Cover_01.qxd 10/27/05 2:34 PM Page 1 VOLUME XXXI, NO.F1 ALL 2005 THE LUTIST QUARTERLY THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE NATIONAL FLUTE ASSOCIATION, INC Cover_02.qxd 10/19/05 2:28 PM Page 2 Flutist_03.QXD 10/27/05 1:56 PM Page 3 Table of CONTENTSTHE FLUTIST QUARTERLY VOLUME XXXI, NO. 1 FALL 2005 DEPARTMENTS 5 From the President 66 New Products 9 From the Editor 72 From the Development Director 11 High Notes 77 From the Research Coordinator 15 Passing Tones 79 From the Program Chair 17 Across the Miles 20 Student Spotlight 88 NFA Coordinators & Committee Chairs 23 The Inner Flute 89 Index of Advertisers FEATURES 24 “I think we concert givers must not always play sure shots”: 24 Georges Barrère, Champion of New Music by Nancy Toff Flutist Georges Barrère emigrated to the United States one century ago this year, at a time when the center of musical creativity was beginning to shift west from Paris to New York. He was an outspoken advocate of new music, promoting it through established performing organizations, new-music groups, and his own ensembles. 34 Frances Blaisdell: Living Link to Georges Barrère by Barbara Highton Williams At a time when professional women flutists were rare and their opportunities even rarer, Frances Blaisdell flourished—as a performer, musician, and student of Georges Barrère. 44 The Brazilian Choro: Historical Perspectives and Performance Practices by Tadeu Coelho and Julie Koidin Balanço is to choro as swing is to jazz—in both, mandatory elements to proper performance and enjoyment of the music. Immersion in the sound of choro is imperative to playing it well. 56 Walfrid Kujala, Orchestral “Untangler” 34 by Joanna Cowan White Walfrid Kujala’s students play in more than 30 major orchestras and countless other ensembles, and teach at 20 universities. His influence on symphonic playing is a result of his passion for music tempered with relentless attention to detail. 68 Convention Perspectives by Susan Goodfellow A veteran NFA conventioneer offers accolades and insights on the 33rd annual convention. 70 What We Learned on Our Summer Vacation: Etudes and Equally Excellent Ideas by Cynthia Stevens Pedagogy committee members provide an overview of topics covered at the NFA Convention in San Diego, at which the committee also introduced its new book. 44 Cover Photo: Courtesy of Bibliothèque du Conservatoire, Lausanne, Switzerland THE NATIONAL FLUTE ASSOCIATION 26951 RUETHER AVENUE,SUITE H SANTA CLARITA, CA 91351 FOUNDED NOVEMBER 18, 1972 IN ELKHART,INDIANA This magazine is published quarterly by the National Flute Association, Inc., a non-profit organization. The statements of writers and advertisers are not necessarily those of The National Flute Association, Inc., which reserves the right to refuse to print any advertisement. ISSN 8756-8667 2005 National Flute Association, Inc. 56 23 Fall 2005 The Flutist Quarterly 3 Flutist_04.qxd 10/26/05 3:27 PM Page 4 OFFICERS Mark Thomas • Founder & Honorary Life President 824 Charter Plc. Charlotte, NC 28211-5660 704-365-0369 (phone/fax) [email protected] Sue Ann Kahn • President 96 Fifth Ave. #4-J New York, NY 10011 212-675-1932 [email protected] Katherine Borst Jones • Vice President 4635 Rutherford Rd. Powell, OH 43065 740-881-5008 fax: 740-881-5252 jones.6@osu .edu Wendy Kumer • Secretary 136 Fairfax Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15221-4616 412-241-0209 [email protected] Teresa Beaman • Treasurer Department of Music, CSU-Fresno 2380 E. Keats Ave. MS/MB77 Fresno, CA 93740-8024 559-278-3975 [email protected] Patricia George • Assistant Secretary 311 S. 8th Ave. Pocatello, ID 83201 208-234-4922 [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS John Bailey • Immediate Past President School of Music University of Nebraska, Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-0100 402-472-2651 fax: 402-472-8962 [email protected] John Barcellona (2005–2007) 9462 Castlegate Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 714-964-2382 fax: 714-964-2650 [email protected] Mary Karen Clardy (2003–2005) College of Music University of North Texas P.O. Box 311367 Denton, TX 76203 940-565-3722 Fax: 940-565-2002 [email protected] Rhonda Larson (2005–2007) 514 49th St. Grand Junction, MI 49056 269-434-8462 (phone/fax) [email protected] Carol Kniebusch Noe (2003–2005) 9142 Old County Rd. Grottoes, VA 24441-5328 540-249-4796 [email protected] Michael Stoune (2003–2005) 2516 69th St. Lubbock, TX 79413 806-745-6477 fax: 806-742-2294 [email protected] Jim Walker (2005–2007) 401 Rockedge Dr. Oak Park, CA 91301-3841 818-991-4320 fax: 818/991-9797 [email protected] Flutist_05.qxd 10/20/05 1:09 PM Page 5 From the PRESIDENT y first NFA convention was Cheryl Bretsnyder; and stage manager in Washington in 1978. My Rebecca Mason. In addition, I person- Mdear teacher and mentor, ally thank the many volunteers who Samuel Baron, was then NFA watched the doors, provided stage President. I dutifully brought my flute help, answered questions, took tickets, to the Sunday closing ceremonies, not and generally stepped in to help in really sure what to expect. When myriad ways. Our NFA staff, conven- Baron announced that he was going to tion manager Madeline