Public Notice of County Treasurer's Sale of Tax Liens on Real Estate

Public Notice of County Treasurer's Sale of Tax Liens on Real Estate

PUBLIc noTIce oF 29040 05460 5 GreeNWICH LLC SaraH 4,020.66 at the maximum rate over coUnTY TreasUrer’s saLe oF CaSSIO INGrID 8,976.65 1,498.00 29007 00460 46-48 the interest and penalty TaX LIens on reaL esTaTe 29040 05490 28013 00100 10,12 VaLeNTINe HeLeN borne at the rate at which CaTaLFO Le MarIe DaLLI,a GaMbaLe aLberT & 10,443.70 the lien is purchased. Notice is hereby given that I shall on February 19, 2013, & L 3,135.26 NaNCy 5,544.94 29008 00200 20-21 and the succeeding days, beginning at 10:00 o’ clock in the 29063 04300 430 28013 00340 MaCDONaLD CINDy The Purchaser acknowl- morning in theLegislative Chamber, First Floor, Theodore HarrISON H 2,047.09 MuZIO JOHN 2,912.42 4,635.20 edges that the tax lien(s) roosevelt executive andLegislative building, 1550 Franklin 30 b 02840 28018 00090 29009 00420 sold pursuant to these avenue, Mineola, Nassau County, Newyork, sell at public SOGIMa-1-a LLC 1,380.47 PaLMIerI aPrIL 4,540.16 VaLeNTINe HeLeN Terms of Sale may be auction the tax liens on real estate herein-afterdescribed, 30 b 03490 28019 00200 20-21 1,011.56 subject to pending bank- unless the owner, mortgagee, occupant of or any other HaNSTON HOMeS LTD JeNKINS barbara G 29009 01220 ruptcy proceedings and/ party-in-interest in such real estate shall pay to the County 17,343.26 545.73 DyLeWSKI CHarLeS or may become subject to Treasurer by February15, 2013 the total amount of such 30 b 08010 28028 03120 8,688.78 such proceedings which unpaid taxes or assessments with theinterest, penalties GaLLO JOHN 13,390.34 JeNKINS barbara G 29009 03680 may be commenced during and other expenses and charges, against the property. 30 b 10950 6,517.35 aLeSSI JaMeS F & SuSaN the period in which a tax Such tax liens will be sold at the lowest rate of interest, ZaCK I LLC & ZaCK II LLC 28028 03130 313-314 b 315.17 lien is held by a success- not exceeding10 per cent per six month’s period, for which 26,154.56 JeNKINS barbara G 29013 00260 26-27 ful bidder or the assignee any person or persons shalloffer to take the total amount 30 b 12560 1256 545.73 KLINGe r G 4,892.20 of same, which may modify of such unpaid taxes as defined in section5-37.0 of the SHeIKH IbraHIM 28028 03150 29014 00270 a Purchaser’s rights with Nassau County administrative Code. as required by section 76,143.01 TuLLy KIM & VaNCOTT LISa MOrTON DOuGLaS respect to the lien(s) and 5-44.0 of Nassau County administrative Code, the County 30 e 02330 7,561.58 & MOrTON LeONOr the property securing same. Treasurer shallcharge a registration fee of $100.00 per day MC CuLLy rOberT 28040 01640 2,285.61 Such bankruptcy proceed- to each person who shall seekto bid at the public auction 54,577.62 GeNOVeSe eSTaTeS COrP 29018 01140 ings shall not affect the defined above. 