8+8 CHAMBER OF THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS YANKTON, SOUTH DAKOTA JULY 27, 2015 Regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Yankton was called to order by Mayor Carda. Roll Call: Present: Commission- ers Blaalid, Ferdig, Gross, John- son, Sommer, and Woerner. City Attorney Den Herder and City Manager Nelson were also present. Absent: Commissioners Hoffner and Knoff. Quorum present. Action 15-227 Moved by Commissioner John- son, seconded by Commissioner Gross, to approve the Minutes of the special meeting of June 29, 2015, special joint meeting with the City of Vermillion of June 29, 2015, and regular meeting of July 13, 2015. Roll Call: All members present voting Aye; voting Nay: None. Motion adopted. Mayor Carda read a proclamation declaring July 27, 2015, as Amer- icans with Disabilities Act Day. Commissioner Brooke Blaalid an- nounced that she would be resign- ing from the City Commission ef- fective August 13, 2015. City Manager Nelson thanked Com- missioner Blaalid and explained the appointment process. City Manager Nelson submitted a written report giving an update on community projects and items of interest. Action 15-228 Moved by Commissioner Gross, seconded by Commissioner Blaalid, that the following items on the consent agenda be ap- proved. 1. Dance License Consideration of Memorandum 15-192 regarding Application from Myrna Hunhoff has applied for a license to hold a special events dance on August 2, 2015, Maple from 3rd Street to River- side Drive and Riverside Drive from Maple Street to Green Street, Yankton, South Dakota. 2. Establishing public hearing for sale of alcoholic beverages Establish August 10, 2015, as the date for the public hearing on the request for a new Retail (on-sale) Liquor - Restaurant License for January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2015, from Bernard Properties, LLC, (Melcena Bernard, Manag- ing Partner) dba Riverfront Events Center, 121-113 W. 3rd Street, Yankton, South Dakota. 3. Establishing public hearing for Transfer of Location of Retail Liquor Establish August 10, 2015, as the date for the public hearing on the request for transfer of location of a Retail (on-sale) Liquor License for January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2015, from Bernard Properties, LLC, (Melcena Bernard, Managing Partner) dba Riverfront Events Center, 121-113 West 3rd, to Bernard Properties, LLC, (Mel- cena Bernard, Managing Partner) dba The Brewery, 200-204 Wal- nut Street, Yankton, South Dako- ta. Roll Call: All members present voting Aye; voting Nay: None. Motion adopted. Action 15-229 This was the time and place for the public hearing on the applica- tion for a Special Events (on-sale) Liquor License for one day, Au- gust 1, 2015, from Drotzmann & Portillo, LLC (Steve Drotzmann, Partner), dba Rounding 3rd Bar and Casino, 4-H Grounds, Yank- ton, South Dakota. No one was present to speak for or against ap- proval of the license application. Moved by Commissioner Blaalid, seconded by Commissioner Som- mer, to approve the license. Roll Call: All members present voting Aye; voting Nay: None. Motion adopted. Action 15-230 This was the time and place for the public hearing on the applica- tion for a Special Events (on-sale) Liquor License for one day, September 5, 2015, from Drotz- mann & Portillo, LLC (Steve Drotzmann, Partner), dba Round- ing 3rd Bar and Casino, 302 W 3rd Street to 313 Cedar Street, Yankton, South Dakota. No one was present to speak for or against approval of the license ap- plication. Moved by Commis- sioner Sommer, seconded by Commissioner Ferdig, to approve the license. Roll Call: All members present voting Aye; voting Nay: None. Motion adopted. Action 15-231 This was the time and place for the public hearing on the applica- tion for a Special Events (on-sale) Liquor License for October 13, 2015, from Chamber of Com- merce, (Carmen Schramm, Direc- tor) dba Chamber of Commerce, Econo Lodge, 611 W 23rd Street, Yankton, South Dakota. (Memo- randum 15 179) No one was present to speak for or against ap- proval of the license application. Moved by Commissioner Blaalid, seconded by Commissioner Som- mer, to approve the license. Roll Call: Members present vot- ing Aye: Commissioners Blaalid, Gross, Johnson, Sommer, Woern- er, and Mayor Carda; voting Nay: None; Abstaining: Commissioner Ferdig. Motion adopted. Action 15-232 This was the time and place for the public hearing on the applica- tion for a transfer of ownership and location of a Package (off- sale) Liquor License for January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2015, from Robs Enterprises, Inc., (James Barger, Partner) dba Lisas Package Liquor, 401 Picotte Street, to Shree, LLC, (Dipan Pa- 8+8 tel, Business Owner) dba JRs Oa- CHAMBER OF THE BOARD sis, 2404 E Highway 50, Yankton, OF CITY COMMISSIONERS South Dakota. (Memorandum 15- YANKTON, SOUTH DAKOTA 180) No one was present to speak JULY 27, 2015 