THE SHIRBURNIAN M ichaelmas 1993 'A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us. ' Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice Editor: T. W. Scott Art Editor: K. T. Kassem Photographic Editor: G. R. Greenwood Assistant Editors: S. J. Bernard, J. G. W. Conlin, W.R. Hadley, B. L. Russell Photographs by: N. B. Ashfield, PP 3. 21. 24. 26. 21. 29 J .-M.P., PP Jo. 45, 46 B.A.B., p 1 D.J.R., p11 G. R. Greenwood, PP 11. 13, 14. 1s. 49. A.J.S., p 47 64-74 [cricket fric>.cl. 70, 73 J.B.T., psJ Mrs. P. Harris, PP 28, 31 P.M.H.W., p 11 S. D. Hunter, Esq., pso J. S. Wright, Esq., p41 T. Kaneko, P 19 Artwork by: C . A. de Lisser, PP 9, n G. R. Greenwood, p61 H. R. Wood, pn Printed by Shel/eys, Sherborne implications of our actions. Boys are far more Editorial likely to comprehend fully what the School has done for them, and to realize just how good it has The town of Sherborne is steeped in a history been, after they have left. (A testament to this is the which stretches from the days of the Norman high number of Old Shirburnians who send their Conquest, when it was owned by the highest sons here.) nobleman in England, Roger of Salisbury, and Despite this, 1 feel that boys should show a more beyond, when it was little more than a monastic obvious pride in what is a very good school. Shir­ community. Thjs School is very much a part of that bumians who have experience of other public heritage, and remains to this day an integral part of schools invariably claim that, overall, this is the the town community. Moreover, Sherbome is an best to which they have been. It does, of course, inherently beautiful town. At its centre is the have some faults, as does every school, but what is dominating presence of the Abbey. The School has so good about Sherbome it that it does take been built up around this magnificent, archetypal positive steps to eradicate them. example of Gothic architecture, via the There are, of course, examples of genume construction of the Courts. There are many visitors school pride being displayed, such as the who come simply to admire the view of the rear of tremendous support given at I st XV matches, but the Abbey. bordered by the Chapel, the BSR and even this has been known to degenerate to an School House, complemented by the dash of colour unacceptably low level of behaviour. So I ask all provided by the carefully preserved lawns. As any boys at Sherbome to stop and reflect on our first-time visitor will confirm, this picture is situation and consider the institution which stands stunning, and we are hugely privileged to be able to around us and of which we are all a part. We should Jive in such an environment. I believe that the vast be proud to belong to the line of boys that the majority of Shirburnians do appreciate this School has produced through the generations, and panoramic feast whenever their busy schedule gives make an effort to impress visitors, not just with our them a moment to stop and reflect on their buildings but with ourselves. surroundings. A school of Sberborne's stature is not, however, mainly dependent on its buildmgs, but on its pupils. One of the consequences of the School's being so embedded i.n the infrastructure of the town of Diary Sherborne is that it automatically becomes a centre of attention, open to the scrutiny of many. And people do take notice of what they see and hear My work is not a piece of writing designed to about the School, no matter whether it is unfair or meet the taste of an immediate public, but was unfounded. As a result, therefore, we, the boys, are designed to last forever. Thucydides on show and it is our responsibility to behave in Unlike Thucydides, my intention is purely to accordance with the demands of civilised gratify the tastes of an immediate public and to last behaviour. This especially includes the qualities of no longer than it takes to read. So read on and tidiness and general politeness. These two are vital allow me to bring to your thoughts some memories and should be a matter of personal pride, not just of the Trinity Tenn, 1993. at school but all of the time. Whilst at school, This was the term that saw classy action on the however, this pride takes on an added dimension, cricket fields, the expertise of the sailors, the efforts colloquially known as 'school pride'. of the athletes and the last of the Upper Sixth, We should care what people think of us and the (amongst other things, naturally). The 1st XI, led School. There have been several occasions this term by Jerry Costello, enjoyed a vintage season, losing alone when I have felt thoroughly embarrassed to only three out of ten matches. Five players deserve be a member of the School, thanks to actions of special mention for being awarded their colours - some of my contemporaries, for there is a tendency Messrs. Costello, Cossins, Rankine, Garrett and among some to be particularly anti-establishment Firebrace, especially Jeff Garrett who scored the minded. Many boys become funnelled into this line only century of the team. The sailors proved that of thinking through a desire not to be considered they, too, have certain talents by not only winning 'different' from their peers (a subject covered by the Datchet Trophy (the first time that it has ever my predecessor last term). Admittedly, this derives been presented) at the National Championships, partly from the rebellious nature of the young, but also knocking out one of the best teams in the which is a healthy attribute, allowing our society to country - King Edward's. However, for all the develop normally. Likewise, it is only human details I strongly advise that you read SK W's report nature that we do not always fully appreciate the a few pages on. The athletes also deserve some complimentary the Shrew, the Abbey House play, and finally the words, with the likes of Jason Cox and Rick unforgettable Commemoration presentation of The Williams making it to the Nationals for their Canterbury Tales. The Schola Musicae also laid on running and jumping skills respectively. But, of many concerts throughout the term to entertain us course, there were many others who no doubt and others, both nationally and internationally. performed dazzlingly in their various sports, such There were concerts for many different as tennis, squash, fives and many more. Sadly, I instruments, including piano, woodwind, strings, know nothing of them, so let us proceed onward brass and percussion, all of which were with the other news. immaculately performed. However, the laurels It is quite certain that last term will go down in must go to the Swing Band who undertook a very the annals of the School as one which harvested successful tour to Bermuda, and, by all accounts, some of the best ever A level results. With a 970Jo knocked the hair off the island with a number of pass rate, of which 5711/o were A-B grades and 800Jo old hits, which gained them standing ovations A-C grades, the chances of the present Upper Sixth everywhere. bettering it are equal to those of Robbie Coltrane This too was the term that was, sadly, to see the achieving a 32" waist. However, we will do our best last of RACK, MLM, AGFF, JPW and CJW. to disprove Mr, Lapping's dictum that 'nothing is Their services to the School were many and various, overcomeable'. The GCSE grades were of the usual and memories of them all will remain with us for expected high standard. Many of the candidates many years to come; we wish them all the best in gained straight As, some of them in up to twelve whatever they are doing now and wherever they different subjets. might be. Moving swiftly on to further events and achieve­ Well, there it is - the Trinity Term, 1993, (as I ments, we arrive at the world of the arts. Both remember it). And as Captain Scott wrote, as the drama and music played major rOles in the Trinity last entry in his diary: Term and attracted rave reviews. On the acting front we saw the Junior play, Unman, Wittering It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write any more. and Zigo, directed by SKW and starring several budding young actors. Then there was a magical performance by Richie Walker in The Taming of The Sherborne Diarist .. The Chronicle Academic Cambridge Places The following have gained places at Cambridge on the basis of their A level results. House Name College University Course b M. J. Bawtree Christ's Music d M. C. Geddes Magdalene Land Economy d M. R. King Emmanuel Mathematics m T . Yasaki Gonville and Caius Mathematics Three or more A grades at A level House Name A levels e B. V. Bennett Ancient History, Latin, History h C. A. de Lisser Art, Ancient History, English Literature m C. J. S. Donald Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry b R. J. Forrest French, Latin, History b B. C. Hawkins Ancient History, History, Religious Studies g A. Ishida Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics d M.
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