Todays weather: showers with chance of thunder- storms, high 60-65 degrees, THE WESTFIELD LEADER low 4M3 degrees. The Lending and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Second Class Postage Paid Published at Westlleia. N. J. WESTF1ELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, Ai'Kll, 1, 1971 Every Tliuisdey 26 Pages—15 Cents Task Force Y's Arrange Public Schools Summer Board Declines Students' Tour Close April Jl V rogram To Submits Recommendations of Colleges for Spring Vacation Continue The Center for Ex- Calendar Change An annual registration of strictly enforced. Association and the Junior The Westfield YWCA and The Westfield Public bicycles, revision of Ihc That a permanent task Police, Schools will close for Spring ceptional Children will be Despite recent state which calls for 180 days of Thursday and Friday, April YMCA are sponsoring a open for all Westliekl Town's bicycle ordinance, force be set Up to implement Members of the Task Spring College tour of the vacation after the full legislation which says school, it decided at 17, 18 and 19 to make up the greater enforcement efforts the programs. The chair- Force were: Robert A. session on Thursday, April resident* again this .sum- schools need to be in session Tuesday nights meeting. three days lost in January. South by bus. open to mer, according to Mrs. Ruth to reduce thnfls are included men of the group and the Uixler, chairman; Henry sophomores and juniors on a 11, and will reopen at the for only 177 days this year The State Department of Putting April 17, 18 and 19 among eleven recom- Bicycle Board should lie Biauvelt, Cornelius Burke, regular time on Wednesday, V Hill. director of because the state closed Education mandated school back on the school calendar first come, first served recreation. mendations submitted to the members of lioth, for con- Mrs. William A. Burke, Jr.. basis. April 17. schools for three days in closing on Jan. 2, 3 and 4. At cut Spring Vacation week by The Recreation program its public meeting Jan. 8, the three days. Spring Vacation Town Council by a citizen's tinuity and cross com- Police U. Thomas Catalan, Following is the itinerary: January due to the energy group appointed in January munication of both units. Miss Carolyn Cohen, Mrs. lor the mentally retarded crisis, the Westfield Board Westfield Board decided in Westfield will be observed Leave Monday, April 15 - - children who live in West that schools would be in from Friday, April 12 to study the subject. The group was aided in its Joseph Keselenko, Mrs. A. tour and lunch at the Four Girls Win of Education will follow The task force suggested study, by a survey on J. Liselica, Richard Maslin. Held was considered ex- through with its calendar session Wednesday, through Tuesday. April 16. t'niversily of Delaware, on tremely successful during revision of the bicycle or- bicycle programs conducted Mrs. Judy Mencher, Mrs. to Wiiliamsburg, Va. anil According to Howard dinance to require more by (Jirl Scout Cadette Troop Joyce Kilchie, Patrick Homemaker its first summer and Mrs. Toralinson, acting dinner at the Holiday Inn Mill said it is with pleasure I r e (j u e n I hi c y c I e :S(>2; a questionnaire Rooney, Mrs. Robert West. Tuesday, April Hi - superintendent of schools, registration, which also prepared by Marine Burke Sanderson. Ron Sozio, Mrs. Contest Awards 'hat she announces Council Assembly Bill 1258 proposed tour and lunch at the College approval ol the continuance includes inspection of the and 1'at Rooney, to which Sylvia Thorkclson. Miss of William and Mary and that 177 days of school be vehicles; to require head :{,00u children and adults Debbie Varnum, Mrs. C. J. The West field Chapter. uf the program. permitted this year only • our and dinner a! the Daughters of the American Because oi limited space and (ail lights, as well as an responded, and the Walbert and Richard University of Virginia, because the State Depart- audible signal to modify Policemen's B en e vo 1 en t Warren. Resolution, has announced and equipment, only a ment of Education man- staying thai night at (he that four local girls won specific number ol children punishment for violations: S h o r e h a m Hotel. dated that schools be closed to provide lor operation of awards in the Gir< may he accommodated in January for three days. Washington. D.C Wed- I lomemaker contest held for This year, however, there N an impoundment facility at Mrs. Shaffer nesday, April 17 - tour of That sets a minimum of the Public Works Depart- the State of New Jersey. i (HUH tor 20 children in school days, not a American t'nivcrsitv. lunch Two ninth grade students addition to those whn par ment lo reconstitute and tour at University of maximum, he pointed out. the Bicycle Board. Appointed Fund from Roosevelt Junior High 'icipaled