2015 world directory 2 - Copia omaggio € ââÊ`ÊV«iÀÌ>Ê > Suppliers’ THAT’S WHY THIS WILL BE Profiles YOUR NEXT LAMINATING LINE ZERO DEFECTS ZERO WASTE ZERO DOWNTIME > Suppliers’ ZERO DISPERSION Products & ÊÊ°ÊÓÇÉäÓÉÓää{ÊcÊ{È®Ê>ÀÌ°Ê£]ÊV>Ê£ÊÊ Ê>ÊÊÊUÊÊÊ*Ài Yellow Pages > Glassworks’ Addresses ÌÌ]Ê*ÃÌiÊÌ>>iÊ-«>ÊÊ-«i`°ÊÊ>°Ê«°ÊÊ °°ÊÎxÎÉÓääÎÊ­VÛ° Powerlam FLAT GLASS LAMINATING LINE WITH EVA & PVB AVAILABLE IN ABSOLUTE PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY INTERACTIVE VERSIONS TOO }ÞÊÌiÀ>Ì>]Ê->ÀÌiiÀ}ÞÊ-°À°°]Ê À°Ê,ië°Ê>ÀVÊ*i DESKTOP DISCOVER MORE www.rcnengineering.it IPAD/IPHONE RCN ENGINEERING S.R.L. Via Marcatutto, 7 - 20080 Albairate (MI) Italy Tel +39 02 94602434 - [email protected] www.rcnengineering.it -Õ««iiÌÊÊ>Ê°Ê£{{ÊÊ>ÀV É«ÀÊÊ°ÊÓÉÓä£xÊ`Ê>ÃÃ/iV ANDROID DEVICES www.glassonline.com Multi-roller coating machine for the enamelling and design printing of float glass sheets. ROLLMAC a division of GEMATA - Via Postale Vecchia, 77 - 36070 Trissino (VI) Italy Tel. +39.0445.490618 - Fax +39.0445.490639 - E-mail: [email protected] - www.rollmac.it Because we care Revolutionary. Also our technologies. INSULATING GLASS MANUFACTURING Bystronic glass symbolises innovation with machinery, HANDLING EQUIPMENT systems and services for the processing of architectural AUTOMOTIVE GLASS PREPROCESSING and automotive glass focused on tomorrow’s market. From basic requirements through to entire, customised installations Bystronic glass provides pioneering solutions – naturally, all in the highest quality. www.bystronic-glass.com IR medium wave twin tubes emitters for: iÃÊÌ>µÕ>ÀÌâÊ>ÃÊ«À`ÕViÃÊ } ÞÊ Ê UÊ >>Ì}Êià >««ÀiV>Ìi`Ê iµÕ«iÌÊ vÀÊ Ì iÊ }>ÃÃÊ Ê UÊ ÀÀÀ}Êià industry such as manual and au- Ê UÊ `ÀÞÊÃVÀiiÊ«ÀÌ}Êià tomatic tin side detectors and UV polymerization units. IR medium wave single tube emitters for: Ê UÊ Li`}ÊvÕÀ>ViÃ Ê UÊ vÕÃÊvÕÀ>Vi IR fast medium wave twin tube emitters for: Ê UÊ >>Ìi`Ê}>ÃÃÊVÕÌÌ}Ê>V ià Helios Italquartz Srl Viale delle Industrie 103/A - 20040 Cambiago (MI) - Italy Tel.: +39-02-95349318 - Fax: +39+02-95345085 www.heliositalquartz.com - [email protected] COSTRUZIONI MECCANICHE BESANA S.p.A. U.S.A. Branch: BESANA-LOVATI Inc. Plant: Strada Comunale Mombello 2570 Viceroy Drive-Winston- Salem,N.C.27103 21033 Cittiglio (Va) - Italy USA Tel. +39 0332 626203 - Fax +39 0332 626243 Tel.: +1-336-7685504 - Fax: +1- 336-7687549 e-mail: [email protected] - www.cmbesana.com e-mail: [email protected] - www.besanalovati.com West Coast: Tel.: +1-562-6963607 - Fax:+1- 562-6961678 GLASS PROCESSING IS OUR PASSION Standard or customized? We have the right solution! Your reliable partner for small and big projects! From the standard machine to the individual solution As a single machine or turn-key solution Consulting from planning up to commissioning Integration into existing systems is possible All machines are manufactured according to the latest energy guidelines Proven solution due to many years of experience in glass processing Architecture · Automotive · Solar · Display Benteler Maschinenbau GmbH · Germany · www.benteler-glass.com · +49 521 542 0 · [email protected] contents - sommaire - inhalt - sumario - sommario 9 ADVERTISERS INDEX Index des annonceurs, Inserentenverzeichnis, Índice de anunciantes, Indice degli inserzionisti Second annual edition 158 SUBSCRIPTION TO OUR PUBLICATIONS Abonnement aux notres publications, Abonnement auf unsere Fachzeitschriften, EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE Abonamiento a nuestras publicaciones, Via Antonio Gramsci, 57 Abbonamento alle nostre pubblicazioni 20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866 Fax:: +39 - 02 - 66305510 E-mail: [email protected] 160 WWW.GLASSONLINE.COM www.glassonline.com PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Marco Pinetti ........................... [email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR suppliers to the glass industry Valerie Anne Scott .................... [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITOR &/52.)33%523$%,).$5342)%$56%22%s,)%&%2!.4%.$%2',!3).$5342)% Jennifer Pressman 02/6%%$/2%3$%,!).$5342)!$%,6)$2)/s&/2.)4/2)$%,,).$5342)!$%,6%42/ ADVERTISING ITALY Maurizio Lozza ................... [email protected] 11 WORLDWIDE ALPHABETICAL INDEX Luciano Molina .................. [email protected] Liste alphabétique, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis, Lista alfabética, Indice alfabetico GRAPHIC DESIGN & PAGINATION 68 Sonia Previato ..................... [email protected] YELLOW PAGES PRINTED BY Pages Jaunes, Gelbe Seiten, Páginas Amarillas, Pagine Gialle Tipografi ca Derthona Srl Strada Vicinale Ribrocca 6/5 15057 Tortona (AL) - Italy SINGLE COPIES € 30 air mail included Italy: € 20 glassworks Entire contents © 2014 by Smartenergy S.r.l. All rights reserved. The entire contents of this Directory are world copyrighted. Reproduction, even partially, 6%22%2)%3s',!3(%234%,,%2s6)$2%2)!3s6%42%2)% by any means, is strictly prohibited unless written permission has fi rst been obtained from the Publishers. Although elaborate efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of information in this guide, the Publishers do not accept responsibility for any omissions or inaccuracies or for any consequences 77 arising from the information contained in this Directory. ALPHABETICAL INDEX Liste alphabétique, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis, Índice alfabético, Indice alfabetico COVER ADVERTISER: THAT’S WHY THIS WILL BE RCN YOUR NEXT LAMINATING LINE ZERO DEFECTS ZERO WASTE ZERO DOWNTIME ZERO DISPERSION ENGINEERING S.R.L. Via Marcatutto, 7 20080 Albairate (MI), Italy Powerlam FLAT GLASS LAMINATING LINE WITH EVA & PVB Tel.: +39 02 94602434 ABSOLUTE PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY [email protected] www.rcnengineering.it DISCOVER MORE www.rcnengineering.it RCN ENGINEERING S.R.L. Via Marcatutto, 7 - 20080 Albairate (MI) Italy Tel +39 02 94602434 - [email protected] www.rcnengineering.it 23/03/15 17.56 IS PUBLISHED BY Via Antonio Gramsci, 57 - 20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866, Fax: +39 - 02 - 66305510 E-mail: [email protected] www.glassonline.com VITRUM 2015. IN THE FUTURE OF GLASS, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. New ideas produce new technologies and out of these new technologies come other, even more cutting-edge and meaningful, ideas. One more reason why participating in Vitrum 2015 once again will make the difference for everyone involved in this industry. Every two years at Vitrum, the prospects for the future come into view with clean lines and clear focus, making it possible for companies, products and strategies to fully realize their potential. The setting this year will be especially thrilling, with Milan brimming with energy and life right at the height of the World Expo. An amazing, unforgettable Vitrum, one you really don’t want to miss. Because, in the future of glass, anything is possible. International trade show for machinery, equipment and systems for flat and hollow glass, glass and finished products for the industry. 