![Wtiashingtuin," N Prinvrti Si *ONAR.Azi UW@,,~ Pit Nrt1i1 T II and S4~1Td *R MR A3oltii~T II [1S1y 1T, $S9.]4](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SUI1'LEMIENT .. ,TO THE En CIVIL AN\D MVILliA RY, D3YTl[E r:':ESFST ChiIGF EXECUTIV. CG'onied from Of }cial and other Sources, by .Toaathtn Fliot. CONTAI1M~~iOi gorest, "list of the 21st.. vii Ta rf 'of Duties.... ... 45 * F~xecutr~ve DejpartrnnPte- .1'rcsidetpia1 E~lection- Lint of Removatls........0 Official Statwment. 54..."* I xecttire Olicers,..)l Iniiugtrr~a Addcres..t ;Tr~ilo~anatic Corps, &vc..15 List of Electors ........ l" Forciin do. in the U. S... 19 Vote at larg e..........61 ' " V~w ..9ppjoittntents. '2..f fable3 of PopularVotest.. .?2S' fit di ciarrt ot' the U. S...30 .Army List........+44 to 74' :Sf atistical Facts-- .T'avy Lat........I5,tollOt Population............34ArrPZNIIx-afllmanac,...11 Nest Census..... ..... 34 ICatnale,Chesapeake k la 1 l MIilitia Returns.........35 Chesapeake & 1)elaware.f5 t ublic Debt............. 36 .Public Butildinms-' U. S. Bank............. 37 Capitol, described.. '$ General Post Office .:38 President's House and the Pablhc Lands..........39 Public Offices......... 9 Commeirce of the Union... 40 Their Location........I32 Domestic Erxports. 41.. W aahington O.orporatien-. Forigin do........4 Government......... .131 Receipita & Expenditures.37' I Improvesuents........134 Do. in detail..... ..... 38 Old & New AssessrnetutuJ3$ Mint ................. 4 2* Diseases and Death. .... : ! .1iprojrjat one- Hackne3 Coach Fartes..,. 4W For the Service ot i-829.*4,3'0 akc . ..... .. ,, WtiASHINGTUIN," N PrINvrTI sI *ONAR.AZi UW@,,~ Pit Nrt1i1 t II AND S4~1tD *r MR a3oltii~t II [1s1y 1T, $S9.]4 . , = . rir REMiARS. The compnilation of a StTPPLEMExTnIY RKGIWtEra has bee & u~ndertakene ceieflly wait/a a v.iew to supply la obvious dct fieency ciof information in relation to thce present organimation of the national government, uand some. otheer factsr, of a general vature-tlere being, no methodical work of Nference extant,.. embracing a,list of remnpvala, and"new appiointmenrts ofpublic ojicers antd ag,ents,. in various parts of the Union,. tlwt have take: place since the 3d of Mtarch last, under tl. a."rkninistra- tion of President Jackson. There are. some topiics of a NEW coMFL1.zIor, introduced into this. Supplement, which are of intterest to the putilic, and -wvhich may confer additional value on thce wuork: for instance, among other" tabidlar matter there is. inserted the .vote, a t large, as polled throughout the States, during the late Pre- sridential election, carefully revised... It may also be proper to remarks, that the information con- tarined in this supplement (nearly 200 compact mintion pagee, mnostibj of 'a tabular cat) .has been, genteratlly, pro credlfrom. the most authentic sources within th~e reach of the compiler" andl that a majority of 'the statistical fact. care brought dlown to the piresenet year; and the chiang",es of excecutiv~e ojicers f the day oJ publication. 1V . lULzxGTONr, July 17, 1829. .. {~ ,, p Nuevy List. -. rlierations. r Th7e most mrateerial alterations in2 the .Aavy List, since ti/us -wuork -was purt to press, are the folo-wing : CrlsJtrlls. " Stcztiot Srgr eorTs. Stationt. 