~II ~~~~~~~~~~-.II Census of India, 1951 r DISTRIC,T POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 26-BANDA DISTRICT 315.42 ALLAHABAD: TING AND STATIONERY, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 1953 BAN DPS Price, Re.1-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the. request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came whe~ the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil <;Ir urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population \ by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately. however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalIa/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen tuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at tpo late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW ARJ PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintenden( Census Operations, July 23, 1952 • Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRIOT POPULATION STATISTIOS OF BANDA DISTRIOT \ A-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name of village (Rural) (a) C.orrections in existing names of villages ~age nO. F,?1 R~ad S 175-Rasilpur .. 175-Rasulpur. 9 ISI-Mntijari IS1-Motyari. 10 209-Paebkohar .. 209-Pachokhar. 10 3-Ailaha Barhiya 3-Ailaha Bareha. 10 8-Amchur Narua 8-Aml'hur NiruW9,. 1\ 97-Chhip·Niba.IIwre Khera 97-Chhipni Baharkllera. 12 190-Kolga Dhaiya 190-Kol G-adahiya.~ 12 241-Mahutaru Pauli 241-Mahuia Rupauli. .<lII! 12 334.-Tirdhu Maigangoo 334-Tir Dhumaig!lngM. 13 377-Nanwaniya 377-NandwaniYan.- r -l1li 13 399-Karkapan Darya 399-Karka Pa,ndariya. DI~m~J ~~M;_ ..: t~i\l"iYnm V~b~J?-~qJpHilP •. au·•• _.,.,_--....._. Popullltion Scheduled .Cqde no.,an,d name 9f To)Vn Males Females Total rM1.CUi~s ~(;;,~~~S ,Qtltej$ ,I 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,- 25-1-46 BANDA MUNICIPAL BOARD .. '0' Ui,283 14,040 30,323 7,431 2,174 20,718 25-3-14 ATARRA TOWN AREA 4,220 3,740 7,960 247 1,331 6,382 25-3-207 NARAINI TOWN AREA 1,4j9, 1,222 2,6tii 424 ,395 1,/W2 25-4-177 KARWI NOTIFIED AREA 5,803 4,942 10,74,5 1,4~5 1,1.78 ,81~tJ 7 25-4-400 CIDTRAKUT TOWN AREA " 1,204 1,006 2,210 140 )0 1,863 25-5-148 RAJAPUR TOWN AREA " 2,613 2.295 4,9Q8 151 .288 4.469 I -____,-- Total 31,562 27,245 58,S07 9,sii! 5,523 43,466 fopulationraccording>tQ Primacy Census Abstract ',' 31,Soi 27,3p!J 58,SPi .... Population of Muslims according to Table D-II ... 9,~45 ." Population of Scheduled Castes according to Table D-UI 5,433 II-List of 3l'l'sto to D1 strict population Stati sties of Banda District. B... B1'rata to po~l~tion t'igura~ (RUtial) ,-' \ 4 page' Pllrt1culars 2 3 f 197. 10 263 .. -Shahpu!' Fa!' 242 45 Read 326 141 .18.5 10 268·"lar sam 101' 326 141 188 Read 242 4S ~197. , ~trn axN.rM. ~.of! TOtJIM\byJ Mob!alIai¢\Jbii'ds Population t", ,!. Scheduled o","~ no"alW(imame"Of MbbalJa ,~ Males Females Total Nilslifnll Gal$es ' o0tIiers .. 1 to 2 3 4 6 7 oe:;;;;;-- ~j.(f01'!:N ;-A:IQIA) Ward-J ,.. 1 Sukulan Tola 242 ~b5 447 125 n2 200 2 Pathkan Tola .. .. ~':'.. ~Q4 4Q4 18 119 347 3 Nai Bazar 241 237 478 189 2 287 Ward-2 4 Kat;a 282 237 519 134 29 356 5 Rartmllgar .. {J .......... _ .. 54. 