RED BANK REGISTER. VOLUME XXXII, NO. 41. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1910. PAGES 1 TO WOMAN r*LI.H UNCOHBCIOUS- AUTOMOBILE ON FIRE. FXSED BY A SPARK. PATRICK EGAN'S WILL ta KM Full Bha Btruc* a Pl»o« of Iron Q rant Wtarly Mats rtra to and Bar Fact sad Hack Well Cat. Charle* H. Hurley', Buildings, SALE OF ANOTHER FARM. Mrs. William Dangler of Eatontown CIGARETTE 8UOXSB BESPONSIBI.E HE LEFT A HOUSE AND LOT AND $500 IN CASH WHS seized with an attack of heart Ml III Sparks from a locomotive set fire to trouble Friday morning and fell un- some dead grass on Charles 11, liur- j GEORGE K, CARPENTER BUYS THE TAYLOR PLACE, TO EACH OF HIS CHILDREN. conscious. In fulling her head struck He Thraw Asida a Ufktad Match WhUa ley's place at Shrewsbury, Fiuinwl a piece of iron and her cheek and neck running- George Hanos Pattarion'a by a breeze the flumes mudc a rapid wore badly cut, Mr, Dangler noticed O«»li, Wli«r« ii Atttomobila Tan* progress towards Mr. Hurley's blm-k. FORMERLY PART OF THE HUBBARD FARM, One of the Children, Delia Carroll, Has Died Since the Will Was his wifo'B absence from the house and W»a Beiai' ruled. smith and wheelwright shop, The , went outsidij to sru what was the mut- fire was discovered by William 11, ! Made, and Part of the Bequest to Her Will Go to Her Daugh. A cigarette, a lighted mntch, a can Jackson, Miss Hannah Jackson and [This Property Contalni Eighteen Acre* and WM Bought by Mr, ter. When he first found hur he of gasolene, a flro, a badly damaged Richard H. Sicklea, who are neighbors ' ter, Mrs. George Grause—Fair Haven Woman Leaves Her thought she was dead. She is getting automobile, and three persons burned. of Mr, Hurley. They worked like Taylor From Jacob Braach a Few Months Ago—It Wffl Be better, however, and her recovery is That was the order of things on Mon-beavers throwing water on the flnme.s ! Estate to Her SUter—Will of Mrs. Eliza Ellis of Freehold. looked for. She has been subject to mouth street about half-pnst five and beating out the blaze and tht-y Developed by Mr. Carpenter Along With Hi» Other Land. There attacks of heart weakness a long time, o'clock Sunday afternoon. finally put out the fire, , Patrick Egan, who died nt his home witnesses were Daniel H. Applegato The automobile was a large tourinn —Proposed Extenibn of the Tramp Hollow Road Westward, on the south side of Wall street, lied and Howard B, Higginson. machine, owned by Herman Ripping B»nk, a short time ago, left a will Retta Anna Gill of Atlantic High- of South Amboy, and carrying1 seven l.iwi week Utwj:i> K Carpenter, that vicinity, The freeholders will which was made in October, 1900. lands left H house and lot and some DIED SITTING IN CHAIR. porsonB, Mr. Ripping was returning who n-conlly bought LfT Ariv\jof the build a new bridge across the creek to The will was witnessed by James E. other real estate near Hilton Park in home from Lakewood when the gaso- WRECKED IN COLLISION. llulibard farm in Miiidk-town town- replace thu present Quigley's bridge Dcgnan and Dr. Edwin Field. At the Middletown township. She left this MBS, JOSEFS MiSSOM FOUND DEAD lene ran low. He stopped at George ship, neur Hulibanl"s bridge, bought and they are now considering build- time the will was written Mr. Egan property, together with all other prop- FRED VAN DOBZri AUTO DAMAGED another tract of the Hubbard farm BUJTDAT MOENIIfO. Hance Patterson's garage to replenish ing a concrete arch bridge, with a had five children living. These chil- erty ehe possessed, to her sistei, Clar- the Bupply. While the gasolene was BY BTBIKUIQ A TROLLEY CAR. from Mr. Taylor of MuUiwan. This width of eighteen feet at the water dren were Catherine Ann Egan, who issa Ellen Mackelfresh of Cincinnati, property contains eightei'n acres, nnd Bhi Wai Bnbjaot to Heart Sliiaia and being put in the automobile tank a line. The road across the meadow lived at home with her father and The will provided that in case her sis- cigarette smoker passed by. He Wr. VanDorn WM Driving- Ont of Col- is directly west of the tniet pn-viousiy north of the bridge will be raised mother; John T, Egan, Mary Houni- tor should marry again her husband This Was the Cisn of Her Death— bought by Mr, Carpenter, The price She iMTM & Itu.band nad Eitfht Chil- lighted his cigarette and tossed the ller'n Lane at