for or against approval of the li- cense application. Moved by Regular meeting of the Board of Commissioner Blaalid, seconded City Commissioners of the City of by Commissioner Johnson, to ap- Yankton was called to order by prove the license. Mayor Carda. Roll Call: All members present Roll Call: Present: Commission- voting Aye; voting Nay: None. ers Blaalid, Ferdig, Gross, John- Motion adopted. son, Sommer, and Woerner. City Attorney Den Herder and City Action 15-233 Manager Nelson were also This was the time and place for present. Absent: Commissioners the public hearing on the applica- Hoffner and Knoff. tion for a New Retail (on-off sale) Quorum present. Malt Beverage License for July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, from Action 15-227 Shree, LLC, (Dipan Patel, Busi- Moved by Commissioner John- ness Owner) dba Yankton Kwik son, seconded by Commissioner Stop, 401 Picotte Street, Yankton, Gross, to approve the Minutes of South Dakota. (Memorandum 15- the special meeting of June 29, 181) No one was present to speak 2015, special joint meeting with for or against approval of the li- the City of Vermillion of June 29, cense application. Moved by 2015, and regular meeting of July Commissioner Blaalid, seconded 13, 2015. by Commissioner Ferdig, to ap- Roll Call: All members present prove the license. voting Aye; voting Nay: None. Roll Call: All members present Motion adopted. voting Aye; voting Nay: None. Motion adopted. Mayor Carda read a proclamation declaring July 27, 2015, as Amer- Action 15-234 icans with Disabilities Act Day. This was the time and place for the public hearing on the applica- Commissioner Brooke Blaalid an- tion for a New Retail (on-off sale) nounced that she would be resign- Wine License for January 1, 2015, ing from the City Commission ef- to December 31, 2015, from fective August 13, 2015. City Shree, LLC, (Dipan Patel, Busi- Manager Nelson thanked Com- ness Owner) dba Yankton Kwik missioner Blaalid and explained Stop, 401 Picotte Street, Yankton, the appointment process. South Dakota. (Memorandum 15- 182) No one was present to speak City Manager Nelson submitted a for or against approval of the li- written report giving an update on cense application. Moved by community projects and items of Commissioner Blaalid, seconded interest. by Commissioner Ferdig, to ap- prove the license. Action 15-228 Roll Call: All members present Moved by Commissioner Gross, voting Aye; voting Nay: None. seconded by Commissioner Motion adopted. Blaalid, that the following items on the consent agenda be ap- Action 15-235 proved. This was the time and place for 1. Dance License the second reading and public Consideration of Memorandum hearing for Ordinance No. 979, 15-192 regarding Application AN ORDINANCE REMOVING from Myrna Hunhoff has applied THE WORD HANDICAPPED for a license to hold a special FROM ALL CITY ORDI- events dance on August 2, 2015, NANCES. No one was present to Maple from 3rd Street to River- speak for or against adoption of side Drive and Riverside Drive the Ordinance. Moved by Com- from Maple Street to Green missioner Blaalid, seconded by Street, Yankton, South Dakota. Commissioner Gross, to adopt Or- 2. Establishing public hearing for dinance No. 979. sale of alcoholic beverages Roll Call: All members present Establish August 10, 2015, as the voting Aye; voting Nay: None. date for the public hearing on the Motion adopted. request for a new Retail (on-sale) Liquor - Restaurant License for Action 15-236 January 1, 2015, to December 31, Commissioner Gross introduced 2015, from Bernard Properties, and Mayor Carda read the title of LLC, (Melcena Bernard, Manag- Resolution 15-33, a Resolution of ing Partner) dba Riverfront Necessity for a Special Assess- Events Center, 121-113 W. 3rd ment District for Improvements at Street, Yankton, South Dakota. 2101 Broadway Ave., GP-Dial- 3. Establishing public hearing for Yankton, LLC, Developer, and set Transfer of Location of Retail August 10, 2015, as the date for a Liquor public hearing to consider adop- Establish August 10, tion of the resolution. 2015, as the date for the public hearing on the request for transfer Action 15-237 of location of a Retail (on-sale) Commissioner Gross introduced Liquor License for January 1, and Mayor Carda read the title of 2015, to December 31, 2015, Ordinance No. 980, AN ORDI- from Bernard Properties, LLC, NANCE TO REZONE PROPER- (Melcena Bernard, Managing TY DESCRIBED HEREIN, and Partner) dba Riverfront Events set August 10, 2015, as the date Center, 121-113 West 3rd, to for the second reading and public Bernard Properties, LLC, (Mel- hearing. (Memorandum 15-187) cena Bernard, Managing Partner) dba The Brewery, 200-204 Wal- Action 15-238 nut Street, Yankton, South Dako- Moved by Commissioner Gross, ta. seconded by Commissioner Roll Call: All members present Blaalid, to adopt Resolution 15- voting Aye; voting Nay: None.
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