GM Packard 1 1Elecf;5> - t/VE W/RE1 dioision of General Motors Corporation Vol. 25 No. 2 WARREN, OHIO November 14, 1963 Employes Pledge Record $81,500 To United Appeal Fund G/11 Suggestion Plan Raises GM Stockholders -----:-:*. iII. 1 Maximum Award To $6000 Get $2.00 Dividend General Motors Corpora- tion announced a Christmas bonus to its stockholders by '6.000 declarint a year-end divi- NG# 8 1]MNEVEK dend of $2.00 per share, in- stead of the regular quarter- ly 50 cents a share, on the j outstanding common stock 380 11 It 1,11 payable Dec. 10, 1963, to 1 ,: *i/=t- shareholders of record Nov. 14, 1963. This action was voted by GM's board of directors on Nov. 4. The dividend distribution to 1 some 1,034,000 holders of com- . "9:. -' mon stock will total approxi- mately $568,000,000. The divi- dend now being paid, together with dividends of 50 cents per HIGHEST EMPLOYE GROUP PLEDGE . Packard Electric employes pledged ar all-time record of $81.500 during this year's United Appeal share each, paid on March 9 and Campaign. Above, General Campaign Chairman, Paul Martin, of Martin MORE $$$$ FOR SUGGESTIONS . The Packard Electric Suggestion Sept. 10, and $1.00 per share Chevrolet, congratulates Packard's co-chairmen, Frances Yannacey, Plan staff was on hand when the displ¤y showing the increase in the paid on June 10 (including a Dept. 701. IUE Local 717 zone committeewoman; and Richard Acker, maximum and minimum awards was puJ up in the Dana St. Plant. From special payment of 50 cents per superintendent of Plants 3 and 8. The Division's quota was $71,000. left to right. are: Dave Lamberson, supervisor: Pat Kostraba, secretary: share), brings total dividends Francis Dechert, chairman of the Suggestion Committee: and Jim for the calendar year 1963 to Packard Electric employes helped make history in Mactaren, suggestion investigator. The new maximum award Is $6,000. $4.00 per share on the common the City of Warren as they pledged an all-tinle high of stock. $81,500 - or more than $10,000 over the Division's quota Packard Electric employes, as well as all other eligible During 1962, GM stockholders - in aiding the city-wide drive to go over its goal ($489,163) General Motors employes, will have the opportunity to received $3.00 a share, including for the first time in the six years that the drive has hit the Suggestion Plan jackpot for more money than ever a year-end payment of $1.50, been conducted. everyone who contributed to the before as a result of an increase in the maximum award for The money pledged by Pack- while in 1961, they received $2.50 success of the campaign; we also suggestions to $6,000, and an increase in the minimum after the year-end payment was ard employes was the largest would like to express our ap- award to $15. declared at $1.00. amount ever pledged by a group preciation to the solicitors who The increase was announced of employes in the history of the did such a fine job." by Louis G. Seaton, vice presi- Warr·en Community Chest or the dent in charge of the Personnel Warren Area United Appeal Corporation Sales, Net Income Campaign. Staff. Major awards will con- tknue to be paid in U. S. Savings General Campaign Chairman Employe-Sponsored Bonds. Paul Martin paid special tribute In announcing the changles, Establish New Record In '63 to IUE Local 717 for its out- Blood Drawing Set Mr. Seaton said, "The Suggestion standing leadership in the drive. Plan has helped thousands of General Motors dollar sales ami net income for the first Packard UA Drive Chairman For the second time this GM men and women to develop nine months of 1963 established new records, Chairman Richard Acker, superintendent year, Packard Electric em- their ingenuity and initiative, Frederic G, Donner and President John F. Gordon an- of Plants 3 and 8, and co-chair- ployes will sponsor a visit Their ideas have made an out. nounced in the Corporation's third quarter report. man Frances Yannacey, zone of the American Red Cross standing contribution toward im- Factory sales of cars and trucks produced in GM plants committeewoman for Local 717, Bloodmobile to the drew specific praise from Martin IUE proving tools, production meth- throughout the world totaled 4,202,000 units in the first for their part in the successful Local 717 Union Hall, cor- ods and processes, equipment,wd nine months ner of Vine and Bank office procedures. of 1963, or 12 per cent higher than in the drive. corresponding period last year. Factory sales of 4,503,000 In a joint statement, Acker and Streets. The date for the "Progress in our standard of cars and trucks produced by General Motors in living depends on business and the United