PUB^ c i WZRARy V cITyn * ° ° » ^ m n m n ( f f b w w m r Combined With THE LINDEN RECORD ESTABLISHED 1920 CITY OF LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, Thursday, September 2, 1937 PRICE 3 CENTS CITY TO AUCTION Building Work In City May Reach Wood Ave. Business Lease W E N DOG TRACK New Peak This Month, says Keimig Building in this city will reach a Inspector Keimig pointed out Marks New Real Estate Era D. Banta To Sell Track new peak this month, predicted that, in addition to yesterday’s per­ Building Inspector Arthur Keimig mits, he expects to grant permits To Pay Back Tates following a rush for building per­ this month to Mather Spring Com­ W ood Avenue Investors, Inc., Rents Lombardo Property The ill-fated Linden do 5 racing mits yesterday which totaled $137,- pany, to the builders of the two Under Linden s First Long-Term Lease; rack, Edgar road and Pari: avenue, 010 for the one day. Nineteen per­ proposed forty-family apartment Another Avenue Lease Reported mits were issued by Inspector sow lying idle and unused for more houses and for several stores to be A new stage in Linden’s real es­ han three years, will be sc Id under Keimig yesterday, fifteen of them erected opposite City Hall. This tate development was marked in auctioneer’s hammer Thursday to Standard Oil Company of New additional building should reach a Jersey. SKOLSKY PROMOTED Tuesday, when the building, owned tfternoon, ending a stoimy and new record in Linden, he said. Yesterday’s building valuation to­ by James Lombardo at 204-206-208 iheckered, but colorful career. The Standard Oil’s fifteen permits taled more than the entire month of North Wood avenue was leased for rack will be placed on the block were issued chiefly for storage TO LIEUT.’ S RANK August. August building valuatiou a period of seventy-five years by n Receiver of Taxes Herbert D. tanks of various sizes. Standard was set at $95,370, a new low for will also erect a compressor build­ the Wood Avenue Investors, Inc., lanta's office at 2:30 o’clock Thurs- To Retire After 20 Years the year. The only large buildings ing 48 feet wide by 60 feet long and the president of which is Louis P. lay afternoon to satisfy unpaid Service October 1 set up during August were a $24,900 Friedman of New York, president lersonal property taxes together one-story high, of brick, steel and addition to the offices of the Stan­ of Louis P. Friedman. Inc., and the Fith interest due the City of Lin- corrugated transit, valued at $29,- Final recognition for his twenty Sonfried Realty Company, the ien. dard Oil Company, and a $13,500 900. Other Standard construction years of service in the Linden po­ screening building erected by War- largest investors in Linden busi­ The local track ran into trouble will include a furnace building, 14 lice department was given Sergeant ness district properties. ner-Quinlan Company. (Continued on page 12) John Skolskv when he was voted ven before construction was com- The long-term lease, a common the rank of lieutenant at a special leted in June 1933. At :his time real estate transaction in large l^he City Councl denounced the meeting of the city council Mon­ SCHOOL REGISTRATION cities, is believed to be the first day evening. Sergeant Skolsky rack as “undesirable for the City FAREWELL GIVEN of its kind in Linden. Under such completed his twentieth year July if Linden’’, and passed resolutions Elementary and junior high lease, large business interests in 1. 0 do all that was possitle to rid school students who have re­ other large cities frequently erect STUDENT CLERIC Lieut. Skolsky will retire October ie city of the nuisance. Both poli- cently moved into this city, or and maintain their own buildings 1. His promotion will enable him :al parties in the city accused Tiave moved from one school dis­ on the property. It. is believed that to retire at half lieutenant’s pay, ch other of being responsible for Andrew Siarto Feted By trict to another, are asked by the Wood Avenue Investors, Inc., which is $2,900 annually compared ringing the track here It was Grasselli Residents Superintendent of Schools Paul will eventually erect a new build­ with $2,700 for a sergeant. He nally admitted by Republican R. Brown to register Tuesday, ing. made his final tour of duty in the ouncilman Prank Hora that he from 9 A. M. to 3:20 P. M. at the The lease was made subject to Andrew Siarto, son of Mr. and record bureau last week and Mon­ ad authorized granting cf a build- schools they plan to attend. the present leases held by Bren­ Mrs. Andrew’ Siarto Sr., of 3201 day began his annual vacation. He (Continued on Page Two) All