Phuhet Marine Biological Center Special Publication 21(3): 551-581 (2000) 551 ILLUSTRA TED DICTIONARY TECHNICAL TERMS AND COMMON WORDS USED IN DESCRIPTIONS OF BTVALVES Jorgen Hylleberg Institute of Biological Sciences Aarhus Uniuersity, Denmarh, Programme (TMMP) 552 Tlopical Marine Mollusc abaxial away from the shell axis. wards the other. Each adductor has a slow abduction movement away from the me- component (smooth muscle fibres) and fast dian axis. (striated muscle fibres). Terms relating to abductive adj. deived.from abductiorr, e.g. adductor muscle scars are also used for the abductive thrust. muscles themselves (;llD. See anterior, pos- abductor a muscle that moves something terior, equal, dimyarian, heteromyarian, outwards. monomyarian, subcentral, lucinoid, or pe- acentric sculpture see oblique sculpture, ripheral. scissulate sculpture. adnate joined to another organ of a differ- aciculate slender, tapering to sharp point. ent kind, e.g. the anterior adductor mus- actinodont teeth radiating from the um- cle joined with the pallial muscle. Syno- bones, the outer ones being longer and nym conjoined. close to the dorsal shell margin; seen in adult individuals have acquired capacity early Palaeozoic fossil bivalves. of reproducing. Juvenile and adult shells acuminate having a very sharp tapering may appear very different. See sculptural point. Compare change. with acute. adventitious accidental, found in an unu- acute ending in sual place. Term used about periostracum. a sharp point ala wing-Iike projection. (illu.). alae plur. of alaOttu.). acute pallial sinus the dorsal section of alate having a wing-Iike extension (ales the paIIiaI sinus may meet the ventral sec- Lat. = winged). tion directly yielding a sinus ending in a sharp point. acute rib profile ribs terminate in sharp points in a cross-section. adaptation evolutionary process by which an organism becomes fitted to its environ- ment. adaptive capable of frtting different condi- tions. adaptiveradiation evolutionaryprocess in which species descend from a common ancestor, multiply and diverge to occupy alimentary related to food uptake. different ecological niches. alivincularligament aflat,subtriangu- adaxial towards shell axis. lar ligament in a alivincular adduction movementtowards the median subcentral position, ligament axis. extending from one adductor a muscle that brings one part to- umbo to the other (iud.Typical of anterior adductor posterior adductor Lima, muscle scar muscle scar Spondylus, and Auicula (aIes Lat. = winged; vinculum Lat. = band) amphidetic ligamentextendingbehind and in front of umbo, e.g. in Glycymeris andArcu (amphi Gr. = on both sides; daetos Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 21(3): 551-581 (2000) 553 Gr. = tied together). appressed pressed together without being anachomata tubercles on the left valve united. margin of pteriomorphs. See chomata. aragonite a crystalline form of calcite, one anal derived from anus. of the constituents of bivalve shells. The anal siphon = exhalant siphon. crystalline structure differs from calcite analogue structures similar in function but but the chemical composition is identical of different evolutionary origin. (calcium carbonate). analogous derived from analogue. arborescent branching, treelike. analogous teeth withsimilarfunctionbut archaic form belonging to or characteris- of different developmental and evolution- tic of a much earlier period (arkhein Gr. = ary origin. See crura. to begin). androgenous producing only male off- arciform shell shape like inArco. spring. arcuate shaped like an arch (arcus Lat. = angle of pallial sinus the ventral part of arch), e.g. many hinge-plates. the pallial sinus may meet the pallial iine areas shell areas demarcated by angles or at an angle. ridges running from the umbo toward the angulated edge along which two surfaces shell margin. meet at an angle. ascending pallial sinus the dorsal sec- anisomyaria group ofbivalves having an- tion ofthe pallial sinus is directed towards terior adductor muscles strongly reduced the umbo. or absent (an Gr. = without; isos Gr. = asiphonate absence ofsiphons, e.g. Lima, same; myos Gr. = muscle). Nucula, Pecten, Tfigonia. annulate with small rings. auricle ear-like extension on the dorsal antagonistic counteracting the effect of margin of shells in another, e.g. ligament and adductors. pectinids, limids, nearer the mouth. 