HERITAGE Newsletter of the Missouri Parks Association Post Office Box 30036, Columbia, MO 65205 Volume 33, No. 3 December 2015—January 2016 Susan Flader, Editor The New State Park Book is Here The long-awaited complete revi- enhanced the book with her eye for sion of the state park book has ar- beautiful layout. rived from the printer and will soon The book was conceived at a time be available through numerous out- of crisis for Missouri parks. It ex- lets. The landmark 1992 edition was plores the remarkably diverse and widely hailed as setting a new stan- interrelated natural and cultural dard for state park literature nation- heritage of the state as embodied in wide, and the new edition is even its highly regarded system of state better. parks and historic sites, and to con- The book is co-published by Mis- sider the values at stake in the sys- souri Parks Association and Mis- tem. The essays along with an his- souri Life, Inc., edited by Susan torical introduction make the case Flader, and co-authored by John A. that the system is the product of the Karel, B.H. Rucker, Susan Flader, amazing effort and generosity of R. Roger Pryor, and Charles Calli- generations of conservation-minded son, all longtime leaders of MPA Missourians, and that this same af- parks. More than 500 full-color im- and deeply knowledgeable about fection, dedication, and enthusiasm ages by Oliver Schuchard and other state parks and their role in Mis- sustains the system to this day. talented photographers capture the souri. The 416-page large-format essence of these special places. Mis- Hundreds of park system employ- book includes essays on all 88 parks souri Life art director Sarah Herrera ees and other individuals provided and historic sites, including 11 new photographs, willingly answered Booker Hall (B.H.) Rucker, 1939-2016 questions, and reviewed drafts of essays, viewing this book as another After the state park book was sent to the printer but before the shipment way of expressing their love for the arrived, co-author Booker Rucker passed away suddenly on January 5, 2016. system. More than 200 individuals See former state park director John Karel's tribute to him on page 3. contributed to a Kickstarter cam- Born in Rolla in 1939 and trained in archaeology, Booker began studying paign to help fund the publication of the steam-engine shed at Watkins Woolen Mill in 1963, before it became part the book, along with major contri- of the park system. He conducted archaeological studies at numerous other butions from Pat Jones, Leo and historic sites before returning to Watkins Mill in 1966 as the first site admin- Kay Drey, and the Missouri Parks istrator, overseeing its restoration and development, and remained with Mis- Association, and other substantial souri State Parks until his retirement in 2003. contributions from David and Nancy Bedan, Wayne and Jane He became chief of historic sites in 1971, and by 1974 he was assistant di- Goode, Tom and Margaret Hall, rector of state parks. He supervised numerous other programs, including law Friends of Arrow Rock, and Mag- enforcement, concessions, interpretation, and recreation over the years, but nificent Missouri. Contributions his heart, soul, and enormous expertise were always in cultural resource man- from the L-A-D Foundation, the agement, restoration, and interpretation. MPA, the Missouri State Park Foun- He leaves his wife Elaine, son John, daughter Sarah, and three grandchil- dation, and the Conservation Fed- dren. The family has graciously suggested memorials to MPA, to which eration of Missouri are helping to Booker was devoted for more than three decades. They may be made through support distribution of books to the MPA website or by check payable to MPA and sent to MPA manager school libraries throughout the state. Marian Fleischmann, 32875 Mount Hope Rd., California MO 65018. (See "Park Book" on Page 6) Page 2 The Missouri Parks Association President’s Message by Steve Nagle: Gathering by the River “Let’s All Gather at the River, ” one of my favorite director Sarah Parker Pauley, CFM vice president Ron old time gospel tunes, was the unsung theme for Coleman, and MPA’s legislative liaison Ginger MPA’s annual gathering this past October at magnifi- Steinmetz shared their observations on the past legisla- cent Bennett Spring State Park. The park on the Dal- tive session as well as an update on planning and strate- las-Laclede County line was established in 1924, cen- gies for renewal of the Parks & Soils Tax in 2016. tered on the big spring that flows clear and cool into Following lunch, state park staff led a field trip to the Niangua River. My grandparents had a farm that the south side of Lake of the Ozarks State Park, the bordered the Niangua, and our MPA gathering brought first time many of us had ever seen the