19th Show Segreteria Generale Via Petitti, 16 - 20149 Milano Italy Tel. +39-02.33006099 Fax +39-02.33005630 www.vitrum-milano.it e-mail: [email protected] ÅMZIUQTIVW 6-9 OCTOBER 2015 ADVERTISERS INDEX ).$%8$%3!../.#%523s).3%2%.4%.6%2:%)#(.)3 ).$)#%$%!.5.#)!.4%3s).$)#%$%',)).3%2:)/.)34) Company Company Profile ADS Advertisers Profile ADS Advertisers 12-13 ADELIO LATTUADA 42-43 INTERMAC - BIESSE 14-15 AYROX 44-45 ITALCARRELLI 16-17 BOVONE DIAMOND TOOLS 46-47 KERAGLASS INDUSTRIES 18-19 6 BENTELER MASCHINENBAU 48-49 LEMA 20-21 BOVONE ELETTROMEC. 50-51 LISEC GROUP 22-23 First page BYSTRONIC GLASS 52-53 MAPPI INTERNATIONAL 75 CHINA GLASS 24-25 5 C.M.B. BESANA 76 MIR STEKLA 26-27 CMV 54-55 3 OPTIMA 28-29 CUGHER GLASS 56-57 POMDI 30-31 FORVET 58-59 4 RBM ITALIA 32-33 FORZA G ITALIA 60-61 Front cover RCN ENGINEERING 34-35 GLASSTECH, INC. 64-65 SOFTECO Back inside GLASSONLINE.COM cover 62-63 Front inside ROLLMAC cover 36-37 Back cover GLASTON 38-39 HEGLA 66-67 T.C. TURRINI CLAUDIO 40-41 2 HELIOS ITALQUARTZ 8 VITRUM NEW WEB SERVICE: interactive Since 2013 magazines Since 1989 Since 1990 Since 1988 Since 1996 FAIR 2015 CALENDAR The magazine will be distributed at the following Trade Fairs issue exhibition/conference date venue insert 11-14 ISTANBUL GLASSEXPO March Turkey GLASSPEX INDIA 13-15 MUMBAI 1 March India Deadline ADV fi les: 21-23 CAIRO 2015 GLASS WORLD 2-02-2015 April Egypt 2014 world directory International suppliers guide THE INTERACTIVE VERSION > Suppliers’ IS AVAILABLE FOR Profiles > Suppliers’ DESKTOP Products & Yellow Pages IPAD/IPHONE > Glassworks’ Addresses Deadline ADV fi les: ANDROID DEVICES www.glassonline.com 2015 2015 world directory 9-03-2015 19-23 BARCELONA CONSTRUMAT May Spain CHINA GLASS 20-23 BEIJING 2 May China Deadline ADV fi les: SUPPLIERS GUIDE/YELLOW PAGES IN CHINESE 3-04-2015 RESERVED FOR ADVERTISERS OF THIS ISSUE 8-11 MOSCOW MIR STEKLA June Russia GPD - GLASS 24-26 TAMPERE 3 PERFORMANCE DAYS June Finland Deadline ADV fi les: SUPPLIERS GUIDE/YELLOW PAGES IN RUSSIAN 04-05-2015 RESERVED FOR ADVERTISERS OF THIS ISSUE 14-16 DUBAI GULF GLASS September UAE GLASSBUILD 16-18 ATLANTA (GA) Deadline4 ADV fi les: September USA 2015 AMERICA 20-07-2015 6-9 MILAN VITRUM October Italy Deadline5 ADV fi les: ALL VITRUM EXHIBITORS ADVERTISING IN THIS ISSUE 20154-09-2015 ALSO RECEIVE A FREE 2015 VITRUM PREVIEW GLASSTECH 19-21 JAKARTA ASIA November Indonesia GUIDE 2016 ZAK GLASS 10-13 MUMBAI 6 TECHNOLOGY December India Deadline ADV fi les: THIS ISSUE WILL ALSO PRESENT THE 201519-10-2015 AGENTS WORLD GUIDE 2015 2016, 21TH EDITION 2015 world directory r4611-*&34"%%3&44&4"/%-0(04 r$0.1"/:%"5" r4"-&4/&5803,4 r$0.1"/:130'*-& r130%6$53"/(&4 r:&--081"(&4 AVAILABLE IN INTERACTIVE VERSIONS TOO DESKTOP IPAD/IPHONE ANDROID DEVICES 4611-*&34 r 4611-*&34 ADELIO LATTUADA Srl Via Abbondanza, 11/13 - 22070 Carbonate (CO) - Italy - Tel: +39 0331 832713 / Fax: +39 0331 833886 % MAILINFO ADELIOLATTUADACOMswww.adeliolattuada.com new COMPANY DATA SALES NETWORK Contacts ARGENTINA, CHILE, ECUADOR, PERÚ GLASSTEK MAQUINARIA PARA TRABAJAR VIDRIO Adelio Lattuada - President Barranco - Tel: +51 17 176133 - E-mail: [email protected] Nicola Lattuada - Sales Manager BRAZIL Michela Lattuada - Communication Manager BRGLASS COM E REPRESENTAÇOES LTDA.
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