40 94 3 65 26 ~ Tehsil 233 112 345 55 21 269 :;, Purani Bazar· ~ -~ 187 187 74 25 64 285 ., Total 1,439 1,222 3,661 424 345 1.892 Population according to Primary C~DSuS Abltract 1,438 1,2'23 2,661 KARWI (NOTIFIED AREA) Nai Bazar East Ward 1 Nai Bazar Had Bankat Purbi ~ :2 Baldeo Bazar .. 1,007 782 1,~89 63 32 1.694 3 Jagdishganj Pllrbi .. J .2 Nai Bazar West Ward 1 Nai Bazar Had Bankat Pashchhimi .. ' 1 Jagdishganj Pashchhimi .. } 669 523 1,192 10 14 1,168 3 Sadar Nizamat •• 3 Karwi Proper Ward 1 Bhaironpaga 2 Malang Naka " 3 Mahadeo Naka .. 2,390 4 Gola Bazar " 1,988 4,378 595 732 3,051 5 Top Khans .. 1; ~ Patharphor N~ka .. '7 Kachchi Chhaoni .. J ,4 Tarauhan E(lft Ward 1 Pharasan T,* .. .. 1 2 Gargan Tola .. 861 763 1,624 283 318 1,023 3 Karwsriyan Tola .. ( ·4 KlIrmin Tola .oj .5 Tarauhan Wfst Ward 1 KarwiMuaff ·2 Dariyan Tol~ .. ., :3 Dhatruan Tol~ ., "l 876 886 1,762 474 82 1,2'16 -4 Babu Tola :S Chiptehri "J., Total 5,803 4,942 10,74,; 1,425 1.178 8,142 . 3'C?Pulation accorcling to Primary CeDIlla Abstract 5,803 4,9~1 10,744 ... ~ CHITRAKUT (TOWN AREA) 'I 350 .. 329 679 12 162 50S 2 163 - 139 302 30 272 3 260 211 471 5 46i --4 43.1 327 758 128 10 620 Total 1,204 1,006 2,210 140 707 1,863 Population according to Primary ~1I1J8 Ab.tt.cl 1,187 J,024 2,211 IDISTRICIT" rrAMfA t t -Population d£ T¢Vns'my1Mohaili·J.Wardi Population Scheduled Code no. andJlQlIle ofMOlUa Males Females Total Musnms~ ·~Castes Vthers 2 3 s , 7 RXjAPtif(noWN' ~) Ward-l 1,105 957 2,062 95 200 1,767 .......J '... '1 Ward-·2 .'i .. .,.. , 609 534 1,143 ~o 1,10r " Ward-3 899 804 1,703 56 48 1,599 ,. Total 2,613 2,2% 4J08 151 288 i/,4691 ---o.!!. Population according to Primary Census Abstract 2,60'7 ... 2,302 4,909 a DI*lntT iAfb~ -.~ 'sBlHWiFy' [,1 lutif Pcfpttfktf81i' "---.,.. '~" ," ~- -_,..---..,_ '"""'~-..... - .... ~ -~--- Population Population popuiatio'l of of S.~ed Sch¢uled Castes Castes Code according according no. Tehsil and Pargana Males Females Total to Table D-III to N. C.R. 2 3 5 6 ,. , , i' ! rl i" i J TEHSfi: BANDA It S~;678 16,280 158,958 25,id 25,985 I P~rkb~Q Banda " 82,678 76,280 158,958 25,985 2 TEHSlt BABERU 95,081 90,587 185,6~8 40,843 41,396 • J Pargana Baber" 95,081 90,587 185,6'68 41,396 .'. J TEHSIL NARAINl 75,261 69,890 145,151 29,433 28,769 Pargana Naraini 75,261 69,890 145,151 28,769 ·4 TEHSIt KARWl .. 88,421 80,717 169,138 41,286 41,616 Pa~'ana KarWi 88,421 80,717 169,138 41,616 :5 TEHSIL MAU ,. 37,858 34,672 72,530 1',94' 17,198 ,J Parlana Mall " 37,858 34,672 72,530 17,f,)B Total 379;;'~ 9 352,146 731,445 154,676 155,1 ... 6 DISTRICT BANDA Rural Population by 'rehsUs, Parganas and Villages Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Code no. and name of Village Populaticn Castes Others Code no. and name of Village Population Castes Others ------ 2 3 4- 2 3 4 TEHSIL BANDA 158,958 25,985 132,973 78 Gadaria 3,213 376 2,837 79 Gaura 43 43 ParlJana Banda 158,958 25,985 132,973 80 Gogauli 915 174 741 81 Godhani 698 148 550, 1 Achharaund 1,346 194 1,152 Gureh 2 Arba 82 1,695 596 1,099 577 30 Gajni J Adri 547 83 438 134- 304 672 20 652 Gokhrahi Amchauli 84 1,181 283 891) 4 220 32 Hardaul Amara 188 85 86 86 5 1,646 142 1,50+ Hathaura Alona 86 419 162 257 6 1.407 255 Hatetipurwa 7 Amlor 1.152 87 535 37 498 1,637 248 1,389 88 !twan 246 42 204 8 Atrahat 1,371 198 1.173 Ichawar Arsaunda 89 .
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