principals will be in their ner’s Meat Market and Rollins Op- Tremley Point road, was given a was given extra time off, extending offices Tuesday between the (Continued on page 12) surprise farewell party Tuesday his vacation to the date his retire­ 'specified hours. School will re­ evening on the eve of his depar­ ment goes into effect. open Wednesday, Septembtr 8. VIESER WINS TOP ture of Kosice, Czecho-Slovakia, Skolsky w’as promoted to the ser- where he will resume his studies geancy in January 1923. six years LINDEN MAN DIES for the priesthood of the Roman ENDORSE CANDIDATES after he became a regular patrol­ BANKING IN MOOSE Catholic Church at the Kosice Sem­ City Clerk Thomas J. Wieser w’as man. He has been head of the inary. He sailed yesterday morning endorsed for re-election by the record bureau for the past five IN BRIDGE CRASH City Clerk Given Pilgrim’s aboard the Normandy. Winchester Rod and Gun Club at years and has also taken part In The farewell dinner was held in a meeting Friday evening. The in­ numerous important outside assign Wenzel Nezbeda Killed On Degree O f Merit the Grasselli Park Community dorsement was introduced by ments during that period. George Washington Span House and was arranged by the George Eise, the club’s shooting He is the second man in the Tremley Slavish Ladies. Desider captain. Dominic Menzaco will be Linden police department to be ie Pilgrim’s Degree of Merit, Gomber, organist of St. Joseph’s supported by the club in his con­ pensioned. Lieut. Frank Willison A collision with a parked bridge « highest degree in he Loyal Church, Elizabeth, acte'd as master test for county committeeman in having retired a year ago. maintenance truck on the George Inter of Moose, was bestowed on of ceremonies. Over 150 guests, the Eighth Ward, second district. (Continued on page 12) Washington Bridge resulted in the Sty Clerk Thomas J. Wieser, sec­ including members of the clergy death of Wenzel Nezbeda, of 34 tary of Linden Lodge 913, at from Linden and nearby communi­ East Curtis street, this city, Sun­ iooseheart. III., Saturday, as a re­ ties, were present. day afternoon. Edward Nezbeda. gard for extraordinary service in Mr. Siarto, who was born in Kos­ Alert Policemen Apprehend his 20 year old son, the driver of the II the antecedent degrees. He is ice, came to this country to visit car in which Nezbeda was fatally to of the few New Jers 3y men to his parents on June 15 His parents Injured, suffered numerous lacera­ [kieve this honor. have been residents of this city Preacher In Wife Slaying tions about the face and body, and Jr. Wieser was summoned to for the past seven years Besides Michael Krizma. 65, Nezbeda’s I ’ear at the “Child City’ of Moose his parents, the farewell party was Tomaszewski and Kopec Discover Dazed Killer Sitting brother-in-law, is still in a critical atended by his brother and sister, condition in Presbyterian Hospital ! eceive an unnamed sward last In Parked Auto Alongside W om an’s Body; •k. He left Friday iccompan- John and Elizabeth Siarto, of this New York City. *1 by Mrs. Wieser. He was city, and his grandmother, Mrs. Death Penalty To Be Asked For Murder The Linden men were driving it apprised of the extent of the Anna Pihulick of Homestead, Pa. Krizma to his home in Yonkers. inor until the actual award wras Hungarian music was played at Two keen eyed and fast acting bers of Linden’s new highway safe­ New York, when the collision oc­ iade Saturday by Pilgrim Gover- the dinner by Joseph Poskay Sr., members of the Linden police de­ ty patrol, were Questioning a truck curred. Angelo Fidelli, of 2805 or James J. Davis in the presence and his sons and daughter, Joseph partment, Patrolmen Henry Tomas­ driver regarding a motor vehicle Hudson street, Fort Lee, operator f a large and distinguished audi- Jr., Edward and Miss Ella Poskay. zewski and Joseph Kopec, clamped violation on Route 25 about 9 P. of the maintenance truck, escaped nce- Supreme Dictator William The music was broadcast through tight the arm of justice around M„ when a motorist told them of without injury. fean, also of New Jersey, also re- the hall by Mr. Poskay’s amplifying Lloyd Pusey, 44 year old traveling mysterious goings on in a car Nezbeda was rushed to the sived the degree. system. lay preacher, Friday night, a few which had pulled in and out of a Medical Center, New York City, Mr. Wieser holds a lif 3 member- Among the prominent guests minutes after he bashed in the skull gasoilne station, where Mopsick where he died late the same after­ in the Alumni Association of were the Rev.
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