30 F 03370 5,395.47 HaLL JOaN THONeT Le validity of the tax lien. In MINICOZZI MaXINe 28042 00090 9-10 1,070.60 addition to being subject The liens are for arrears of School District taxes for the 21,300.82 DerIZIOTIS IreNe 29018 01150 to pending bankruptcy year 2011 -2012 and/or County, Town, and Special District 30 G 04130 9,779.42 bLaHa rOberT & eLeaNOr proceedings and/or the taxes for the year 2012.The following is a partial listing SIMONS CraIG & 28072 00040 1,441.21 Federal and State Soldiers’ of the real estate located in schooldistrict number(s) 6, 4 KIMberLy 7,266.55 TeaGue HOWarD C 29021 01990 and Sailors’ Civil relief in the Town of Oyster bay only, upon which taxliens are to 30 M 01270 2,378.57 PeDONe CHrISTINe acts, said purchaser’s be sold, with a brief description of the same by reference CHaMberLaIN JOHN 28075 00040 4 5,546.56 right of foreclosure may be tothe County Land and Tax Map, the name of the owner 26,213.43 r & r MOHrING 29024 00140 affected by the Financial or occupant as the sameappears on the 2013/2014 30 M 01640 eNTerPrISeS INC LuISI aNTHONy & Institutions reform, tentative assessment roll, and the total amountof such SaLVey eTaL JOSePH 13,848.49 CaTHerINe 8,256.18 recovery and enforcement unpaid taxes. 506.86 29 D 00100 10-15,21-26 29024 00150 act(FIrrea),12 u.S.C. ss 30001 02050 JONeS aNNIe 842.65 BEBRY JaNeT 907.01 1811 et.seq., with regard ImPorTanT HuTTON JaNe 8,522.84 29 D 00300 29033 01150 to real property under THe NaMeS OF OWNerS SHOWN ON THIS LIST MAY NOT 30007 01420 L & L aSSOC HOLDING CHILKO Le K & L KOCH, Federal Deposit Insurance NeCeSSarILy be THe NaMeS OFTHe PerSONS OWNING HarPer C DC 3,225.04 2001 COrP 1,019.61 PauLINe 4,260.20 Corporation(FDIC) receiver- THe PrOPerTy aT THe TIMe OF THIS aDVerTISeMeNT. 30014 00650 65-66 29 D 00310 31-36,42-46 29059 00800 80 ship. SuCHNaMeS HaVe beeN TaKeN FrOM THe 2013/2014 NOrTH GrOVe PINe ISLaND aSPHaLT & DeCeSare aNGeLa TeNTaTIVe aSSeSSMeNT rOLLS aND MAYDIFFer FrOM eNTerPrISeS INC CONCreTe 955.26 27,577.59 The County Treasurer THe NaMeS OF THe OWNerS aT THe TIMe OF PubLICaTION 47,790.04 29 D 00400 40-41 29062 05820 reserves the right, without OF THISNOTICe. IT MAY aLSO be THaT SuCH OWNerS are 30020 00170 17-18 rONZeTTI PeTer & KeLLy bLue CHIP aerO SerVICeS further notice and at any NOMINaL ONLy aND aNOTHer PerSONIS aCTuaLLy THe raMIreZ & GrOSS reaLTy 963.26 LTD 12,009.34 time, to withdraw from sale beNeFICIaL OWNer. 23,177.19 29 D 00470 47-48 29073 00050 any of the parcels of land or 30022 00300 30-31 rONZeTTI PeTer & KeLLy PaTeL SureSH & VaSaNTI premises herein listed. The GrOSS & raMIreZ reaLTy 971.34 1,905.46 Nassau County Treasurer Town of oyster Bay 29 M0101130 LTD 7,605.79 29 D 00490 49,56,57 29075 00120 12 reserves the right to school: 4 Locust Valley barTLey JaCQueLINe M 30022 00340 34-35 rOSS PeTer 1,051.79 BAYVILLe ON THe SOuND intervene in any bankruptcy Name amount 1,990.79 1ST aVeNue LV COrP 29 D 00500 50-55 ONe LLC 14,271.64 case/litigation where the Parcel Group Lot 29 r0102450 245 679.06 MeDCOr HOLDING CO & 29082 