VOLUME S ^ NUMBER 28 Washington, Wednesday, February 10, 1943 Regulations At least two weeks’ notice to the pub­ CONTENTS lic shall be given of the expiration of a time limit for filing prescribed forms, REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE and any time limit fixed shall be such as Agricultural Adjustment Agency : Page affords a full and fair opportunity .to Range Conservation Program; Chapter VII—Agricultural Adjustment those eligible to file the form within the eligibility for payment____ 1777 Agency period prescribed. Such notice shall be Agriculture D epartment: given by mailing the same to the office Marketing agreements, etc. ; [RCP-1940-1] of each county committee and making delegation of authority to Part 705—R ange Conservation P rogram copies of the same available to the press. Food Distribution Director- 1821 Alien P roperty Custodian: ELIGIBILITY FOR PAYMENT Done at Washington, D. C. this 8th Property in the process of ad­ day of February, 1943. Witness my hand ministration ; payment, Pursuant to the authority vested in the and the seal of the Department of Agri­ transfer or distribution___ 1780 Secretary of Agriculture under sections 7 culture. Vesting orders: to 17, inclusive, of the Soil Conservation [seal] Grover B. Hill, Altenbach, Emilie, and Margot and Domestic Allotment Act (40 Stat. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. BUchmuller___________ 1823 1148), as amended, the 1940 Range Con­ [F. R. Doc. 43-2059; Filed;, February 8, 1943; Schmich, Aenne___________ 1822 servation Program (4 PH. 4096; 5 F.R. 1:35 p. m.J Bituminous Coal Division: 3629) is amended as follows: Hearings, etc.: Section 705.105 (b) is amended as Blue Grass Coal Co., et al__ 1821 follows: :yg . Goodrich, B. F., Co__'______ 1821 § 705.105 Eligibility for payment. * * * Chapter XI—Food Distribution Great Northern Railway Co_1821 (b) Time and manner of filing appli­ Administration Michael, Homer_____ ______ 1818 cation and information required. Pay­ [Food Directive 2] Press Coal Co_______ 1820 ment will be made only upon application Rafferty, E. D_____________ 1817 submitted through the county office on Part 1400—D elegations of Authority Read, Earl M_____________ 1818 or before a date fixed by the regional DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO THE SECRE­ Reed Coal Mining Co_______ 1819 director, but not later than March 31, TARY OF THE INTERIOR WITH RESPECT TO Ridgway Coal Co__________ 1817 1941, except (1) the timely filing of an FISHERY COMMODITIES OR PRODUCTS F ood Distribution Administration: application by one person on a ranching Fishery commodities or prod­ unit shall constitute a timely filing on Pursuant to the authority vested in me ucts; delegation of author­ behalf of all persons on that ranching by Executive Order No. 9280, dated De­ ity to Secretary of the In­ unit, and (2) an application for payment cember 5, 1942, and in order to utilize terior (Food Dir. 2)______ 1777 may be accepted if the State committee existing governmental services and facil­ Tea: or its designated representative deter­ ities to the fullest practicable extent in (FDO 18)_________________ 1778 mines, in accordance with instructions carrying out the provisions of such (FDO 18-1)____ 1780 issued by the regional director with the order, It is hereby ordered, As follows: National War Labor B oard: approval of the Chief of the Agricultural § 1400.11 Food Directive 2; fishery Government Printing Office; Adjustment Agency, that the failure to commodities or products, (a) The Sec­ wage find salary adjust­ file the timely application was not due retary of the Interior is authorized and ments ________________ 1782 to the fault of the applicant. Applica­ directed, subject to the provisions of this Office of P rice Administration: tions filed under exceptions (1) and (2) directive, to execute, and to exercise the Adjustments, etc.:*, above must be filed before expiration of powers conferred by, the provisions of Alco Leather Mfg. Co______ 1813 the period for obligating the appropria­ paragraph (b) of section 1, and section Caloric Gas StoveWorks ____ 1824 tion (June 30,1942). * 2 of Executive Order No. 9280, insofar as Cambridge Cement Stone Co., The Secretary reserves the right (1) such provisions relate to the production et al_______ __________ 1824 to withhold payment from any ranch of fishery commodities or products. Cerophyl Laboratories, Inc__ 1812 operator who fails to file any form or (b) With respect to the recommenda­ Chatham-Mfg. Co_________ 1812 furnish any information required with tions to the War Production Board re­ garding critical or controlled materials General Wine Co________ 1813 respect to any ranching unit in which • Noble Transit Co__________ 1812 such ranch operator is interested, and incident to the delegation of authority (2) to refuse to accept any application contained in section 2 of Executive Or­ Palmyra Bologna Co_______ 1823 for payment if any form or information der No. 9280, the Secretary of the In­ Weaver, John S___________ 1823 required is not submitted to the county terior will determine requirements of Anti-freeze (MPR 170, Am. 3)__ 1813 office within the time fixed by the re­ critical materials for the production of Bakery products (MPR 319)___ 1808 gional director. (Continued on next page). (Continued on next page) 1777 1778 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, February 10, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued (f) The term “fishery commodities or products” as used in this directive means Wage and Hour Division: Pa8e any edible or non-edible fish, any form Learner employment certifi­ of aquatic animal or plant life, or any FEDEMlWEfilSTER cates (2 documents)— 1782,1821 other commodity or product, including V, 1934 ¿r War Production Board: fats and oils, of marine or fresh water Asbestos textiles (M-283)------ 1790 origin, which is within the meaning of Carriers, passenger (L-101).