THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1897. 6831 that parish,, at his office at the Town Hall, terminating in the parish of Lambeth, in Charing Gross-road, iu that parish; in the case the same county, iu and under the road of the parish of St. James, Westminster, with- known as Brixton-hill, at a point 88 yards the Vestry Clerk of that parish, at his office at or thereabouts, measured in- a southerly the Vestry Hal], Piccadilly, in that parish; in direction along the said road, from the the case of the. parish of Paddington, with the milestone denoting 4 miles from the Royal Vestry Clerk of that parish, at the Vestry Hall, Exchange and 3| miles from Whitehall. Harrow-road; and iu the case of the parish of 2. A widening of the constructed City and Chelsea, with the Vestry Clerk of that parish, at South London Railway running into King his office at the Town Hall, King's-road, William-street Station, commencing in the Chelsea; and in the case of the parish of St. parish of St. Saviour, Soutliwark, at a point Marylebone, with, the Vestry Clerk of that 10 yards or thereabouts, measured in a parish,"at his office at the Court House, Maryle- westerly direction, from the south end of! bone-lane, W.; and in the case of the parishes of the eastern abutment of the South Eastern St.'Anne, Westminster,'and St. Mary-le-Strand, Railway Company's bridge crossing the with the Clerk of the Strand District Board of Borough High-street, and 37 yards or Works, at his office at 5, Tavistock-streefc, thereabouts measured iu a north-easterly Strand, W.C. direction from, the south end of the westerly And notice is hereby further given that on or abutment of the same bridge, and termi- before the 21st day of December next printed 'nating at a point 110 yards or thereabouts, copies of the Bill for the intended Act will be measured in a south-westerly direction deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House along the said existing City and South of Commons. London Railway. Dated this 16th day of November, 1897, - 3. A subway, for foot passengers only, com- DOLLMAU and PRITCHAKD, 39, King-street, mencing in the parish of Lambeth, in and ' Cheapside, E.C., Solicitors for the Bill. under Kenuington Park-road, forming n, . W. and W. M. BELT,, 27, Great George- connection with the Oval Station of the street, Westminster, Parliamentary existing City and South London Railway Agents. Company, and terminating under Brixton- • road, 27 yards or thereabouts measured in In Parliament.—Session 1898. a southerly direction from, "the milestone City and Brixton Railway. denoting 2 miles from Whitehall and 2^ (Incorporation of Company; Construction of from the Royal Exchange, in. the said Railway from, the City and South London Brixton-road. Railway, in the parish of St. Saviour, South- The intended railway, subway, and other wark, to Brixton Hill, to be worked by works will be made or pass from, in, Electrical Power; Compulsory Purchase of through, or into the parishes of St. Saviour, Lands; Generating; Station; Underpinning, Southwark, St. George the Martyr, South - &G., of Buildings; ]Exemption from Provisions wark, St. Olave, Southwark, St. Mary, of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845 ; Newington, and Lambeth, in the county of Provisions as to Taking Portions only ol! London. Buildings, Subsoil, &c., and as to Superfluous The gauge to be adopted for the intended Lands; Tolls; Working- and other Arrange- railway will be 4 feet 8| inches, and the ments with the City and South London Rail- motive power to be employed thei'eon will way Company, and Power to that Company be electricity, cable, or other mechanical to Guarantee and Subscribe to Capital; power, except steam locomotives. Transfer, Sale, or Lease of Portion of Under- To confer the usual powers granted to railway taking of City and South London Railway companies for the construction and maintenance Company to Company; Agreements with of railways and works, and especially the powers Local Authorities and Others; Payment of of the 16ch Section of the Railways. Clauses Interest during Construction ; Amendment of Consolidation Act, 1845, and to authorise the Acts.) crossing, stopping up, alteration, or diversion, "TVTOTICE is hereby given, that application is of, or other interference with, either temporarily -U^i, .intended to be made to Parliament in the or permanently, streets, courts, footpaths, rail- ensuing Session for leave to introduce a Bill for ways, tramways, sewers, drains, pipes, wires, the following, or some of the following, purposes telegraphic, telephonic, pneumatic, hydraulic, (that is to say) :— electric, and other works and conveniences, and To incorporate a Company, and to empower the appropriation and use of the subsoil aud the Company so to be incorporated (in this undersurface of the streets so far as may be Notice called ." the Company ") to make and necessary or convenient for the purposes of the maintain the railway hereinafter described, intended railway and works, and also the appro- wholly in. the county of London, or some part priation and use of the uudersurface of any or parts thereof, with all necessary and proper lands, streets, roads, squares, passages and places stations, .sidings, roads, approaches, buildings, under or along Avhich any of the proposed machinery, works, apparatus, generating depots, Works-are intended to be made. electrical appliances, subways, and works To authorise lateral deviations from tho line and conveniences connected therewith respec- or situation of the intended railway and works tively (that is to say) :— within the limits of deviation to be shown on 1. Railway No. 1, commencing in the parish the deposited plans, and vertical deviations from of St. Saviour, Southwark, in and under the levels to be shown on the deposited sections, the High-street, Borough, at a point 26 y,:irds to such extent as may bo defined by the Bill, or thereabouts, measured in a southerly and whether beyond the limits allowed by the direction from the south-east corner of the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, or . London and County Bank, opposite the otherwise. entrance to Talbot-yard, and 28 yards or To authorise and provide for the under- thereabouts, measured in a south-easterly pinning or otherwise securing or strengthening direction from the south-west corner of of any railways, houses, or buildings, wblich the said London and County Bank, and may be rendered insecure or affected by any of.
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