OF THE Southern Industrial Educational Association MARCH, 1915. VoL. VII. No. 1. \ . Southern Industrial Educational Association (Inc.) 3 . (NON-SECTARIAN) Annual Report of the President. Organized to Promote Industrial Educat~on of the Childreri. of the Southern Mountains To the Electors of the Southern Indttstrial Headquarters~ Southern Building, Room 331, Washington, D. C. MRS. MARTHA S. GIELOW, Founder Educational Association in (!ilffurrs Annual NI eeting Assembled, klarch 16, 1915. Hon/Jra.ry Pruident Honorary Vico-Pruldent MRS. THOMAS R. MARSHALL GENTLEMEN : Mtss MARGARET WILSON LADIES AND Vice·Pruident and Or.1;ani1>:cr Vice-Pruident President C. C. CALHOUN, ESQ. 1. The past year has been one of activity. Notwith­ HON. SETH SHEPARD MRS. MARTHA S. GIELOW The Farragut, Washini;ton, D. C. C~ief Justice Court ol Appe:i.ls Troa.wrer standing the unprecedented demands upon An1erican gen­ District of Columbia JOSHUA EVANS. JR. erosity .. our receipts have been fairly satisfactory. Corresponding Secretary Asst. Cashier, Riggs Bank Recordin,; SureU1.Yj MRS. A. S. STONE The report of our Financial Secretary is presented here­ Chairman ,V,embership Comrnittco MRS. C. DAVID WHITE 331 Southern Building 331 Southern Building MRS. LEIGH ROBINSON \vith and shovvs t11at the receipts for the year ending Feb­ ruary 26th, from all sources, amount to $11,920.79. These ID rustres include the donation by Mr. Cleveland Dodge of $5,000.00, Herbert E. Day Hon. Seth Shep:i.rd Mrs. J. Lowrie Bell Mrs. Samuel Spencer Richard K. Campbell, Esq. Joshua Evans, Jr. for the salary and expenses of a Field Secretary, who is Leigh Robinson, Esq. Mrs. c. David \.Vhite C. C. Calhoun, Esq. Miss Cl:l.~a \Vilson engaged in investigating conditions in the 1\!Iountain Dis­ Hon. P. P. Cl:i.xton Rev. James H. Taylor NEW YORK AUXILIARY tricts. Other subscriptions have been 111ade to n1eet the NEW YORK, N· Y. necessary expenses of the Association. Separate accounts OFFICERS have been kept of funds coliected for educational purposes Firsi Vic•·Presld•nt Ru~rdin,: Secutn.ry Pruidtnt Mrs. Livingston Rowe Schuyler and ad111inistration needs. Mrs.Algernon Sydne_y Sullivan Miss M. V. B. Vanderpoel Auista!!t Treasurer 'Ihc clisb11rsc1nents for the year have a111ounted, for all CorrupondinK Secretary Treasurer Mr. James Lees Laidlaw Mrs. Juan Ceh:i.lles Mm. Eugene Frayer Bay Shore, L. I. purposes, to $9,075.86. \Ve have in the treasury $6,000.00, 323 West 104th St· MARYLAND AUXILIARY \vhich have been set apart for the erection and maintenance BALTIMORE, MD. of a school, the location of which has been deferred pend­ Pre.ridcnt, Mrs. 1- J, 'Jackson, 11?2 .Cathedral St. ing a survey of the n1ountains which is no\v being made by RccQrding Secretary, Mrs. W11li:i.m M:i.!ster Corre.rpor1dlni: Secretary, Miss Alice Louise Thompson the Field Secretary. Treasurer, Mrs. Eric Bergland, 1116 North Chatlcs St. During the year we have contributed $3,816.75 to the CALIFORNIA AUXILIARY purchase of scholarships, employment of industrial teachers, SAN FRANCISCO,CAL. and other aid to approved schools. An itemized statement Ffrsl Vfre·Pre.rident Stwnd Vicc·Pre.rident Presidenr Miss B. Letcher of all these is contained in the financi~1 report herevvith Mrs. C. C. Clay. Fruitdale, Cal. Mrs. L. L. Dunb:i.r Secretary presented. Trell.surer Miss N. A. Queen, 2212 S:i.cramento St.,San Fr:i.ncisco Miss N. D. Rideout. Felton 2. Our auxiliary associations have been active during the PHILADELPHIA AUXILIARY year and have given us much financial aid. An auxiliary· First Vfrc--Pruident Ruordint: Secretary Pruident Miss Mary Graham Tyler association has been organized in the city of Philadelphia Mrs. Louis Lewis Mrs. Thos. Potter, Jr. 4324 Pine St. Chestnut Hiil since my last report, from whose industry and zeal we have Corresponding Surctary Treasurer Mrs. William T. Hendley Mrs. Luther Ch:i.se derived substantial benefit. 6700 Cresheirn Road 238 West John~on Street 4 5 T 3. The office of the Association has been 111aintained in circulation. lt contains informati.oll of the 1,vork of the the Southern Building during the 7ear. There our ,.Tru~­ Association, and relating to conditions in the mountains, and tees' ineetings are held and all business transacted_. _fhc1e has been of great benefit in advertising our objects and also have been exhibit.eel n1any products of 111oun1.