Eatontown ftnfl Sid Hot An«ther_ proposed improvement I han, wife of Timothy Hounihan; Delia should not in any way participate in match away. The match fell under Sse tne Trolley CM UntU it fn-Iog paid waa $8,250 and the sale was made dren. by William A, Hopping, which has been discussed by the free- | Carroll, wife of Henry Carroll; and her estate, the machine. The vapor from the gas- iatt to Avoid a OolUiloa. holders rind Mr. Sumerwell is the con- Ellen Bolton, All of these children Mrs. Carrie II. Maxson, wife of oleno caught fire from the match iri its An automobile owned by Fred Van- Mr. Carpenter bought the tract in are still living except Delia Carroll. Sen and Dang-hter-In-Law Inherit. Joseph Maxson of Navesink, was order to increase his holdings in that tinuation of the Tramp Hollow road Thomas J. Carter of Port Monmouth descent. There was a blinding flash Dorn of Red Bank was wrecked in a westward, until it strikes the prop- She died some years ago, leaving one found dead sitting in a chair by one and the gasolene burst into flame. collision with a trolley cor at Eaton- locality, and in order to have a larger daughter, Nettle, who is now the wife left his entire estate to his daughter- of her children Sunday morning, tract for development purposes. The erty of Thomas Henry Grant at Nut- in-law, Julia, wife of Mr. Carter's While the tank was being filled the six town Saturday afternoon. He had swamp, and then sweeping it Booth- I of George Grauso. Mrs. Maxson had suffered from heart men in the car had got out, leaving been to the Collier place at Eatontown, tract just bought lies nearly level son Charles, and to George W. Car- disease about two years. She was It extends from the Red Bank and ward until it strikes the ^nctio?^ Mr. Egan left to each of his chil- ter, another son, in equal shares, ex- only a woman in th« machine while where he was showing an automobile the Morrisyille or Everett road and drtn a house and lot, and he left to 51 years old and was an excep- the gasolene was being poured into to a prospective buyer. A long lane Lineroft road northward to the foot cept that there is to be deducted from tionally stout woman. Because of her of the bank. Quigley's creek runs the Half-Mile road. The Tramp Hoi- each of them $500 outright, or the Julia's share any money due to Mr. the tank. I leads from the Collier place to the low road, after leaving the Sumerwell interest on this sum of money. He heart trouble she found it difficult to The woman jumped from the ma- road and Mr. VanDorn drove down along the property at the foot of the Carter from his son Charles. The sleep lying down and it was her cus- bank m places, and in other placei the ro er y ould 0 nude his daughter, Catherine Ann will was made April 27th, 1891, and chine as soon as the gasolene ignited the lane at a fast clip on the way of l F 'AT / t&n* STE2 Egan, the executrix of his will and he tom to sleep while sitting in a large and she escaped Injury. Ernest Grote home. bank runs down into salt meadow. lB the John Mr. Carter's brother, John S. Carter, easy chair. She was faithfully at- The tract ii bounded on the west by ' " T^' Cook es • named her as the trustee of his es- was made executor. The witnesses was employed putting the gasolene in A trolley car bound for Red Bank tate, this trusteeship to continue as tended by her children, and about mid- the machine, and he was badly burned was approaching, but Mr. VanDorn the O. E, Davis property, formerly the were Rutsen S. Snyder arid C. H. night Saturday night she was cared John Anthony Hubbard farm. Mr. long as his wife, Mary C, Egan, Walling. about the face and head before he did not notice the car despite the fact should live. Mrs. Egan is now very for by one of them and made comfort- could get out of the way. that Sylvester Emmons, the motor- Carpenter has engaged George Cooper sick and as she is an aged woman, Amanda Fiih'i Will. able for the night. She then seemed A fire alarm was sounded and the man, rang the warning bell repeatedly. to lay out the tract. Roads willbe she may not again regain robust Mrs. Amanda Fish of Long Branch in her usual condition. In the morn- fire companies turned, out. Four fire As the automobile came out of the cut through the property from the health.
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