The ONLY local paper north of Mt Colah letter-box delivered weekly ... covering Hornsby to the Hawkesbury River! Phone:Phone: 0202 94569456 28802880 ThursdayThursday 1313 AugustAugust 20152015 BCC READY FOR A SUMMER OF CRICKET Read story p8 Plus!• It’s All About Food p12-13 • Home Improvements p14-17 • Quarry plans revealed p4 Saturday 5th September at 4pm & 7:30pm Friday 11th September at 7:30pm Friday 25th September at 10:30am Members $17 | Visitors $20 Tickets Only $37 Tickets Only $24 BOOK TICKETS TODAY DOWNLOAD OUR APP it’s FREE! www.hornsbyrsl.com.au Simply search for Hornsby RSL on iTunes (02) 9477 7777 or the Google Play store! 4 High St, Hornsby 2077 GAIN INSTANT ACCESS TO COUPONS, DEALS, *Ticket price inclusive of $2 THE LATEST CLUB INFORMATION & MORE! booking fee CHOOSE YOUR ADVENTURE discoverhornsby.sydney BEROWRA WATERS MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL HORNSBY HEIGHTS BAR ISLAND BMX TRACK CHERRYBROOK AND DANGAR ISLAND THORNLEIGH SKATE PARK PENNANT HILLS BROOKLYN CYCLING ROUTE CROSSLANDS RESERVE BLUE GUM WALK LISGAR GARDEN CALLICOMA WALK JAMES PARK MAMBARA WALK FAGAN PARK TERRYS CREEK WALK visit discoverhornsby.sydney Berowra Waters Dawn by Francis Keogh 2 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY BEROWRA RFB WIN FIRE FIGHTING AWARDS Story by Councillor Mick Gallagher ZLWK'XUDOQGDQG.X (A thanks for additional info provided by ULQJJDLUG UHFRJQLVHVWKH James Baird, D/Capt Berowra RFB) FRQWULEXWLRQRIWKHEULJDGH repare, Act, Survive WRWUDLQLQJRILWVPHPEHUV PBerowra Rural Fire Brigade within the brigade and (RFB) has taken out two of the WKH+RUQVE\.XULQJJDL WKUHHDQQXDODZDUGVIRU¿UH¿JKWLQJ 'LVWULFWRYHUWKHSUHYLRXV HI¿FLHQF\7KH\VFRRSHGXSWKH PRQWKV%HURZUD %RE6FKR¿HOG$ZDUGIRU([FHOOHQFH KDVQXPHURXVWUDLQLQJ LQ7UDLQLQJDQGDOVRWKH'LVWULFW LQVWUXFWRUVZKRKDYH ([HUFLVH6KLHOG FRPSOHWHGVRPHSOXV 7KHDZDUGVZHUHSUHVHQWHGDW hours of training within the WKH0D\RU¶VDQQXDOGLQQHUKHOGDW %ULJDGHDFURVVWKHGLVWULFW +RUQVE\56/RQ-XO\ZKLFK DQGZLWKLQ16: UHFRJQLVHVWKHVHUYLFHJLYHQE\ $WWKHLQYLWHRI6837 YROXQWHHU¿UH¿JKWHUVRIWKH+RUQVE\ 'LVWULFW0JUMark Sugden .XULQJJDL5XUDO)LUH'LVWULFW 16:5)6,MRLQHG ³7KLVDQQXDOHYHQWLVWKHVRFLDO P\0D\RUDQGIHOORZ KLJKOLJKWRIWKH\HDUJLYLQJ¿UH &RXQFLOORUVDQGZDV ¿JKWHUVDQLJKWWRFDWFKXSZLWK VHDWHGQH[WWR+.'LVWULFW IULHQGVDQGFROOHDJXHVEHIRUHWKH 5)6&KDSODLQChristopher VWDUWRIWKHFRPLQJ¿UHVHDVRQ´ PearsRIWKH+RUQVE\ said James Baird'HSXW\&DSWDLQ +HLJKWV$QJOLFDQ&KXUFK %HURZUD 5)% 2XUORFDO6WDWH03Matt 7KHDZDUGVZHUHSUHVHQWHGE\ KeanZDVDOVRWKHUHDQG +RUQVE\6KLUH&RXQFLO0D\RU JDYHDQH[FHOOHQWVSHHFK Steve Russell and NSW 5)6&RPPLVVLRQHUShane For further info on FitzsimmonsRI%HURZUD joining the RFS visit contact 0W.XULQJJDL5)% &DSWScott www.rfs.nsw.gov.au Jones DOVRGLGZHOOE\ZLQQLQJ Photos:DVVXSSOLHGE\-DPHV WKH5RE7LFNHOO1DYLJDWLRQ %DLUG '&DSW%HURZUD5)% 7URSK\ &RZDQ5)%FDPHLQ Top right:'LVWULFW([HUFLVH6KLHOG QGDQG$UFDGLDUG 0W.DOVR SUHVHQWDWLRQ±6WHYH5XVVHOO FDPHUGLQWKH'LVWULFW([HUFLVH %UDG$OODQ0W.XULQJJDL5)% &KDPSLRQVKLSV .HYLQ+R'XUDO5)%-DPHV%DLUG ³(DFK\HDUWKH%ULJDGHVFRPSHWHLQ %HURZUD5)%Bottom right: Rob WKHDQQXDO'LVWULFW([HUFLVH6KLHOG 7LFNHOO7URSK\SUHVHQWDWLRQ±6WHYH 7KHH[HUFLVHZDVKHOGLQ%HURZUD 5XVVHOO0HO%\UQH$UFDGLD5)% RQ6DWXUGD\-XO\DQGLQFOXGHG *UDHPH+RUQH&RZDQ5)%1HYLOOH DQXPEHURIFKDOOHQJHVLQFOXGLQJ +DUULVRQ0W.XULQJJDL5)% QDYLJDWLRQ¿UHUHODWHGVFHQDULRV VXFKDVVLPXODWHGFDU¿UHV WINNERS FRQGXFWLQJSURSHUW\SURWHFWLRQDQG District Exercise Shield: SXPSLQJ7KLV\HDU%HURZUD5)% 1st Berowra, 2nd Dural, 3rd Mt. Ku-ring-gai. ZDVWKHZLQQHU>ZLWK'XUDOQGDQG %RE6FKR¿HOG$ZDUG)RU7UDLQLQJ 0W.XULQJJDLUG@´VDLGDSURXG' Excellence: 1st Berowra, 2nd Dural, &DSW-DPHV%DLUG 3rd Kuring-gai. 7KH%RE6FKR¿HOG$ZDUGIRU7UDLQLQJ Rob Tickell Navigation Trophy: ([FHOOHQFH ZRQE\%HURZUD5)% 1st Mt. Ku-ring-gai, 2nd Cowan, 3rd Arcadia. Berowra Real Estate Specialists SELLING, BUYING, RENTING STRATA MANAGEMENT 9456 9999 2 Berowra Waters Road [email protected] Thursday 13 August 2015 3 FILLING THE QUARRY he NSW Government invites Excavation of the nine kilometre &RQVWUXFWLRQDFWLYLW\ZLOOLQFOXGH THREE DROP-IN SESSIONS … Tthe community to HAVE long NorthConnex tunnel that • Assessing and monitoring quarry will provide community members the A SAY on the Environmental ZLOOOLQNWKH03DFL¿F0RWRUZD\ wall stability chance to learn more and speak to the Impact Statement (EIS) for the at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 • Dewatering the quarry project team. use of the Hornsby Quarry for the Motorway at West Pennant Hills will 5HFRQ¿JXULQJVRPHRIWKHH[LVWLQJ These sessions will be held on NorthConnex project. produce around 2.6 million cubic Hornsby Mountain Bike Trail and :HGQHVGD\DQG:HGQHVGD\ Hornsby State Liberal MP Matt metres of spoil. walking tracks $XJXVWEHWZHHQSPDQGSP Kean said Roads and Maritime Roads and Maritime Services • Clearing vegetation and DW+RUQVE\56/DQG6DWXUGD\ had prepared the EIS around (RMS) is proposing to handle, establishing erosion and $XJXVWEHWZHHQSPDQGSPDW the proposal to handle, manage manage and reuse about 1.5 sediment controls Hornsby War Memorial Hall. DQGUHXVHFOHDQ¿OOIURPWKH million cubic metres of spoil from • Establishing noise mounds To make a submission on the NorthConnex project at the NorthConnex at Hornsby Quarry. • Widening and sealing of Bridge EIS, please send your comments Hornsby Quarry site. The project would cost around Road and access track in writing to the DPE by “The EIS assesses the potential $22 million and would be jointly • Temporary closure of Roper Lane 4 September 2015. environmental and social impacts funded by the NSW and Federal at its connection to Bridge Road /RGJH\RXUVXEPLVVLRQRQOLQH of the Hornsby Quarry spoil governments and the Hornsby Shire • Constructing a conveyor to ZZZPDMRUSURMHFWVSODQQLQJQVZ management project and outlines Council. Work would be carried out transport spoil from the stockpile JRYDX management and mitigation by the Lend Lease Bouygues Joint area at Old Man’s measures,” Mr Kean said. Venture (LLBJV). Valley to the quarry The Hornsby Quarry site covers 3DUWLDOO\¿OOLQJWKHTXDUU\ZLWK ÀRRU about 35 hectares and was a VSRLOIURP1RUWK&RQQH[ZRXOG • Spoil haulage by breccia hard rock quarry from • Support Hornsby Shire Council’s truck to the quarry the early 1900s until the late plan to rehabilitate the Hornsby over a maximum 28 1990s. The site is zoned public Quarry site into a recreational months recreation (RE1) under the facility • Filling the quarry Hornsby Local Environmental • Minimise the overall distances with spoil Plan 2013 (Hornsby LEP). Council