2111isls anterior spondylids. - anterior adductor the adductor muscle auricle nearer the mouth. atrium of the anteroventral composed of anterior and heart. See auricle ventral, e.g. t}i'e byssus notch may be in pericardium - an anterior position on the ventral mar- (illu.). gin. auriculate eared, having expanded bases. antecedent something that happened be- auricularctltta seecrura. fore another. aurifom ear-shaped. antecedents plur. ancestry, past history of Australian region the zoogeographical a species. region comprising former New Guinea, anus posterior opening of the alimentary Australia, New Zealand, the westernmost canal through which faeces is voided. groups of South Pacific islands, and in apex, tip or summit on the umbo. First- some taxa parts of the Indonesian Archi- formed part of shell. See beak. pelago east ofJava and Sulawesi. apices plur. of apex. autopormorphy a derived feature or char- apomorphy an advanced or derived fea- acter state unique to a particular taxon. ture. Term used in cladistic analyses. aviculoid formed like a claw. apportion ub. to divide shares of, allot pro- axial parallel or subparallel with shell axis. portionally. axis imaginary line through shell apex. apposition putting into juxtaposition, axis of revolution the laws of mechanics placed close together, or laying down of requires that this axis must be a straight material on a preformed surface. line. The part of the hinge-line function- 554 Tlopical Marine Mollusc Programme (TMMP) ing in connection with the ligament in bisexual having both male and female re- opening and closing must be straight. productive organs. bacteriocyte symbiotic bacteria vacuoles bioturbation mixing of sediments due to in subfiIamental tissues of lucinoid gi1ls. digging, feeding, or other activities of an beak older part animal. of a bivalve beak blood typically, bivalve blood is without pig- shell containing ment except some members of the Arcoidea the larval shell (blood cockles). (illu.). blood cells two main types occur; hyaline (See apex, opisthogSros, orthogyros, pro- Ieucocytes and granular leucocytes. Alter- dissoconch, prosog"yrous, umbo). native spelling is leukocyte. benthic derived from benthos. branchiae plur. giIls. benthos fauna living on the bottom. branchial pertaining to gills. bialate having two wing-Iike extensions branchial septum a septum below the (illu.). anal chamber in Pholadomyidae. branchial siphon see inhalant siphon branchiate related to gills. breath maximum inflation of shells when joined together. byssiferous foot carrying a byssus. byssal drifting use of byssus for drifting in the late pelagic stage. byssal gape ventral or ventrolateral gape for passage of, and accommodation of a bifrd tooth cardinal teeth bifid at the sum- large byssus (= byssal notch). mit. byssal hair hairs secreted by the byssus bifurcate forked, V-shaped, split into two gland and put in position on the shell sur- branches. face by the foot. Characteristic of m1'tilids. bifurcating rib the top of a radial rib is byssus tuft of tough strings by which bi- split to yield two smaller ridges (iltu.). valve species may attach to a substratum (byssos Gr. = frne fabric). byssalnotch ribs bifurcating the byssal notch I always lies l(" in the anterior \J or anteroventral part ofthe shell (illu), e.8., bioindicator species which can indicate Ostreidae and Chamidae. conditions ofa particular habitat. In gen- byssus gland abyssogenous eral, suspension-feedingbivalves are use- gland on the foot. ful indicators ofwater qualitybecause they byssusretractor digest a variety of suspended particles, separate muscles to including material derived from pollution. retract byssus in bipectinate structures having the two mybilids and anomids. edges furnished with teeth like a comb. byssusretractor scar Refers to ctenidia bearing two rows of gill scar (iltu.) from the leaflets. byssus retractor muscle. Phuhet Marine Biological Center Special Publication 21(3): 551-581 (2000) 555 caecum the blind end ofan area or ducU catachomata tubercles on the right valve sorting area in posterior part of stomach. margin of pteriomorphs. See chomata. calcareous matter chiefly composed of cal- cellulo-crystalline shell material com- cium carbonate. posed of small cavities having the struc- calcite crystalline forms of calcium carbon- ture ofcrystals ate (iltu.). Compare aragonite. cerebral from Greek: ofthe brain. cerebral ganglia are normally fused with pleural ganglia in bivalves, and quite sepa- rate from the visceral ganglia, but visceral brains do occur. See cerebrovisceral. cerebrovisceral nervefibresconnecting cerebral ("brain") and visceral ganglia. cerebrovisceral commissure a band of callous coated with callus. nerve tissue connecting cerebral and vis- callum secondary calcareous structure se- ceral ganglia. creted over the pedal gape in some Phola- chevron oblique che didae. pattern formed callus thickening of shell with calcareous by lamellar bands substance secreted by the general surface of duplivincular of the mantle. ligaments (illu.). cancellate radial and concentric sculpture chevrongroove intersect each other to form small rectan- part
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