last year. In his report to the Board Maryland, and a tour of School won awards in the Registration would lie in Georgetown University. All information, ap at Tuesday's meeting, Mr. Junior Party Dress plica!ions and forms may be May, Bicycle Month, as it is Students may register Tomlinson also reported on nowr. category. Barbara Kngel. obtained at the Recreation vandalism. Executive Secretary cither at the guidance daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W Department. Municipal The modified punishment department at Westfield "The public should know would substitute im- IS. Kngel of ">82 North Building, second floor. that we do have these The Board of Trustees of currently vice-president of High School or- at the V.. Chestnut St. took first place Parents interested in their poundment of bicycles for until April H. 'Hie trip will he problems and that the police the current $2f> line lor the Westfield United Fund the Wcstficld Service and Margarel Curtis of 70'J children's attendance at the are efficient in these mat- announced today the ap- i-eague. She has been active chaperoned and will cost Sfift Forest Avo. second ''enter, located at violations of the ordinance. per student, which covers ters," he stated. "Students The committee called pointment of Mrs. Judith L. in Tamaque.s School P.T.O. Margaret is the daughter of Tamaques School, are urged and parents should be Shaffer as executive and is serving as a member only transportation and Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis 'o come to the Recreation impoundment "a more lodging. There is a $20 non- forewarned," Westfield's effective and realistic director. Mrs. Shaffer of the Planning Board of the ICuntinuod on Pago 41 (Continued gn Page 4) Acting Superintendent succeeds Robert K. Fuller, town. reluuiluble deposit upon punishment," particularly legist rat ion. declared, "that we do not for olfendersunder 1R, and who retired in December. Mrs, Shaffer is married to just forget about these In accepting the ap- Lawrence !•'. Shaffer III. Miss I'eggy Cox ami Jack things but do demand said thai "the em- l.eitdi ol the Y staff have Four Seasons Center barrassment of the punish- pointment, Mrs. Shaffer president of Zimmer- punishment and restitution staled: "The challenges Shaffer Associates of made the arrangements for where the culprit is ap- ment should be sufficient for the trip. adults." presented by this position Westfield. They have two prehended." sons, Lawrence and Scott. Has Suram jr Program Other punishments which are demanding but at the The school board ap- could lie imposed by the same lime exciting. Our Bus Forms Westfield area resider • icrr lake," invites Center proved 4ft special grants for Bicycle Board include a fifteen agencies are facing can spend a day, Director Pat Sehnver. "Or staff members for 1974-75. driving lest, rescinding of many of the problems all of Due May 1 weekends or a whole .lust relax and gel away An additional 132 staff riding privilege and us are confronted with summer using and enj'iving from the cares of the day," members have applied to today: rising costs, Applications for the 'he pict ureS!|Ue she suggests. Westiiekl Parent-Teacher President Mrs. Kobert E. List, accumulate special grant revoking of registration- 1 1 Violators v.ould bo reprim- establishing priorities, and b'.'.shig of IT-"'"'? and Revolutionary l»li!; uiv, Two family program - standing, admires the newly adopted PTC logo, designed funds for future use. Mrs, anded on (be first offense the challenge of best serving parochial scho>il j.-iroils for new Summer fit'ercation have been set up. One open aim cimtrii«ulect b\ commercial artist Chris Patterson, Sally S. Allen, chairman of and notified to appear the needs ot our town. the 1974-75 school year have Program announced b\ ih< the farm on weekdays from seated. (Tom Willard Photo) the Board's Curriculum and before the Bicycle Hoard on "The primary role of the been mailed to residents of VM-YWCA. •'l to I! p.m. and weekends Instruction Committee a second offense. United Fund is to raise the Westfield by the Westfield from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at a commented: "Because the necessary monies to enable The new Four Seasons The composition of the Board of Education. Outdoor Center program lee of $90 per family. The PTO Council Adopts staff of the Westfield schools our vital agencies to It is requested that other opens (he farm only on is stabilizing and more Board would be changed to operate, and to see that each will open the Y's historic require two members to be parents complete the ap- Iftf-aere farm to families the 15 weekends for $60 per teachers are eligible for this dollar donated is utilized plication and return the family.
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