File Ref.No.4853/GA - IV - B2/2012/CU UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT Abstract BA Programme in Arabic under CUCBCSS Syllabus - Revised wef 2017 Admission onwards - Approved - Implemented - Orders issued G & A - IV - B U.O.No. 9977/2017/Admn Dated, Calicut University.P.O, 09.08.2017 Read:-1. UO No.9536/2014/Admn dated 04/10/2014 2. UO No.1134/2017/Admn dated 30/01/2017 3. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Studies in Arabic UG held on 16/05/2017, item number 1 and 2 4. Minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty of Language and LIterature held on 11/07/2017, Item number I 1 5. Minutes of the Meeting of the Academic Council held on 17/07/2017 , Item number II K 6. Orders of the Vice Chancellor in file of even number dated 04/08/2017 ORDER Vide reference cited first, the Scheme and Syllabus of BA Programme in Arabic under CUCBCSS was implemented in the University with effect from 2014 Admission. Vide reference cited second , the Modified CUCBCSS UG Regulations w.e.f 2014 admissions, for all UG programmes under CUCBCSS - Regular and SDE / Private Registration in the University of Calicut, has been implemented. Vide reference cited third, the Meeting of the Board of Studies in Arabic(UG) finalised and approved the Revised Syllabus of BA Programme in Arabic and finalised and BA Arabic Dual Core wef 2017 Admission. Vide reference cited fourth, the Faculty approved item number 1 and 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Studies in Arabic (UG) held on 16/05/2017. Vide reference cited fifth, the Academic Council held on 17-07-2017 has approved the Minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty of Language and Literature held on 11/07/2017. Sanction has therefore been accorded by the Vice Chancellor to implement the Revised Syllabus of BA Programme in Arabic wef 2017 admission onwards. Orders are issued accordingly . The Revised Syllabus is uploaded in the website. Ajitha P.P Joint Registrar To 1. The Principals of all Affiliated Colleges under the University of Calicut 2. PS to VC/PVC/ PA to Registrar/CE/EX IV Section/EG Section/Director SDE/DR and AR - BA Branch/SDE/SDE Exam Branch/Library/Information Centres/SF/DF/FC Forwarded / By Order Section Officer UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT BOARD OF STUDIES IN ARABIC (UG) Revised Curriculum of BA Arabic Language and Literature, & Arabic Core Courses of BA Arabic and Islamic History/ History (Dual Core) Effective from 2017-18 Admissions 1 | Syllabus of BA Arabic Language and Literature PART I Gneral Informations from Regulations for Choice Based Credit and Semester System for Under Graduate Curriculum -2014 I. IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS 1. ‘Programme ’ means the entire course of study and examinations for the award of adegree(Traditionally referred to as course) 2. ‘Duration of programme ’ means the time period required for the conduct of theprogramme.The duration of an under-graduate degree programme shall be six semestersdistributed in a period of 3 years. 3. ‘Academic Week ’ is a unit of five working days in which distribution of work isorganized from day one to day five, with five contact hours of one hour duration on eachday. A sequence of 18 such academic weeks constitutes a semester. 4. ‘Semester ’ means a term consisting of 90 working days including examination daysdistributed over a minimum of 18 weeks of 5 working days each. 5. ‘Course ’ means a segment of subject matter to be covered in a semester (traditionallyreferred to as paper) 6. ‘Common course ’ means a course that comes under the category of courses, includingcompulsory English and additional language courses and a set of general courses applicablefor Language Reduced Pattern (LRP) programmes, a selection of which is compulsory for allstudents undergoing undergraduate programmes. 7. ‘Core course ’ means a compulsory course in a subject related to a particular degreeprogramme. (Traditionally called ‘Main’) 8. ‘Open course ’ means a course which can be opted by a student at his/her choice. 9. ‘Complementary course ’ means a course which is generally related to the core course(traditionally referred to as subsidiary paper) 10. ‘Repeat course ’ is a course that is repeated by a student in a semester for want ofsufficient attendance. He/she can repeat the course whenever it is offered again. 11. ‘Improvement course ’ is a course registered by a student for improving hisperformance in that particular course. 12. ‘Audit course ’ is a course for which no credits are awarded. If the credits are awardedfor these courses, such credits will not be counted for the computation of SGPA and CGPA. 13. ‘Department ’ means any Teaching Department in a college offering a course of studyapproved by the University as per the Statutes and Act of the University. 14. ‘Department Co-ordinator ’ is a teacher nominated by a Dept. Council to co-ordinatethe continuous evaluation undertaken in that department. 