1lmes.licddle, Medited 'nzE'd. Cutbush, R~esigned Stephlen tCassin, Brazil J1. Cowdervr, Med iter'ii A1S 1Vadswvo:th, Constella'i nGCeo. Logan, ' 1.' Kecnnedy, I nobk Winrt. Swift, Congtella 'n .Terse V ilkinson, do stationn'1. 8. S:altet", Ontario .2lfis'e, Cor.>ncandants. L". Judson, D)ead ZV. !l. Shubrick, N .Wiras. James Cornick, Nolr'k. 1-en. Charles Chase, Bost, rends. t.. W.. Skinner, ZVatrett J. It. Chandiler, los. N. Y. 2I lxenuon, Nor. ren's *.Ayssistrzrtt ,S'tc,"eons. W illiarm Belt, ' +i:s .I)tncan, lice. s. N . Y I.L'ertenzants. Jas. I.lUVe ;l. ?I ?:nti ~e, Holpltii S. G~. Clar~kson, ' TU.!XV V%,net , Jha. te *. Vtn. \Vhielan, IPen. H-osts. l' j. !l. Ficcl cnd, Medl tcr'tt iranIm Paul'ci11lr, Constella'c !Iiel!'cl. Banuin, Z-a:adalia 1t'recs. iVezssels, (uerrirere Chlat le5 CGmitt, Lccave lI. N. Gleutwo~tl , . doU les. l..skritlgc, C:oittla'tnSLewis Deblois, A . S. C: t )lbtll cus:acola p, '.Vi n. 37To-z Imr Leavre Ilos. ii. 'rry-, lPortsni'th .iotA Ab~bot, Boston reni.*C. 0. Handy, Constella'ui 'y John ZI. IDe, Ontario Ghauplainzs. .uc~tusttus Cuas, J)eirt ,lohn XiV. Grer, Leave i ,amecs (Tli on, 1Meqhitcr'ii,.John Y. Fennter, Bosuon 'I'. It. GcA!II , I=,eare WVi. Itylanci, NV.Y. Vaslh. U:. il3u..h~ti in, Coziste~lla'n IPassedlJll3shipmen. I[. 't. Ehbbs, Lc::ce ,rTuics 1. Boyle, Meiditet"'n taco. N\. iliio, Olitarit) C. fi. l)aivis, Otario I). N. Iii, ii imn, Leave D;;as, foiistelia'ii .Ji+s T. Ct"i )lidter"'n Saul. 2'. Duttout, Ontario ii ]Roblinson, N1atchez \V . f. W'T toohic, 3t":-il.i Rtowan, 1Vaiti!!g 'I.Q Se lhi-r1,e, Natc'tea SmiIh,. Nor'lk. Ytd. ll'.Tollinscu, On~tario! W'tatson, M~editer'n j XTllliaint (roten, Catnstclla'!! .A'TidShlp11enr. U£ S.T.eI3 cttcl~aiiau,lrazil ;G. C. Aslhton,. Untd. ex'n. ekelnridgle, (lead Almty, Wtaiting" 1V. C. W1Vtittle, OUrtario Brown, Ezamnin'u urba in, Crtellat'n Biradlee, * Wij~n. S. t''sren, Mledliter'n Bryanu, Examin'n 4 a~t I A =IIc NavyU List--.ltations---l..Aidsii F, ,i, 2 v ."'ame. Station. .Mz'crne. SCtatiort. Ontario vloe.er, Pensacola Ontario. l Mcintosh, Constella'n 1 tl t, Cunstella'n Miller, E . Brown, dJo Gu~rrietc My"ers, * Sdo M14auy, Waiting *Ogrden, Bannister, Ontario Constella's :Iluck, P ge, cod Waiting Petway, IIQPI'ynian, N atchez dJo Porter, jr. do SCameron, Constella'n itandolplh, Cliniton, Mlediter'n Leave Colhon Rufin, New York n, Constella'n Rootes, Exarnin'zi Constella'n Dahigrleen, Rodlgers, do Ontario Roy, 7)ccatui' Constella Waiting 'i S wartwout, Examoinatio O~ntario Sands, Leave llis, * 1Patio, Spillman, * 7Pitirfax, ' Selden, Lev *E.xamin'n Southard, doav (Godden, Natchez Steele, Pldel (flasson, i C~aedike, dornl 'a Slde editeratt UoIkisborolsn. doLev Totten, Natchez ii eae Tavlor, GT. 11. Gray' Portsmouth Blrandywine W'.H.IU. Gra~ 7'raluier, Furlough l arris 3' ' Thomson, Ontario Leave 'Thruston, I lnhlnrd, Gonstella'n Natchez JIult. J. L T'aylor, Constella'n ji*. Norfolk y'd U~nderwood, H-omes, Leave Waiting int, Rensselaer, * g do Williamson, JIol ston, N,.Y. Leave school Wialke, Ontario . lIooe, Leave Wilkinson, .lones, IPensacola Coustella'n Walt, Mlediter'n SJenktins, Leave Watkins, *JoJ~nson, Ontario New York lKennerly, Young, Onta rio. La"rct ner, Lea e .Boatwaira Livingston, Simon Jordan, Ontario N atchez Carp Leigh, Constella'n otters. Zacli. It. Fuller, ' Mediter'n J. Btradger, i n el, r (act.) ' N.shool Y. Jtval Store AKeepier, Mnlsby N.. cholRobert Jo ner, Pensas~ola M' Blait; Nor'k sch'l. W, L. Rol'eson SMarratt, N.rleans Constella'n Chas. P. Nutt, Moran, Leave Pensacola JohnLaighton, Portapnouth "Note..