Neumann, conduct the Bach Air in G, I didn’t membership manager Maria think anything of it—after all, Baron Stibelman, and last but certainly not conducted Bach all the time. Then we least executive director Phyllis all began to play. I couldn’t believe it: Pemberton, devoted countless hours what a sound, what feeling in the making sure that all details for a suc- room! I realized then that I was part of cessful convention were in place. Sue Ann Kahn a unique experience and a very special The NFA officers and board of group of people. directors met daily during the conven- And now it has been my great privi- tion, and I believe that excellent board members Robert Aitkin, Zart lege, as outgoing NFA President, to progress was made in strengthening Dombourian-Eby, and Amy Porter. lead the Bach Air. The theme of the our programs. We are taking an in- Continuing to serve the NFA are San Diego Convention was “Coming depth look at the NFA Young Artist board members John Barcellona, Together,” and I don’t believe there is a Competition and also at strategies for Rhonda Larson, and Jim Walker, and better example of that sentiment than enhancing our endowment, and there officers Patricia George, secretary, and the inimitable moment when we join are many areas in which significant Teresa Beaman, treasurer. together in such beauty, harmony, and improvements were made. As I move into my new role as NFA joy to say, in music, “It has been won- As we move on to our newly consti- immediate past president, I am following derful, farewell, see you next year.” tuted executive committee and board in the footsteps of someone who has So many of the nearly 2,800 mem- of directors, I express my personal been a marvelous adviser to me and to bers who came to San Diego told me gratitude to outgoing board members the entire board and executive com- what a marvelous convention we had Mary Karen Clardy, Carol Kniebusch mittee, John Bailey. As board member, this year. A large portion of the praise Noe, and Michael Stoune for their program chair, president, and immediate should go to Kyle Dzapo, our Program exemplary contributions to discus- past president, Bailey has informed the Chair. From the moment that Dzapo sions and decisions, for their great work of the NFA for many years. As voice was appointed, she started forming work and unflagging support. of reason, nimble wit, wordsmith, and her vision. She has shown herself to be Secretary Wendy Kumer, who has steady and assured presence, he has never one of the most organized, capable painstakingly maintained a precise failed to assist me every step of the way all people in the service of the NFA. I feel record of board and executive com- through this wonderful year. very fortunate to have presided over a mittee affairs, has been a tireless I am delighted to pass the torch—or year in which Dzapo has held what I organizer of our efforts and has con- shall I say the baton?—to incoming consider to be the most engrossing tributed a priceless measure of good president Katherine Borst Jones. I and challenging volunteer position in nature and enthusiasm to help us wish you a wonderful year, and I look our organization. Congratulations are through the lengthy agenda. forward to seeing all of you, next summer, also in order for the “home team”: I congratulate and welcome those in Pittsburgh! local arrangements Chair Jane Masur; officers and board members newly equipment chair Debbie Hyde-Duby; elected this summer: Alexa Still, vice volunteer chair Denise Woo; informa- president/president-elect; Carol Dale, tion booth managers Cindy Broz and assistant secretary/secretary-elect; and —Sue Ann Kahn, President Fall 2005 The Flutist Quarterly 5 Flutist_06_07.qxd 10/20/05 1:10 PM Page 6 Heads up! The headjoint is the most important part of the flute. All Sonaré flutes feature a Powell, hand-cut headjoint. Hear the difference at your local Sonaré dealer. ® brought to you by verne q. powell® flutes • www.sonarewinds.com Flutist_06_07.qxd 10/20/05 1:10 PM Page 7 Flutist_08.qxd 10/20/05 1:14 PM Page 8 THE FLUTIST QUARTERLY Anne Welsbacher, Editor Joan Marie Bauman, Christine Cleary, Pascal Gresset, Amy Hamilton, Contributing Editors Tony Watson, Masterclass Reporter Mary Jean Simpson, Consulting Editor Steve DiLauro, Advertising Sales Representative Victoria Stehl, Art Director Editorial Advisory Board John Bailey Professor of Flute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska Zart Dombourian-Eby Principal Piccolo, Seattle Symphony Seattle, Washington Arthur Ephross Flute and Piccolo San Antonio, Texas Susan Goodfellow Associate Professor of Flute, University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah Amy Likar Flute, Piccolo and Alexander Technique Oakland, California Betty Bang Mather Emeritus Professor of Flute, The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Roger Mather Adjunct Professor of Flute (retired) The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Michael Stoune Associate Director of Graduate Studies, School of Music, Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas Nancy Toff Music Historian New York, New York Michael Treister, M.D.
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