— 1789 the term “food” as defined in section 10 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Controlled materials plan: of Executive Order No. 9280. and days following legal holidays by the Maintenance, repair and op­ (g) The term “production”, as used in Division of the Federal Register, The National erating supplies (CMP paragraph (a) hereof, shall include the Archives, pursuant to . the authority con­ Reg. 5)_______________ 1793 catching or harvesting of any form of tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Preference ratings (CMP Reg. aquatic animal or plant life and the pro­ July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ 3 ) ____*____________ 1792 cessing thereof. It does not include, tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ however, the following functions which mittee, approved by the President. Controlled shipments (T-l, Int. The Administrative Committee consists of 1)-------------- ----------------- 1791 shall be performed by the Food Distribu­ the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Crushers, portable jaw and roll tion Administration of the Department of the Department of Justice designated by (L-217, Schedule H )------- 1784 of Agriculture: procurement; inspection; the Attorney General, and the Public Printer Glass textiles, fibrous (M-282).. 1797 standards; labeling; allocation; reserva­ or Acting Public Printer. Jewel bearings (M-50)*'--------- 1788 tion; limitation; specifications of prod-, The daily issue of the F ederal R egister Priorities system, operation uct or container, and container supply. will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free (Priorities Reg. 15, Int. 1) — 1787 (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179) of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Stop construction order--------- 1824 year, payable in advance. The charge for Issued this 8th day of February 1943. single copies (minimum, 10£) varies in pro­ Suspension orders: portion to the size of the issue. Remit Cleaners Hanger Co— ------ 1783 [seal] Claude R. Wickard, money order for subscription or single copies Coffee Corp. of America— — 1783 Secretary of Agriculture. payable to the Superintendent of Documents Tungsten (M—29—b)----- ■>?------ 1785 directly, to the Government Printing Office, Yellow poplar (M-279)---------- 1791 [F. R. Doc. 43-2056; Filed, February 8, 1943; Washington, D. C. 1: 34 p. m.] There are no restrictions on the republica­ Zinc (M -ll)------------------------ I786 v/ ar Shipping Administration: tion of material appearing in the F ederal Contracts with vessel owners; R egister. Telephone information: District 0525. rates of compensation------ 1815 [Food Distribution Order 18] Part 1415—Imported F oods CONTENTS—Continued fishery products. Applications and rec­ tea quotas for packers and wholesalers ommendations for priorities or alloca­ Office of Price Administration— tions of material on forms prescribed Pursuant to the authority vested in Continued. Page by the War Production Board will be me by Executive Order No. 9280, issued Building materials and consum­ processed by the Facilities Branch of December 5,1942, and in order to assure ers’ goods, etc. (MPR 188, the Food Distribution Administration an adequate supply and efficient distri­ Am. 5)________________ but will be referred to the Department bution of tea to meet war and essential Coke, beehive oven furnace (RPS of the Interior by that Branch for con­ civilian needs, It is hereby ordered. As 77, Am. 4)------- ------------- 1800 sideration and recommendation. The follows: Commodities, services and flow of applications will be through the § 1415.2 Tea quotas—(a) Definitions. transactions (Supp. Reg. 14, Controlled Materials Officer of the De­ When used in this order, unless other­ Am. 106)---------------------- 1814 partment of Agriculture to the War Pro­ wise distinctly expressed or manifestly Douglas fir and other west coast duction Board. incompatible with the intent thereof. lumber (MPR 26, Am. 11) — 1811 (c) The Secretary of the Interior is (1) The term “person” means any in­ Gasoline rationing (Order 5C, authorized and directed to prepare and dividual, partnership, corporation, asso­ Am. 18, Corr.)---------------- 1813 submit to the Secretary of Agriculture ciation, or any other business entity. Locks and lock sets (MPR 317) _ 1800 specific recommendations upon any mat­ (2) The term “tea” means packaged Petroleum: ter within the scope of paragraphs (a), or bulk tea in any form.
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