15. ‘Department Council ’ means the body of all teachers of a department in a college. 16. ‘Parent Department ’ means the Department which offers a particular degree programme 2 | Syllabus of BA Arabic Language and Literature 17. ‘College Co-ordinator ’ is a teacher nominated by the college council to co-ordinate theeffective running of the process of internal evaluation undertaken by various departmentswithin the college. She/he shall be nominated to the college level monitoring committee. 18. ‘Faculty Adviser ’ means a teacher from the parent department nominated by theDepartment Council, who will advise the student in the academic matters and in the choice ofopen courses. 19. ‘Credit ’(C) is a unit of academic input measured in terms of weekly contacthours/course contents assigned to a course. 20. ‘Extra Credit ’ is the additional credit awarded to a student over and above the minimumcredits required in a programme, for achievements in co-curricular activities conductedoutside the regular class hours, as decided by the University. For calculating CGPA Extracredits are not to be considered. 21. ‘Letter Grade ’ or simply ‘Grade’ in a course is a letter symbol (A+, A, B,C,D,E and F).Grade shall mean the prescribed alphabetical grade awarded to a student based on his/herperformance in various examinations. The Letter grade that corresponds to a range of CGPA isgiven in (Annexure-I) 22. Each letter grade is assigned a ‘ Grade point ’ (G) which is an integer indicating thenumerical equivalent of the broad level of performance of a student in a course. “ GradePoint” means point given to a grade on 7 point scale. 23. ‘Semester Grade Point Average’ (SGPA) is the value obtained by dividing the sum ofcredit points obtained by a student in the various courses taken in a semester by the totalnumber of credits in that semester. SGPA shall be rounded off bytwo decimal places. SGPAdetermines the overall performance of a student at the end of a semester. 24. ‘Credit Point ’(P) of a course is the value obtained by multiplying the grade point (G)by the credit (C) of the course: P=G x C 25. Credit Point of a semester is the product of SGPA of that semester and the total creditload of that semester.Credit Point of a Semester = SGPA x Credit load (Total Credits) of the semester 26. ‘Cumulative Grade Point Average ’ (CGPA) is the value obtained by dividing the sumof credit points in all the semesters taken by the student for the entire programme by the totalnumber of credits in the entire programme and shall be rounded off by two decimal places. 27. Grade Card shall mean the printed record of student’s performance, awarded to him/her(see section 11) 28. Course teacher: A teacher nominated by the HOD shall be in charge of a particular course 29. Words and expressions used and not defined in this regulation, but defined in the CalicutUniversity Act and Statutes shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Act and Statutes. 3 | Syllabus of BA Arabic Language and Literature 30. ‘Dual core’ means a programme with double core subjects, traditionally known as doublemain. 31. 'Strike off the roll':A student who is continuously absent for 14 days without sufficientreason and proper intimation to the Principal of the college shall be removed from the roll. II. PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 1. Students shall be admitted into undergraduate programme under faculties of Science,Humanities, Language & Literature, Commerce & Management, Fine Arts, Journalism andsuch other faculties constituted by University from time to time. 2. Duration: The duration of an under gradate programme shall be 6 semesters distributedover a period of 3 academic years. The odd semesters (1,3,5) shall be from June to Octoberand the even semesters (2,4,6) shall be from November to March. Each semester shall have90 working days inclusive of all examinations. 3. Courses: The under graduate programme shall include four types of courses, viz;Common Courses (Code A), Core courses (Code B), Complementary courses (Code C) andOpen course (Code D).The minimum number of courses required for completion of an undergraduate programmemay vary from 30 to 40, depending on the credits assigned to different courses. 4. Course code : Each course shall have a unique alphanumeric code number, whichincludes abbreviation of the subject in three letters, the semester number (1 to 6) in whichthe course is offered, the code of the course (A to D) and the serial number of the course(01,02 ……).The course code will be centrally generated by the university. A particularcomplementary,open course should have same code with same credit even though it isoffered for different programmes. For example: ENG2A03 represents a common course ofserial number 03 offered in the second semester and PHY2B02 representing second semesterCore course 2 in Physics programme.
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