required for transporting the has opened the areas outside of NorthConnex project spoil by 7KHSURMHFWLV the void safety exclusion zone for around 2 million kilometres – the H[SHFWHGWRWDNH recreational activities including equivalent of 47,000 truck journeys DERXWPRQWKV bushwalking and mountain biking. • Reduce the community’s and WRFRPSOHWH The void itself is steep, potentially Hornsby Shire Council’s ongoing VWDUWLQJIURPODWH XQVWDEOHDQGÀRRGHGZLWK maintenance cost associated with VXEMHFWWR groundwater. quarry stabilisation. SURMHFWDSSURYDO 4 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY WATER QUALITY CONCERNS RAISED BY BDCA Getting embers of the Berowra and District Community Association your home M(BDCA) and Hornsby Shire Council (HSC) environmental and water catchment team attended an inspection of the Hornsby Sewerage ready for a treatment plant (STP) on Friday 31st July. This inspection was a result of BDCA raising concerns with Hornsby spring sale Council and Sydney Water about the recurrent problem of unsatisfactory Selling a home doesn’t happen water quality in Berowra Creek after heavy rains when the STP fails to overnight. To maximise your IXOO\FRSHZLWKWKHLQFUHDVHGZDWHUÀRZ sale price, stand out from the The Sydney Water team consisted of plant and district managers, scientist competition and sell quickly, your and educators who took the group through the various stages from the home needs to go on the market VWUDWL¿FDWLRQRIVROLGVWRWKHEDFWHULDOEUHDNLQJGRZQRIQXWULHQWVDQGWKH in tip-top condition. Here are a few GLVLQIHFWDQWRIWKHWUHDWHGÀXLGWKDWLVWKHQUHOHDVHGLQWR%HURZUD&UHHN steps you need to take now to be After the inspection all stakeholders joined in a round-the-table discussion ready for a spring sale. regarding the issues relating to discharges into Berowra Creek and A pre-sale building and pest actions to implement improvements to ensure a high degree of water inspection will let you know if there quality in the future. are issues with your home that you may need to address before going on the market. It is better to know The sale of your home is likely DERXWWKHPHDUO\VR\RXFDQ¿[ RQHRI\RXUELJJHVW¿QDQFLDO them prior to going to market. transactions. Get a real estate When you’re trying to sell your agent on your team early, and home, the less-is-more approach make a list of all the tasks you applies. Put away big furniture and need to complete before listing this personal items. Store or put away spring. Now is the time to have all the things you won’t be using those discussions. Smart planning until you move into your new home. and a good strategy will ensure It is a good idea to have the DTXLFNSDLQOHVVDQGSUR¿WDEOH home fresh and clean. Consider home sale. FOHDQLQJUXJVUH¿QLVKLQJ If you would like more KDUGZRRGÀRRUVRUSDLQWLQJ information please contact kitchen cabinets. If you plan to sell Karen Hardy on 0405 759 556. in the spring, we have an extensive list of contractors who can help spruce up your home quickly. Some of the issues discussed included: • Problems of storm water entering sewer system and other pollutants of Berowra Creek • Impact of large population increases in the Hornsby areas and Sydney Water’s reactive strategies
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