00020 2 property affected by the tax VebeLIuNaS VaNDa MCeLWaIN PeNNy S 30026 01060 106-107 PeKICH PeTe 987.44 BAYVILLe ON THe SOuND liens sold by the Treasurer 8,792.90 1,927.40 JeQ reaLTy COrP 29 D 00590 59-67 TWO LLC 19,126.42 is part of the bankruptcy 23 b 03450 29 r0201430 5,022.26 rONZeTTI PeTer & KeLLy 29082 00140 estate. However,it is the WINSTON eVe STrauSMaN OLSON PeTer W & DONNa 30026 01080 108-109 aNN 1,619.95 MaNTeGarI M T STreCKer sole responsibility of all tax 39,201.15 M 8,379.34 VaSCO eLMer J & MARY 29 D 00860 86-87 & C 27,512.91 lien purchasers to protect 23 b 03640 29 r0211660 8,220.84 rONZeTTI PeTer & KeLLy 29083 00320 their legal interests in any PauPOrTe JaCQueS & OLSON PeTer W & DONNa 30027 00780 78-79 7,382.34 SObrerO JILL 2,291.80 bankruptcy case affecting JOyCe 32,157.43 M 16,075.55 DaLy KeVIN & KaTHLeeN 29 D 00880 88-94 29088 00050 their purchased tax lien, 23 b 04550 29 r0211670 30,087.23 rONZeTTI PeTer & KeLLy baHLKe Le L Lee, IVer including but not limited to PauPOrTe JOyCe rIVarDO DONNa M & 30046 00230 955.26 5,882.60 the filing of a proof of claim 10,699.53 WAYNe 8,909.69 KaraGeOrGIOu PeTer & 29 D 00950 95-96 29099 00110 on their behalf, covering 23 b 04560 29 r0211780 JOaNNa 12,008.80 rONZeTTI PeTer & KeLLy PareS JaMeS & eILeeN their investment in said tax baST CHarLeS & W FrOST MILL INC 68,239.83 30084 00420 1,003.51 7,896.36 lien. The Nassau County 486.02 29 r0303050 SILVerSTeIN aLLeN & bea 29 D 00970 97-100 29101 00010 Treasurer and Nassau 23 K 06660 PaSTer MARY rOSe 32,003.72 PrINCIPe rICHarD VIVONa eSTaTeS INC County and its agencies, VaN VaLKeNburG PauLT & 8,186.06 30086 00020 8,576.20 10,401.98 assumes no responsibility KaTHLeeN 2,798.60 29001 00230 TraVIS FraNCIS & 29 D 01140 114,817 29103 00010 for any legal representation 23 K 06730 O T S aSSOCIaTeS INC KaTHRYN 85,192.66 BAYVILLe ON THe SOuND eHrLer rOGer K & JOyCe of any tax lien purchaser OLSON DONNa 23,430.07 363.93 30086 00080 ONe, LLC 8,409.83 a 8,749.82 in any legal proceeding 23 K 07050 29039 03130 313-321 MINKOFF LaWreNCe a & 29 D 01230 29103 00180 including but not limited to STreCKer DaVID r & LILLa MICrO LeaSING 4,266.83 DIaNe b 60,578.61 MaHONey PauL & a bankruptcy case where M 29,684.02 29039 03270 327-331 30086 00170 barbara 1,494.37 Terms oF saLe the purchased tax lien is at 23014 02140 GKb eNTerPrISeS L L C 29 D 09720 Such tax liens shall be risk. MaNNO LIberINO & D 363.93 Town of oyster Bay buZZeO MICHaeL & C sold subject to any and all 287.94 29040 03320 332-333 school: 6 Bayville 660.37 superior tax liens of sover- The rate of interest and 23015 00020 WeISSMaN BARRY rISMaN FLOreNCe 29 D 10280 eignties and other munici- penalty at which any person DOraN PaTrICK JOHN 4,227.70 2,248.77 SaLVI aNGeLINa 1,703.28 palities and to all claims purchases the tax lien shall 516.66 29040 03340 334-338 28004 00070 7-10 29 D0902110 of record which the County be established by his bid.

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