postgraduate students to the excellent value of membership. Members are also reminded that back-issues may be purchased at substantially less than the retail price. Institutions comprise less than a quarter of the present membership. In view of the continuing financial constraints on the budgets of university libraries, members are asked to consider subscribing on behalf of institutions or younger scholars. NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION At recent Council meetings there has been an extensive discussion about how to make best use of the knowledge and experience of the ordinary members of Council. As a result of this, Council has agreed in principle that ordinary members should serve for a term of five, rather than four years. Council, however, did not feel that the added costs of an enlarged Council membership could be justified. This will mean that, for the future, the number of Council members elected each year will vary. Normally, there will be one or two vacancies, as members retire at the end of a five year term, but it is possible that occasionally there may be no vacancies in a particular year. Council therefore proposes to the members of the Society that Article 6 of the Constitution be amended as follows: The management of the affairs of the Society and of its funds shall be vested in a Council consisting of the Officers of the Society, namely the President, the Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary General Editor, and eight ordinary members to be elected at an annual general meeting of the Society. The ordinary members shall serve for not more than five years successively, elections taking place as vacancies occur. The Officers of the Society shall be elected annually, those retiring being eligible for re-election in that year. Nominations for Officers and members of the Council may be made by the Council and by any two members of the Society, and shall be communicated in writing to the Honorary Secretary not less than three weeks before the Annual General Meeting. Retiring Council members shall not be eligible for re-election in that year. The Honorary Secretary shall be elected from among the Council Members.
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