Mrs. Yannacey said, "By surpas- drawing is Monday,_ Dee. 9, industry obtaining a constant States during the model year ended Sept. 30, 1963, were sing the Division's quota, pack. from 1:30 to 7:30 P.1\1., with flow of constructive ideas which a GM record exceeding any ard Electric employes again have the quota set at 125 pints of of $1,086 million in the first demonstrated their willingness to blood. can be used to make better prod- model or calendar year. nine months this year was also meet their civic responsibilities. ucts more efficiently. Employes, "The 1963 totals reflected the a record for the period. Earn- Once again Frances Yannacey, increased demand for GM vehicles ings of $3.79 per share of com- We wish to sincerely thank Dept 701, Local 717 zone corn- in the U. S. and Canada and a mon stock were 13 per cent - mitteewoman, will serve as chair- Kiddies' Purty strong upsurge in sales of GM above the same period of 1962. man for the drawing. Cooperat- vehicles manufactured overseas," Dividends Are Higher ing in the effort are Herbert R. the report said. "T'he increase in Holiday Schedule Engster, Packard cafeteria man- The 1963 edition of the Dividends paid on the com- , sales . of vehicles manufactured The following announcement ager, and Richard A. Botsford, Packard E l e c t r i c Kiddies, mon stock during the first nine has been made by General Christmas Party will be •taged overseas was due mainly to sales director of Methods Engineering of the Opel Kadett which was months this year totaled $2.00 Manager C. C. Rigsby concern. al the W. D. Packard Mumic introduced in August 1962." per share compared with $1.50 ing the work schedule for the and Work Standards. Botsford Hall, Saturday, Dec:. 21. Two per share in the same period also serves as Industrial Chair- complete vage ,hows will be Business Outlook Good Thanksgiving Holiday, Thurs- of 1962. day, Nov. 28: man for the blood program in prmented, one al 12 0'clock Messrs. Donner and Gordon Trumbull County. noon, and the other at 3:30 noted that "as we enter the 1964 In the first nine months of "In accordance with our P, M. model year, public confidence in 1962, net sales amounted to custom, we will discontinue During the first Division-wide the economy continues strong. $10,451 million, net income to all operations, both offiee drive, last June, Packard em- (See story and photos on ployes donated 145 pints of blood. page 3.) This confidence, coupled with sus- $962 million and earnings per and plants, in observance of tained demand for General share of common stock to $3.36. the Thanksgiving Holiday. "Once again, an all-out effort Motors products, gives promise Earnings in 1962 included a '*In general, regular work while gaining suggestion awards is needed on behalf of each and of good business in the months special dividend of $28 million, schedules will be in effect for and personal recognition for their ahead," they said. to every Packard employe to make ideas, are helping business and equivalent $0.08 per share Friday, Nov. 29. Employes the drive a success," indicated Industry to accomplish this ob- Net sales a m o u n t e d to of GM common stock, received who are affected by any nee- the chairmen. "The necessity of essary deviations from the jective, thus contributing to a bet- $11,681 million in the first nine in February 1962, from Ethyl replacing the blood which has months of 1963, or 12 per cent ter standard of living for Corporation. General Motors, above schedules will be so ' been used by Packard employes everyone," he added. above the previous record for the advised by their respective investment in this company was supervision." and members of their families is Continued on page Four period, set in 1962. Net income sold in November 1962. paramount," they added. PAGE TWO Packard Electric Cablegram Packard Electric Cat,legram R. LeFauve And R. Niskala EDITORIAL STAFF Supervisor, Pubio Relationa - EmpZoye Communicationa . , DONALD A. WEBER /4 NamedTo Supervisory Posts Editor . ......... MARK S. GRODY Did you hear about the midget Staff Photographer . ROBERT L. MCBANE who escaped from behind the Richard G. LeFauve has been promoted to supervisor Staff Artiat . ............. MYRON G. SEYERLE Iron Curtain ? Upon reaching of Methods Engineering and Work Standards for Plants Editorial Secretary . MARY LOUIs 1 FORNEY the border, he said to the people 4 and 7 and the miscellaneous wiring assemblies depart- EDITORIAL ADVISOR he encountered: "How about it ? ments in Plants 8, and Robert E. Niskala has been promoted Can you cache a small Czech ? ! " Director 01 Employe Retationa .
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