Ft. Leonard back vivid memories of this special Ozark riverscape. Wood Recreation Area, set aside for active duty and The area historically was a camping ground for retired military veterans. We topped off outing with a farmers waiting for their visit to the Coakley Hollow Fen Natu- grain to be ground at the ral area. mill. In the1930s the Ci- All those who filled the CCC dining vilian Conservation lodge Saturday evening experienced Corps built the dining Ozark dining at its best. DNR director lodge, cabins, trails, Pauley gave an excellent briefing on roads, shelters and the the natural resource damage program beautiful arched stone that is remediating and compensating bridge across Spring the public for damages from centuries Branch. Since then the of lead mining in Missouri. The pro- park has become a pre- gram was capped by State Senator Mi- mier rainbow and brown chael Parson from Hickory County, trout fishing destination. who provided strong leadership in sup- Also featured are twelve port of state park funding in the last miles of hiking trails: legislative ses- Natural Tunnel, Savanna Above: MPA Presi- sion and who Ridge, Whistle, Spring, and the dent Steve Nagle (left) understands the tree-shaded Bridge Trail. For presents Senator Mike value to local hiking, fly-fishing, canoeing or Parson a framed pic- economies pro- camping, Bennett Spring is the ture of the CCC vided by Mis- perfect place to gather. Bridge at Bennett Spring in his district. souri’s system MPA members met at Ben- Right: MPA members of state parks. nett Spring on Friday, October explored flood damage Susan Flader 16, what turned out to be a per- at River Cave in Ha and I were fect clear autumn day. We Ha Tonka State Park. pleased to pre- travelled by vans to Ha Ha sent the senator Tonka for a hike and boat excursion along the Nian- with a framed gua Arm of Lake of the Ozarks. The park naturalist picture of the also led a hike to River Cave, where we discussed CCC Bridge at “problem-solving” where summer flooding and road Bennett gravel had eroded the sink hole and plugged a cave. Spring. We look forward to Friday evening back at the dining lodge we gath- his continued ered for a happy hour and presentation by Patrick support in Overton, MPA’s first resident Poet in the Park and 2016. an update by Susan Flader on the fully revised park book. We are ready to face the challenges ahead for 2016 with renewed hope and resolution. May the spirit of About 65 members and guests were on hand Satur- this New Year fill your heart with serenity and peace, day morning for a welcome by park manager J.D. and I hope to see us all outdoors enjoying our Missouri Muschany and the always-informative "State of the state parks and historic sites. Stay tuned for good Parks" address by State Park Director Bill Bryan. DNR things to come. Page 3 The Missouri Parks Association Booker Rucker: A Tribute by John A. Karel During his long ten- aspect of Missouri ure with the state history or regional parks and historic culture that per- sites agency, Booker haps you had con- Rucker became the sidered not all that single most knowl- interesting, that edgeable person re- was only because garding the cultural you had not yet legacies embodied in had a proper dis- our park system. cussion of that Even after retirement topic with Booker. in 2003, his deep res- All of these gifts ervoir of expertise, Booker harnessed judgment and guid- in the cause of his ance continued to state, his agency, serve old and new and his friends. state employees, ad- At the birth of the Missouri Parks ministrators, fellow conservation- State Parks, it was Booker’s voice, Association, no one understood ists, and public officials, up to and persuasive and uncompromising, more clearly the need, or was more including several governors who which ensured that cultural enthusiastic in giving his time and called upon Booker more than once resources were incorporated into effort to help MPA get underway. for counsel. full partnership with natural and Likewise, no one better understood recreational values. That three-way A commanding resource knowl- the importance of the Parks and balance remains an essential edge and steel-trap retentive mind, Soils Sales Tax, or worked harder strength of the system to this day. coupled with his extensive bonds of for its passage and subsequent re- No other state system of historic friendship, collegial respect, and newals. sites, or federal for that matter, has a personal affection throughout the better reputation for authenticity Booker mentored or advised many agency and beyond, rendered than Missouri’s, and the primary of us over the years, and had a Booker the institutional memory for author of that reputation was unique understanding and affection the agency.
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