-..Where an asterisk () its placed the namne of the. befier preceding it has been erased at the ,Navy Department, from the oy orce b~r this Registere Y crece vi Navy , List--.rmy Lisl-i'leratiaz.. NEW A PPOINTENTS-..P 1 ~c.5 eps Xamne.. Date of Commission. Statian. F. G. Mcfauley, 27 May, 1829 Ontario, William A. Slacum , 8 June do .1Ilidlshepnen. .T. S. Booth, 27 May, 1829 N. York Scnoo Rticltard Bache,. jr. 3 June, cio Il, Osman Claiborne, 19 May, do Constellation, >E{.C. Cogdell, do do James H. North, 29 do do M. S. Stokes, 12 do do E. T. Shubrick, 22 JTune, (d0 a cting"./lssistant Sutrgneons. Richard K. Sims, Guer~rier( John C. Spen~cer, Natchez, W. A. W. Spotswood,. St. Louis Win. W. WVood, 16 May, 1829 I'cusacol aYard, J. F. Whekhill, do dto W. I. Sqi George uadron, B. McKnight, do (10 WVaslingt on Host)'I William O. Micks, do do Norfolk.I Johtn B. Elliot, 20 May, do Boston I WVilliam Tyler, 23 do (10 Iec'g. ski ip J. York .Ari2os G. Gambrill, 20 June do Constella tion, Jones W. Plummer, do do Ontario, John Y. Smith, 27 do do Coast of Afriea. .firmyf List. Corrections and alterations, ina the abo-ve List, since it zuac put to press. Page 4-Strike out 11. C. Rand~olph, assistant. surgeon. do--sret llivan, assistant surgeon,5Ma,'9 do-Strke ut2d lieut. Alex. D. Baclie, and brevet 2di. Iieut. 'Thomas S. Twiss, corps of engineers. 48-Strike out. 2d lieut. T. B. Wheelock, 2d reg'r. art. yi9- (10 1st lieut. J1. W. Phillips, 3d reg't. art.. do- do 2d lieut G. Woodbridge, 3d reg't. art. 5i2-Erase S. W. Kearney, captain, 1st reg't. inf. do-.Strike ont captain William H Kerr, 1st reg't. irtt. 55-Erase major D. Baker, 3d reg't. inf. do-Insert mnaj. S. W. Kearney, 1 May, '29, bL. l Ap. '23, 3d Infantry 58--Strike out lieut. col. A. BI. Woolly, and insert lieut. col. ll. Baker, 1 May, '29, brevet 9 Aug. 1822, 6th reg't. 5 Infantry I 8--Strike out. captain John Gantt, 6th "eg't infantry. tdO-The reader is requested, in relation to "'F1ieldOJY.F cesrs and. Captain., arranged according to rank,". to make the corresponding alterations where> they are entitled to promotion; also, the same, at- 62.-ke. in the relative rank of " 1'ietd Ojicere arwl ° Capltain"" L L _ , Tw'cenIy-first Congress. SENATE. .: iin. Pennsylivania. .1 Tennessee. oin Iholmes, (William Marks, Hugh L. White, 1'eleg Spriiaue. Isaac D. Barnard. Sa'vmu Beledre. Delawvare. (one,v nt.) Bl,1are - Clayton, Levi XiVoodbury. ~Bnjamin Riuggle#, I (one vacant.) IJacob Bunet. J.Ma saclaucsetts. .1 taryrland. Lotuiana. Nathaniel Silsbee, 'Samuel Smnith, Daniel lJosiah S..lohnston, Webster. Ezekiel Chambers. Edward. Livingston. Gonntecticttt. j .Viiginia. Samuel. i Indiana. A. Foot, IL.
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