~1n indus­ nce<ls. Its 111ission of usefulness ~vill be continued and tries, consisting of \Veavin~s, baskets .. \:VO~d. i:arv111gs, and broadened. other handiwork. The object of the exhibit10n .has been 6. Our officers have performed their duties most effi­ not only to show the skill and industry of th.e mountain ciently. Mrs. Augusta S. Stone, our Corresponding and vvorkers but also to furnish a 1narket for their products. Financial Secretary, has kept the office open during each The sal~s during the year~at prices fixed by the producers. day, receiving visitors and furnishing information. In addi­ have aggregated $1,577.41. The proceeds of sales h:ive been tion. she has exhibited the products of the mountain indus­ transmitted to the vvorkers a!1d have been of i:-1ater1al ben~­ tries and made the sales, and has kept the accounts of the several contributors. - fit to them 1 stimulating the mcrease and efficiency of their v,rork. The increase of these exhibits and sales has de1non­ I a111 sorry to say that our \ 1ice-President and Organizer, strated the benefits of the exhibition to the producers, and Mrs. Martha S. Gielow, has been ii! during the past year the importance of procuring a salesroo1n on the ground and has not been able to prosecute her labors in behalf of the floor of a building centrally located . where they. can be i\ssociation. Her services have been of inestiinable value brought to the attention of the public. A comnutt~e has and I hope soon to have her resume her work for us in the been appointed to secure .such c_t place t~ be opene~ 1n the field in 1vhich she has sho,vn so n1uch ability and zeal. coming fall. This, we thmk, will result m a great mcrease I regret also to say that our Treasurer1 Ivir. Corcoran of the sales of the 1nountain workers. Thom, through the pressure of other duties, has felt himself 4. Since April 15, 1914, at which time his services .began, unable to continue his services and has resigned. In his our Field Secretary has been 1nveshgat1ng cond1tions 111 the stead, \Ve have elected Jlvir. Joshua Evans, of the Riggs Southern mountairis, exan1ining and reporting. t~pon the con­ National Bank, who is also a member of the Board of ditions there prevailing; inspecting the cond1t1ons and t~e Trustees. The Treasurer is under bond for the faithful performance of hls services. character of the vvork done in the various schools, public and private and particularly the industrial schools that have 7. The many schools that have been aided by us have I sho1vn continuous improvement. 1'hey are, as far as possi­ been aided' by the i\ssociation, as vvell _as reporting upon I their efficiency and needs. .He has obtamed and tabulated blei extending and improving their inethods of industrial education, and report progress. much valuable information 111 respect of these· matters, the .L 8. The accounts of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer particulars of which are on fi\e in. the offi~e and open. to the inspection of person.s seek1?g 1nfor~1atlon. These in­ ! have been audited and found correct. The Auditing Com­ mittee will make their report to that effect at this meeting spections and reports w1l~ continue until we shal_l have .a, and it is the right of the electors to have the accounts re­ practical and complete kno,..vledge of the mountain condi­ audited if they see proper. tions and needs. 9. The terms of four members of the Board have ex­ 5. Our quarterly magazine, under the efficient editorial pired by limitation of the By-Laws and it is one of the duties management of Mrs. Mary H. \lifhite, has obtained a wide of the electors at this meeting to select their successors. 6 10. On behalf of the Association I return our grateful thanks to our auxiliary societies, the Societies of the D. A R., Colonial Dames, and the U. D. C. for their interest in the objects of the Association and for their financial con­ tributions to the cause. We also return thanks to the various schools and to the many. kind friends and patrons who have contributed so matenally to the advancement of our work. Respectfully submitted, (Sg.) SETH SHEPARD, President. Minutes of the Ninth Annual Meeting, March 16, 1915. The Ninth Annual Meeting Df the Electors of the South­ ern Industrial Educational Association was held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Spencer, a Trustee of the Association, at 4 P.M., March 16, 1915. Besides Trustees and Electors there were present Miss r 1 Margaret Wilson, the Honorary President, Mrs. Mary Mil dred Sullivan and Mrs. J. Lowrie Bell of the New Yorl­ Auxiliary, Mrs. Louis Lewis, of the Philadelphia Auxiliary, and three guests. The meeting was called to order at 4.15 P.M. by the Pres ident, Judge Seth Shepard. jte The minutes of the eighth Annual Meeting were read an Cl approved. M The Financial Secretary, Mrs. A. S. Stone, presented statement of the finances of the Association, a copy of which st appears on page 18. ti1 The chairman 'of the Auditing Committee consisting of c· Messrs. Day and White, reported that they h~d examined in ' detail the accounts of the Association· the books the re·1 j, ceipts, the disbursement warrants, ca~celled checks, bank ~ books,_ etc., and had found them correct throughout.
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